Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 239 The fourth dragon knight?

Golden light rose from Long Kongkong's chest and turned into a woman. She was the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace.

"Senior Yutong." Xuan Hanyan nodded slightly in greeting.

"Yeah." Yutong's figure looked a bit unreal.

"Senior, how did they do it?" Nan Yu asked impatiently.

Yutong said calmly: "Their situation is quite special. The two brothers are connected by blood, and together with us, the wisdom furnace, in a sense, it is the attributes that have crushed the snake demon. Their joint explosive skills have suppressed the attributes. In the opponent's case, it was a trick. Moreover, Long Dangdang's mount is quite special."

Nan Yu said: "Even with the spiritual furnace fusion technique, the strength gap between them and the Snake Demon God is still too big. How could it be possible?"

Yu Tong said: "You, the Knight Temple, are lucky. Congratulations on having another dragon knight."

"Dragon Knight?" Something strange flashed in Xuan Hanyan's eyes, and the shock in Nan Yu's eyes suddenly turned into astonishment.

"The two of them? Who? Who is the dragon knight? Is Long Dangdang? Isn't Long Dangdang's mount partner the Evil Eye Tyrant?"

Yutong shook his head gently and said: "When he wakes up, you can ask yourselves. Today is indeed quite special. Under normal circumstances, they cannot fight against the snake demon. But the explosion before death, the attributes of the snake The Demon God suppressed it, preventing the Snake Demon God from unleashing its fighting power. Only then was he lucky enough to kill it. It is estimated that it will not be easy to replicate in the future. But I don’t think I need to say more about their potential. That’s it.”

After saying this, Yutong's figure became illusory again, turned into golden light again, merged into Long Kongkong's chest and disappeared without a trace.

Xuan Hanyan and Nan Yu looked at each other, this sudden information was really a lot. If the two brothers join forces to break out, can they suppress the snake demon god in terms of attributes? what does that mean?

There are only two attributes that can suppress the devil in history. One is the extremely pure sacred attribute, and the other is the purifying attribute with the power of purification.

No matter which one of these two are, try the power that mankind has once stood at the top. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are both knights, so they are obviously more likely to have the first ability.

That's not all, the key point is that what Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace said just now was Dragon Knight!

For the Knights Temple, they know very well what dragon knights mean. The three dragon knights currently in the Knights Temple, plus the Divine Seal Throne, are the core force that can dominate other temples. The Gou knight who couldn't control his dragon was not among them.

If there can be one more dragon knight, and he is still such a young dragon knight, it is self-evident what it means to the Knights Temple.

"Captain Paladin, do you still think that Long Dangdang is not as good as Long Kongkong?" The corners of Xuan Hanyan's mouth turned up slightly.

Nan Yu opened his mouth, but no words came out. Isn't a dragon knight worth training? So what else is worth cultivating?

"It's just that I don't know what kind of dragon his mount dragon is. Its attributes can suppress the snake demon god. Is it a dragon of the light type? The light dragon clan is definitely a superior existence among the dragon clan. That would be great." Nan Yu Rubbed his hands.

Xuan Hanyan said: "Although it is difficult to recover the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang is still young and has many opportunities in the future. And he has a dragon as a mount. Even if he becomes the ninth level decades later, he will only be four , only fifty years old. If you protect him well, he will still be a top dragon knight in the future. I will report this matter to the hall master. But this kid can't be snatched away by the Magic Temple in any way. He will go to the Magic Temple later. We can't stop him from doing some training there, but before he goes, he must establish his identity in our Knight Temple. Long Kongkong is equally good, and being selected by the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace represents his future. There is no limit. Neither of these brothers can be let go. They will both become the pillars of our Knights Temple in the future."

Nan Yu said: "How do you plan to tie them up?"

Xuan Hanyan smiled slightly and said: "Our Knights Temple has been the first of the six major temples for many years, and we still have a good foundation. We will give them whatever they need."

