Speaking of Qin Yutong, as early as more than 20 years ago, her reputation in Linglu Academy was even far higher than that of Zisang Liuying and Ling Menglu now. Of that generation, she was definitely the one who swept the entire generation.

The Qin family is a large family affiliated with the Knights Temple. One of the six major temples in the Knights Temple now belongs to the Qin family.

When Qin Yutong was just born, she showed amazing affinity with light. The innate spiritual power is as high as eighty-five. You know, that was just after birth, and the innate inner spiritual power will not be finalized until about six years old. Not surprisingly, she will definitely become a genius.

But she is a girl after all, and she is the only girl in the family. After discussion, and the fact that the Priest Temple knew about the existence of this little genius early on, it gave extremely high conditions. In the end, the Qin family decided to The little princess in the family was sent to the priest's temple to study.

When she was young, Qin Yutong showed what a genius should be like. She could do whatever she learned, and her cultivation improved rapidly. Her innate spiritual power was over ninety. While she was extremely talented, she was also diligent and studious, and was deeply loved by her teachers. their love.

But I don’t know when she started to gradually show some characteristics of the knight family.

As a genius and beautiful, it is normal for him to be ostracized when most of the colleges in the Priest Temple lineage are female. Generally speaking, as long as you continue to show your talents, by a certain time, these will not be problems. But Qin Yutong never knew what tolerance meant. At home, her brothers always gave in to her.

Then she got into a fight. Then..., I never fought.

Priests really have no means of attack, especially when they are low-level priests.

Qin Yutong's strength began to be stimulated from this. She first found her teacher and asked to drop out of school and change careers.

Yes, turn professional. What is the use of a priest? Can't beat others in a fight? It's obvious that my spiritual power is much higher than that of my classmates, but when it comes to fighting, I'm still like the girls who grab their hair and tear their clothes. How can this be okay? She was going to transfer to the Academy of the Knights Temple to retrain as a knight.

Her attitude was very resolute, and even Qin Jia couldn't do anything about it. Who allowed the little princess to be pampered at home?

How could the Priest Temple be willing to give up such a good talent? What's more, a lot of resources have been spent before. So, the Priest Temple thought about it again and again, and finally came up with a plan. Who says priests can't fight? In the priest lineage, there is a special way of practice, that is, the discipline priest. A priest who focuses on fighting.

When her teachers wanted to come, Qin Yutong was furious for a while, and she could just wait for a while. But who would have thought that when this man embarked on the road of discipline priest, he would get out of control on this road.

In just three months, she beat up the classmates who bullied her. A big win. This allowed her to build more confidence and began to delve into the mysteries of the Discipline Priest. You must know that there are only a few discipline priests in the entire priest temple, and they are all middle and low-level existences. Therefore, when she practiced to a certain level, she found that there seemed to be no real way to the saint level for the discipline priests. Some of the experiences left by her predecessors seemed inconsistent with the direction she hoped for.

What is a genius? Genius is the ability to do what others cannot, and to do it when others think it is impossible, and still do it. Qin Yutong belongs to this kind of person. No inheritance? Then just create a legacy yourself. Ever since, she began to intensively study the various inheritances of the Priest Temple, and at the same time, she also incorporated some of the inheritance of the Knight Temple into it, creating a unique path for the Discipline Priest. At the beginning, her family was extremely opposed to her practicing this discipline priest. Even if you like actual combat, why don't you go back to the Knights Temple? But Qin Yutong is also stubborn, so she decided to take this path.

What no one expected was that this road was still open to her. She was admitted to the Spiritual Furnace Academy as a Discipline Priest, and after entering the Spiritual Furnace Academy, she quickly killed everyone. With her incomparable strength, she defeated Tongji. The name of the Fiery King was also gained at that time.

