Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 323 Don’t bully young people into poverty

Seeing the seven dragons lined up in a row, the formation was actually a bit oppressive. Especially the way the seven people chanted the spell together. The sound of the spell was ups and downs, and the elemental fluctuations in the air began to increase in an instant, condensing rapidly in the direction of Long Dangdang.

What surprised Na Ye the most was that the bodies of the seven dragons lined up appeared to be very transparent and elemental! That's right, it's the elemental body. Is this guy at level seven? How did he reach the seventh level? Could it be said that he has already repaired the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace?

impossible! How long has it been since then? Where did he get so much spiritual power to inject into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace?

Just when Ye Lengshen was doing it, the suction that had been blocked by his shield suddenly increased sharply, and the absorption in the area became concentrated on himself. The powerful suction was even unable to protect even the epic shield. The spiritual energy in his body began to pour out rapidly. While his spiritual power was pouring out, the bodies of the seven dragons Dangdang on the other side all became brighter.

With the Tianyuan Realm locked, the natural transformation of the Abyss Touch is extremely smooth, not to mention that Naye is still in a state of unconsciousness. The touch of the abyss does not mean that the Tianyuan domain changes from a range to a single entity, but under the action of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, it directly upgrades the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace from the third level to the fourth level. The improvement can definitely be achieved by geometric multiples. describe.

Even the body protection at the level of Linggang and Domain cannot completely block it after being stuck by the touch of the abyss.

"Good boy!" Na Ye snorted, sliding down, his body suddenly accelerated, and his whole person became illusory.

He knew very well what the two boys Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong wanted to do. Long Dangdang's chanting of magic spells to set up the formation was to force him to attack proactively, and the two of them would never be separated easily. If you take the initiative to attack, take the initiative to attack. Even if you are a Gou Knight, you are still a Holy Knight! Are you still afraid of these two little things?

Na Ye knew that Long Dang should be a disciple of Wu Di. Under the guidance of Wu Di, coupled with his seven attributes, it would really be a bit troublesome to use fusion magic. The arena is so big, and he can't escape. He's being attacked intensively. There's no problem in resisting him, but it's also embarrassing! There were two delinquent middle-aged men watching next to him.

Na Ye suddenly accelerated, and the illusory figure seemed to have dozens of him at the same time, making it impossible to tell which one was the real Gou Knight. The seven dragons chanted incantations unchanged, and the magic elements were still condensing rapidly.

Hai Jifeng curled his lips and said, "It's just flashy, these two guys need to suffer a little loss."

The seven dragons were chanting spells. No matter how gorgeous they looked, they were just appearances. Facing the truly strong, these have no big effect at all.

Just as he was speaking, the figures of dozens of knights quickly surrounded him. One of the figures quietly touched Long Kongkong directly.

The real threat to Gou Knight was not the magic brought by the seven dragons, but Long Kongkong's suddenly strengthened abyss touch. The devouring effect of the Touch of the Abyss was super strong, although Na Ye doubted why this kid could withstand so much spiritual energy impact absorbed from his body. But what he fears most about his fighting method is the constant consumption of himself. Moreover, Long Dangdang is wearing a fine gold base armor, so he cannot be solved quickly. He must first deal with the boy Long Kongkong, and then turn to deal with Long Dangdang.

Without any warning, Long Kongkong suddenly felt a strong suction force coming from behind him, causing his body to fall backwards. Na Ye's true body has quietly appeared ten meters behind him, and a strong suction force is generated on the surface of the shield in his hand. You suck my spiritual power, and I will suck your body directly.

Suddenly, Long Kongkong's body was pulled directly by him like a baby swallow falling into his arms.

Whether it was Zi Tianwu or Hai Jifeng, their first reaction when they saw this scene was, it's over!

