Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 245 Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace

When Long Kongkong brought the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace and the star-shaped spiritual furnace together, the star-shaped spiritual furnace trembled slightly. In the next moment, its size actually shrank a few points, and then with Long Kongkong The excitement that could be clearly felt jumped up and jumped directly into the embrace of the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace.

The interior of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace showed a vortex-shaped energy wave, and after entering the star-shaped spiritual furnace, it was directly attracted to it. The next moment, the stars were shining brightly. It was as if countless stars were blooming from the star-shaped spiritual furnace. The blooming light spread outwards and immediately increased the light in the entire spiritual furnace storage room.

What's the use of this thing?

Long Kongkong didn't feel any energy fluctuations, but the joy coming from the star-shaped spiritual furnace was obviously clearer. Even a little impatient. The starlight it released actively gathered towards Long Kongkong. Although he didn't feel any energy fluctuations, Long Kongkong could feel the communication relationship with it. It felt that this spiritual furnace was actually calling for it to rush to sign a contract with him.

Ever since Long Kongkong tested his innate spiritual power and found out that he was a loser among losers, he had always been influential deep in his heart. Even after his talent began to improve with the help of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, He also has a feeling in his heart that my talent is far different from that of my brother. At this moment, when a spiritual furnace couldn't wait to choose him, this was a situation he had never encountered before.

Without too much hesitation, didn’t Yutong say it before? When choosing a spiritual furnace, you have to follow your heart. Just choose it.

The spiritual power and the spiritual furnace remain connected, and a contract is naturally formed in a tacit understanding between the two.

The starlight rose up from the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace with some reluctance, and was accurately imprinted on Long Kongkong's forehead. Long Kongkong only felt a flash of light, and a cool feeling came from the top of his head, and the starlight had penetrated into The spiritual platform above his head turned into his fourth spiritual furnace.

Long Kongkong suddenly felt that his mind seemed to be a little clearer, and the sea of ​​​​spirit was also trembling slightly, as if some changes that he could not explain were taking place.

He was a little worried before, whether he would be in trouble like his brother before when he integrated the spiritual furnace. But it doesn’t seem to be happening now! Everything was so natural and completed naturally.

Is this the legendary character? His own character easily defeated this spiritual furnace. Thinking of this, a proud smile suddenly appeared on his face, with his hands on his hips and his mouth open in a silent laugh.

Just when he was proud, a faint red halo reappeared on Long Dangdang's body not far away. He was still full of rage, but he no longer attacked Long Dangdang. Instead, he seemed a little submissive. The red light lingered. Long Dangdang's vest bloomed outwards. Gradually, those red lights actually outlined shapes like petals, stretching outwards with Long Dangdang's vest as the center point.

Looking from the direction of Long Kongkong, it looked like a huge red lotus blooming behind Long Dangdang. It was extremely spectacular, but also had a somewhat evil smell.

"Good guy, this thing is a bit weird!" Long Kongkong murmured. Previously, Long Dangdang almost exploded to death under the impact of the red spiritual furnace. Not even the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace combined could stop him. Long Dangdang's external spiritual power was as high as six thousand ah! This spiritual furnace is so domineering, and now it surrenders, I don’t know what the effect will be.

As the red lotus stretched out completely, Long Dangdang's back was already filled with thick red color. He slowly opened his eyes at the next moment. Although he looked a little weak, his eyes were filled with obvious excitement.

"Is it done?" Long Kongkong asked.

Long Dangdang nodded, "It's done. It's almost over."

Long Kongkong said: "What the hell have you done! It's too dangerous. If you don't sign the contract, you won't sign the contract. It actually wants your life."

Long Dang said: "The Heavenly Evil Shura Spiritual Furnace. It is an ancient spiritual furnace formed by absorbing the evil energy of heaven and earth. This is originally a spiritual furnace that we humans cannot absorb at all. I felt that it seemed to have a strong attack power, so Just use Xiaoba's breath to guide it, who knew it would explode immediately. It was almost!"

Long Kongkong said: "Humans can't absorb it. If you absorb it, does that mean you are not a human being? Hahahaha!"

