Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 201 Five levels of spiritual sea?

What the Storm Dragon didn't know was that the reason Long Dangdang summoned Little Evil Eye from the contract space was actually to target the Evil Eye Tyrant's unstable mental power.

No matter how cruel the Evil Eye Tyrant lineage is, they have always been very united and kind to their fellow clansmen. After all, it is very difficult to pass on this lineage. And the number is already very rare.

Xiao Xie is a descendant of a half-step evil-eyed tyrant, and he is somewhat in love.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel it at this time. After Xiaoxie fell into coma, there was no more mental impact on him. This precise control of mental power fully demonstrates the powerful strength of this evil-eyed tyrant. He also understood that the other party felt Xiao Xie's presence. However, the mental pressure falling on them showed no signs of relaxing and continued to increase.

Taolinlin's perseverance was so bitter! His body was shaking like a swing. It wasn't until this moment that he understood what the crazy instructor said earlier, that the team could not stop on its own, only he could stop.

Although he couldn't see what the crazy instructor was doing, it was obvious that the instructor had no intention of stopping.

Everyone even started to feel a little confused, the mental pressure was increasing too fast.

Tao Linlin finally couldn't bear it anymore. Although he was extremely unwilling, he still sat down on the ground under the strong mental pressure.

In fact, as a summoner, he could let his summoned beasts help him bear part of the pressure, but he did not do so. After all, this is their assessment! It is their training.

What made him unwilling was that Wang Changxin, a melee professional, still stood there even though his body was trembling, even stronger than his mental resistance. Senior Sister Wang is still so fierce!

"Fifteen seconds."

Tao Linlin finally couldn't bear it anymore. Just when his spiritual sea was about to collapse under the huge pressure, his body trembled and he flew out, being caught by a strange force and flying far away.

The Storm Demonic Dragon looked back at him and confirmed that his host was not in any danger before continuing to deal with it.

The next moment Tao Linlin was swept away, her mental pressure suddenly increased. With a muffled groan, Wang Changxin sat down on the ground. At the same time, Long Dangdang and Yue Li's bodies shook violently, and Ling Menglu also began to tremble.

In another five seconds, Long Dangdang and Yue Li fell to the ground, and Wang Changxin was swept away. In another five seconds, the entire army was wiped out except Ling Menglu.

At this time, the power of a generation of goddesses is revealed. Ling Menglu finally lasted for forty seconds. Even the Storm Dragon only lasted about the same time as her. The mental pressure behind him has obviously increased exponentially.

Long Dangdang gritted his teeth to prevent himself from passing out, until Ling Menglu finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

After confirming that his cousin was safe, his vision went dark and he fell into a coma. As for the others, they were already lying next to the crazy instructor.

Looking at the last Ling Menglu who collapsed and feeling the mental power receding like a tide. A faint smile appeared on the crazy instructor's face, "Although the differences are uneven, the young people are formidable!"

The spiritual power fluctuated, and the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group were arranged neatly in a row. The Storm Demonic Dragon has already returned to the contract space on its own because of the time limit, and Tao Linlin's spiritual power is no longer enough to support its existence.

I don't know how long it took, but when Tao Linlin woke up, he almost fell into a coma again due to a severe headache.

He barely managed to open his eyes. The headache made him grin.

Not far away, Ling Menglu sat with a pale face. Beside Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang had also woken up, looking obviously depressed. In addition, Long Kongkong and Yueli have also awakened. Relatively speaking, Long Kongkong turned out to be the most energetic. Although his face was not pretty, he was much more lively than the others.

The crazy instructor was not far away, and strong mental fluctuations were constantly coming from the other side.

Tao Linlin subconsciously looked in the direction where the mental fluctuations came from, and immediately saw that there were several people there whose bodies were on the verge of collapse, but they were struggling to support themselves.

