Long Kongkong's Holy Spiritual Furnace was connected to the Devil Instructor, while the Banshee Instructor was completely attached to his chest and was absorbed by the Tianyuan Realm. If the devil instructor's powerful sword wants to hit Long Kongkong, it will definitely hit the banshee instructor first.

The devil instructor's sword had already arrived, but he had to work hard to put it away. At this time, the power of the Holy Spiritual Furnace is revealed. The rule of the Holy Spiritual Furnace is that as long as you attack, you can only attack me and not others. Therefore, the devil instructor now has no choice but to attack Long Kongkong. In order not to hurt the Banshee instructor, all he could do now was to put away his sword. And the Ling Gang that was struck out with all its strength was forcibly withdrawn, and the force of the recoil was equivalent to giving it to oneself!

Long Dangdang ducked behind Long Kongkong and released a light magic. Holy light strikes!

This is not a particularly powerful magic, but it has an absolutely effective effect, repel!

The devil instructor was already suffering from the backlash, but he was hit by the Holy Light again. Although the effect was limited due to the gap in cultivation, he was still knocked away ten meters away.

But at this time, the crazy instructors had become Ming Xi and Wang Changxin assisting Tao Linlin and Storm Demon Dragon. Coupled with the magic that Yue Li had already completed, the Spear of Ice and Thunder. There are also four clones of Long Dangdang who have also surrounded him.

The only ones left in front of the devil instructor were Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and the banshee instructor as a shield. Actually. It seemed a bit redundant for Long Dangdang to stay. He was mainly worried that Long Kongkong's body could not support Cangyue Angel's condition and he was ready to take over for him at any time.

Under normal circumstances, Long Kongkong's Cangyue Angel state can only be supported for about twenty seconds. However, I can’t bear to carry a spiritual treasure with me now! As the banshee instructor's seventh-level spiritual power was continuously devoured by him, it became his supplement in a steady stream, and it actually continued to grow naturally. The banshee instructor, who had already given up, was no longer struggling, and looked at the devil instructor with a strange expression.

"Boom -" On the other side, the mad instructor was blown away with lightning flashing on his body. Then they were faced with a group of attacks.

The devil instructor stopped and did not continue to attack. His face was full of helplessness.

If there was no Holy Spiritual Furnace, he could still make a comeback even in this situation. However, he has no way to rescue the mad instructor now, let alone attack the banshee instructor regardless of his life or death. This is training, not a life and death battle.

Therefore, the outcome of this assessment is actually already determined.

"If this is a war, you will still die. As long as I ignore the banshee, you will be buried with her." The devil instructor said angrily.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "But this is not a real actual battle. And if that is the case, we have our own methods. If we die, you will probably not survive."

The devil instructor was stunned for a moment, but in an instant he thought of the legend about these young people. He even saw Ling Menglu waving towards him.

yes! Then there is a goddess who can cast Praise of Light. In this battle, the goddess is always assisting, but it does not mean that she can only assist. This girl is crazy and is more difficult to deal with than the two boys in front of her.

"You guys have passed the test." The devil instructor's face returned to calmness.

"Okay, then you retreat first. When three minutes are up, we will release the banshee instructor. Stop fighting over there and save the crazy instructor's life." Long Dangdang greeted his friends in the distance.

The crazy instructor is really a bit miserable. Being attacked by a sixth-level magician using powerful sun-moon and Hui-ling-furnace bursts of combined magic attacks was enough for him. Not to mention how many people beat him! The Storm Demon Dragon alone has a seventh-level strength, and the others are not weak either. The most annoying thing is the demon-suppressing tree. Whenever he wants to explode and use skills such as rage, the demon-suppressing tree will give him a shock and directly interrupt his explosive skills. This summoner really makes people speechless!

At this time, the crazy instructor had just been smashed away by Wang Changxin with a hammer, and was continuously bombarded by magic from the four Dragon Dangdang clones, and the protective aura was about to be shattered.