Seeing his brother laughing, Long Dangdang was stunned. In a sense, Long Kongkong's words seemed to be correct. The spiritual furnace that humans cannot absorb has absorbed it. What does this mean?

What's more, what was able to suppress the Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace at that time was not the fusion of his own power and the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace. The two wisdom spiritual furnaces failed to work, but the fusion between him and Long Kongkong. , when his younger brother became his armor, the Asura Soul Furnace seemed to be suppressed in an instant. In other words, it is afraid of the power generated when it merges with its younger brother. But how can normal human beings turn each other into each other's armor? Even if they are twin brothers, this is definitely not normal! So, are we really human?

Looking at Long Dangdang's frown, Long Kongkong stopped laughing, blinked his eyes, and said: "You have obtained an obviously powerful spiritual furnace, aren't you happy?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "I was just thinking about what the power between us is. This time I felt it very clearly. You became my armor. At that moment, I seemed to have something that could The power to destroy everything, but I can’t really use this power, because once used, we may die. What exactly is this, I am really curious.”

Long Kongkong said: "Let's ask again when mom and dad come. However, it seems that this power can only be used when I am particularly urgent. Now I want to use it, but I don't feel that way."

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "You can only use it when you encounter danger and excitement. I have a feeling that as our strength becomes stronger, this power can gradually be activated by us. Just like the angel of the moon. , Only when we have enough power can we really drive it. We obviously can't do this now. In the future, if we can really control this power, we don't know how strong it will be."

"Having power is always a good thing. You are a dragon knight now and you have this strange power. Why do you think so much? Becoming stronger is not the end of it. As long as we are strong enough, even if there is something wrong with our bloodline, it is not a problem. Yes." Long Kongkong thought very openly and had no worries. In his heart, as long as his parents and brother are good and his goddess is good, that would be enough.

Enough power? Long Dangdang stood up and thought slightly, and red lotus petals bloomed behind him. He raised his hand and waved, and a red lotus petal flew out and fell into his hand. It was fierce and sharp. The aura made even his host shudder. This is no ordinary power. Before the Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace took shape, I don't know how much evil energy it absorbed from heaven and earth before it finally took shape, so it was an extremely fierce existence in itself. But also because of its existence, there is less evil spirit between heaven and earth, and there is more peace. At this time, these evil spirits were used by him. The power of this thing was absolutely terrifying, and his goal was achieved.

"You have taken care of me, have you chosen the spiritual furnace?" Long Dangdang asked his younger brother.

"I made a choice! It didn't take so much effort for you, I did it in one go. Let me show you my dazzling starlight spiritual furnace." Long Kongkong raised his hand and patted the top of his head. Suddenly, a starlight shot up into the sky, covering the surrounding area. Everything was illuminated brightly, and the star-shaped spiritual furnace flew out from above his head. The starlight bloomed and was extremely magnificent.

Looking at the appearance of this spiritual stove, Long Dangdang couldn't help but be surprised. A starry spiritual furnace? Never heard of it!

"This seems to be the first time I heard about this kind of spiritual furnace. What is its function?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong blinked his eyes and said, "Isn't this pretty bright? I don't know what other uses it has."

Long Dangdang was stunned. As a host who signed a contract with the spiritual furnace, generally speaking, you can probably know the general function of the spiritual furnace after signing the contract. Like the Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace he just signed, its biggest function is to use the Shura evil energy for his own use. It can be integrated into any battle and turned into an existence similar to the Shura sword energy.

"I don't know? Isn't this spiritual furnace just for lighting?"

"It's impossible for you to think it's so handsome. Besides, it's very affectionate to me. It's very close to me and wants to fuse with me."

Long Dang said calmly: "Let's talk about it after we go out. Anyway, we have already chosen our own spiritual furnaces and it's time to go out."

After returning through the teleportation array, Nan Yu has been waiting for them. The Holy Knight Commander did not say anything because it took them a long time to choose the spiritual furnace. After all, choosing the spiritual furnace is a major life event for anyone. Choose more. The time is also normal.

