Walking into the Chinese army tent, Long Dangdang first felt the solemn atmosphere, as if there was an invisible pressure permeating the air. There were no soldiers guarding the tent. At this time, a dozen people could be seen standing in front of the left wall, looking at a huge map. The location of Jiyang City and the federal army camp can be clearly seen on the map, and many purple areas are marked on it, which should be areas where undead creatures are located.

Long Dangdang's mental power is very strong, and he can roughly tell the location of these areas just by looking at it. Among them, the areas where the undead creatures are located, marked on the map, are larger than the areas they wanted to explore before. Much more extensive.

It seemed that they had not sensed their arrival. The dozen or so people gathered in front of the map were still discussing something. Even from a distance, Long Dangdang could feel the powerful aura released by these people.

If Long Dangdang's spiritual power fluctuates like stars shining, then the auras of these people are like suns blooming with blazing brilliance. With so many powerful beings here, there is indeed no need for any soldiers to guard them.

Among these people, there was a group of aura in the innermost part that was particularly powerful. Long Dangdang's perception had just touched it, and he immediately felt as if his mental power had been melted. He was so frightened that he took back his mental perception in an instant. . What kind of powerful cultivation is this, so strong.

"Commander, I brought him here." Yan Xingci led Long Dangdang towards the group of people and said naturally.

Only then did everyone turn their attention. Because there were so many people, Long Dangdang’s first impression was that they were all middle-aged people. Among them, there was only one figure who looked youthful and beautiful. It was a young girl with a vigorous appearance and a very good appearance.

This girl is wearing silver-white light armor. Her long hair is pulled up into a high ponytail. She has a tall and slender figure, about 1.75 meters tall. Her long legs are particularly eye-catching. She looks like she is twenty-four or five years old, but her aura is... Extremely strong.

The most eye-catching thing is the middle-aged man who almost melted Long Dangdang's mental perception before. He is tall and burly, nearly two meters tall. His appearance cannot be said to be handsome, but he has a somewhat simple taste and his eyes are peaceful. , but it is so profound that it makes people tremble, as if it contains the universe and stars. He was not wearing any armor, but was wearing moon-white uniforms. Among all the powerful men, he looked like stars holding the moon. His short black hair stood up like steel needles. If you had to let Long Dangdang describe him, perhaps the four words "mountainous" would be the most suitable.

Yan Xingci walked forward with Long Dangdang, bowed slightly, and performed a magician salute. He did not belong to the military and did not need a military salute.

Long Dangdang also immediately made a knight's salute with his right fist across his chest.

When Yan Xingci called out the word "marshal", Long Dangdang already knew who the man in front of him was. Ling Menglu had already given him some popular science. The commander-in-chief of this federal army comes from the Knights Temple, one of the six major temples of the Knights Temple, and one of the three dragon knights of the Knights Temple. In the Knights Temple, his status is second only to the hall master, and he is revered as the Great Bright Dragon Knight. At the same time, this person also controls the God of Doom and Killing Seal Throne among the six sacred thrones of the Knights Temple. The Knight Saint The Knight of the Seal of the Temple of Judgment and Judgment.

Each of these titles represents the pinnacle of the world, and he is indeed one of the most powerful people in the entire human world. This legend of the generation is named Xi Che.

In the entire federal military, almost all the top leaders come from the Six Temples, and the military bosses are naturally the top experts in the Six Temples. Xi Che's status in the military is unassailable among the top three. He has been serving in the military since he was young, representing the Knights Temple. With his ability, he has improved step by step and won a statue. With the blessing of the Holy Dragon of Light, the contract was successful. Eventually he became the Great Light Dragon Knight, received a large amount of resources from the Knights Temple, and finally achieved his current status.

Xi Che's actual age is over sixty years old, but for a strong man of the level of the Divine Seal Knight, sixty years old is just the right age. He himself is one of the mainstays of the Knights Temple, known as The next in line to succeed the Lord of the Knights Temple. After all, the Master of the Knights Temple and the Master of the Temple are already very old.

