Zisang Liuying looked at Long Dangdang calmly walking out after winning the first game.

He won, and it seemed even more easy. Even though his opponent had an extremely powerful piece of equipment and could even cast eighth-level magic instantly, he actually won.

The mental shock interrupts the opponent's control of the eighth-level magic, causing the magic to explode in advance. And he actually had the ability to teleport. It was like a spiritual furnace that could teleport, and he actually rescued his opponent from the scope of the explosion. The entire battle only took a few seconds. It felt like an adult beating a child. More importantly, his expression never changed from beginning to end, as if everything was how it should be. Is he already so powerful? And these don't seem to be what he is originally good at in magic.

She had always known him to be an excellent knight and had seen him use magic. But she never thought that he could pose any threat to her in terms of magic. But this time, he came to participate in the inheritance competition of the Magic Temple. Moreover, he is already so powerful.

The master of the Magic Temple narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the old man sitting on his right: "Brother Zhou, what kind of spiritual furnace did the child use just now?"

The person on his right would definitely be recognized by Long Dangdang if he were here. Because this was Zhou Shuixi, the dean of the Spiritual Furnace Academy and ranked second among the six major temples of the Magic Temple.

Zhou Shuixi's own cultivation level is not as good as Wu Di's, and his strength is not second, but because of the special nature of Lingluo Academy, he ranks second. But many people within the Magic Temple regard Wuyi as the second temple.

Zhou Shuixi said: "If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the Tianya Spiritual Furnace very close by. However, it seems to be different. Can this child actually integrate the spiritual furnace of the space system? Emperor, your disciple is extraordinary! Back then, When he passed the exam as a demon hunter from Spirit Furnace Academy, he probably didn’t have the ability in this area.”

The space system is an extremely rare magic attribute, at least not among the high-level members of the Magic Temple today.

Wu Di frowned slightly and said, "I taught him nothing this kid used today. It seems that his evil eye has evolved to a very high level." What he saw was different from others, because he Know more about Long Dangdang.

The reason why Long Dangdang's mental shock was so powerful was that, in addition to the increase in mental power brought by the Chaos Staff and the Golden Robe, more importantly, the borrowing of the innate ability from the Evil Eye allowed the seventh-level Hu Ruiqiao was momentarily distracted. caused the situation just now.

You know, the magician itself is one of the most mentally powerful professions. Even if he can't withstand such a mental impact, it can only mean that the mental power exploded by Long Dangdang is strong enough.

Zhou Shuixi gave him a meaningful look and said, "This trick is effective on almost all magicians."

Wu Di smiled calmly and said: "This is just the beginning. Maybe my disciple will bring you some surprises."

The competition continued, but Long Dangdang did not stay in the training ground to continue watching other people's competitions, but chose to leave directly.

Watching him leave, Zisang Liuying couldn't help but frown, is this guy so arrogant? Don’t you even watch other people’s games? Yes, there are no matches for other seeded players today, so it’s normal not to watch them.

In fact, the reason why Long Dangdang did not continue watching was because he planned to save time and go back to practice. Ever since his parents were arrested, he had been filled with a sense of urgency and was unwilling to waste any time.

At the same time, he also needs to pay attention to the situation of the other two teammates competing today.

The six major temples were not allowed to watch the internal competitions, so Long Dangdang could only return to his residence to practice while waiting for news.

Soon, good news came to Taolinlin. He defeated his opponent in the first round. The demon-suppressing tree showed its power and defeated all the opponent's summoned beasts.

However, the bad news came immediately, Ming Xi lost. In the first round, he lost to a seventh-level assassin.

Except for the three of them, the other four are seeded players and do not need to participate.

The first round of the inheritance competition was also completed within one morning.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just cry." Long Kongkong said to Ming Xi with a smile.

Ming Xi rolled her eyes at him, but there was no sadness in her beautiful eyes, "Why should I be sad? I defeated him at level six and almost came back. What do I have to be sad about? Humph, wait for me Those who have reached the seventh level, wait until I reach the seventh level, hey, hey, hey!”

