Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 243 Fierce Spiritual Furnace

"Why?" Long Kongkong also looked curious when he heard Yu Tong ask himself why the Magic Temple gave his brother the Holy Lotus Spirit Furnace.

Yu Tong said: "That's because of the characteristics of the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace. Don't look at the first-level Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace as inconspicuous. In fact, it has a characteristic that other spiritual furnaces do not have."

"What characteristics?" Long Kongkong became more and more curious.

"Peace." Yutong said.

"Peace is also a characteristic? Then does my laziness count?" Long Kongkong chuckled.

Yutong said angrily: "That's a characteristic of yours, a defective characteristic. Don't underestimate peace. Peace has many meanings. If your own attributes are peaceful, it will be easier to be absorbed. The Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace is a kind of thing that all human beings can Absorbing spiritual furnace."

"But it's mediocre!" Long Kongkong couldn't help but say.

Yu Tong said: "Listen to me. In addition to being easy to absorb, peace is also tolerant. The Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace is a rare existence that can tolerate other spiritual furnaces. It can be integrated with many spiritual furnaces, thus giving birth to A new spiritual furnace. This is what makes it precious. When the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace is integrated with other spiritual furnaces, it will inevitably have a certain improvement effect. The strength of the improvement is related to the attributes of the fused spiritual furnace and the host itself. .”

Long Kongkong said: "So good? Then let's get a Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace. Can you evolve too?"

Yutong shook his head and said: "I don't need it anymore. And you are a knight. Although the Holy Lotus Spirit Furnace can fuse with anyone, relatively speaking, only magicians who control the elements can make it play its greatest role."

Long Kongkong said: "But this thing is useless. Who would be willing to fuse two spiritual furnaces! No matter how bad it is, if they are evolved separately, there will be one more spiritual furnace."

Yutong nodded and said: "Because of this, its value is not particularly high. Not many people are willing to fuse the spiritual furnace. The spiritual furnace is supported in the spiritual orifice. Even if it is not strong enough, it can also allow professionals to practice in the process of cultivation." It is easy to achieve greater improvement during the growth process. It is too difficult for ordinary professionals to obtain a spiritual furnace."

Long Kongkong said: "Then what kind of spiritual furnace should we choose now?"

Yu Tong said: "What suits you is the best. Only you can understand yourself. Calm down and feel like Dangdang, feel the one that suits you best, and you will naturally know how to choose." ”

Long Kongkong looked at her in surprise, raised his finger and pointed at his nose and said: "I choose myself? Then I must choose one that is suitable for running away or that can protect myself!"

Yutong said: "Then you go and choose. Just follow your heart."

Long Kongkong said: "Then I don't know these spiritual furnaces, so what should I do? I don't even know what their characteristics are."

The Yutong turned into a golden light and penetrated between his eyebrows and disappeared without a trace, leaving only one sentence, "Feel it with your heart."

"Isn't this too irresponsible?" Long Kongkong's joy suddenly turned into tears. How should he choose among these hundreds of spiritual furnaces? How to feel it with your heart! Whichever one he saw was fine.

At this moment, suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around to look at Long Dangdang, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

And at this moment, Long Dangdang suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, and rushed in one direction like an arrow.

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, what was he doing?

The next moment, he saw a burst of red light shooting towards Long Dangdang. The red light was extremely fast and looked like a stream of red light. Long Kongkong could feel that there was obviously a ferocious aura in the red light. The powerful ferocious aura made goosebumps appear all over his skin. .

So fierce! This was his first feeling.

The next moment, Long Dangdang had already rushed in front of the red light, raised his right hand and grabbed it.

The red light suddenly escaped and returned directly towards his chest, as if it was going to pierce his chest. But at this moment, Long Dangdang suddenly turned around and faced the impact of the red light with his vest.

With a "bang" sound, Long Dangdang's body suddenly burst into red light, and countless radiances seemed to bloom instantly from his back. His whole body trembled violently, and then his face showed an expression of extreme pain.

