Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 347 Co-resonance Dragon Language Singing

Long Dangdang, with golden light shining in his eyes, raised the Chaos Staff in his hand. His magic was already chanting before, but now he was speeding it up in several ways at the same time.

The flames had reached three meters in front of him, but they slowed down unconsciously, because in front of the "six" dragons, there seemed to be an invisible barrier blocking the flames, preventing them from moving forward.

At this moment, the spell of the fire magician on the opposite side was still continuing. This time, nine blue fireballs condensed in front of him. He is not only a magician who specializes in fire, he is even more specialized in the magic of exploding fireballs. It is precisely because of this new path that he, who was originally not very talented, has come step by step to where he is now. He has a far better understanding of explosive fireballs than ordinary fire magicians, and he believes that developing it to the extreme will be enough to make him the best in the world.

He never thought that three bursting fireballs would be able to defeat his opponent, but the next nine-star bursting fireballs were his trump card. This was a magic that could burst out close to the peak power of the seventh level in an instant. What was even more terrifying was that , the actual combat speed of this magic is only one-third of that of ordinary seventh-level magic. Before participating in this inheritance competition, he had been specially recruited by the military to join the military's magician corps, and was given a high salary because of the practicality of his explosive fireball.

However, at this moment, he seemed to hear a strange hum, yes, a hum that made his heart tremble. There seemed to be a giant dragon singing, making an excited dragon roar.

The next moment, a circle of strange brilliance burst out from in front of the opponent who had turned into six figures on the opposite side.

When the blue flame encountered the six-color halo, it immediately dissipated like ice and snow melting away.

Moreover, the halo was spreading towards him at an alarming speed, getting closer and closer. All the fire elements and other remaining elements in the air had been swept away at this moment. Nothing left.

Impossible, this is impossible! He roared in his heart. This is six-element peeling! How could it be possible to peel off the six elements so quickly? Even the elemental saint woman San Liuying could not do it so quickly.

If only the four elements are stripped away, he has extremely high confidence in his mutated explosive fireball. This is not an ordinary flame, but a flame with multiple special levels of existence attached, such as yin fire, spiritual fire, and even his own inner fire. Among them are the lights of thousands of houses, coupled with the fire of the sun. He blended these flame characteristics together to create his own special explosive fireball.

However, no matter how unbelievable he was, the fact was right in front of him. As he watched, the six-color halo had already arrived in front of him, and the fire element in the air, and the nine-star continuum he had just condensed, were all swept away at this moment, and nothing remained.

In the spectator seats, other magicians who had participated in the inheritance competition had even stood up. Even Zi Sang Liuying's eyes became a little more solemn. They also had the same doubt in their hearts, why did it happen so fast?

To know. The six-element stripping is not a simple seventh-level magic, but a seventh-level mixed magic. This is simply not on the same level as the four-element stripping. The same magic child San Liuying could do it. She asked herself, could she cast it as fast as Long Dangdang? How did he do that? Also, when he just chanted the incantation, why was the tone different from the normal incantation?

While her heart was full of doubts, Zisan Liuying's eyes were fixed on Long Dangdang for a moment. As for the fire magician who had been stripped away and baptized by the six elements, he only felt that his body was empty at this time, and he could not sense the existence of any magic elements.

The invisible fluctuations disappeared in a flash, and he sat down on the ground with a muffled groan, mentally shocked.

Many contestants were silently calculating a statistic in their hearts, which was how long it took Long Dangdang to perform Elemental Peeling. Calculated from the moment the game started, including the time he was stunned, it was about... ten seconds?

In just ten seconds, a magic of this level was cast?

The six dragons dangdang reunited as one. He bowed slightly to the magician opposite, performed a not particularly standard Magic Temple etiquette, and then looked at the referee.

"Long Dangdang wins." Although this victory does not mean that Long Dangdang has entered the top six, his super fast magic, and the powerful use of six elements at the same time, left a deep impression on everyone. Impression, many people even subconsciously think, isn't this another Zisan Liuying?

This victory seems to be getting easier. But in fact, Long Dangdang was also very lucky today. The opponent he drew was one of the weakest among the remaining participating magicians. In addition, the powerful hybrid magic he completed so quickly was so unexpected that the opponent failed before he even showed his due strength.

Why could he complete the chanting of such a powerful magic in a short period of time? It looked so shocking, but in fact, Long Dangdang had tried his best and used almost every method he could to increase his speed.

The six dragons chanted together, which he was only able to do in front of him after practicing the method of illusory mind and distraction. Therefore, he used a high-level magic chanting method taught to him by Wu Di, called co-resonance. Through the co-resonance chanting method, the six of him were like six magicians chanting a combined magic at the same time. Each one "Dragon Dangdang" is just singing the part that belongs to you, a separate magic. The six-element stripping magic is a powerful seventh-level mixed magic, but when it comes to a single attribute, it is only sixth-level. The speed of singing sixth-level magic will naturally not be too slow if it is a single attribute.

In addition, when he chanted, he also used the skill of dragon language magic. As we all know, dragons are the darlings of heaven and earth. Their closeness and understanding of the elements are unmatched by humans, and they are born kings. Singing magic through dragon language will undoubtedly greatly reduce the singing speed.

Therefore, it is not that Long Dangdang's magical attainments are that strong. It is actually because the dragon language magic plus his strange clone method can bring too much help. That's why he accomplished the feat of peeling off six elements in ten seconds, thus defeating his opponent in one fell swoop. But it also exposed his trump card of being able to use his clones to chant spells at the same time.

Long Dangdang himself didn't think too much. He would always be exposed. After all, he would probably have to face two rounds of opponents before he could enter the top six. After entering the top six, there would be qualifying. It is simply impossible to keep winning and hide your abilities.

