Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 278 Overall improvement

Days seemed to have returned to normal before they knew it. Long Dangdang and his friends moved to the temple headquarters. The Demon Hunting Group headquarters gave them an exclusive area to live in, at least in name.

Others spent more time practicing blood alchemy, while Long Dangdang was working hard to provide spiritual power for the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace through meditation. With the assistance of Long Kongkong, his progress is quite good. Although it cannot be improved as fast as when he swallowed life energy, it is at least much faster than practitioners of the same level.

Relatively speaking, Long Kongkong became the one doing nothing. In addition to meditating with everyone every night, he spends more time on falling in love. Hepburn happened to not go to work during this period, so he helped Hepburn in the chop shop all day long. His energy and energy were different, and he looked happy all day long.

There is no news about the situation on the front line of Jiyang City, and the news is still blocked. The people of the Holy City are living as usual, and they have no idea that there is a huge threat from the Kingdom of the Undead that may threaten the survival of mankind at any time.

Long Dangdang inquired about the news on the front line, and what he got was that the front line was stalemate, and neither side had excessive attacks or other progress.

The three teachers, Gou Knight, Mang Knight and Wind Listener, had all returned to the temple headquarters to give the brothers some pointers. These three were also extremely surprised at the speed of their progress. However, it was still a pity for them that Long Dangdang was restricted due to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Long Dangdang did not explain how he would repair the spiritual furnace.

Long Kongkong's progress greatly surprised Gou Knight. He really didn't expect that his lazy apprentice would already be at the sixth level. When he tested Long Kongkong's innate spiritual power, he was even more shocked. Long Kongkong's innate inner spiritual power is already ninety, and it is not weaker than Long Dangdang at all.

You know, what does it mean to be able to reach ninety? This means that Long Kongkong's innate inner spiritual power is not brought about by the master-servant contract. Because the master-servant contract can only bring half of the increase in the stronger party's innate spiritual power to the weaker party. Being able to reach the same level means that these ninety points of innate spiritual power belong to Long Kongkong himself.

Undoubtedly, the evolution of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace has also greatly improved Long Kongkong's innate qualifications.

Three months passed unknowingly, and Hepburn had already devoted herself to her work. When she first arrived, she was very busy with work, and the time she spent with Long Kongkong became shorter. This made Long Kongkong a little depressed. However, his inner spiritual power has reached the peak of the sixth level through continuous cultivation. In just three months, he caught up with the others.

Except for Ming Xi, the inner spiritual power of the other six members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group has reached the peak of the sixth level. But no one made a breakthrough.

Going from level six to level seven is an important threshold, the only way to become a high-level professional, and it is also a very important step. Everyone is a genius who came out of Linglu Academy, and they all have learned a lot. At the peak of the sixth level, it must be suppressed.

As for Ming Xi, in the past three months, almost most of his energy has been focused on practicing blood alchemy. I have to say that it is really scary when a woman gets violent. What's more, with the cultivation of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, there is no need to worry about the side effects of the Blood Alchemy Body. Her progress is also quite fast, and she has finally gradually cultivated the Blood Alchemy Body to the sixth level. Of course, you still need to keep working hard if you want to catch up with your peers.

With the assistance of the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace, the Blood Alchemy Body became much easier. At the same time, another benefit brought to them by the Blood Alchemy Body finally came.

The news that one can obtain innate skills by absorbing the blood of the same type of monster through the blood alchemy method was finally released by the Knights Temple. At the same time, Long Dangdang and the others also received meritorious rewards from the Knights Temple. Long Dangdang directly exchanged it for the Demon Hunter Merit.

With the merits they have accumulated now, they are fully qualified to be promoted to the commander-level demon hunting group. But Long Dangdang did not do so after getting the consent of his partners.

The Demonic Realm is the best way to unlock the merits of a demon hunter.

"Mom and dad will be coming over soon, right?" Long Kongkong stretched out and ended his night of meditation. The feeling of clarity in body and mind was really refreshing. Everyone else went to wash up. He and Long Dangdang had already finished washing up and were ready to have breakfast.

"Well, it should be soon. Last time, I said that my father had some official duties that he couldn't get away from. According to the news he brought back last time, it should be within the last one or two weeks." Long Dangdang said.

They couldn't leave the Holy City easily, but it was true that they hadn't seen their parents for a long time, so they directly contacted their families in Tenglong City through the Temple Headquarters. Invite parents to come to the holy city for a reunion. But because my father has been promoted to the master of the branch hall of Pastor Tenglongcheng, there are some delays because of his busy schedule. But it should be coming soon.

"Are you entering the Demon Realm this afternoon?" Long Kongkong said.

Long Dangdang nodded, "Everyone has accumulated enough, and it's time to break through to the seventh level. I'm also going to use this time to enter the demon realm a few more times, and try to help Canghai accumulate more spiritual power. As the spiritual power increases, Recovery: He has now partially repaired it. Especially since the sea has basically recovered. There should be no waste this time. When the time comes, let go and devour it."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "No wonder you haven't been in a hurry. It turned out that you were waiting for him to repair the sea. It also requires so much meritorious deeds at one time. It really shouldn't be wasted at all! After entering the Demon Realm today, I'm going to go there tomorrow I picked up Sister Hepburn at her place of work. She said before that she wouldn’t let me go until she was on probation, but now that she has become a full-time employee, I couldn’t help it. She must let her colleagues see what a handsome and outstanding boyfriend she has. , to save them from taking advantage of my goddess."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "I didn't expect that you are still a lover. Ever since you got a girlfriend, it's been her all day long. I don't even think about my mother anymore."