If a person is directly controlled by a holy knight, the battle is obviously over! The only chance that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong have is the tacit cooperation between the twins. Even Long Dangdang has broken through to the seventh level, but that is still the seventh level, and Na Ye is a ninth level holy knight. Standing there and letting the dragon hit you might not be able to break the defense. Naye is known for his footwork and defense.

However, at this moment, they suddenly noticed that Na Ye's expression changed.

The reason why Na Ye's expression changed was because he suddenly saw Long Kongkong, who was being pulled over by him, with a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. He was obviously under his control, what was this kid laughing about?

As a Gou Knight, no one has a stronger sense of crisis than him. When he realized something was wrong, he immediately interrupted the shield's pull on Long Kongkong. Then prepare to run away.

However, all this happened too fast. When he realized something was wrong, Long Kongkong was only two or three meters away from him.

Then he saw a ball of white-gold light suddenly burst out from Long Kongkong's body. Naye felt a strong sadness suddenly rush into his mind, and all his movements slowed down. And at this moment, with a flash of silver light, Long Dangdang appeared behind him. It is the newly acquired teleportation ability of the spiritual furnace that is so far away.

The two brothers worked in tandem and completed the pincer attack on Naye. A milky white halo suddenly appeared on his body, and Naye's movements became sluggish as sadness surged in his heart. The Light and Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace that broke through to the second level reached the third level with the increase of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace. This is a third-order wisdom spiritual furnace at the level of the Twelve Watchers! With powerful time control, even the Holy Knight became much slower at this moment.

At this time, Long Kongkong already had a thick white-gold armor on his body. His action was very simple. He hugged the shield in Na Ye's hand with a big hug. At the same time, the light on his armor shone brightly, and Na Ye felt that the devouring power acting on him instantly tripled.

I go! The furnace of light! Spiritual energy burning!

Yes, the spiritual burning effect of the Light Furnace directly acts on the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, causing the devouring power of the Abyss Touch to increase instantly.

At the same time, among the clones of the dragon chanting the spell, the spells chanted by the four clones of water, fire, earth, and wind have been completed, and a four-color halo directly passed through the dragon that had been connected to Naye with the Holy Spiritual Furnace. Dangdang's ontology was passed on.

Na Ye only felt that his body was empty, and his own light attribute had briefly collapsed.

The Judgment of Light in Long Dangdang's hand was raised high, and bright red rays of light burst out from his vest. At the same time, golden light burst out from under Long Dangdang, and a golden beam of light went from bottom to top, completely covering Na Ye's body. Cut!

Facing the crisis, Naye, as a Gou knight, reacted very quickly. He reacted with the spiritual power in his body at the first moment. The orange-red light of the shield in his hand shined brightly, and the powerful shock force burst out, and he was about to He knocked the dragon Kongkong in front of him away first. Then he turned around to deal with Long Dangdang.

In his memory, among the two brothers, Long Dangdang was definitely the biggest threat, and his disciple was too similar to him and had no offensive power.

However, inertial thinking kills people! Just as he activated it, the white-gold light of the fine gold base armor on Long Kongkong's body shone brightly, and behind him, a giant face appeared, with a deep look of sadness appearing on the somewhat blurry giant face. Not only that, but also deep fear. Na Ye, who had just broken free, was once again pulled into sadness and fear. When this giant face appeared, the orange-red light on the surface of Na Ye's shield instantly attenuated, and was actually suppressed. He was killed by Long Kongkong. In arms.

Equipment suppression! immortal! I go!

Na Ye cursed in his heart, but the element stripping had already acted on him, and the Holy Inquisitor beneath him even impacted his people and floated into the air. Floating in the air meant that he couldn't use his sliding step. Without the light element, he couldn't use the light jump. But at this moment, he instantly activated his own domain, a domain that only ninth-level holy knights could possess.

With his body as the center, everything within a three-meter radius became illusory, and various attacks on him came out one after another. Only the devouring touch of the abyss remained.

Realm, nothingness!

Immune to all physical damage and energy damage, the only disadvantage is that you cannot actively attack in this state, otherwise you will be released from the void realm state.

