Ling Menglu said: "There are three rooms in the north, and the middle one is the largest, which can be used as our conference room. There are three rooms in the east and west rooms. It just so happens that we can each have one room, and there is still plenty. We can gather here together when we have nothing to do. Practice. If everyone thinks there is no problem, I will start building the isolation array and the spirit gathering array in the yard today."

Ming Xi looked east and west, looking very interested in this quaint building. "It's very comfortable and clean. It's good, I like it. I want to live in the west room."

Others also nodded, saying they had no objections.

Tao Linlin said: "When the deputy captain arranges the magic circle, leave me a place where I can take root. When I practice, I can release the demon-suppressing tree and we can all work together."

Ling Menglu nodded.

Long Dang said: "Eight rooms and one conference room are just right. The extra room can be used to practice the blood alchemy body. It is divided into two bathrooms, mainly for men and women."

Hearing the words Blood Alchemy Body, Tao Linlin's reaction was a little big, and his face paled obviously. He tried it once after he went back yesterday, and the severe pain was still fresh in his memory.

Wang Changxin nodded, showing a rare hint of joy. She practices the Blood Alchemy Body almost every day, and a dedicated place for practice is very important to her.

Long Dang said: "In the future, when everyone has nothing to do, we can practice together, and the efficiency should be higher. Except that we can't discuss things here, everything else should be fine. Cousin, I'll trouble you to arrange it. Everyone can do it on their own. Claim the room." As he said this, he stood still.

The friends each went to choose their rooms. They consciously chose the east and west wing rooms, but reserved the two rooms in the north.

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang, then at his cousin, smiled, and went to the first room on the left in the east wing. Ling Menglu's pretty face blushed slightly. Although there was a conference room between the two north rooms, it was also the north room, which inevitably caused a strange feeling in her heart.

The training room for the Blood Alchemy Body is located in the first room on the west side. Each room has its own dedicated bathroom. It is not big and does not have a bathtub, but it is enough for daily use.

Everyone went back to their rooms to tidy up and decorate. The facilities in the room are very simple, a table, a chair, and a bed. Nothing else. But it was clean and tidy, and it had indeed been cleaned before. How you arrange it is your own business. Today is just acknowledgment of the door. It will take a day or two before everyone can really settle in here.

When Long Dangdang came, he had already brought his things with his space ring. He had just laid out the bedding and was about to continue packing. Suddenly, his body felt hot. Subconsciously, he hurriedly took out his child spirit crystal. out.

After the upgrade, the sub-spirit crystal is a little smaller than before, but it is releasing red light at this time.

The moment he took out the Ziling Crystal, mental fluctuations naturally appeared in his heart.

"Urgent call, report to headquarters immediately."

Long Dangdang rushed out of the room quickly, and everyone else also received the message. No need to say anything more, everyone immediately left No. 333 Pinglan Street and went straight to the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group.

Demon hunting group headquarters, mission office.

When Long Dangdang arrived, there were already many people inside. Long Dangdang saw Zisang Liuying and her team at a glance. In addition to them, there are at least two organized demon hunting groups.

Just as Long Dangdang and the others walked into the mission office, the red light on the spiritual crystal in their hands converged.

In the mission office, an old man with a silver mask on his face clasped his hands behind his back and said: "Very good. A commander-level demon hunting group and three general-level demon hunting groups have been summoned. This emergency mission is yours. Come and complete it. 112117 Demon Hunting Group, you will lead this mission. The headquarters will send four green rocs to assist you in completing the mission."

A demon hunting group whose average age seemed to be around thirty years old and very unfamiliar to Long Dangdang and the others took two steps forward. The leading knight performed a knightly salute, "One, one, two, one seven, the demon hunting group takes orders." .”

The old man wearing a silver mask nodded and said, "You two will share the mission first, and we will set off in half an hour." After saying this, he turned and left.

Long Dangdang has been watching with cold eyes. It is an urgent task, and it is an urgent task that requires the four demon hunting groups to complete together. Unexpectedly, their first mission would be such a difficult one. Urgent tasks are among those that must be completed each year. Completing an emergency mission is equivalent to completing one of the three mandatory missions each year. And emergency tasks are the most difficult among mandatory tasks.