Listening to her series of hums, Long Kongkong couldn't help but said a little strangely: "How about waiting for you to reach the seventh level? Can you turn the world upside down?"

Ming Xi said angrily: "Yes, when I reach the seventh level, I will shake things up. Just wait. I will let you know how powerful I am then. I will press you to the ground and rub you. Do you believe it or not?" As he said this, he also Xiang Long Kongkong gestured with his small fist.

Long Kongkong said with a scared look on his face: "Oh, I'm so scared. Then I can't be my enemy anymore, so don't practice with me. I'm afraid of being rubbed!"

Ming Xi was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that her rapid improvement in cultivation was closely related to this guy. The expression on her face suddenly changed, she came closer and said with a shy look: "Brother Kongkong, I was wrong. We are Good friend. If you didn't have a girlfriend, everyone would want to be with you."

"Oh, let me go, I'm getting goosebumps." Long Kongkongfei also fled aside.

Yue Li asked Ming Xi curiously, "Xiao Xi, will there be anything different when you reach the seventh level?"

Ming Xi blinked his eyes and said: "If you can't say anything, the teacher won't let you say it. But at least after I reach the seventh level, I will not hold you back anymore. This inheritance competition is not good, and it is embarrassing for everyone. ."

Ling Menglu smiled and said: "We are a collective, why are we talking about this? No one has a step-by-step process. Don't be too hasty."

Ming Xi's eyes revealed a determined light, "Please believe me and wait for me to reach level seven. Level seven!"

Although everyone didn't know what she would be like after the seventh level, they could feel the determination she exuded at this time. Extremely determined and confident.

Long Dangdang said: "The first round is relatively easy. In the second round, the seeded players will enter the draw. Don't be careless. Judging from today's competition, I think this competition should have extraordinary significance. "

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

Long Dangdang recounted the situation of his opponent in today's match.

"The Yueyang Yujin staff is one-third of the Sanyang Kaitai artifact of our Magic Temple. It should also have a quasi-artifact, that is, the power of immortal-level equipment. This can solidify eighth-level magic. Although it can only cast Once, but it is also a very terrifying existence." Yue Li watched Long Dangdang's battle at that time, and she knew much more about the internal situation of the Magic Temple than Long Dangdang.

"It must be extraordinary for the Holy Temple to lend this kind of equipment to its disciples for the competition. The inheritance competition must be extraordinary." Ling Menglu said thoughtfully.

Long Dang said: "Grandpa didn't tell you anything?"

Ling Menglu shook her head and said: "I didn't ask, and grandpa didn't say anything. I just told you to work harder and strive for good results."

Long Kongkong said: "Of course I have nothing to say to my cousin. My cousin is the appointed champion of the Priest Temple."

Ling Menglu said: "It's hard to say. The contestants this time can almost be said to be the strongest under the age of thirty. I don't dare to say that they will definitely make it to the end. Anyway, everyone should be more cautious and don't use it when necessary. There are too many reservations. Kong Kong, you have to be careful. Shi Zeyu of the Knight Temple is very strong. The Shi family is the top family in the entire temple. Today, Kong Kong’s opponent’s teacher, the Magic Temple controls three The Shixing Dharma God of the Yang Kaitai Staff is also a member of the Shi family. At the same time, it spans the two major temples of knights and magic, and it is the only family that owns the temple. Shi Zeyu himself is also a member of the Jinjin Foundation He is a knight. He disappeared for a few years before, and he should have gone to retreat to practice. Before disappearing, he was already the leader of the king-level demon hunting group."

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang, "If I had known you, I would have stopped going to the Magic Temple. It would be great if we could secure a Knight Temple champion."

Long Dangdang said: "Don't underestimate yourself. If you can't beat me, I may not be able to beat you. Use your own advantages and believe in yourself."

Long Kongkong blinked. He was actually more unconfident about himself, but even so, he could feel that his current self was completely different from his previous self. However, this time he didn't have his brother standing in front of him, so he was still a little panicked.