Long Dangdang passed out in severe pain. When his second arm was torn off by Andumari, he was already fainting from pain. Then he seemed to have a dream. In the dream, he seemed to be integrated with Xiaoba, and he himself became a dragon-like existence, and he was guarding something.

His consciousness gradually returned, and his brain went blank at first. When his perception gradually returned to itself, the first thing he felt was weakness, intense weakness.

It was as if the entire body had been hollowed out. The soul consciousness was just in an empty shell-like body, but it couldn't use any strength.

What's wrong with me?

My memory gradually recovered, and I recalled everything that happened before. I subconsciously sensed my arm. It was still there. The test should be over, right?

After a few more minutes, he gradually gained some strength, slowly opened his eyes, felt the familiar breath around him, and subconsciously turned his head to look around him.

Long Kongkong was lying next to him, both of them on the bed. Look at this room again. This is a very quaint room. The walls around the room are all made of stone, but there are obvious traces of time on them. The roof is even painted, but it is also somewhat mottled. There is a simple wooden desk next to the bed, with a copper candlestick on it. The candlestick must have been out of use many years ago and was replaced by the current spiritual lamp.

Long Dangdang struggled to get up from the bed. The strong feeling of weakness made him dizzy. He took a deep breath and forced himself to sit cross-legged. No matter where he was, he had to restore his condition first.

Silently sensing the elements in the air, the next moment, he opened his eyes in surprise. Because he clearly felt that his mental power seemed to have improved a lot at once. His mental power was already very strong at the same level before. But now it seems much stronger. Even though he was still weak, his perception of the elements had become clearer, and he could even feel that the elements existed like living entities. And as his mental power touches it, the power of these elements will naturally be integrated into his body.

As the elements enter the body, the feeling of power gradually returns, nourishing the body and replenishing spiritual power, and the empty shell finally begins to be filled again.

There is no change in the internal and external spiritual power, it is the same as during the last training in that testing space. After all, if he no longer continues to improve his external spiritual power, his internal spiritual power cannot be improved. But the spiritual power has indeed been improved for sure, and even the spiritual sea has been opened up much wider. This can definitely be called an unexpected surprise.

The devil is really powerful! It’s just that the Demon God ranked last made it impossible for them to even compete. Long Dang clenched his fists subconsciously. After all, there was still a big gap between him and the real strong man.

After he recovered a little, he went to feel Long Kongkong's condition. Long Kongkong's condition was similar to his. He was also severely depleted. He slept deeply and his vital signs were normal. This made Long Dangdang feel more relaxed.

I don’t know if the Knight Temple is satisfied with this test. It should be okay. After all, the group of demons they defeated should be impossible for normal fifth-level and sixth-level knights to overcome.

Long Dangdang summarized his shortcomings in this test. In addition to his own cultivation, his lack of skills and equipment were also problems.

His current core equipment is only the Xinyao set of gloves. Other than that, there is no other equipment that he can use. Not even a real weapon. There are also skills, although I have learned some knight skills before. But with his own explosion, the combat skills based on the holy sword are no longer enough. There is an urgent need to add some retribution knight skills.

After this test is over, they must study hard. Anyway, they do not need to exchange merit for learning skills by virtue of their status as a preparatory church. Just learn a few more seventh-level disciplinary knight secret skills to enhance your own strength. I also have to learn magic. I actually don’t know much about fusion magic now. I have to go back and ask the two teachers for advice. I wonder if they are back.

Just as Long Dangdang was thinking about it, the heavy wooden door of the room was pushed open, and the Holy Knight Commander Nan Yu walked in from the outside.

Seeing Long Dangdang sitting on the bed, Nan Yu said with a smile: "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

Long Dangdang quickly stood up and gave him a knight's salute, "I feel fine, but a little weak."

Nan Yu said: "Now that you're awake, come with me. For some reason, your brother is in a worse state than you. He probably needs more recovery."

