Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 198 Two people, one life

The dive begins.

After three days, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Wang Changxin followed Ming Xi through the waterway several times. And tried passing without lighting. Basically, we have a clear understanding of the waterway situation. Everyone also tried to practice underwater with three legal professions. The overall situation is not optimistic.

Even without people, without using internal spiritual power, but relying on external spiritual power, Long Dangdang and the four of them were tied together, and the time it took for the four of them to pass through the entire waterway was ten minutes. Yes, it takes a good ten minutes. Mainly because when everyone is connected together, a lot of time is wasted when turning in some winding waterways. And once the number of people connected becomes seven, this time will only become longer.

After exercise, even when the whole body is relaxed, without using inner spiritual power to adjust, among the three Ling Menglu, Ling Menglu is better, able to compete in about six minutes. Yue Li and Tao Linlin only spent more than five minutes together. In other words, the time underwater is likely to be more than double the time they can hold their breath.

And this time is likely to be fatal!

Four days have passed. There is not much time left for everyone. The results of breath-holding exercises are most significant at the beginning, but as you get later, it is not easy to continue to improve.

Other teams have also made various attempts, but at least so far, no team has been able to pass the assessment.

After constant attempts, other teams also explored the waterways and tried melee professions and auxiliary legal professions. But no team can succeed. The waterway is too long and the pressure underwater is too great. Breath holding time is a big issue.

"If we can't pass, other teams will be even more unable to pass." Long Kongkong said.

Long Dangdang said: "Yesterday, I heard a team question the instructor, saying that this is an impossible task. The instructor's answer was that the potential of the human body is unlimited. If you don't really fight to the limit, how can you know what you can achieve? To what extent?"

"For us, there are two main problems that are troubling us now. One is that the passing time is too long, and the other is that the holding time is not enough. Therefore, the previous method of trying to tie everyone together may not work. I Now I have another idea.”

Everyone was refreshed and looked at Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang said: "It is difficult to improve the breath-holding time. So, we must now find ways to improve our passing time. I also had a misunderstanding before. That is, everyone must pass together. But in fact, the so-called passing together means What's more, all of us can pass the border, but we don't need to pass it at the same time. The narrowest part of the waterway below can also allow two people to pass at the same time. If Senior Wang and I carry one person at a time and divide it several times, the passing time will be It can definitely be shortened greatly. There is no need to be slowed down by rope connection turns."

Wang Changxin thought for a while and said: "Even so, it will take at least eight minutes to bring one person. Compared with their breath-holding time, there is still a gap."

Long Dangdang's eyes turned to the three people from the legal system, "This requires you to use your willpower to resist. It's just that you can't breathe for two to three minutes. For a body like ours, it won't be fatal. But it will definitely be very painful. .”

The faces of the three legal professions all looked a little pale. They have deeply felt the pain of holding their breath to the extreme. That’s not a comfortable feeling!

"Okay, let's give it a try. Dangdang, you take me there first. After I recover there, I should be able to lift the spiritual ban. After everyone comes out of the water, rescue them as soon as possible." Ling Menglu Yinya With one bite, he said to the dragon Dangdang.

"Yes. Senior Tao, Yue Li, what do you say?" Long Dangdang looked at the two of them.

Tao Linlin gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

Although Yue Li was a little uneasy, she still nodded vigorously.

Long Dangdang looked at everyone and said: "One big effort will be exhausted again and again. Once we have decided, we will rush forward with all our strength. Senior Wang, I am leading Yue Li, you should be faster than me. I will take my cousin there first and then come back to take Tao." Senior."

Everyone made a plan, and Long Dangdang found the banshee instructor again. After applying to the other party, the spiritual power can be restored after the water comes out at the other end of the waterway. Everyone began the final preparations before taking action.

Ling Menglu's auxiliary magic was definitely powerful enough to help everyone adjust their condition to the best.