The ferocious aura emitted by the red light suddenly burst out from his body. Long Kongkong could clearly see that veins began to appear on the surface of Long Dangdang's skin. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to scream, but he couldn't. No sound came out.

Let me go, what did you absorb? Why do you seem like you can't bear it anymore?

Long Kongkong was startled and did not dare to neglect. He rushed forward and quickly cast his angel blessing.

But it's no use! The angel's blessing light he released was blocked from the red light almost instantly, and could not touch Long Dangdang's body at all.

At this moment, a ball of white light flowed out from Long Dangdang's chest, which was the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. The white jade-like spiritual furnace poured down, and a crescent moon appeared on Long Dangdang's forehead. The moonlight flowing out of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace fell on him like an invisible object, making his painful expression relax a little. The soft light blue moonlight blended into his body, and the fierce red light shrank a little. , but it still exists, and even has a certain impact with the power of Yuehua.

"Old man, do you still remember me?" Canghai's voice sounded.

The surging red light seemed to pause for a moment, but then surged forward again without any sign of weakening.

Canghai sighed, "Dangdang, you must keep your mind close and don't let the ferocious energy break your mind, otherwise it will be difficult for the gods to save you. How could you choose it? Even if it is incomplete, it is not something you humans can carry." ah!"

When Long Dangdang came here and began to silently release his mental power to feel the spiritual furnace, he felt as if he had entered a wonderful world in which there were countless living beings. Some are close to him, some are resistant to him, and many more are curious about him.

When he came in, he had actually already thought about what kind of spiritual furnace he wanted to choose. What he lacked most now was actually attack methods. Among the three spiritual furnaces he now owns, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is the auxiliary, the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace is also the auxiliary, and the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace is the guardian. Therefore, what he wanted was an attack-type spiritual furnace that was powerful enough and had growth potential.

Therefore, he quickly eliminated those relatively mild spiritual furnaces, which were mainly for assistance, defense, and increase. This was not what he wanted. What he was looking for were those sharp spiritual furnaces.

Soon, he also found some. After all, the spiritual furnaces reserved by the Knights Temple were not only suitable for guardian knights, but also for disciplinary knights. These attacking spiritual furnaces are obviously more powerful, and there are some who are willing to form a compatibility with them, but not many.

Long Dangdang continued to feel, and gradually came up with some goals, but what he wanted to find was an existence that could serve as his core spiritual furnace. After all, there were only two of the five natural spiritual orifices left, and he had to cherish himself. !

Just when he was hesitating and scanning a corner with his mental power, a dusty spiritual furnace suddenly caught his attention. When his mental power passed by the gray spiritual furnace that was silent in the corner and even seemed to be soaked in dust, the spiritual furnace did not react at all. And when he borrowed Xiaoxie's power to enhance his mental power to investigate. There was still no response from the spiritual furnace, as if it didn't even want to pay attention to him.

But Long Dangdang discovered that there were no other spiritual furnaces in a large area around this gray spiritual furnace. It seemed that all spiritual furnaces were deliberately trying to avoid it.

This made him even more interested in this spiritual furnace. What kind of existence makes other spiritual furnaces avoid it?

He concentrated his mental power and began to attack the spiritual furnace. However, this spiritual furnace was as solid as a rock, as if it completely ignored him, and his mental power was simply unable to rush into it to truly feel its characteristics.

What to do?

Is it because I'm not good enough that this spiritual furnace doesn't want to pay attention to me? If my mental strength is not good enough, then why not bring some special aura? Therefore, Long Dangdang began to mobilize Xiaoba's aura, letting his mental power bring out a trace of the spiritual aura of the Dragon Emperor. It was like Xiaoba used his mental power to send out a spiritual dragon roar towards the spiritual furnace.

