Long Dangdang never expected that his brother's breakthrough would actually teleport them to a place besieged by an army of undead. All this was simply unbelievable to him. But now was not the time to think too much. He subconsciously wanted to release his clones to help him perform magic. But he soon discovered that in this world, there seemed to be no way to release his clone.

Why is this happening? Long Dangdang's expression was somewhat frozen. Everything here was too strange and strange to him. Could it be that my bloodline and that of my younger brother have anything to do with this world? However, even your mysterious purple-gold color does not have the slightest aura of the undead.

There was no time to think about it, so Long Dangdang could only start chanting the spell by himself. All the elements in this plane were very thin. Relatively speaking, only the dark elements were relatively strong.

Dark purple light surged on the surface of the Chaos Staff. While the enemy was still far away, Long Dangdang chanted this magic longer.

At this moment, pieces of green cloud-like existence floated towards him in the sky.

Dragon Dangdang is no stranger to this kind of undead creature, Wraith! At least a fifth-level resentful spirit.

Without him needing to say anything else, Xiaoba beside him had already stood up, and his three big heads pointed towards the sky at the same time with a deafening dragon roar.

There were countless vengeful spirits in that large, large area of ​​green light, which made people's scalp numb. However, in the sound of Xiao Ba's dragon roar, the large and large green areas fell towards the ground. The forbidden air was actually effective against them.

Long Dangdang's spirit perked up, and his eyes became more focused. After chanting the spell, he pointed the Chaos Staff toward the sky. Suddenly, a large dark purple halo spread forward.

The dark elements in the air poured into the dark purple halo, causing it to grow rapidly, and soon formed a dark purple cloud. Terrifying energy reverberated in the air, and bits and pieces of dark purple liquid fell from the sky.

Rain of Corrosion.

This is a large-scale sixth-level dark magic. In this world rich in dark elements, its power is doubled. Coupled with the blessing of the Chaos Staff in Long Dangdang's hand and the golden robe on his body, the power of this magic is no less than that of the seventh level.

Large amounts of corrosive rain fell from the sky, falling on the middle and low-level undead creatures, and smoke suddenly continued to rise.

The undead would not scream, but they could see their bodies decaying and falling to the ground under the influence of the rain of corrosion. The smoke that rises seems to be their own undead energy. As their bodies are destroyed, the undead energy rises and seems to be integrated with the world.

Long Dangdang also had some strange feelings when he was performing magic. He found that in this world, his strength seemed to have become stronger. Both his mental and physical strength seemed to be much stronger than before. This plane clearly does not have any rich elemental fluctuations, but the purple-gold light that is always emitting from his body seems to be absorbing some special energy from the air and integrating it into himself, thereby transforming it into the elemental power he needs. .

The resentful spirit that landed on the ground did not stop, but floated forward close to the ground, approaching quickly. The rain of corrosion lasts for a long time, and the middle and low-level undead creatures are contained to a certain extent. But Long Dangdang had also seen that the larger undead creatures had rushed up from behind. They even trampled the bodies of the undead creatures in front of them and rushed towards him. They were even more emitting... With a permeating breath.

The most eye-catching ones are the sturdy skeletons that are more than three meters tall rushing in front. Magic of the level of Corrosive Rain will also produce destructive power when it falls on them, making smoke rise from them, but these big skeletons They have bone shields in their hands. They put the shields above their heads to block most of the corrosive rain. Although they will still be hurt, it does not affect their rapid approach.

In the distance, there were still huge roars. There was no doubt that there were more powerful undead creatures rushing towards them in the distance.

If he and his brother hadn't been at the temple headquarters earlier, Long Dangdang would have suspected that the two brothers were forcibly teleported here by the Kingdom of the Undead. But the situation before us is unprecedentedly severe.

Looking at the purple-gold light shining on his body, Long Dangdang kept chanting spells in his mouth, and the intermediate dark magic that could be released quickly was released one by one, shrouding the undead creatures in the direction of them, trying to block their progress as much as possible.

The only hope in his heart now is that this teleportation is only related to their bloodline, and once his brother breaks through, they can return normally. Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before it is destroyed.

Xiaoba kept spitting dragon flames down the mountain, killing the undead creatures that tried to rush up. Magic was obviously most effective at this time. Long Dangdang kept releasing dark magic one after another, from The dark magic learned from the teacher Wu Di came in handy at this time. A large number of undead creatures were constantly being destroyed and broken, but there would only be more undead creatures rushing up from behind.

"Buzz--" Xiao Xie's huge eyes burst out with an invisible halo, sweeping away a group of resentful spirits that were approaching.

More powerful undead creatures have appeared, loaded among the skeletons and zombies. Some huge skeletons with a height of more than five meters and black bones are rushing towards them quickly. Their bodies can even resist the invasion of the rain of corrosion. In order to speed up the pace. , and even wave the bone knife in his hand to smash the undead creatures in front of him.

Long Dangdang's low- and mid-level magic was of little use to them, and he relied on his body's strength to carry them forward and crush them.

The earthy yellow light shimmered under Long Dangdang's feet, and the mountain walls around the cave entrance began to change under the influence of the earth element he controlled. The rocks protruded outward, making the climbing angle difficult. As undead creatures begin to approach, stone thorns will suddenly emerge from the mountain, knocking these undead creatures down. And once there are undead creatures that can fly, they will be greeted by Xiaoba's Forbidden Sky Dragon Roar.

There are more and more undead creatures in the distance, but for the time being, Long Dangdang can still support it.

In the cave, Long Kongkong's body was constantly flashing with a purple-gold halo. Since arriving here, his body has been continuously absorbing a strange energy in the air.