"Have you chosen everything?" Nan Yu asked.

The brothers nodded together.

Nan Yu said: "I received the spiritual furnace from our temple and needed to register it. Please tell me which spiritual furnace you chose. You two brothers look exactly the same. I can't tell who is who. Which one is Dangdang? Let me tell you first. .”

Long Dangdang took a step forward and said: "Captain Holy Knight, the spiritual furnace I chose is called Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace."

Nan Yu was stunned, and the old man sitting cross-legged not far from him also opened his eyes.

Nan Yu turned to look at the old man in confusion and said, "Lord Holy Guard, do we have this kind of spiritual furnace here? Why doesn't it seem to exist in my memory?"

The Holy Guard looked at Long Dangdang and said, "Describe the shape of the spiritual furnace you absorbed."

Long Dangdang said: "It's dusty, in the corner. It's like it's sealed by mud."

The Holy Guard was also slightly stunned, "Abandoned Spiritual Furnace? I know that the one you are talking about only has the breath of the Spiritual Furnace, but does not have the characteristics of the Spiritual Furnace. We have tried to induce it, but we have never succeeded. You actually absorbed it. Are you ready? Use it and let me see."

Long Dangdang nodded and thought, a red light bloomed from behind, and the red lotus petals bloomed instantly, and the ferocious aura suddenly burst out.

Nan Yu and the holy guard were both startled, and the holy guard stood up instantly. He raised his hand and grabbed it in the direction of Long Dangdang. As soon as he made a move, an unparalleled huge pressure suddenly hit his face. Long Dangdang was trembling, but the next moment, the Shura Red Lotus behind him suddenly bloomed, and streams of extremely fierce red light went straight to the direction of the Holy Guard. Shoot away.

The Holy Guard's grasping hand changed from grabbing to shooting, and a large white halo turned into a barrier in front of him.

This is..., Linggang!

Long Dangdang recognized the characteristics of that surging spiritual power at a glance. And this is also the thickest spiritual gang he has ever seen.

The light of the Shura Red Lotus was immediately blocked when it hit the spiritual gang. However, these ferocious energies penetrated inwardly, as if they were determined to destroy everything.

"Can you accept it?" the holy guard asked Long Dangdang.

"Okay." With a thought, Long Dangdang's red light returned instantly and turned into a red lotus behind him. Although he still had the ferocity of wanting to rush out, he was not rebellious at all under Long Dangdang's control.

"A very powerful attack power. The power of the evil spirit, even if it is blocked by the spiritual gang, can penetrate a little and affect my body." The Holy Guard was surrounded by holy light, and the black energy was slowly forced out by him, his face There was a look of shock and confusion on his face.

"This spiritual furnace is very domineering. It is almost the most fierce and domineering spiritual furnace I have ever seen. Judging from your strength, or the characteristics of this spiritual furnace itself, it is said that you belong to the most unruly existence. It shouldn't be able to surrender, but it seems like a miracle that you can control it!" the Holy Guard murmured.

Long Dangdang's heart trembled slightly. He certainly knew what was the reason for suppressing this ferocity. When he and his brother merged, the special energy full of domineering and desolation produced was the key to suppressing this ferocity. location. But he certainly couldn't say it out loud, and could only show a confused look on his face.

"It's very strong, very strong. I just don't know what it will look like if it can evolve in the future. You need to observe more. If your spiritual furnace evolves in the future, you have to come back and leave a record. What's going on with this lotus form? It's a bit The smell of the Holy Lotus Spiritual Stove."

Long Dangdang thought to himself that this person is truly worthy of being the guardian of the spiritual furnace. He has such a deep understanding of the spiritual furnace. He replied: "When I was fusing this spiritual furnace, my body couldn't bear it, so I guided the Holy Lotus." The spiritual furnace combined with it, and then they merged together. So the form became like this."

"Is the fusion effect brought about by the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace?" The Holy Guard relaxed his brows a little, turned to Nan Yu and said: "This is an important topic. I will ask the temple to study it later. However, this Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace has It’s the only one, and I haven’t heard of other temples having such achievements. It’s hard to copy.”

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