The knight of the 112117 Demon Hunting Group said: "Hello everyone, I am Li Hongche, the leader of the 112117 Demon Hunting Group. Please come here, captains."

Long Dangdang, Zisang Liuying, and the leader of another general-level demon hunting group who was obviously older than them stepped forward.

When Li Hongche saw Long Dangdang and Zi Sang Liu interacting, he frowned slightly. So young? He even had some doubts in his heart, was this really a general-level demon hunting group?

Although Long Dangdang and Zisang Liuying already have the appearance of adults, because of their young age, the collagen on their faces cannot be concealed, and they look very young at first glance.

Li Hongche said: "Please introduce me first. No need to mention the number of the demon hunting group. Just introduce yourselves."

The older leader said: "Li Yuqing, a magician."

Zisang Liuying said: "Zisang Liuying, a magician."

"Dang Dang Dang, Punishment Knight."

Li Hongche nodded and said: "From now on, I will call your team by your names, which will make communication easier. Now I will create a temporary group to bring you all in. When performing tasks, it will be easier for everyone to use their mental power to Direct communication.”

As he spoke, he took out his obviously more refined Sub-Spirit Crystal. The four Sub-Spirit Crystals were in contact with each other. The handsome Sub-Spirit Crystal activated its authority and established a temporary group.

The group is named Urgent Tasks.

The Young Master of the Urgent Mission Group Long Family joins the group chat.

Emergency task group, Yihong Qingshui joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, Tian Qingyumeng joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, the goddess of elements joins the group chat.

Li Hongche raised his head and glanced at the expressionless Zi Sang Liuying, and said: "Invite your team members to join the group chat, and I will share the details of this mission with the group."

Immediately afterwards, I saw people starting to join the emergency mission group.

The members of the Tianqing Yumeng team are easy to recognize, as they all have the word Tianqing in front of them.

For example, the magician is called Azure Rainbow, and the priest is called Azure Sunshine.

But with the addition of two other members of the demon hunting group, the style of painting changed.

Emergency mission group, Bai Fenghuang joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, Thor joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, Six Paths of Reincarnation join the group chat.

Emergency mission group, Marilyn joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, Song of Ice and Fire join the group chat.

Emergency mission group, summon the God to join the group chat.

Emergency mission group, the messenger of justice joins the group chat.

Emergency mission group, the God of Defense joins the group chat.

Long Dangdang glanced at the somewhat smug Long Kongkong beside him, "What kind of stupid name do you have?"

Long Kongkong said proudly: "Why is it broken? I am a guardian knight."

Emergency mission group, dominate the world, join the group chat.

Li Hongche felt the mental fluctuations coming from the Ziling Crystal, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Are all the newbies nowadays so domineering and arrogant?

In the emergency mission group, the eldest son of the Long family changed his name to the God of Divine Punishment.

Li Hongche: "..."

Long Kongkong asked, "What are you doing?"

Long Dangdang said, "Change my name specifically to deal with you."

Emergency mission group, a glass of clear water, "Hello everyone, I am Li Hongche, and I am commanding this mission. I will brief you on the mission situation. The headquarters received an urgent report that the Acropolis, 300 kilometers north of the Holy City, was attacked by the undead. The attackers attacked and plundered hundreds of heroic souls from Wei Xuan's tomb. The two general-level demon hunting groups, the two sergeant-level demon hunting groups and the temple guards guarding the Acropolis suffered heavy losses. Our mission is to intercept these powerful undead souls. If possible, kill them as much as possible and retrieve the remains of the heroic spirits."

After hearing Li Hongche's words, the members of the four demon hunting groups were in awe. This task also reflects the most difficult problem currently facing the six temples. The latest situation of the undead creatures is unknown, but there are already undead creatures that have gone deep into the Acropolis near the Holy City to snatch the remains of strong men. This shows how seriously the undead creatures have penetrated the entire Temple Federation.

Long Dangdang realized that the seriousness of the problem caused by the undead creatures was probably much more serious than when they first learned about it. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide it from ordinary people.

