Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 327 Extraterrestrial Strange Objects

With these thoughts in mind, Long Dangdang didn't even notice that the final bidding for Warcraft blood had ended.

The bidding for the blood of Warcraft is over, and the next step is the bidding for natural materials and earthly treasures.

The quality of today's bidding was obviously worse than yesterday's. These are some bidding techniques for auctions. On the first day, you must bring out more good things to attract the interest of bidders and at the same time build up the excitement. The second day will be relatively dull, and on the last day, All good things will appear.

The quality of the final major axis of Warcraft blood today is better than yesterday, but the previous one is a little weaker. When it comes to the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, the auction items are also relatively conventional. Long Dangdang and the others only made two bids for some medicine to restore spiritual power. For them, these drugs are just a little reserve. After all, with the spiritual treasure of Long Kongkong, most of the time, they don't need these pills. And after reaching the seventh level, everyone can rely on elemental bodies to restore spiritual power much faster than before.

It wasn't until the last lot of Tiancai Dibao appeared that everyone's interest was aroused again.

Huang Wei, the auctioneer from yesterday, was still on the stage. At this time, his expression was obviously a bit mysterious, and he said mysteriously: "Dear guests, what we are going to do next is today's Tiancai Dibao session. This is the last lot. This lot is very special, but it definitely has its reasons for being the final big axis. Please ask the staff to send it up."

Soon, a small cart was delivered to the stage. The items on the cart were isolated by a cover with a magic circle, but what could be seen was that the items inside should not be large in size, about the size of a person's head. It looks small, but you can vaguely see that there is a faint light shining inside.

"Hey." Long Kongkong blinked and subconsciously touched the top of his head.

"What's wrong?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong said: "My head is a little hot. I don't know why? When this thing was pushed out, it felt a little hot."

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the top of Long Kongkong's head. He was suddenly surprised to find that there was a faint light shining on the top of his head. It was a light golden light, which immediately illuminated his hair. of golden color.

"Are you okay?" Long Dangdang stood up and looked above his head carefully.

"It's okay! I just feel a little hot." Long Kongkong said.

Everyone else was also looking at the top of his head at this time. Ming Xi smiled and said, "Why does your hair look like it's on fire? Don't become bald, right?"

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes and said, "You hope I'll be better."

By this time, the cart had been pushed onto the stage, attracting everyone's attention.

Huang Wei still had a mysterious look on his face, walked to the front of the cart and said: "When introducing this lot to the distinguished guests, I want to let everyone feel its charm first." As he said that, he He raised his hand and pressed it on the cover. Suddenly, the isolation circle on the cover instantly converged.

And at the moment when the magic circle converged, the objects inside could be clearly seen. But just for a moment, everyone's sight was already filled with dazzling light.

A bright light instantly illuminated the entire interior of the auction house, and there seemed to be thousands of rays of light shooting out from the object. Even with Long Dangdang's eyesight, at that moment he could only vaguely see that it was something like a stone, and then his vision was filled with dazzling light.

But what shocked everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group even more was that the moment the isolation circle was opened, a strong golden light burst out from the top of Long Kongkong's head, and then, the five-cornered The star-shaped starlight spiritual furnace took the initiative to emerge from above his head, and then rushed outside.

"Hey -" Long Kongkong was startled and quickly went to control it.

And at this moment, in front of Long Dangdang, a light blue moonlight shot out, covering the starry spiritual furnace, shrouding it full of urgency in the moonlight, and condensing its aura.

Canghai stepped out of Long Dangdang's body and came to the starry spiritual furnace. The moonlight shrouded it, seeming to comfort it.

Long Kongkong looked confused, "What's going on?"

VIP private rooms have excellent isolation circles, and what happens in the room cannot be felt outside. But at this time, everyone looked at Long Kongkong in surprise. They didn't need to think about it to understand that the item being auctioned below should be related to Long Kongkong's starry spiritual furnace!

Auctioneer Huang Wei is still introducing, "The next item we are going to auction is a very strange extraterrestrial meteorite. The reason why we put it on the next big axis for bidding is because it contains a very huge amount of energy. ."

As he spoke, Huang Wei had already released the power of the magic circle again, covering up the light of the meteorite.

"This meteorite has been tested many times, and what can be determined is that it has a very huge energy. The energy should come from our unknown sky, but these energies are different from our spiritual power and are very strong. According to experts It is estimated that if someone can mobilize the energy contained in it and make it into an artifact, then it is likely to have power comparable to that of an artifact. Its total energy is no less than that of any artifact. The energy it contains passes through The test has confirmed that it is not harmful to humans, and all distinguished guests can bid with confidence. Although there is a certain degree of uncertainty about this item, its potential is huge. The starting price is 20 million gold coins, and each increase is not low. For half a million gold coins, start now."

It is obviously more appropriate to describe this extraterrestrial meteorite as an unknown strange object. It is also an item with uncertainty. And the starting price is very high.

The most attractive thing is undoubtedly the energy comparable to the level of artifacts. However, this is not a real artifact! It is also impossible for the artifact to appear on the auction block. Anyone with a discerning eye understands that no one has actually been able to apply the so-called energy comparable to that of an artifact. Otherwise, it would not have appeared here.

Therefore, when Huang Wei announced the start of the bidding, the scene fell into silence for a while. No one raised a sign to participate.

This is 20 million. Twenty million gold coins are enough to buy an epic piece of equipment. If you buy an existence full of uncertainty and energy, what's the use of taking it back? As a decoration?

Seeing that he was about to be silent, Huang Wei hurriedly said: "Dear guests, you must know that the probability of items with artifact-level energy appearing is extremely low. Once it can be applied, its value can increase a hundred times. Even if you specially ask for it, It’s worthwhile for people to do research, it just takes some time.”

