Yan Yao strode into the classroom, and the originally silent Knight Class 1 suddenly became more audible. Except for Long Kongkong who was lying on the table, everyone else sat up straight unconsciously.

Yan Yao's eyes first glanced at the back row. After scanning Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, she said: "Today we have two new students in our class. Let's ask them to introduce themselves before class." As she spoke, her His eyes fell on Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang stood up and said, "My name is Long Dangdang, a fourth-level disciplinary knight." After that, he sat down.

Long Kongkong stood up lazily, "Long Kongkong, third-level guardian knight."

When they heard Long Dangdang's fourth level, many students in the Knight Class had already frowned. When they heard Long Kongkong's third level, there was a sudden noise.

"Can you enter the Spiritual Furnace Academy at the third level? You can't even get into the Temple Main Academy, right?"

"I hate people who come in through the back door and use special quotas. It will only lower our coefficient."

"Quiet!" Yan Yao said coldly, and the whole class fell into silence.

"Level does not represent all the strength. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, you were sent in without passing the assessment. It is inevitable that everyone will be dissatisfied. Today was originally a theoretical class, but we changed it to a practical class. As freshmen, although it is not an assessment, but I hope you can let everyone see your strength, which will be beneficial to your future study in the class and class unity."

Long Kongkong curled his lips, "You just don't like me. Yes, I was escorted in. I just like to see you look down on me but can't kill me."

As soon as he said this, the ten students in front looked back at him almost at the same time. Except for Mu Yi, who was still dull, the eyes of others were not so friendly.

Long Dangdang did not stop his younger brother. He knew that Kongkong's temper had already risen due to his inner dissatisfaction, and the more he stopped him at this time, it would only have the opposite effect.

Yan Yao said calmly: "You are thinking too much. Maybe everyone is not satisfied with your transfer, which will affect everyone's coefficient. But here, in terms of learning, everything is fair. The assessment for you today is also the assessment I gave them when they entered school. Passed the assessment. The assessment method is also very simple. You two brothers challenge me, and I will score you based on how long you persist and your performance in the battle."

As soon as these words came out, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were slightly startled. Aren't they fighting against other students? Fight directly with the teacher?

Yan Yao continued: "The lower grades of Linglu Academy respect strength. As long as you can prove your strength, no one will care about you if you walk around in the academy. You can enter the school in advance and skip a grade. It doesn't matter if you don't come to class. The premise is that you The strength is sufficient. It is a tradition here for students to challenge teachers. When all new students enter the school or when the new class teacher changes, the teacher must accept the challenge of the whole class. Half a year ago, they challenged me when they entered the school, and I had a total of I persisted for thirty-seven seconds. Today, you two brothers challenged me. As long as you persist for more than ten seconds, I believe I can get the recognition of the whole class."

Long Kongkong raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what if I don't hold on?"

Yan Yao looked at the thorny boy and said, "If you don't hold on, after three tests, I will give you another chance. If it still doesn't work, leave here."

Long Kongkong wanted to say something, but Long Dangdang held his shoulder. Long Dangdang smiled and said, "Good teacher, as long as it's fair."

Yan Yao nodded, "Follow me, Trial Ground No. 1."

As she spoke, she took the lead and walked out.

The other students got up one after another and walked out, but the monitor Jian Mu was half a step behind. When Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong caught up with him, he said: "Hold on for more than ten seconds, I will clean up today. If you can't hold on, you two come here .”

Long Dangdang said with a smile but not a smile: "Is this also a rule?"

Jian Mu snorted coldly, "Don't tell me I bullied you." After saying that, he strode out.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong walked at the back. Long Dangdang put his arms around Long Kongkong's shoulders and whispered a few words in his ear.

The corners of Long Kongkong's mouth turned up slightly, "Brother, you are really not a good person."

"Well, you're a good thing. I'm human."

"Bah, I'm not a thing either."

"No, you are nothing."

The No. 1 trial ground is not far from the first-grade teaching building. It is an open-air venue with a diameter of 100 meters. The venue is empty. The circular venue is like an ancient Colosseum. It is surrounded by very high walls. There are obvious signs on the walls. The magic runes are the same on the ground, and they should play a defensive role.

Entering the venue, Yan Yao stood in the center, while other students hid far away and stood in the corners. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stood thirty meters away from her.