The most terrifying thing about the undead is that they can resurrect any dead creature to join their side. Even strong human beings may become undead when they die. Even the remains of strong men who have been dead for a long time can be resurrected. Such enemies are really difficult to deal with. It seems that the Federation has not yet made up its mind to launch a real annihilation war with the undead creatures. If we continue like this, wouldn't we just sit back and watch the undead creatures grow?

But he also knows that there must be various reasons why the Federation has not made a decision, and this is not a level that they can access now.

Emergency mission group, a clear water, "When executing a mission, each team can fight independently, but they must listen to my unified deployment. We will block the main enemy, and you must eliminate the enemy as soon as possible. If you face someone who has been controlled The heroic spirit can be destroyed. Now rest in place and wait for the headquarters to arrange Qingpeng. We will set off immediately."

The four demon hunting groups each gathered together to rest in place to keep themselves in the best condition.

The enemy can severely damage two general-level demon hunting groups and multiple sergeant-level demon hunting groups. It is definitely not easy to deal with. The most important thing is to maintain the best condition.

Long Dangdang also gathered with his friends to sit cross-legged and meditate.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "If these tombs are so troublesome, why not deal with them!"

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "It's not that easy to deal with. Back then, the six major temples fought against the demons. Countless martyrs sacrificed their lives to protect mankind, and they came from different regions. After reunifying the continent, many places will belong to themselves. The martyrs of the area were taken back to their hometown for burial. They are proud of it. There are many of these martyrs alone. According to our customs, after death, people are buried in the ground and return to their hometown. Therefore, the tombs scattered throughout the continent are unknown. Fan Ji. Some of the tombs of martyrs who were powerful and had outstanding achievements during their lifetime are even the objects of worship. How to deal with so many tombs? Someone in the Federation previously proposed to re-cremate the remains, which received strong opposition. That is It's nothing. So the strong men of the six major temples have suffered. In order to protect these tombs, they really spent too much manpower. The situation of our demon hunting group is slightly better, and more of them are carrying out tasks to target the undead. The task of living things.”

With the bright moon in the sky, Wang Changxin said, "Indecisiveness will only make things more troublesome. We should have implemented re-cremation long ago to fundamentally solve the problem of heroic souls being harassed by undead creatures and becoming hostile dead, and then call in an army to clear out the undead creatures as soon as possible, so there won't be so many The problem arises."

The bright moon is in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "As the situation becomes more serious, the debate on the federal side is becoming more and more intense. The federal government advocates cremation, but our six major temples are firmly opposed to it. Because the ancestors who can be called heroic spirits The remains are almost all the predecessors of the six major temples."

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining: "We are not yet in touch with these levels. Let's complete the tasks in front of us first and work hard to improve ourselves."

Without waiting too long, on the other side, Li Hongche seemed to have received the notice. He stood up suddenly and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, follow me."

The wall on one side of the mission office cracked open, revealing a door. Li Hongche walked at the front and led everyone in quickly.

This is a corridor. Along the corridor for about two to three hundred meters, there are very steep stairs in front. Li Hongche quickened his pace and climbed up. After going up for about a hundred meters, a door opened in front of them, and the dazzling sunlight suddenly dazzled everyone.

As they filed out, a cool breeze suddenly hit them. When everyone looked closely, they suddenly discovered that they were already on a platform.

This seems to be the high point of the temple headquarters, and it feels like standing on the spire of a castle. The cold wind howled, blowing on everyone's bodies. Looking around, there was a huge holy city under their feet that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see.

At this moment, a loud bird song came from the sky, and four huge figures descended from the sky. Astonishingly, there were four huge green rocs whose entire bodies were azure in color and over seven meters in length. This kind of green roc is huge in size, with a wingspan of more than ten meters. When it falls from the sky, it almost covers the sky and the sun.

There are six seats on the back of each green roc, which are obviously specially prepared for the demon hunting group. When everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group saw this scene, their eyes subconsciously turned to Long Kongkong.

"Let's go!" Li Hongche shouted in a deep voice.

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