Xi Che stared at Long Dangdang, and Long Dangdang suddenly felt a familiar aura, which made him feel a little close to him. Under Xi Che's gaze, he did not feel like he was being seen through. Instead, he felt a sense of comfort as the spring breeze blew on his face, and even the tension in his heart disappeared a bit.

Is this the closeness between dragon knights? Long Dangdang immediately had this idea in his mind.

Xi Che smiled slightly and said, "Long Dang Dang, come forward."

At this time, all the military leaders were looking at Long Dangdang with some curiosity. They were also surprised by Marshal Xi Che's affinity towards the young man in front of him. You know, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, this knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment has always been known for his majesty and justice. Especially the heroic girl looked at Long Dangdang with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Long Dangdang strode forward and came to the front of the military bosses.

Marshal Xi Che glanced at him and smiled: "Tell me, how did you do it? You know, you have stirred a hornet's nest this time. This time the undead army attacked nearly ten It only recedes after hours.”

Long Dangdang's heart trembled and he said: "Reporting to the marshal, we have been on the front line for a short time. We took over the task of the demon hunting group, and then went to the area where the undead creatures were to conduct inspection. When we conducted the inspection for the first time, we found some undead. When we explored the area where creatures gathered, we were attacked by high-level powerful men and had to use the teleportation scroll to return to the station. After resting, we made a second exploration and targeted the area where we had previously found a large number of undead creatures. In the valley. I cast the eighth-level forbidden curse elemental fury. I have a spiritual furnace that can cast the delayed release ability. After releasing the forbidden curse into the valley, we retreated again with the teleportation scroll. We were resting after we came back. Supervisor Yan announced today, Only then did we know that it triggered the attack of the undead army."

When he heard him speak frankly about releasing the forbidden curse in the valley where undead creatures were stationed, all the military bosses couldn't help but look at him with suspicion. The eighth-level forbidden spell cannot be easily released by even the ninth-level expert. What's more, it can be successfully performed without being discovered by undead creatures. This Long Dangdang information has already been placed on their desks. At the age of less than seventeen, he ranked among the top three in the Demon Hunting Group's trials, with both knighthood and magic skills. This can no longer be viewed with normal eyes.

Listening to Long Dangdang's concise but not arrogant answer, Xi Zui nodded slightly and said: "Do you know that the undead army's offensive this time was unprecedented? There were even more than ten ninth-level undead creatures, some of whom were before us. It’s something you’ve never seen before. After you released the forbidden curse, did you find any important figures in the undead army that you killed?”

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Probably not. The forbidden spell we cast is not yet mature, and its power should be limited. It will not be too lethal to undead creatures above the seventh level."

Xi Che glanced at Long Dangdang thoughtfully, then suddenly turned to the others and said, "Everyone, please go back and rest first. I want to talk to this little guy alone."

All the high-ranking military officials saluted him and then exited the tent. Before the girl left, she looked at Long Dangdang a few more times with great interest.

"Let's go." Xi Che smiled and scolded the girl. The girl pursed her red lips at him and snorted before walking out. From the slight similarity in their eyebrows, it can be seen that this girl should be somewhat related to the marshal.

Xi Che turned to look at Yan Xingci beside him, "Xingci, you should go first."

"Marshal, everything Dangdang has done is completely in line with the mission requirements of the Demon Hunting Group." Yan Xingci said.

Xi Che nodded and said, "I know, I don't mean to blame him, but there are some things that need to be understood from him alone."

"Okay." Yan Xingci saluted him, gave Long Dangdang a reassuring look, and then left quickly.

Watching Yan Xingci leave, Xi Che stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "Has your horse dragon been exposed?"

"Ah?" Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, but he reacted the next moment, "You know?"

Xi Che frowned slightly and looked at him and said, "Other than that, I can't think of why the undead army suddenly became so crazy and clamored for us to hand you over."