All seven people came to the lakeside, and the Banshee instructor sealed their inner spiritual power. The seven people began to sit there and regulate their breathing to keep themselves in the best condition and relax their bodies as much as possible.

When other teams saw them gathering at the lakeside, they naturally understood that they were about to try. And it seems to be a very formal attempt. They all couldn't help but cast their eyes over.

In the first stage of training, Long Dangdang and his partners performed best, and everyone wanted to see how they passed the second stage of assessment.

Only by actually trying it can you realize how difficult it is to cross the water.

I adjusted my breath for a full quarter of an hour. Everyone's condition is basically at its best. Long Dangdang nodded to Wang Changxin.

Wang Changxin looked at Ming Xi and Long Kongkong, and they both nodded at the same time.

The next moment, the three of them jumped up at the same time and plunged into the water. The standard duck type dives into the water and disappears in an instant.

After the inner spiritual power is blocked, one cannot self-regulate one's breath. Therefore, even if the external spiritual power is powerful, the physical ability is limited. Therefore, Long Dangdang assigned him and Wang Changxin to make two trips each. Wang Changxin's first trip was to accompany Ming Xi and Long Kongkong. The two of them are not 100% sure to pass. After all, they need to hold their breath for too long. Wang Changxin is equivalent to escorting them. After making sure that the two of them had passed, Wang Changxin came back to pick them up.

The wait is excruciating, but it’s a near miss. Twenty minutes later, ripples appeared on the water, and Wang Changxin emerged from the water, breathing heavily. At the same time, he made a success gesture to Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang responded with a thumbs up, a good start is half the battle. Especially since my younger brother has passed away. This is the best situation.

"Senior, take a rest first, let's get started." As he said that, Long Dangdang turned and looked at Ling Menglu. Ling Menglu's pretty face blushed slightly, but she still walked to him.

Long Dangdang tied Ling Menglu's delicate body behind his back with a rope. Let the two bodies be closely connected.

Wang Changxin had already walked out of the lake at this time, came to Long Dangdang, and said: "Come on."

Long Dangdang nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Wang Changxin said no more and sat aside to rest. As long as the assessment begins, the inner spiritual power ban cannot be lifted until the test is passed.

Seeing Long Dangdang carrying Ling Menglu on his back immediately made the other teams excited.

They all realized that this was a solution! But the premise is that you must have the ability to lead people.

Zisang Liuying was also looking at this side with burning eyes, as were Tang Leiguang, Chuyu and Cai Caijuan. The looks are different. But there are obviously some strange colors.

Wang Changxin adjusted her breath on the spot. She went through the previous back and forth. Although she had great external spiritual power, the matter of holding her breath did not only depend on external spiritual power. She also needed to rest at this time.

"Cousin." Long Dangdang called softly.

"Well, I'm fine." Ling Menglu laid her body on Long Dangdang's back and hugged his chest from behind. Their bodies were inevitably in contact, but at this time, she did not reveal it. There was too much shyness, and I didn’t know if I had fully convinced myself.

"Ready." Long Dangdang also stabilized his state. He wanted to keep himself as calm as possible. Only in this way can he keep his state at its best, reduce the consumption during diving, and dive as quickly as possible. degree of traffic.

Ling Menglu tried her best to relax her body. She also knew that the more nervous she was, the greater the physical exertion would be and the harder it would be to hold her breath.

After the two of them adjusted their breath at the same time for about two minutes, Long Dangdang made a gesture. Ling Menglu, who was behind him, took a long breath. Long Dangdang could feel the softness behind his back as if it had expanded a bit. He also He took a deep breath, jumped up, and turned around in the air. He punched the water with his right fist. A strong fist blast hit the water, causing the water to collapse. At the same time, he jumped with Ling Menglu. Enter the water and pass directly into the lake.

It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared that the waves started to rise again.

The three instructors couldn't help but feel a little moved when they saw this scene. This external spiritual power is not weak!

