The morning class was actually just a thirteen-second battle. Although the whole process was exciting, it really didn't take much time. So when Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong returned to the dormitory, it still smelled like the morning.

Long Kongkong went to wash away the nosebleed. Yan Yao was still very measured in his attack. It looked miserable, but in fact, the bridge of his nose was saved.

"Do you feel the difference? Is it time to know how to work hard?" Long Dangdang looked like an elder brother like a father.

"I know, I know. By the way, I have nothing to do today. Can I go out? I want to eat pork rib rice." Long Kongkong said with a smile.

"You're overthinking. Didn't you say you can only go out on weekends? Practice hard and improve your strength as soon as possible. I think that training ground is good. When I have nothing to do, I will take you to learn more."

Long Kongkong said: "I just discovered today that instead of you asking me to work hard, it's better to work harder and work harder yourself. As long as you are strong enough, wouldn't it be enough to protect me? We are in the same class now, and the class monitor You are almost fooled, how can I still have a problem?"

"You promised Teacher Ye that you would work hard and not be ruined. Don't waste his efforts in using the Archangel's Embrace for you. It took a lot of effort to raise your innate spiritual power. If you fail again, you will be worthy of him. ?"

Long Kongkong said angrily: "You said you are becoming more and more mother-in-law and more verbose than my mother. Hey, by the way, speaking of which, we seem to have forgotten something! Didn't my mother say that we would come? Did you go to grandpa's house to deliver the letter afterwards? Why didn't you take me there yesterday? "

Long Dangdang was stunned, "I forgot. I spent all my time watching Paigu Girl with you yesterday."

"Don't call me Goddess Paigu Girl. Otherwise, I'll be in trouble with you! You can call her your future sister-in-law. This is better." Long Kongkong said angrily.

"Okay, I got it. I'm going back to practice. This weekend, I'll go to my grandpa's house to deliver the letter."

"Well, you go deliver the letter, and I'll go to work." Long Kongkong's eyes lit up when he heard about the weekend.

Long Dangdang said disdainfully: "Let's see how many days you can keep up your enthusiasm."

Back in his room, Long Dangdang stood in front of the window and looked outside. Looking out from the third floor, he could vaguely see the lake outside through the gaps in the surrounding dormitory buildings.

The whole process of today's battle was recalled in his mind. Under Long Kongkong's harassment, his final Fengshen Slash and Holy Sword seemed to have barely broken through the teacher's divine block with the explosive increase. Of course, this was also because Yan Yao did not go all out and did not use any equipment.

This was the first time he had fought in this way, and even his two teachers didn't know he had such an ability.

The memory goes back to four years ago.

He clearly remembered that day, when his light attribute was also upgraded to the Son of Light, he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Then he found that his body was exuding golden light, and next to him, there was another self, all over his body. Exuding cyan light.

At first he thought it was Long Kongkong's prank. But he soon discovered that it was not the case, because he was completely able to control that other self. This body is exactly the same as mine, only with different attributes, but even the total amount of spiritual power is exactly the same. And this is why he cannot display two magical attributes at the same time. Because his strange clone occupies an attribute. He can switch attributes freely, but he just can't use multiple attributes together. Unless it is, release the clone, just like today.

This is so mysterious that Long Dangdang has been working hard to keep this secret.

The light and shadow flickered, and there were two more figures beside him, yes, two, one was cyan, the other was red...

They all look exactly the same as him, but have different attributes.

You really have to work hard. Otherwise, how can he protect his younger brother when he really faces a strong person? Since three attributes allow one to have three bodies, which is equivalent to three selves, what about the four?

Eyes narrowed, the three bodies sat down at the same time, meditating at the same time. Triple meditation! It's time to accelerate the improvement of your spiritual power.

All along, Long Dangdang has actually been controlling the speed of his spiritual power improvement. He doesn't want the status of his clones to be exposed. Triple cultivation, he had tried before and it was feasible. But he never did this, because he didn't know when the teacher would come to the dormitory to find him. With the strength of a ninth-level powerhouse, he would definitely find clues. Later, he told two teachers about the situation of the clone, and the two teachers also asked him to keep it secret first. It’s different now, because this is the Spirit Furnace Academy, so what kind of geek doesn’t exist?

Light, wind, fire. So, what kind of attribute should you awaken next?

Long Dangdang had also thought carefully about how his clone came about, but he had no answer. In the eyes of others, maybe it was a special combat skill or magic, but he himself knew that was not the case. Every one of his The clones are no different from the main body. They are all part of the main body, but they can all exist independently. The most peculiar thing is that when one's own spiritual power progresses, the spiritual power possessed by each clone will also progress. The overall strength is still the strength of the main body, but it is equivalent to several main bodies. Just like now, he added two clones, that is, three fourth-level peak magic knights, with different attributes, and their minds are connected.

This phenomenon cannot be explained, and judging from the fact that he can communicate with eight attributes, maybe he can divide into seven clones at most, plus the main body, eight in one?