Yan Yao looked at the two brothers, raised his right fist across his chest, performed a knight's salute, and said calmly: "Yan Yao, a seventh-level Templar, I don't need equipment. Next, it is your time to prove yourself."

Seventh-level Templar? Hearing these words, Long Kongkong couldn't help but take a breath. What is the concept of seventh level? If the total spiritual power exceeds 10,000 points, that is the seventh level. A seventh-level professional has high-end combat power. This beautiful teacher looks like she is in her twenties, but is she already a seventh-level professional? Thinking that he still had less than 500 spiritual powers, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva for a moment. This gap is really quite big!

Long Dangdang touched him, waking him up from the shock. They both crossed their right fists across their chests and performed the knight's salute.

"Start!" Yan Yao said nothing more and directly announced the start of the assessment.

Almost at the same time she shouted these two words, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong started moving at the same time. Long Kongkong jumped up directly, and Long Dangdang pushed hard, and he rushed out to the side. At the same time, Long Dangdang waved his right hand, and a ray of blue light fell on Long Kongkong, making his body weight seem to disappear. Driven by the blue light, he quickly flew to the side and behind, pulling away from Yan Kongkong. The distance between Yao.

At the same time, Long Dangdang himself also jumped up, leaping diagonally behind in the other direction, with a green light flashing on his body and a floating technique.

Come up and run! Spread out and run. Ten seconds is time, and they are two people. Wouldn't it be enough to buy more than ten seconds?

Yan Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a golden light suddenly shined from her body. The next moment, she rushed straight towards Long Kongkong like a ray of golden light.

When she used her strength, the charge was like lightning. She was in front of Long Kongkong almost instantly, and slapped Long Kongkong with one palm. The blazing light elements burst out like a blowout.

However, Yan Yao was surprised to see a smile on Long Kongkong's face. The next moment, she had to turn around suddenly.

In the distance, on the chest of Long Dangdang, who was running in the other direction, the light of the Holy Spirit Furnace shone, acting on her, forcibly attracting her attention.

Yan Yao snorted coldly and suddenly stood on the spot. A flash of light also appeared on her chest. A Holy Spiritual Stove that was obviously much larger than Long Dangdang but looked exactly the same appeared in front of her chest. On the Holy Spirit Stove As soon as the light flashed, a huge suction force acted on Long Dangdang.

Holy Spiritual Furnace, second-level evolutionary ability, traction!

Yes, she can't continue to attack Long Kongkong under the influence of Long Dangdang's Holy Spiritual Furnace. According to the brothers' ideas, the best situation is for her to turn around and chase Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang will use the acceleration of the wind element to deal with it, so he can naturally Got more time. But she didn't expect that she would use the spiritual furnace to break the spiritual furnace, and use the pulling method to pull the dragon that had hatred towards her towards her.

But at this moment, Long Dangdang did not panic. Golden light burst out from his eyes, and the elemental attribute had switched from the previous wind attribute to the light attribute. A heavy sword appeared in the palm, holding the sword with both hands, brilliant golden light burst out in the air.

Holy light! Under the bright light, the blade of the knight's sword burst out with a blazing golden light.

"Yaori Slash! No need to accumulate power, instant attack?" squad leader Jian Mu, who was watching the battle from a distance, shouted in a low voice.

Yes, under the influence of the sacred light, Long Dangdang's Sun Slash does not need to be charged. This is the advantage of the Magic Knight.

At the same time, everyone in the knight class looked at Yan Yao with wide eyes. Because, at this moment, behind Yan Yao, a figure actually took the initiative to stick to her.

Yes, with one glide, Long Kongkong rushed behind Yan Yao, and then he opened his arms and hugged Yan Yao's waist.

Let me go..., what kind of courage is this...

But Yan Yao's feeling at this time was completely different. The moment Long Kongkong came up to her, she felt a suction coming from behind her. She didn't pay attention at first. She knew it was Long Kongkong, but because Long Kongkong With level three strength, it is impossible to break through the spiritual defense of her body.

However, when Long Kongkong really came closer, she felt something was wrong. It was as if the spiritual power of his body protection had found an outlet, and was actually being swallowed and absorbed rapidly, yes, extremely fast. Even her movements became sluggish.