Ling Feng and Zou Qingyun were both classmates of her generation. The difference is that Zou Qingyun was once full of yearning and admiration for the powerful Fiery King. In a sense, he was even Qin Yutong's fan at one time and even secretly wrote love letters. Then, after being severely beaten by Qin Yutong, he realized that he was not the one who could conquer the Fiery King. From then on, he embarked on the road of hard work and finally became a Dharma God.

Compared with Zou Qingyun, Ling Feng is different. Not only is he the same generation as Qin Yutong, but he is also in the same class! The difference is that Ling Feng is an orthodox priest with a family background. Not only is he handsome, but his family is powerful. He is very popular among the pastoral community where there are few boys, and is deeply loved by the female classmates in the class.

In Qin Yutong's eyes, men practicing as priests are pretty boys, which is her least favorite type. In Lingfeng's eyes, Qin Yutong had gone completely astray and didn't look like a priest at all. It can be said that the two of them dislike each other. Originally, it was just a simple and ordinary relationship between classmates.

But as the saying goes, fate plays tricks on people, that is, these two classmates who were not expected to have much development came together in an accident. That accident was very simple to say, even a little cliché. In the graduation exam of their generation's Spirit Furnace Academy, they were pulled into the actual battlefield. Of course, the entire actual combat was illusory, just like when Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang, and Long Kongkong cast the forbidden spell at the expense of themselves. Same.

During that test, what Ling Feng saw was that even the knights and warriors were retreating steadily, but Qin Yutong was still at the forefront, resisting like a mainstay in front of the huge undead army. The enemy, who were like a tidal wave, knew that they might die in battle, but they did not retreat at all, which aroused everyone's bloodshed and clung to the dangerous pass.

In the end, she managed to hold on, but she was already seriously injured and dying, and even the priests' treatment had no effect on her. It really hurts the origin, even the spiritual sea is about to be broken.

At this time, Ling Feng stood up. He chose the most powerful method of a priest to cast healing magic. With his sixth-level cultivation, he directly activated a healing magic close to ninth level, just like Ling Menglu had cast in the canyon. It’s the same when it comes to Praise of Light. The price paid was naturally to sacrifice oneself and burn an epic piece of equipment inherited from the family.

If this were a real battlefield, this would be a passionate and tragic story.

However, this is not a real battlefield after all! Therefore, after the assessment was over, there was no doubt that Qin Yutong graduated from Linglu Academy with first place honors. Ling Feng, who sacrificed his life to cure Qin Yutong and elicited an angelic blessing close to the level of forbidden spells, also became the second place.

Life is no problem, but the epic equipment burned in the illusory space cannot come back. Ling Feng was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do. Who knew it was a simulated battlefield?

Just when he was about to leave the academy and embark on his own path in life, Qin Yutong found him.

The first thing Qin Yutong said to him was, it turns out you are a real man. Although it was a simulated battlefield, I accepted it.

In that battle, Qin Yutong's unmoving figure in front of the tide of thousands of undead also left a deep impression on Ling Feng. He did not mention his epic equipment, but just told Qin Yutong that she was alive. It will be humanity's hope against the undead army, and it will be more useful than living alone.

The second thing Qin Yutong said was, you are the first man who is willing to die for me. Please be my husband from now on.

Ling Feng was stunned. What was going on? Then he became even more stupid. He was directly forcibly kissed by Qin Yutong.

It became simple later. Ling Feng also tried to resist, but later found that he couldn't resist at all. How could he, a weak priest, resist a discipline priest who was stronger than a knight? Then she was brought to the old man, and Qin Yutong proposed marriage to the Ling family openly. Although she is not a bride-in-law, the initiative is firmly in the hands of the fiery king.

Then, Ling Feng became the son-in-law of the Qin family and the husband of the fiery king. The envy of countless people. It wasn't until the actual wedding day that he suddenly realized why he was so secretly happy? It was a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, so he didn't resist. Well, he obeyed.

Then, there was Ling Menglu. There is no doubt that Ling Menglu has such an outstanding super talent, not only because of the Ling family bloodline, but also because of the powerful talent of Qin Yutong, her own mother!