"Everyone should practice separately first. Kong Kong, let's go, let's go to sparring. Let's meditate together in the evening."

The six major temples are conducting inheritance competitions internally, but the outside world knows nothing about it. Even the federal government does not know that the Six Temples are doing such an important thing. Those who can participate in this competition are undoubtedly the true cores of the six major temples.

Early the next morning, the competition continues, and this time, except for Ming Xi, who has been eliminated, the other six members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group will step onto the field.

Long Dangdang and Yue Li came to the Magic Temple together. Yue Li clasped his hands together and kept mumbling something.

"What's wrong? Are you nervous, senior?" This was the first time Long Dangdang saw her like this.

Yue Li chuckled lightly and said: "I'm not nervous, I'm just playing. I must not draw you in the lottery! I also want to enter the top six with you."

Long Dangdang couldn't help but laugh, "Then you should wait until I meet other seeds, and when I eliminate them, I can smooth the way forward for you."

Yue Li's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "It is indeed a good idea, then I will pray again. However, it is better not to meet Zi Sang, she is really difficult to deal with."

At the age of twenty-two, Zisan Liuying was able to overtake Tongji and become the first seed player in the Magic Temple. This shows what level of recognition she has reached within the Magic Temple. In the future, she will definitely be a strong contender for the master of the Magic Temple. She has entered the seventh level, but it has been a long time, and she has been sharpening and improving. No one knows how strong she is now.

Just when Long Dangdang and the others were preparing to draw lots, Long Kongkong also came to the competition area of ​​the Knights Temple.

After yesterday's round of eliminations, plus the six seeded players who just started the competition today. There are still more than thirty contestants in the Knights Temple.

Long Kongkong counted on his fingers. It would take about five rounds to decide the winner of the Knights Temple side, which is to complete the ranking of the Knights Temple side.

He looked around and saw no one he knew. And as young as he is, not many people notice him. He simply found a corner and waited.

Soon, the five referees from the Knights Temple entered the scene.

"The six seeded players will enter and draw lots." The six seeded players will be drawn first, and the probability of being drawn by each other will undoubtedly be the smallest. This reduces the chances of them running into each other. This will allow more seeded players to represent their temple and achieve good results in the finals of the six temple inheritance competitions.

When Long Kongkong heard the name of the seed player, he walked over leisurely.

He saw Shi Zeyu at a glance, not because he knew him, but because when Zeyu came out, the other knights would take the initiative to get out of the way.

Shi Zeyu wore a silver-white outfit and did not wear armor directly. He was tall and handsome, and always had a warm smile on his face. From him, Long Kongkong could faintly feel the pressure. He has the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, and his perception of spiritual power is very keen. There is no doubt that the level of the other party's spiritual power must be higher than his own.

Shi Zeyu naturally walked to the first one to draw lots. The others also lined up separately. The front seemed a bit crowded, and Long Kongkong naturally fell behind.

"No. 1 seed, Shi Zeyu, draw number 16." Shi Zeyu was the first to complete the draw.

Number 16 means that his opponent will be number 15. At this time, many people were already praying not to touch him.

Just like the No. 1 seed in the Priest Temple is undoubtedly Ling Menglu, the No. 1 seed in the Magic Temple is definitely Zi Sang Liuying. Shi Zeyu is also recognized as the inevitable No. 1 seed by the Knights Temple. No one wants to meet him prematurely. For the participating knights, entering the top six is ​​the most important thing. If you enter the top six, you will almost certainly be a backup candidate for the future temple, and you will also have the opportunity to participate in the finals.

"The second seed draws lots, where is the second seed Long Kongkong? Where is he?" the referee shouted in a deep voice.

Long Kongkong, this name is not familiar to most knights. Only those who are demon hunters themselves have a vague impression of him.

"Referee, I'm here. Come on, everyone, give way! Thank you, thank you so much." Long Kongkong then stepped forward quickly with a smile.

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