This is……

Long Kongkong's eyes have turned golden at this moment. He knows that with his strength, which is less than the fourth level, it is impossible to pose any threat to Yan Yao in the battle, so when Long Dangdang tells him He thought of this method when he caught his attention.

Yes, Yan Yao's strength is strong, but the biggest feature of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is that it can absorb and transform all spiritual power, and because of the filtering of the spiritual furnace itself, the impact on Long Kongkong is very small. It can also be used by him, part of it is transformed into itself, and part of it can be used directly.

At the moment when Yan Yao's body was sluggish, Long Dangdang's Yaori Slash had already arrived.

Yan Yao was worthy of being a Templar Knight with rich combat experience. She did not panic due to the sudden change. She suddenly stamped the ground with her right foot and ascended to the sky formation!

The dazzling golden light burst out from the ground. Long Kongkong behind her felt it immediately. He jumped up suddenly, and then instantly took out his shield from the space ring to protect himself. At the same time, he also swallowed the spiritual power he had just swallowed. All output is integrated into the shield.

With a "swish", Long Kongkong's body was impacted by the power of the Ascension Formation and flew out. Without any help, he actually completed a divine block with the help of his shield. In terms of survivability, who can compare with Gou Knight? That is the safest man in the knight world. Naturally, his disciples also received the true message.

Long Dangdang's Sunshine Slash struck the Ascension Formation, quickly breaking through the knight's primary skills, but he could also feel that his heavy sword seemed to be cutting into the mire. Significantly slower.

Yan Yao punched out and collided with his Yaori Slash.

There was a muffled sound. Long Dangdang flew out upside down, but Yan Yao actually swayed on the spot, and then took half a step back.

One went all out, while the other was devoured by a sneak attack and had a short period of spiritual power and responded hastily. This time, Yan Yao failed to gain the absolute upper hand.

The beautiful teacher was a little angry. Instead of chasing Long Dangdang, she turned around instantly, raised her palm like a knife, and took advantage of the moment when Long Dangdang lost contact with the Saint Spiritual Furnace because he was knocked away. The dragon was also knocked away in the air.

Long Kongkong's attention was very concentrated. He was already prepared the moment he was knocked away. At this time, he suddenly let go of the shield in his hand and stepped on the shield with his toes, completing the action of borrowing force. The next moment, relying on this short-term leverage, he flashed in the air and his body was split into two. The clone slides!

As a result, the light sword could no longer be locked and flew past the two figures. At the same time, a high-speed rotating cyclone flew past with the sound of howling wind. The Holy Spiritual Furnace was reconnected and came with the Wind Binding Technique.

This all happened very quickly, but six seconds had already passed.

Yan Yao's eyes were cold, and golden light burst out from her body, directly tearing the wind binding technique to pieces. However, she still did not pursue Long Dangdang. Instead, she suddenly took a step forward, made a lunge and crouched down, and hit hard with her right fist. on the ground.

At that moment, the light elements in the entire first trial ground seemed to be concentrated on her fist in an instant. Even Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace lost its ability to absorb the light elements at this moment.


The violent roar caused all the magic runes on the ground and the surrounding walls of the entire First Trial Field to burst into brilliant golden light.

At this moment, Long Dangdang even wanted to ask the teacher if she was from the same lineage as the Mang Knight? This is not a knight skill, but a warrior skill, seismic wave!

The huge concussive force swept out, covering almost the entire trial field. Whether it was Long Dangdang or Long Kongkong, they were unable to avoid it at this moment. Only a small area of ​​a group of other students in the distance was not affected by the earthquake wave. The control of this large-scale skill alone shows Yan Yao's extraordinary strength.

Long Kongkong's body was completely thrown into the air by the uncontrollable terrifying force, and his whole body even fell into a state of dizziness. Although Long Dangdang on the other side was better than him, he was also groggy and uncontrollable. The Holy Lotus Soul Furnace that protected his body activated itself and turned into a shield to protect him. However, the link to the Holy Spiritual Furnace was broken again.

Yan Yaosheng released the spirit furnace, and a ray of pulling light fell on Long Kongkong. She pulled him to her in almost an instant. With a press of her right hand, "Bang", she directly pulled the boy who dared to hug her before. He pinched his neck and rubbed it on the ground.

Nine seconds!

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