This is Gou Knight's special skill. He can stand in the forest of holy knights and claims safety first. This field of nothingness can be said to be the strongest life-saving skill.

"Kill -" However, at this moment, with the loud roar of Long Dangdang, the fine gold base armor on his body completely turned into blood red, and even his eyes turned into blood red, and there was a piercing sound. Pi's murderous intent burst out of him instantly. Behind the scenes, the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace bloomed with unparalleled dazzling light, turning into a shocking killing intent that flashed out.

"I..." In the state of nothingness, Naye wanted to leave the battlefield, but he found that his realm of nothingness could block energy supply and physical attacks. However, the fear and sadness rising in his heart were amplifying, and just then At this moment, the killing intent that erupted from the front made the fear in his heart rise to its peak.

Moreover, there is another flaw in the void state. Others can be void, but equipment cannot. His epic shield has fallen into Long Kongkong's hands. Facing that shocking red light, he really didn't dare to bet on whether he could bear it in this state.

The figure flickered, and the illusory figure solidified again. Another shield appeared in Naye's hand, and it also emitted the same orange-red brilliance. There was only a loud "dang" sound. The red light dissipated, and Long Dangdang retreated in response, but Na Ye also flew backwards and distanced himself.

Long Kongkong turned around and came to Long Dangdang's side. At the same time, he politely put the epic shield in his hand into the storage space. He looked at his teacher in shock and said, "Teacher, you are really good at it." Ah! There are actually two epic defensive shields."

Na Ye, who quickly retreated, looked really wonderful at this moment. He stared at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, "Both of you are fine gold?"

Yes, there is no doubt that the armor on Long Kongkong is also a fine gold base armor! As a holy knight, how could he not recognize this fine gold base? He was too familiar with this stuff. That is the head of thirty-six fine golds! It actually fell into the hands of his unlucky disciple. Is this because God has no eyes? how could it be possible!

Regardless of whether it was him or Hai Jifeng, they couldn't figure out why the head of the thirty-six fine gold pedestals fell into Long Kongkong's hands, even if they tried their best to think about it.

Looking at the two young men wearing fine gold bases at the same time, and looking at Naye who was forced back, even the realm was broken. The inner relaxation of the three delinquent middle-aged men was all gone at this moment.

Although there was only one head-on collision, from beginning to end, Naye, who was known for being slippery and slippery, was clearly arranged and did not take any advantage.

"You two guys are too insidious." Na Yedu gasped slightly, especially when he saw that the surface of the shield in his hand was actually rippling with circles of red ripples, and the orange-red originally released was suppressed and shrank inside the shield. , there are even light and shadow traces of cracks on the surface of the shield. The original epic breath cannot be released at all, and even the injection of his own spiritual power seems to have no effect.

If we say that Long Kongkong's explosion just now was only close to immortality. Then, he was absolutely sure that Long Dangdang had definitely reached the level of immortality just now. If your own epic shield is not blessed by your own spiritual gang, there may be a risk of damage. Are these two boys actually so powerful?

Long Dangdang raised the Judgment of Light in his hand, and the clones merged into his body and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a space door opened beside him and Long Kongkong.

Na Ye was panting, but they were not in a hurry. No matter how fast the recovery speed of the ninth-level knight was, it would definitely not be able to keep up with the devouring speed of the Touch of the Abyss. The longer the time, the more beneficial it would be for them.

The extremely fat rat king came out first. The last time Naye saw this big mouse, it was less than one-third of its current size. At this moment, the dark golden hair was smooth and smooth, and the body like a small hill was really unsightly. No matter how wretched it is, it's a bit scary.

The scene that shocked the three delinquent middle-aged men was yet to come. Five huge golden dragon heads squeezed out from the light door next to Long Dangdang. A huge figure that was thirty meters away came out brazenly. . It suddenly made the entire arena seem smaller.

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