Long Dangdang turned his head and glanced at Long Kongkong, feeling a little worried about him.

Nan Yu saw his hesitation and said: "This is the core of our Knights Temple. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Long Dangdang followed Nan Yu out of the room, and led Nan Yu into a larger room that seemed to be a study. The layout here is also very simple, and the row of wooden bookcases next to the wall are very old at first glance.

Nan Yu asked Long Dangdang to sit down on the saddle brown leather sofa and sat opposite him.

"Your test has been completed. Are you confident in your results?" Nan Yu asked with a smile.

Long Dang said: "It should be okay."

Nan Yu said: "It's not just okay. At least at your age, in the records of our Knight Temple, you should already be the best, which is beyond our expectation. Senior Yu Tong even told us, because You are a dragon knight, that's why you created such a miracle. Why didn't you report to the temple that you were a dragon knight before?"

Long Dangdang was slightly startled, and his thoughts suddenly changed. Did Shenqiyu Tong Linglu show up? He also told the Knight Temple about his dragon knight. Why is this?

But he is very smart. Since the Knights Temple already knows, there is no need to hide anything at this time.

"Sorry, Captain Paladin, the reason why I didn't report before was because I also signed a contract with two monsters at that time, and they were both blood contracts. My mount dragon is special, because it is a blood contract, and it returns to the weakest one. It needs time to grow when it is just born. I am worried that it will be in danger, especially if undead creatures find out about it, which will be detrimental to it, so I hide it first and prepare to report it to our temple after it grows up. It has recently completed an evolution and can basically fight with me, so I let it come out to cooperate."

Listening to Long Dangdang's calm explanation, Paladin Chang Nanyu had a strange look on his face, "Blood contract? You actually signed a blood contract with the dragon? Is this voluntary?" He was very puzzled, let alone the dragon clan. Even the vast majority of Warcraft cannot sign a blood contract with humans, because the Blood Contract is extremely restrictive to Warcraft, especially once the host dies, the Warcraft will die from the backlash of the Blood Contract, and most Warcraft have a much longer lifespan. Longer than humans. This is especially true for the Dragon Clan. Dragons can live for at least thousands of years. It is possible for high-ranking dragons to live for tens of thousands of years without external influence. However, the lifespan of a human being, even for a ninth-level expert, is already at the limit of three hundred years.

Long Dangdang hesitated for a moment and said: "It's not its own volition, but its father's wish. My partner had just been born at that time, and his father decided to let him sign a blood contract with me."

Nan Yu said: "Dragon Knight is of great significance to our Knight Temple. Therefore, the Temple will be very cautious in this regard. Can you show off your dragon mount?"

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, "Are you here?"

Nan Yu said: "Of course not. You come with me, the Lord of the Temple also needs to personally confirm your mount."

Nan Yu stood up and walked out with Long Dangdang. He was not in a hurry to ask what kind of dragon Long Dangdang was riding. Anyway, he would see it soon.

The corridor is also very simple, which shows the long history of this building. Long Dangdang, led by Nan Yu, walked into a main hall. It was not the main hall where the holy church was before, but a more magnificent existence. The main hall was surrounded by a circle of tall buildings. Fifty meters of stone pillars surround it, forming a circular shape. The huge hall has a diameter of more than two hundred meters, plus a huge dome with a height of more than fifty meters. The surrounding stone pillars are full of various carvings. The statues are mainly human knights. They are riding mounts, and they all seem to have extraordinary stories.

It feels more like a big arena, and it's completely indoors. Having just set foot here, Long Dangdang could clearly feel that there was a very strong elemental fluctuation in this huge hall, and it was caused by the isolated and closed magic circle.

"This is the Palace of Justice in our Knights' Temple. Come on, show us your dragon mount." A soft voice sounded, and at the other end of the hall, the figure of Xuan Hanyan, the knight of the Divine Seal of Education and Inheritance, quietly emerged. .

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