They were the stubborn-looking elemental saint woman Sang Liuying, the burly Thunder Sword Saint Tang Leiguang, and the son of reincarnation Chu Yu and the white phoenix Cai Caijuan. As the top geniuses of their generation, it was still very difficult for them to persevere under the strong mental pressure at this time.

Except for the four of them, the priests and knights in their team had all fallen beside the mad instructor.

Have they passed the first level? Also trying to withstand the mental pressure.

Among the remaining four people, Zisang Liuying stood the steadiest, standing firmly without any shaking. Then came the first encounter. Although his body was trembling slightly, he could still stand firm. Tang Leiguang and Cai Caijuan's bodies were shaking to the same extent, and they were already a little shaky.

At this moment, Tao Linlin heard the crazy instructor say: "Thirty seconds."

Has it already been thirty seconds? How long did you seem to have persisted? Fifteen seconds? It must have been less than twenty seconds.

Are these guys actually so strong?

Since her cultivation reached the sixth level and she had a dragon-type contract monster, Tao Linlin felt that her strength had greatly increased. I even feel that I am not much worse than these top geniuses. But now it seems that the gap is still huge! Have Tang Leiguang and Chu Yu, both of the melee professions, persisted for so long?

At this moment, Tang Leiguang suddenly fell to the ground. And as if she was infected, Cai Caijuan also fell to the ground. But he still perseveres.

Two full seconds later, their bodies were swept out by the mad instructor and fell aside, but they both managed to hold on and did not pass out.

Thirty-five seconds later, he fell down at first encounter.

It wasn't until forty seconds that Zisan Liuying was suddenly swept out by the mad instructor without warning, or even trembling.

Seeing this scene, Tao Linlin couldn't help but be a little surprised. It looks like San Liuying can still hold on!

Tao Linlin couldn't help but blurt out: "Instructor, I think she is okay?"

The crazy instructor glanced at him and said, "I don't want you to think, I want me to feel."

Only then did Tao Linlin notice that Zi Sang Liuying, who had been brought out by the mad instructor, had fallen into a coma.

Long Dangdang came to Tao Linlin, helped him up, walked to Shubian and sat down, and said, "Before, Zisang asked the instructor how long my cousin had been holding on."

In an instant, Taolinlin suddenly understood. But the corners of his mouth also twitched. Are you so strong?

"Didn't you meditate and rest?" Tao Linlin asked.

Long Kongkong said: "Just try it."

Tao Linlin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously concentrated on practicing, but the next moment, a strong stinging pain came from the sea of ​​​​spirit. He was shocked to find that there were many cracks in his spiritual sea.

This is……

Taolinlin's breathing stagnated. Was the sea of ​​spirit damaged?

Long Dang said: "It takes some time for the sea of ​​spirit to heal."

Tao Linlin said in a panic: "Can this be healed?"

Long Dangdang said: "It's definitely possible. The instructor can't damage us, can he?"

At this moment, Ling Menglu on the side said: "I can do it." Then she sat there cross-legged and began to meditate.

Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief, and Long Kongkong even praised her without hesitation: "My cousin is mighty."

Tao Linlin sat there helplessly, silently feeling the sea of ​​her spirit.

Gradually, he discovered that although his spiritual sea was damaged, the spiritual power inside the spiritual sea became a bit more active. Those cracks are indeed slowly closing. Although I don’t know why this happened, it’s good that it’s not too dangerous.

Half an hour later, Long Dangdang also started meditating, and everyone else in the team, except Wang Changxin, also woke up. Although Yue Li woke up a little slowly, his spiritual sea recovered faster, and he resumed meditation before Tao Linlin.

During everyone's recovery process, Ling Menglu did not use any recovery magic to help. The sea of ​​​​spirit that has been strongly stimulated can only recover on its own, which is the best way to improve and stimulate spiritual power.