Having said this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he saw a familiar number.

"Okay, our VIP in Box 16 has made a bid, 20 million! Is there a higher price?"

Hearing the words box number 16, the whole place suddenly became commotion. Compared with yesterday, Box 16 was obviously much quieter today. And at this time, is it finally time to take action? And it’s still such an unknown strange thing.

For a time, the interest of the bidders in this lot suddenly increased a bit. But it's only a slight improvement. After all, spending so much money to buy it back for research? Not many people are interested in this.

In Box 16, everyone was a little nervous. Long Dangdang's quotation just now was deliberately delayed in order to reduce competitors.

When Canghai settled on the Brilliant Starry Spiritual Furnace, everyone already understood that the unknown strange object outside was what the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace needed. Canghai told them that the unknown strange object should contain a very abundant amount of star power needed for the Starry Spiritual Furnace. The artifact-level energy Huang Wei said is true. This is the basic conduct of the auction. The effect of such majestic star power on the Brilliant Starry Spiritual Furnace can be imagined.

Since owning this spiritual furnace, Long Kongkong has used it more often and has never really charged it. The star power in the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace has been almost used up. I haven't found the right opportunity to recharge my batteries yet. According to what Cang Hai said before, he needs to go closer to the sky and try to absorb the power of the stars to replenish it.

It's really like someone would give you a pillow when you feel sleepy. Such a piece of ore is likely to be of great help to the Starry Spiritual Furnace. Canghai even told them that the formation of the Brilliant Starry Spiritual Furnace was probably related to this kind of extraterrestrial meteorite.

Then there is nothing to hesitate about, this is what must be won! You must know that the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace has a great effect on the entire team. The starlight baptizes and nourishes the moonlight, allowing everyone to practice the blood alchemy body without any worries, and the progress is much faster than normal practice. Strengthening the Starlight Spiritual Furnace is equivalent to strengthening the strength of the entire team. The most important reason why Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were able to defeat Mr. Hai Jifeng, the reckless knight, yesterday was because of that one-shot move. This watcher-level spiritual furnace can definitely greatly improve their overall strength.

"Twenty million, is there any higher price?" Huang Wei was still shouting, but no one bid.

Most bidders are curious about unknown objects, but that also depends on the price. If it's 20,000 gold coins, there will definitely be a lot of people willing to try it, even if it's just for collection. However, 20 million gold coins is too big a number, and not everyone is willing to bear it.

"Twenty million, the first time! Twenty million, the second time, twenty million gold coins, the third time! Deal! Congratulations to the distinguished guests in box 16."

The auction was successful and at the starting price.

Although it is still unknown how much help this extraterrestrial meteorite can bring to the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace, it is energy at the level of an artifact, and the help will definitely not be small.

Just this one thing is worth the price of admission.

Long Kongkong had already put the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace back into his body at this time, "Brother, I want to go back and give it a try first. The emotion that Starlight is conveying to me at this moment is particularly eager, and I can't wait."

Long Dangdang thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you and I will go get it first and accompany you back. Everyone, please continue to participate in the auction here. If you have anything suitable, feel free to buy it."

Ling Menglu nodded and said, "Do you need me to go back with you?"

Long Dang said: "You shouldn't need it. If you need it, I'll call you in the Ziling Crystal."

"Yeah, okay."

The two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong said goodbye to their friends, quietly left the box, and went to the large auction house to pay the fee. After discounts, it was actually more than 10 million gold coins. He took the meteorite with the magic circle seal and returned directly to the temple headquarters.

After returning to his residence, Long Kongkong couldn't wait to use it, but was stopped by Long Dangdang. He first opened the isolation circle in the training room to the maximum, and then took out the meteorite.

Long Dangdang invited Canghai out, and then invited Qingnan out as well. Please take charge of these two great watchmen. Then he nodded to Long Kongkong and said: "You release the starlight. Please come out too." After all, it is an unknown and strange object like a meteorite from outside the sky. Although the starlight spiritual furnace seems to be very emotional, it can be concluded that it is It's good for it, but it's better to be completely prepared.

"Okay!" Long Kongkong nodded. Before, he would have been dancing happily. But recently, my mood has indeed become worse.

Shenqi Yutong Spiritual Furnace appeared first, and Yutong turned into a golden figure and came to Long Kongkong's side.

Only then did Long Kongkong release the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace.

As soon as the five-pointed star-shaped starlight spiritual furnace appeared, the entire training room became brighter. In terms of brilliance, it definitely ranked first.

Long Kongkong now has four spiritual furnaces. In terms of personality, this wisdom spiritual furnace, which does not seem to have much spiritual wisdom, should be the highest, and even above the Shenqiyu Tong spiritual furnace. After all, it is the former twelve One of the Watchers.

Only then did Long Dangdang carefully take out the meteorite. Although it was still separated by a protective shield, the Starlight Spiritual Furnace seemed to have sensed its aura. The light it was emitting suddenly became stronger, and then it rushed directly in the direction of Long Dangdang.

"Wait... what... hurry..." A circle of white light bloomed, and suddenly, the starry spiritual furnace became sluggish.

Qingtanmantuo Lingtuo had a problem with it to begin with, so how could he let go of the opportunity for revenge at this time. As a second-level weapon, it has no problem controlling the first-level Starlight Spiritual Furnace. After all, both of them were the rare ones whose original spiritual furnaces at the Watcher level were not damaged.

Only then did Long Dangdang unlock the seal of the meteorite from outside the sky. Suddenly, the entire training room was filled with dazzling light.

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