After hearing the referee declare his victory, Long Dangdang did not stay long but immediately left the training ground and turned around to leave. He left a figure that seemed a little arrogant and mysterious to the other contestants.

Zisan Liuying's eyes followed him until his figure disappeared, and then she looked back. She frowned slightly. Was he really that powerful already? But the next moment, her eyes became firm again. No matter who it was, no matter how strong it was, she would definitely be able to defeat it. No matter who it was, it could not affect her ability to win the final championship of this inheritance competition. qualifications. She knew very well what the championship meant, and her eyes showed passion unconsciously.

After leaving the venue of the Magic Temple Competition, Long Dangdang walked towards the Priest Temple without stopping for a moment, and at the same time received the message from Xiaoxie. He couldn't help but be surprised and shocked by the evolution of the Demon Suppressing Tree. He didn't expect that Senior Tao would actually complete the transformation under such circumstances. You know, this is no ordinary transformation! Golden bloodline! Although he is not a summoner, he still knows what golden blood means. Although Tao Linlin was not born with golden blood, even if she had acquired golden blood, there were probably not many people in the Soul Temple today. Moreover, he successfully entered the top six and qualified to participate in the finals. Except for Ming Xi, who has been eliminated, Tao Linlin was originally the one who had the least chance of entering the finals, but now he entered first.

When Long Dangdang came to poke his head outside the trial site of the Priest's Temple, he was stopped by the staff of the Priest's Temple. Seeing Long Dangdang wearing magician's equipment, the guard looked wary. Is this because he wanted to explore the ability of the inherited genius of our priest temple?

You definitely won't be able to get in, so you can only wait. Long Dangdang did not dare to use Zilingjing to contact Ling Menglu. What if Ling Menglu is distracted during the competition? If my cousin capsizes and fails to make it into the top six, I am afraid that she will be suppressed to death by the Priest Temple directly using the Angel's Descendant, right?

Without waiting too long, he saw a familiar person.

Ling Menglu walked out wearing a white priest's robe embroidered with gold. Long Dangdang hurriedly greeted her. Seeing the warm smile on her face, there was no need to ask about the result of the competition. Just gave her a thumbs up.

When Ling Menglu saw that he was waiting outside, her eyebrows suddenly rose, and she gave him a look that told you he was acquainted. She came to him with a sweet smile, and did not shy away from the priests and temple guards on the side. She just raised her head She grasped Long Dangdang's thumb with her hand and walked out holding his hand.

The guards almost stared out of their eyes, what? Is it possible that the goddess of our Priest Temple let the guys from the Magic Temple fuck her? How can this be done?

Long Dangdang was also startled by Ling Menglu, but the next moment, he held her hand tightly, his eyes filled with warmth.

At this time, Long Kongkong had just stepped onto the competition stage in the trial venue.

With the strong performance in the last game, no one dares to underestimate this young second seed. Many people even started researching him, but found that they did not find much information about him.

Regarding the information about the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the confidentiality level is very high within the Knights Temple.

At this time, standing opposite Long Kongkong was an extremely strong player, who could even be said to be the strongest player on the Knights Temple side in this inheritance competition.

Standing a full two meters tall, with broad shoulders and a broad back, Long Kongkong suspected that his biceps were bigger than his own head.

He has a heavy shield in his left hand and a heavy knight's gun in his right hand. Just standing there, this person gave people the feeling of a torrent of steel. It can be said to be the most perfect image of a guardian knight.

"Ready, five, four, three, two, one, let's go!"

Along with the referee's countdown, the knight on the opposite side did not accumulate momentum or prepare any skills, but directly summoned his mount partner.

It was a terrifying monster that was five meters long, covered in a layer of thick horn like heavy armor, and had three huge rhino-like horns on its nose and forehead.

This big guy probably weighs more than five thousand kilograms alone, giving people an extremely heavy feeling. The Earth Demon Rhinoceros is an extremely powerful but not too outstanding mount.

The reason why it is said to be powerful is that its defensive power is even more exaggerated than that of the Earth Dragon, and its impact is as terrifying as a battering ram. The reason why it is said to be ordinary is because the upper limit of the Earth Demon Rhinoceros is the ninth-level monster, that is to say , no matter how powerful it is, the bloodline of the Earth Demon Rhino will not allow it to evolve to a higher level. Moreover, this kind of monster has a violent character and is very difficult to tame. It is heavy and not very fast, so few knights will choose it. But obviously, its huge size matches the heavily armored knight in front of it very well, and it can even be said to have a strange sense of coordination.

The heavily armored knight climbed directly onto the Earth Demon Rhino's back. In terms of mount alone, this mount was not as good as the mammoth that Long Kongkong faced that player last time. But from the moment the heavily armored knight mounted the Earth Demon Rhinoceros, Long Kongkong felt an extremely heavy pressure on his face.

Unlike the opponent who directly chooses to ride a mount, Long Kongkong's starting point is still so simple, and even has a timeless flavor. The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was turned on, the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace was turned on, and the Touch of the Abyss was released, directly entangling the opponent, including the person and the mount.

"Charge!" A booming voice sounded from the heavily armored knight's mouth. The next moment, the huge Earth Demon Rhino had already begun to take steps. It didn't even try to dodge the devouring touch of the abyss, but went straight towards Long Kongkong. Launched a charge.

The ground in the entire trial ground was trembling with the heavy steps of the Earth Demon Rhino. A layer of golden luster suddenly burst out from the knight, covering his own body and the Earth Demon Rhino. . Suddenly, the huge body of the Earth Demon Rhino seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, its speed increased dramatically, and even its eyes turned golden.

This is not the blessing of light attributes, what is it? Long Kongkong was even a little confused. If Ling Menglu or Tao Linlin were here, they would definitely tell him what was going on. Bloodline blessing!

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