After the spiritual sea is strongly oppressed, it will produce a stress reaction. Although cracks appear, as long as it is not truly broken, there will be no big risk. In the process of healing, the previously broken areas will become tougher and the endurance will only be stronger, which will also stimulate the improvement of mental strength.

The reason why Wang Changxin wakes up slowly is because her mental power is actually not as good as Tao Linlin and Yue Li, but she has a strong willpower and holds on for a longer time, which causes the cracks in the sea of ​​​​spirit to become more serious. , so the coma lasts longer. But this kind of more support with willpower will stimulate the mental power more intensely, and the effect will naturally be better.

"Ming Xi, don't be depressed. Look, don't you still have me accompanying you?" Long Kongkong smiled and came to Ming Xi to comfort him.

Both of them fell into coma without enduring the first three impacts, and had no persistence at all. In other words, they were over in less than five seconds.

The confidence that Ming Xi had just gained during the diving session was completely shattered. How can I feel better now?

"I will definitely be able to hold on longer next time." Ming Xi said through gritted teeth.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "I think you can do it. Come on."

Ming Xi looked at him with some confusion and said, "Aren't you anxious at all? Don't you think it's a bad thing to be too far behind everyone else?"

Long Kongkong said: "No! There's nothing wrong with this. I think it's pretty good. Moreover, I'm improving very quickly now. You see, I'm almost at level five. When I was meditating just now, I felt My spiritual energy is getting a little wet.”

"Wet?" Ming Xi looked at him blankly.

"It's just a little bit liquefied. Is it serious?"

Seeing Long Kongkong enjoying himself, Ming Xi couldn't help but be speechless. Although this guy is the weakest, his mentality is really good! No, he is not the weakest one, he is. They also have a powerful spiritual furnace.

Ming Xi clenched her fists hard, no, she must work harder! We must catch up with them.

It took the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group a full day and night from the time they first endured the mental pressure of the Evil Eye Tyrant until they fully recovered. Yes, one day and one night.

Three hours after they passed the first level, Zisan Liuying and her friends passed the first level. At that time, it was when Long Dangdang and the others were just starting to wake up.

It is easy to wake up but it takes time to recover from the rift in the spiritual sea and fully recover.

Because Zisang Liuying deliberately persisted in the first level, the damage to the spiritual sea was more serious and it took longer to recover. Undoubtedly, in terms of pure mental strength, she was slightly inferior to Ling Menglu, but she was unwilling to admit it.

"Are you ready?" The mad instructor still looked at Long Dangdang and his friends with a warm face. Yes, they were about to start their second attempt. They already have a full understanding of this instructor's nickname. The scale of a crazy instructor is by no means the limit, but the edge of collapse. Mental oppression will not end without reaching breaking point. He is indeed a lunatic!

"Ready." Long Dangdang nodded.

The surging mental pressure broke out the next moment.

First round, second round, third round. Although it was the second time they had endured the violent mental shock, it still made them groan. It seems, seems, possible. This time it seems to be stronger than last time.

As a result, Long Kongkong fainted again.

Ming Xi gritted her teeth this time and finally persisted. However, after three seconds, she fell into a coma uncontrollably.

Long Dangdang silently felt the changes in his spiritual sea under this overwhelming pressure.

After enduring it for the first time, he clearly felt that his spiritual sea had become stronger and tougher. Moreover, he had discovered before that although there seemed to be some cracks in his spiritual sea on the surface. However, inside the Spiritual Sea, there seem to be several other layers on the edge of the Spiritual Sea. To be precise, the fourth floor? In other words, does my own spiritual sea actually have five levels? So, even if the first layer is really broken, is there no risk?

However, it seems that only the outermost layer is bearing the pressure. If the five layers jointly bear the pressure, will I be able to persist longer? And is the edge of this five-level spiritual sea related to my own clone?

As his strength improved, Long Dangdang found more and more that his body was different. Those strange clones, as well as the purple lines on himself and his brother. These seem to be unprecedented. At least others don't.

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