The forbidden curse broke out, and Long Kongkong began to devour the energy of the undead, slowly spitting out the spiritual furnace to protect the Yueming Canghai Spiritual furnace. At this time, although the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group no longer had the guardianship of the Soul Breathing Furnace, due to the huge energy fluctuations caused by the explosion of the forbidden curse, they wanted to survive in such a manic energy. Feeling their presence is almost impossible.

The most important reason why they began to enter the dangerous moment at this time came from devouring. It would be strange if a large amount of undead energy disappeared in one direction without attracting attention. All they can use is to take advantage of the moment when the powerful undead men who did not die in the curse were briefly panicked.

After all, Long Dangdang only cast an eighth-level forbidden spell, and it was used at a higher level. The power could not reach the level of killing gods in person. A true undead powerhouse would not fall under such a level of attack. Once they calm down, the first thing they think of is revenge.

The turning of the Spirit Breathing Furnace to Long Kongkong was an important signal in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group's plan. Ling Menglu did not hesitate to tear open the second teleportation scroll they had and began to send messages to her partners. It takes her ten seconds to complete all of this. In other words, the devouring time left for Long Kongkong is also ten seconds.

Ten seconds is a long time, but sometimes ten seconds is also very short.

Even Long Dangdang didn't expect that the Tianyuan Domain could be devoured so quickly without considering the upper limit of its own storage.

The huge undead energy spurting out from the valley actually sank in the direction of Long Kongkong in just two breaths. The injection of huge energy made Long Kongkong's body tremble violently, but that layer emerged The blue light emitted and the white halo injected into it in time stabilized his body.

The Ascension Spirit Shield sprayed filtered energy outwards like a blowout and injected it into everyone. Long Dangdang only felt that the spiritual power he had previously consumed was replenished almost instantly. Although this could not solve the trauma caused by his mental depletion and excessive consumption, the feeling of spiritual emptiness disappeared instantly.

And at this moment, a loud roar sounded again, and everyone clearly felt that the scream was somewhat close.

The magic that Yue Li had been preparing for a long time broke out at this moment. The Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace bloomed with light. The top ten spiritual furnaces in the Magic Temple gave Yue Li a huge increase. A ball of blue-purple light flew directly towards the direction of the valley. The next moment, a violent Amidst the explosion, the entire valley lit up with a blue-purple light.

Ice and thunder explosion! Comparable to seventh level mixed magic.

The violent explosion is not to kill the enemy, but to cover up one's own aura and buy time.

At the same time, except for the Storm Demon Dragon, all the magical beasts summoned by Tao Linlin released their respective auras and ran wildly in all directions.

Three seconds, four seconds, five seconds!

When the time came to the sixth second, accompanied by a sharp roar, a figure suddenly rushed out from the thick undead energy.

It was a dead man wearing black armor all over his body. It looked a little embarrassed, and the armor on its body was damaged in many places, but its aura was still extremely terrifying. The heavy sword in his hand was thrown out almost the moment it appeared, flying straight in the direction of Long Kongkong.

That violent aura, no need to ask, you know how terrifying the strength is.

Wang Changxin, who had been preparing for it for a long time, activated it instantly, flapped her spiritual wings, and the Overlord Hammer in her hand came out fiercely under the amplification of the Dominating Spiritual Furnace. The lightning-like figure arrived in an instant, and did not attack head-on, because she knew she could not stop it. , but relied on the weight of the Tyrant Hammer itself to hit the heavy sword hard from the side.

Wang Changxin was ejected with a violent roar, but the heavy sword also deviated from its original trajectory. But the powerful dead man had already jumped towards Long Kongkong in a flash.

And at this moment, a golden light accurately hit the Holy Spirit Furnace!

Long Dangdang suppressed a splitting headache and activated the Holy Soul Furnace again to connect with the deceased, causing his flying figure to pause in the air, then suddenly turned and rushed towards him.

Ninth level! There is no doubt that this is also a ninth-level deceased, and his strength seems to be a bit more powerful than the one they met that day.

Brilliant golden light exploded in Ling Menglu's chest, the Powerful Hammer of Light! At this time, there is no point in holding back at all.

Seven seconds, eight seconds!

"Boom--" The figure of the deceased was stopped in mid-air, but it was so powerful that it could withstand the impact of the Powerful Hammer of Light, and the only price it paid was the shattering of its armor. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed Long Dangdang's neck.

At this moment, Long Dangdang felt as if there were only himself and the other party in the world, and that big hand was a force that he could not avoid no matter what.

Domain, this is also the power of domain, but it is a domain that I cannot yet control. The time was so short, but the threat of death came almost instantly. The opponent's attack was meant to be a one-hit kill, and with the gap in cultivation between the two sides, there was no other possibility.

In an instant, Long Dangdang felt as if all his pores were opening instantly, and his body seemed to explode. In his eyes, purple-gold light burst out almost instantly under the huge pressure.

At the same time, a flash of golden light suddenly appeared between him and the deceased. Without being summoned, Xiaoba emerged from the contract space on his own. His huge body directly hit the deceased, knocking him away. Opened a few meters.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Nine seconds!

And the deceased was obviously stunned when he saw Xiaoba, a three-headed dragon? Golden scales!

And the next moment, he saw a pair of purple-gold eyes. At that moment, even the dead man with a strength of ninth level suddenly felt that his soul seemed to have missed a beat, and he failed to survive the first moment. The attack continued for a while.

Ten seconds!

Covered in golden light, it lights up. Accompanied by the surge of undead energy that was swallowed up into a huge depression, in an instant, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group disappeared at the same time.