Long Kongkong also knew that he was teleported to another place. He didn't understand why he was teleported, but he had already finished the assessment of Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace. What he feels now is that his body is undergoing a strange mutation. This is the first time that he has felt the power of the purple-gold bloodline so clearly and for a long time. The energy of this bloodline is constantly changing in the body, blending with the bones, meridians, and even the sea of ​​spirit of his body, as if his body is undergoing a strange fusion with this power, allowing him to The most painful thing is that during this fusion process, various negative emotions continue to arise in his heart, such as hatred, severe pain, madness, destruction, and killing. All kinds of negative emotions are constantly tumbling, as if everything around him wants to be destroyed. Similar.

Fortunately, there seemed to be a warm force nourishing him in his chest, allowing him to keep his heart while enduring the pain. In his consciousness, there was always that golden figure soothing his heart and suppressing all kinds of negative emotions. Sometimes the golden figure is Yutong, and sometimes it seems to overlap with Hepburn's figure.

No matter what kind of negative emotions he has, as long as he thinks of them, his heart can still remain firm. But his people are constantly being reborn in the process.

In a flash, the door of space quietly opened beside him, and the fat rat king emerged from it.

At this time, the Rat King did not show any ill intentions, nor did he try to use his ability to devour the world to determine the bloodline again. There was only fear in a pair of small eyes.

It stared at Long Kongkong beside it in horror, and there was even a feeling of shock deep in its eyes.

As a being that once dominated a world, at this time, it clearly felt unparalleled fear and depression. The purple-gold color emanating from Long Kongkong's body even made him feel that the creatures from that world he had swallowed were nothing at all. It finally understood why after signing the blood contract, it had never been able to defeat the guy in front of it in terms of blood. Because their bloodline levels are no longer on the same level at all! It doesn't even know how high his bloodline level is. At least it's something I can't even imagine.

The purple-gold color on Long Kongkong's body became more and more intense, and the thin film that had previously firmly suppressed him from breaking through was beginning to loosen. The purple-gold color around Long Kongkong's body continued to thicken, and the looming There are still lights and shadows flickering. In the air, a large amount of alien energy is being continuously devoured and absorbed by it. The undead energy rushing like a tidal wave continued to disintegrate as he absorbed it.

The Rat King was affected by the blood contract, and the surface of its body began to emit a little purple-gold halo. It did not resist, but silently felt these changes. Its body size did not increase, but it was accompanied by the flow of the purple-gold halo. , the breath is getting stronger and stronger. It has a vague feeling that if it can continue to evolve with Long Kongkong, then one day, it can even surpass the previous level.

"Boom!" A low roar came from outside, followed by the muffled roar of the dragon.

Outside the cave. A fat body with unparalleled impact force slammed into the entrance of the cave just a moment ago. Completely smash the probe that Long Dangdang condensed with earth elements.

Long Dangdang and Xiaoba fought with all their strength and barely managed to repel it, but they were also knocked into the hole.

The plump figure spun in the air, and his right arm suddenly swung out, and a huge hook that looked like it was shining with metallic luster was thrown out and hung right at the entrance of the hole. The next moment, the plump body took advantage of the momentum and soared into the sky. He rushed towards the entrance of the cave again.

This kind of undead creature Long Dangdang has been seen before. Saw it at Jiyang Camp. Hate! A powerful undead creature comparable to an eighth-level professional.

They exuded a putrid smell and were highly toxic. Their fat bodies were as high as ten meters away. The collision just now caused Long Dangdang to almost spit out blood. If it hadn't been for the instant activation of the Soul Breathing Furnace, turning the moment into eternity, thereby greatly reducing the opponent's impact, I'm afraid the opponent would have rushed in at that moment.

The bright red lotus sword light burst out, and the crazy killing aura of Shura Red Lotus intertwined into a large net in the air, cutting up crazily.

Abomination's body is so huge that it can't dodge at all. It didn't dodge, it just flicked the huge hook in its hand. The chain rushed forward, the giant hook swept across, and went straight towards the dragon to strike away.

Shura Red Lotus' sword light fell on the hook and bounced away, leaving only some cutting marks on it.

"Bang!" A huge golden tail swept over and collided with the hook. Under the collision, Xiaoba let out a cry of pain, but a pair of sharp claws grabbed the abomination's body and twisted it suddenly. , three big heads spit out dragon flames at close range.

In terms of physical strength, Xiaoba is not inferior to Hatred. As a descendant of the Dragon Queen, its instantaneous explosion is extremely astonishing.

Shura's red lotus sword light suddenly converged in the direction of Long Dangdang, white light flickered in the Dantian, and all the sword light suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it had turned into a dark red blood sword and flashed forward.

Eternal compression, instant bloom! The power of Shura's Red Lotus Sword almost tripled instantly during compression.

This was the first time Long Dangdang tried to use it, and when he thrust out the sword, he even felt a strong sense of catharsis.

"Poof!" The dark red Shura Red Lotus Sword completely penetrated into Hatred's fat body without reservation. The pale white spiritual energy that had just erupted from its body resisted the dragon's roar, but it was completely unable to resist the sword thrust, and its body was penetrated directly.

The next moment, little red lights began to appear on the surface of its body. Immediately afterwards, thousands of sword lights burst out from its body, cutting its fat and huge body into countless pieces. Burned under the dragon's flames.

Long Dangdang was panting heavily. The sudden explosion just now put a huge load on himself. But along with this outburst, he gained a deeper understanding of the eternity of the Eternal Soul Breathing Furnace. This is the power of the Watcher!

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