The fighting stopped. Everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group had a somewhat excited expression on their faces. yes! They couldn't help but be excited. This battle not only lasted for three minutes, they could even be said to have won! Although after solving the mad instructor and then besieging the devil instructor, he may not be able to please him. However, even if the devil instructor throws himself into a trap, he will definitely not be able to exert his full strength.

With such a huge gap in cultivation, they are definitely proud to be able to achieve such results.

After waiting for almost five minutes, and the Banshee Instructor was basically sucked out, Long Kongkong even used the Spirit Ascension Shield to help his friends return to their best condition with the help of the Banshee Instructor's spiritual power, and then he let go of the Banshee Instructor. Assassin instructor.

The three instructors gathered together, their expressions a little ugly. The ugliest one is the Banshee instructor. She looked at Long Kongkong fiercely and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Thank you three instructors for your guidance." Long Dangdang was the first to salute, and his friends immediately followed him.

The faces of the three instructors looked a little better now. A smile appeared on the corner of the devil instructor's mouth, "Excellent tactics can often amplify one's own combat effectiveness. Long Dangdang, you did a good job, you are a qualified regiment leader. Okay, rest where you are, and prepare to start the first battle tomorrow. Three stages of training.”

"Yes, instructor." Long Dangdang was as respectful as he could be at this moment.

There is not much time left for other teams. And their final attempt can only be described as tragic. The three instructors, holding their breath in their chests, poured out all the anger they had accumulated on Long Dangdang and the others on the other demon hunting groups. three minutes? Almost no team can last even one minute before they lie there with their noses bruised and their faces swollen, unable to take care of themselves.

For a time, mourning filled the land.

At this time, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group was gathered together, and for the rare moment, everyone did not continue to practice. In this month of training, everyone has almost lost weight. After all, enduring the mental impact of the Evil Eye Tyrant every day, although the improvement effect is very good, the load it brings is also huge. They are now physically and mentally exhausted.

But fortunately, everything turned out to be the best result. Although the final result may not be able to surpass the Zisan Liuying team, it is still quite good. The most important thing is everyone’s growth. The improvement of mental power makes everyone's overall strength increase to varying degrees. Everyone can obviously feel their progress, which is the most important thing.

The only pity is that there is no rest time for them this time. They can only continue for the last month, which is the third stage of this training camp.

"Boss, what do you think the third stage of training will be? It won't be so difficult anymore, right?" Long Kongkong said, leaning on Long Dangdang. His whole body was sore now, and his meridians were throbbing with pain from time to time. Although his spiritual power was sufficient before, the physical pain caused by the pressure of Cangyue Angel's transformation was definitely a lot. This is still under the current situation where his external spiritual power is quite strong.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. But it will definitely not be simple. This is a three-month training, and it is also a test for us by the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters. The strictness of the test is to ensure that we can perform our tasks in the future. We must try to reduce casualties as much as possible. Because we are much younger than when a normal demon hunting group is formed, our training must be the most stringent. If we do not meet the requirements, we will not be able to become real demon hunters. After all, , it is not easy for the federation to cultivate talents.”

Ming Xi lay on the ground with his head resting on his hands and a blade of grass in the corner of his mouth. "I think this is good. In the past two months, I feel that I have improved much faster than when I was in school." It’s painful, but it’s effective! I’d rather do more training like this.”

Along with the improvement of her spiritual power, her spiritual power has made great progress recently and is approaching the sixth level. The strength of her partners also filled this girl's heart with a sense of crisis. Now she is definitely the hardest working one.

"I'm already satisfied. This training camp is really enjoyable!" Tao Linlin said with a smile. He had previously single-handedly entangled the mad instructor for a minute, thus creating sufficient conditions for his partners. It can be said that he is now the second seventh-level combat power in the team besides Cangyue Angel Transformation. Although it will definitely be difficult for him to continue to improve his combat power. But no matter what, compared with before the training camp, it is absolutely a world of difference! Now even when facing Zisang Liuying, he felt that he had the strength to fight.