The spiritual furnace still didn't respond at first, but after a moment of pause, it suddenly started to vibrate. A strange sense of desolation spread out from inside, and in the next moment, Long Dangdang suddenly felt that Xiaoba in his contract space had violent mood swings. It was so violent that it seemed as if it was breaking free from the contract space and then running away immediately.

what's the situation? Long Dangdang was also shocked. Then, he saw red glows starting to appear in the gray and inconspicuous spiritual furnace. When the red glow appeared, the previous desolation turned into an unparalleled ferocity. Brutal, as if there was an extremely terrifying beast hidden within it. The beast was awakened from its slumber, slowly opened its claws, and released a terrifying and powerful aura.

Long Dangdang was surprised and then delighted. This powerful and ferocious aura must represent attack. And when this ferocious aura appeared, he also felt a faint feeling of joy in his heart. How should I put it, it was like a person's back suddenly felt itchy, and suddenly saw an itch and wanted to scratch it immediately. Pick it up and give yourself a couple of kicks. Although Long Dangdang's mental strength stimulated by the ferocious aura was trembling, while he was trembling, he only felt that something in his body was being stimulated and ready to move, even excited.

Then, while he was excited in his heart, the ferocious aura rushed out from the dusty spiritual furnace, like a spear, and rushed towards him brazenly.

Long Dangdang made the choice at the first moment, directly opened his back mind and faced the spiritual furnace. This spiritual furnace was fierce, so he had to face it with the strongest attitude and let it become part of his strength.

When the ferocious energy rushed into his body, Long Dangdang instantly felt as if countless extremely sharp knives had rushed into his meridians, and the meridians where they passed instantly swelled. If he hadn't already had more than 6,000 external spiritual powers, his meridians would probably be severed just this time. Despite this, his body still endured a huge impact, his meridians expanded rapidly, and his whole body swelled with it, exposing veins all over his body. Long Dangdang could even feel that his meridians seemed to be cracking, and it was only a few breaths away!

Is it so scary?

At this moment, the moonlight poured from the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace arrived. Under the nourishment of the moonlight, the cracks in the meridians were temporarily bridged, forcibly stabilizing the situation. But the fierce and violent energy that clashed from left to right became more and more powerful and fierce.

What kind of spiritual furnace is this? Why does it smell like destroying everything and killing everything? Long Dangdang endured the severe pain in his body and kept his mind tight as Canghai said. Because he discovered that the final destination that this red light wanted to rush into was actually his spiritual sea, as if it was going to destroy his consciousness.

Xiaoba was already trembling in the contract space. This has never happened before. Although the newborn Xiao Ba was nervous when facing the Rat King, he was not afraid to this extent, as if he had encountered a nemesis.

The moonlight released by the sea continued to soak into the body, but Long Dangdang still felt that his body still seemed unable to bear it. Because the red light poured in continuously, it was so fierce. That ferocious thought had begun to interfere with his thoughts, causing a ferocious aura to appear in his heart.

Long Kongkong looked on, surprised at first, and happy that his brother had found a suitable spiritual furnace, but soon he felt something was wrong. Long Dangdang's body was shaking too hard, and he obviously couldn't control it. Coupled with Cang Hai's words, he suddenly became nervous.

The twins were connected with each other. When Long Dangdang was suffering from severe pain, he would feel some sensation. At this moment, he felt that his brother was becoming more and more manic, which made him feel a surge in his heart. A grumpy feeling.

"Yu Tong, what kind of spiritual furnace is this? What should I do? My brother seems to be in danger." Long Kongkong asked eagerly.

"I, I don't know what kind of spiritual furnace this is." Golden light and shadow emerged. At this time, Yu Tong also had a look of shock. It seems that even she doesn't know what the spiritual furnace Long Dangdang is integrating at this moment? This can only mean one thing. This is a spiritual furnace that is older than her. If Yueming Canghai knows the spiritual furnace, then it is likely to be a contemporary existence of Canghai.

"What should we do? What should we do? Please help my brother." Long Kongkong suddenly became anxious.

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