In the Ling family, the status of sister-in-law Qin Yutong must be higher than that of her eldest brother. Second only to the old man. However, Qin Yutong also knows what to do. She doesn't care about the Ling family's affairs and has no intention of becoming the mistress. He only cultivates himself, but Ling Feng's younger brothers and sisters are absolutely convinced of this sister-in-law.

Among Ling Feng's generation, Qin Yutong is one of the best at crushing her peers. She is the only Saint in this generation. Yes, the Sanctuary! At the age of thirty-three, she was already a saint. The last person with such a talent can be traced back to the Dragon Knight of the Temple of Knights, that is, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of Jiyang Camp, known as the Dragon Knight of Great Light, the God of Judgment and Judgment, Knight Xi On Che.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Qin Yutong is definitely a top-notch existence at the level of ninth-level powerhouses, especially among the younger generation of ninth-level powerhouses. How could she be polite when facing Zou Qingyun.

Zou Qingyun had actually not seen Qin Yutong for a long time. He originally thought that he was now a ninth-level Dharma God, and that he would be able to talk to her as an equal even if he faced his former eldest sister. But when Qin Yutong really lost his temper, he found that he was no different from when he was beaten. Not to mention resisting, he didn't dare to say a word. Moreover, doesn’t he feel embarrassed and see that her husband is also afraid to fart?

Qin Yutong looked at Long Dangdang now and liked him as much as she liked. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked in surprise: "Dangdang! Just now I saw you released the Adamantine Base. Are you already an Adamantine Base warrior? How old are you this year?"

Long Dangdang said: "Yes, aunt, I just got it not long ago. I am two years younger than Monroe."

This time, let alone Qin Yutong, even Zou Qingyun's eyes widened instantly, and even Ling Feng's expression showed a bit of shock.

You know, Qin Yutong and Ling Feng both have a super genius daughter. All along, in their hearts, their daughters are the top geniuses, unparalleled.

But what did they just hear? Adamantine Pedestal Knight? Moreover, they are all ninth-level powerhouses, so how can they not see the extraordinary quality of that fine gold base. Long Dangdang is two years younger than Ling Menglu! What does the adamantine base mean? Eighth level?

How old is Ling Menglu this year? So how old is he? An adamantine pedestal knight who is less than twenty years old?

Zou Qingyun knew Ling Menglu’s age! At this time, he couldn't help but open his mouth. Knight Temple, is there another monster? I don’t think I’ve heard of it before!

An Adamantine Pedestal Knight who is less than twenty years old, has this ever appeared in the history of the Knights Temple?

Regardless of these things, at least I can be sure that this kid must be the treasure of the Knights Temple! Well, that's fine too. Zou Qingyun was determined that if he could escape, the monk could not escape from the temple. You kid took away my spiritual furnace. If he doesn't come out yet, he can go to the Knights Temple to get it! For such a genius, the Knights Temple would never default on its debt, right?

"Good guy, you are really good! Isn't this a bit more powerful than my Monroe? No wonder Monroe chose to form a team of demon hunters with you. You are really discerning and better than me." Qin Yutong He said with a smile.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched at the side. Is this a prodigal woman so shameless as an uncle?

What? Do you mean questioning? That's really not true.

Long Dangdang said: "Auntie, I'm really sorry about what happened today. I really didn't know that the space elf would be directly integrated into my body, and I really can't take it out now. And this senior's spiritual furnace, I also I can’t take it out. It seems to have been forcibly fused by the space elves. Senior, what do you think you should do about this?"

Zou Qingyun was finally able to speak, barely resisting Qin Yutong's scorching gaze, and said: "If you can't take it out, let your Knight Temple compensate for this."

Long Dangdang coughed and said: "Senior, actually, I am not only from the Knights Temple, but also from our Magic Temple. My teacher is the God of Witchcraft and Tragedy."

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