And at the moment they disappeared. There was a flash of light on Long Kongkong's chest, and the huge light strips that were originally as dark as ink suddenly turned into a strange light gold, and they were no longer light strips, but small vortices floating in the air. The remaining undead energy in the air disappeared in an instant as if it had been wiped out. Even after the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group teleported away, the pale golden vortex lasted for a full three seconds before gradually dissipating.

The ninth-level deceased reacted to the successive attacks and landed in the air, and then, different figures came quickly. There are headless knights, huge beings, and even a huge bone dragon whose whole body is made of dark blue bones. When they quickly gathered here, the remaining undead energy that was still huge began to dissipate quickly.

A being shrouded in black robes turned to the deceased who had previously attacked Long Dangdang and them, and uttered a hoarse voice, "Who is it?" When it slowly raised its head, there was a hint of ice-blue soul fire. It's beating violently.

"The demon hunting group is a demon hunting group. A group of not very strong demon hunters. They attacked us." There was surprise in the voice of the deceased.

"Isn't it strong? Where did the forbidden curse come from? Why was it not discovered before the forbidden curse broke out?" the lich asked coldly.

"I don't know. I didn't sense anything before. I didn't find any magic wave. When I discovered it, it was too late to stop it. I could only defend passively."

"It's strange!" the Headless Horseman said coldly: "We lost a lot of undead energy, as if it disappeared out of thin air. It seemed to be a devouring force."

The ninth-level deceased said: "Yes, it is a devouring force. It is a human being, and the power in him seems to come from the spiritual furnace. A very special kind of spiritual furnace that has never been seen before. It swallows our power." Devoured a lot.”

"Do you remember what those humans look like? What other characteristics do they have?" the Lich asked.

The ninth-level deceased said: "The human I attacked had the Holy Spirit Furnace, and he should be a knight, but he was wearing a magic robe. The strangest thing is that he only had sixth-level strength, and when he finally blocked me , but summoned a dragon, a dragon with three heads, and its body was covered with golden scales."

"Roar——, there is no such dragon clan." The dark blue bone dragon roared in a low voice.

The ninth-level deceased nodded and said solemnly: "I know, that's why I feel strange. There is no such giant dragon in my impression. But the dragon seems to be still young and not very strong, but when it hit me, it was very violent. .I'm sure I saw it right. Moreover, that human being is also very special. When I attacked him, his eyes suddenly turned purple-gold. At that moment, my soul seemed to be touched, and I couldn't connect with the attack. It was very difficult. Special, very special human beings. They must be found, and I feel the threat from them. A very troublesome threat."

"Find it out, you must find it out!"

"Demon hunters, the demon hunting group! We must find them."

"It's strange. They don't look like a demon hunting group, because they are not the six members of a normal human demon hunting group, but seven people."



Golden light flickered, and in the next moment, figures emerged quickly.

Long Kongkong's body shook, but the look in his eyes was full of excitement. The first time Long Dangdang was teleported back, his focus fell on his younger brother. He was surprised to find that Long Kongkong's eyes turned golden, and the original color on his chest The black vortex also turned into pale gold.

This is……

"Absorb quickly!" Ling Menglu immediately warned.

Everyone hurriedly sat down cross-legged around Long Kongkong. Long Kongkong also restrained his excitement. He has a big problem now. Although the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace helps him carry the undead energy, the filtering still needs to be completed by him. In other words, Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace cannot directly absorb the undead energy. It must be filtered by him and become life energy before it can be absorbed.

The energy devoured this time was too huge, especially the last one.

That's right, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace has evolved. After absorbing such a huge amount of energy, the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace evolved from the original second level to the third level. Coupled with the increase of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, the previous performance was the fourth level of power, which was swallowed up in one go. More undead energy. Such a huge amount of undead energy is definitely their biggest harvest in history.

Long Kongkong didn't dare to neglect, and quickly activated the spiritual furnace to filter and transform. To his surprise, with the evolution of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, its ability to filter energy has also been greatly enhanced.

Almost in the next moment, everyone felt an overwhelming energy injection from the Ascension Spirit Shield.

The rich and pure life energy even made it difficult for them to breathe. If the barrier hadn't been set up in the tent a long time ago, the outside world would have been able to feel such a huge energy fluctuation immediately.

It’s so enjoyable! This speed of improvement was something none of them had ever experienced. For a time, everyone's heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit, and they went all out to absorb this life energy to enhance their inner spiritual power.

Even Long Dangdang did not expect that they could bring back so much energy this time, so that by the next morning, their spiritual power gradually became saturated.

Yue Li, Ling Menglu and Tao Linlin were fine without cultivating blood alchemy bodies. Although they also dabbled in the Blood Alchemy Body, none of them had more than a thousand. not affected. But when Long Dangdang, Ming Xi and Wang Changxin's internal spiritual power increased to the same intensity as the external spiritual power, they could no longer absorb it.

However, even Yue Li and the three of them, after their spiritual power increased to a certain level, could no longer continue upward and reached a bottleneck.

The harvest this time was really great. Although everyone still felt a little regretful, they were more ecstatic.

The inner spiritual powers of Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, Yue Li, and Tao Linlin have all reached the peak of the sixth level. Wang Changxin's internal spiritual power has been improved to about level six and eight. Because the external spiritual power has not reached a higher level, it cannot continue to improve. Ming Xi is worse. Although she has been practicing hard on her external spiritual power, the improvement speed of her blood alchemy body only accelerated after she got the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, so her external spiritual power has not yet caught up with her internal spiritual power. At least, some want to cry but have no tears. The inner spiritual power has not improved much.

Everyone has finished practicing, but Long Kongkong's transformation continues...

The rest of the spiritual power that no one can absorb will naturally belong to Canghai.

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