Wang Changxin didn't say a word, just sat there silently, his eyes slightly vacant. She has always been known for her willpower, which is why she was able to cultivate the Blood Alchemy Body and persists until now. But this time, after improving her mental power through the Evil Eye Tyrant, she found that her ability to endure pain seemed to have increased a lot. She could even actively control her body to better withstand the pain caused by the Blood Alchemy Body. She even vaguely felt that if she wanted to cultivate the Blood Alchemy Body to the ninth level in the future, then having strong enough mental power would probably be the key. location.

This discovery makes Wang Changxin finally confident in her future. Yes, she actually never thought she could create miracles before. If it weren't for the characteristics of her own spiritual furnace, and if it weren't for the pressure of the dominating spiritual furnace, she really wouldn't be willing to practice the Blood Alchemy Body! But now, her power is constantly improving, and the role of the world-dominated spiritual furnace seems to have truly begun to emerge. This is also a spiritual furnace of wisdom, and Xiong Ba Tianxia seems to have a much stronger recognition of her during this period, and is no longer as indifferent as before.

She clearly remembered that when she first merged with this spiritual furnace, Xiong Ba told her that if she wanted to truly become a user of the Xiong Ba World Spiritual Furnace, then the seventh level was the foundation. It is not the seventh level of internal spiritual power, the seventh level of warrior, but the seventh level of external spiritual power.

Yue Li and Ling Menglu's progress, in addition to the running-in with their partners, the most important thing is also their mental strength.

Yue Li would secretly look at Ling Menglu from time to time. For this goddess who was a few years younger than herself, she felt a little bit of comparison in her heart. And with the improvement of her mental strength, her confidence in herself is increasing. However, she also found that Ling Menglu's aura seemed to be becoming more and more reserved. In the past, I could still feel her vast control over the light element, but now I can't feel it anymore. It was as if she had become an ordinary person. Even in battle, she didn't seem to have much use. But it just makes everyone feel that she is the mainstay of the team.

After all the assessments were completed in the evening, everyone was teleported back to the Temple Academy headquarters. You can go back to your dormitory to rest for one night, and then regroup the next day to continue the next stage of training.

Long Kongkong ran away immediately. He wanted to try his luck and see if he could see the goddess. After all, they had been separated for a month.

Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu returned to Linglu Academy together. They only had one night, and Ling Menglu didn't plan to go home.

"Will you go to my place to practice at night?" Ling Menglu asked Long Dangdang.

"Okay!" Long Dangdang nodded in agreement. The cultivation effect of two people together is definitely better than that of one person. Of course, it’s best when there’s a dragon in the sky. However, I don’t know when this kid will come back today.

Ling Menglu went back to her dormitory to wash up first, and Long Dangdang also went back to her dormitory to wash up and change clothes, and then came to her cousin's dormitory to find her.

When Ling Menglu opened the door for him, Long Dangdang couldn't help but be stunned. There was a faint fragrance coming from Ling Menglu's body. It was the smell after bathing mixed with her own body fragrance. It was fresh, elegant and refreshing.

Her hair was still a little wet, and her pretty fair face looked even more delicate with a hint of blush after taking a hot bath. A face without makeup is naturally beautiful, without any flaws. There was always a faint smile on her face, which gave her a warm feeling.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Come in!" Ling Menglu avoided his eyes and walked in first.

Only then did Long Dangdang react, hurriedly followed in and closed the door.

"You sit down first. After walking for so long, I don't have anything to eat here. Are you hungry? Can I give you a bowl of noodles?" Ling Menglu said.

"Okay!" Long Dangdang really felt a little hungry.

The noodles are clear soup noodles. In addition to the seasonings seasoned for the day, there are also some wild vegetables they picked from the World of Warcraft Forest. Although it tastes ordinary, it is piping hot. After eating a bowl of noodles, Long Dangdang's stomach was immediately ironed, and the whole person seemed to be completely relaxed because of this.

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