They would not be surprised when such external spiritual power appears in seventh- and eighth-level melee professionals, because as the internal spiritual power increases, their own external spiritual power will also be fed back, and their physical strength will increase accordingly. But Long Dangdang should not have reached the sixth level in their minds, and the punch he just made, completely controlled by external spiritual power, actually exploded the lake surface to a depth of four or five meters. It would definitely be impossible without more than two thousand external spiritual powers. Did he specialize in external spiritual power?

Everyone who is strong in blood alchemy knows that, but there are very few who actually choose to practice it. At most, they just barely practice until it reaches the point where they no longer continue. Not only because of fear of pain, but also because this thing wastes too much time.

Entering the lake, a refreshing feeling comes over you. Long Dangdang's own external spiritual power was not obvious, but for Ling Menglu, she couldn't help but shudder. Without internal spiritual power to protect her body, as a legal professional, her body was indeed much weaker than Long Dangdang's. .

But the next moment she felt that Long Dangdang's body was already heading towards the bottom of the lake like an arrow, at an extremely fast speed, much faster than during their usual training. She hurriedly controlled her eardrums to balance the pressure in her ears, relax herself and her mind as much as possible, and let Long Dangdang lead her through the lake without thinking about anything.

Long Dangdang slid his limbs hard and quickly dived to a depth of thirty meters. He successfully found the entrance to the waterway. He held up at the entrance and led Ling Menglu into the waterway.

It's completely different to take someone with you and to be with yourself. Long Dangdang had to consider whether he would knock Ling Menglu into the waterway while swimming forward. Because once there is a collision, it will definitely make it more difficult for her to hold her breath, which will directly lead to danger. Moreover, the deeper you go into the center of the waterway, the more there is no way out.

His inner spiritual power was blocked and he could not mobilize his mental power. He could only rely on his memory and try his best to keep his body close to the bottom of the waterway to avoid Ling Menglu's body from being hit.

The strong inner spiritual power allowed him to drive the two bodies forward quickly with every stroke. Walk along this 500-meter long and winding waterway.

Ling Menglu tried her best to hold her breath. Although she knew she should relax as much as possible, she still felt a little nervous in her heart after she really started. But at the same time, there was a strange feeling in her heart. This was the first time since she was a child that she had completely entrusted her life safety to the hands of another person.

Long Dangdang's back was not particularly broad, but it was straight and strong, fitting him tightly. In order to reduce resistance, she had to hug him tightly. She could feel Long Dangdang's heavy and powerful heartbeat, and even the heat from Long Dangdang's body was helping to dispel the chill in her body. But despite this, as the breath-holding time became longer and the pressure of the water pressure increased, she gradually felt that her limbs began to become numb and her scalp began to feel numb. The chest gradually became filled with bursts of heat, like a fire.

She practiced holding her breath for a few days and understood that this was the most painful part. At the beginning of holding one's breath, ordinary people will feel this way after about one minute. Professionals like them with a certain amount of external spiritual power would react like this within two minutes. After this reaction, the body will be relatively comfortable, but it will also become more and more dangerous, and the severe hypoxia will continue to increase.

Ling Menglu's mind has never lacked determination. She tried to relax herself as much as possible. At this time, Long Dangdang, who was swimming in the water, gently touched her right hand.

Ling Menglu's right index finger flicked up slightly. This was the sign they had agreed upon to prove that she was okay. Every once in a while, Long Dangdang will confirm her status in this way.

Long Dangdang was not concerned about his consumption. After these two days of training and absorbing the blood of dragon monsters, his external spiritual power had increased to more than 2,500. After two thousand years, the speed of improvement is obviously much slower, but it is still much faster than normal cultivation. With an external spiritual power of up to 2,500, the driving force under water is quite astonishing. At this time, he was more focused than ever before, and he could feel the slight heartbeat behind him. At this time, they were two people with one life.

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