For this second person in the Knights Temple, the real military boss knew that he owned three golden dragon mounts. Long Dangdang was not surprised at all. After all, this was the real high-ranking person in the Knights Temple, and the Dragon Knight was The importance of the Knights Temple can be imagined.

"At that time, we were attacked by the ninth-level dead. In order to protect me, Xiaoba broke away from the contract space. It was indeed seen." Long Dangdang said honestly. He did not say that Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace Things were something he could bear, but he didn't want his younger brother to face them.

"You! You are still too young. Isn't your brother's teacher Na Ye? Now you should learn more from him. Before you become truly powerful, having too powerful a talent is a source of danger. You are only sixteen years old, and your future is limitless. Although judging from your information, you are already very mature and steady in your work, but this is not enough. If you want to become the mainstay of our Knight Temple, you need to be more steady. . Although meritorious service is important, there are still many opportunities for you to make achievements in the future, so you can’t rush it, do you understand?”

"Yes. It's my fault. I caused you trouble." Long Dangdang lowered his head and said.

Xi Che shook his head and said: "It's not about trouble, we are fighting against the Kingdom of the Undead. Their hysterical attack method is actually beneficial to us, because their losses will be greater. But I'm worried The most important thing is your safety. Undead creatures are pervasive. Before you have enough ability to protect yourself, you may face danger at any time. Go back and take your demon hunting group mates with you. I will arrange for you to pass through the teleportation array directly. Return. After you go back, live in the temple headquarters, and don’t leave the Holy City for the time being. Only in the Holy City can your safety be guaranteed. Work hard to improve yourself, and there are many opportunities to make contributions. Wait until you truly become a dragon. Only when you become a knight, or even a divine knight, can you better fight against undead creatures and contribute to all mankind."

Long Dangdang had already anticipated this result, what else could he say? I can only nod in agreement.

Xi Che's expression softened a bit and he said, "Speaking of which, I'm also very curious about your dragon mount. Can you let me see the unprecedented three-headed golden dragon?"

Long Dangdang was stunned, but still nodded and opened his contract space out of thin air.

The golden light flashed, and Xiaoba's three big heads poked out one after another, and then squeezed out of the contract space. When they saw Long Dangdang, the three big heads immediately came over and rubbed against him, full of intimacy.

Long Dangdang was stroking its big head, but Marshal Xi Che's eyes were already filled with brilliance. He is a dragon knight himself and is very familiar with the dragon's aura. He could clearly feel the dragon bloodline fluctuations in Xiaoba's body. Especially the different properties. There is also the purity and power of Xiaoba's bloodline. At this moment, he can be completely sure that the giant dragon in front of him is indeed the true descendant of the Dragon Queen.

A white door of light opened silently behind Xi Che. A slim figure walked out from inside. It was a woman who looked about thirty years old and was wearing a white dress. She has a slender figure, beautiful appearance, and an indescribable elegance.

At this time, when she saw Xiaoba, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, "It is really His Majesty's blood. How is this possible! I have long heard that my aunt is pregnant, but the pregnancy It has not been born for many years. I didn’t expect that His Majesty would let him conclude a contract with humans. This, this shouldn’t be the case!”

"Nan Xun, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this woman, Xi Che's voice suddenly became gentler.

Wei Nanxun shook his head and said: "You don't understand. Although the golden dragon bloodline is noble, it is extremely difficult to give birth to offspring. Almost all golden dragons in the past generations are single generations. In other words, this little guy should be the future heir to the Dragon King, the descendant of our Dragon Clan. Patriarch. How can it be possible to easily conclude a contract with humans? Moreover, and moreover, this is still a blood contract?" When she said the last two words, her eyes widened. When she looked at Long Dangdang, she had clearly carried a few... Both fierce and unbelievable.

Xiaoba seemed to feel that Long Dangdang was threatened, and immediately raised his three big heads and looked at Wei Nanxun with some vigilance.

Wei Nanxun stepped forward quickly, raised his hand and pointed towards Long Dangdang. In an instant, light comes!

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