Long Kongkong snorted and said: "Don't sow discord! Of course I miss my mother the most. If my mother sees that I have found such a beautiful daughter-in-law for her, it will be too late to be happy. But you, you and me What does my cousin say? I don’t care about your progress. You just know how to practice all day long, and you don’t spend much time with your cousin.”

Long Dangdang glanced at him in surprise. Is this what his playful and smiling brother could say? Have you grown up since you got a girlfriend?

"By the way, brother, have you ever held my cousin's hand?" Long Kongkong suddenly lowered his voice and asked mysteriously.

Long Dangdang glared at him, "What dirty thoughts are in your mind?"

Long Kongkong Heihe smiled and said: "Why is holding hands so dirty? You must have never held hands before, right? I'm talking about non-combat conditions, daily holding hands! It seems that you are really not good at this! Let me tell you , the feeling of holding little hands is really beautiful! There is a sense of blood connection, the two people are integrated, and even the heartbeat can be felt more clearly. It's so good."

Long Dangdang didn't want to pay attention to him and strode away.

After breakfast, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group reunited. Come to the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group together.

They had already agreed that they would enter the Demon Realm today. One was to try to break through to the seventh level, and the other was to absorb spiritual power for Long Dangdang's Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

After painfully paying seven thousand meritorious deeds, everyone was once again transported to a world full of darkness and fire.

Feeling the somewhat depressing air, Long Kongkong couldn't help but feel a little excited. Now, his Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace has been promoted to the third level, and with Yu Tong, it will be the fourth level. After advancing, he had not tried how fast it would be to swallow life energy, and he really felt impatient at this time.

The bright white halo on Long Dangdang's chest flashed, and the sea appeared out of thin air. In a flash, he came behind Long Kongkong. After absorbing more than 30,000 spiritual powers, he looked a little clearer when he transformed into a human form. The pure white spiritual furnace floated in front of him, white and full.

"Here we come." Ling Menglu pointed her staff toward the ground and began to carve out the magic circle. In fact, with Long Kongkong around, she didn't need the spirit-gathering magic circle. It was enough to use the magic circle to enhance the spiritual strength to help her friends prepare for treatment.

This was not the first time for everyone to come to the Demon Realm, and they seemed to be calm and at ease.

Yue Li, Taolin Lin, and Long Kongkong were guarded in the middle. Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu stood side by side. Wang Changxin and Ming Xi were a little further back.

Long Kongkong said carelessly: "I can handle these small fish and shrimps by myself."

At the beginning, when he first became a member of the Demon Hunting Group, he was undoubtedly the most inconspicuous one. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a drag. But as time goes by, as the role of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace becomes more and more obvious, his spiritual treasure has become an indispensable part of the entire team. In terms of importance, it is even no less important than Long Dangdang and Ling Meng was exposed.

Especially his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, because it has been used so many times, it evolves very quickly and is now at the third level. The third level of the core spiritual furnace greatly improved Long Kongkong's abilities in all aspects. The important role in the team can be said to be rising in a straight line. You know, he now also has two wisdom spiritual furnaces. The Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace is the most powerful auxiliary spiritual furnace in the contemporary era, and the Starlight Spiritual Furnace is one of the twelve watchers in the past, and there is no major damage to it. The combination of the two greatly enhanced Long Kongkong's strength.

In the distance, a large number of double-sword demons rushed towards them with a fierce aura. Although I haven't been here for a while, everything still seems so familiar.

Long Kongkong sat down directly on the spot, and a dark blue circle of light quietly appeared on his chest. Under the dark blue halo, his handsome face looked a little more mysterious and a little more noble. The next moment, strips of black light floated out, rising in the wind and expanding outward in an instant.

It was also the Tianyuan realm, and there seemed to be some differences between what he had achieved under Yu Tong's increase and what he had achieved on his own. The power of the domain is not only related to the spiritual furnace, but also closely related to his cultivation.

Each black light band was more than ten meters long, rippling outwards and suddenly forming a black hole with a diameter of more than thirty meters.

When those low-level double-sword demons rushed into this range, their bodies would actually accelerate on their own, and they would fly directly into the black light strips like moths to a flame, and then their bodies would Silently turned into powder.

The dark blue halo on Long Kongkong's chest became brighter, and the long hair on the back of his head became more powerful, while the original mysterious aura.

The twin-sword demons were annihilated one after another like moths flying into the flame, not even leaving their corpses. All the demonic life energy in them was swallowed into the abyss.

At this time, Long Kongkong's internal and external spiritual power had reached the peak of the sixth level. In terms of pure cultivation, he had already caught up with Long Dangdang. The oppressive force when this field unfolded made others wonder. Is he actually so much stronger? You know, Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace has not taken action yet.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking in one direction, and several green figures suddenly rose up, holding up the huge sickle-like forelimbs in their hands, and went straight to Long Kongkong's direction to chop them down.

Long Kongkong's Tianyuan realm seemed to have eyes, and strips of dark and ink-like light swept up, wrapping their bodies directly in the air.

In the past, the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace could only devour and continuously weaken the enemy, but it could not stop the enemy's attacks. But at this time, the Tianyuan realm seemed to have taken on a physical form, and it actually directly imprisoned those green double-sword demons in mid-air.

The emerald green shell of the green double-sword demon began to change color visibly to the naked eye. It gradually lost its luster from the original green color, and then turned gray. The aura on its body dissipated rapidly, until it also turned into dust and fell. The whole process only takes about ten seconds.

You know, the green double-sword demon is also comparable to the strength of a fifth-level human professional! In front of Long Kongkong's Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace, he was not even qualified to take action.

A large amount of life spiritual energy first poured into Long Kongkong's body, and Long Kongkong poured it behind him without hesitation. Water-like ripples rippled in front of Canghai, like a bottomless abyss, absorbing these external energies.

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