At least so far, there have been no side effects. He is also constantly exploring and exploring. The only difference is that the spiritual furnace can only exist within the main body and cannot be shared by clones, nor can it be assigned to clones.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Lingluo Academy was obviously much richer than when he was in Tenglong City before. The spiritual enlightenment necklace around his neck shone with a faint halo, and Long Dangdang gradually entered a state of forgetfulness.

Next door, Long Kongkong sat in front of the window, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze for a while. It was really difficult to lie down! You obviously want to destroy yourself, but why can't you really make up your mind?

In fact, his parents have never forced him to do anything, but Old Man Ye’s ardent expectations, his brother is always there to protect him every time he encounters something, and he also wants to stay here so that he can have a chance to accompany his goddess of ribs, bah bah. Phew, she is a goddess.


The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was activated, the Yuan Vortex swallowed and bloomed, and various attribute elements outside the window swarmed in. The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace evolved not long ago, but since the evolution, his cultivation speed has actually become faster, at least faster than before. Several times. Even if you want to mess it up, life!

At noon, the classmates in the same dormitory took the initiative to ask them to have dinner. The person who came was not Mu Yi, but a classmate of He Hongyin. Whether the students in the knight class were from Linglu Academy or their former Temple Academy Tenglong Branch, there were One thing is similar, that is, they all belong to the tall type. Although today is just my first experience, Long Kongkong is very dissatisfied that there are still... no girls!

In addition to He Hongyin, the other two classmates in the same dormitory were Bingheng and Chenhui, plus Mu Yi. This is their group of six in the same dormitory.

Walking on the way to the cafeteria, Stanley Ho couldn't help but ask: "Long Dangdang, is the ability of your clone today a skill? Is it our knight skill or magic skill?"

Long Dangdang said ambiguously: "It's both. My teacher's original secret technique."

Bingheng said with envy: "It's so powerful. The power of those two combos is at least doubled when combined, and they have different attributes. It turns out that the Magic Knight is so strong, but unfortunately, I only have the light attribute."

Mu Yi laughed and said: "No matter what attribute it is, it will be equally powerful if you can practice it to the extreme."

Long Kongkong came over and whispered: "By the way, do you know which class in our first grade has the most girls? The most beautiful one? Why didn't you see anything good-looking when you were eating in the cafeteria?"

Chen Hui chuckled and said: "There are still good-looking ones, but we don't have many grades. Except for the goddess in the Priest Class who wears a veil all day long and cannot see her face, relatively speaking, the one in the Magic Class is the most beautiful. ”

"The one with six elements?" Long Kongkong asked curiously.

"Yes, that's the one, strong and beautiful. She is probably also the number one in our first grade."

Long Kongkong smiled and said: "This is great! Brother, you are also a magician. You can get close to me later and ask for support or something. You don't have to work hard."

Long Dangdang was too lazy to pay attention to him and ignored him.

When the six people came to the canteen, the food for lunch was even richer. They were all nutritious ingredients. Although there were no natural treasures, they could still vaguely feel the aura contained in these foods.

We made dinner and sat down to eat together. Listening to the words of several people in the same dormitory, brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong had a better understanding of the current situation in the first grade.

In fact, the competition in every grade of Linglu Academy is fierce, and the most important reason is because of the problem of skewed resources.

Lingluo Academy undoubtedly has the best learning resources among the six temples, but the distribution of these resources is determined by the efforts of each grade and class. Each year, the six classes in the same grade are ranked, and those ranked higher will receive more resources. And this ranking is based on strength, with different assessments to gain points.

There is an assessment every month. At least so far, it has been almost half a year since the start of this year, and five assessments have been conducted. The Cavaliers' Class 1 ranked first in total points, but they were last. Both the head teacher Yan Yao and these young knights who boasted of being geniuses when they were close to the academy were under great pressure.

The Magic Class 1 currently ranks first in points, followed by the Priest Class 1, the Summoner Class 1, the Assassin Class 1, the Warrior Class 1, and the Knight Class 1 at the bottom.

Not only are the knights weak this year, but the three melee systems as a whole are weaker than the magic system. It’s really a hard time!

You can also see some clues by observing the situation in the cafeteria. The students wearing legal school uniforms obviously have their chests raised and their heads raised, with a little pride in their eyes.

Long Kongkong couldn't help but sigh, "It's too curly!"

He Hongyin said: "I hope you can change this situation. Long Dangdang, you are the first one in our class who can use the Holy Sword. And you also have that magical clone ability. At worst, we will be miserable in the first year. You must practice hard, and when your strength improves, you must strive to lead our class into the top three in the future!"

Long Kongkong said proudly: "What does it mean to be in the top three? Only first place should be our goal."

Stanley Ho said in astonishment: "Which of you is Long Dangdang and who is Long Kongkong?" Facing these two identical brothers, he was a little dizzy.

"What a shame!" At this moment, a disdainful voice came from not far away.

The Six Knights boys turned around and saw two girls passing by their table. They had obviously heard Long Kongkong's remarks.

The person who spoke was a girl with short pink hair. She looked pretty, but the disdain in her eyes made people a little uncomfortable.

But another girl next to her firmly caught Long Kongkong's attention. This girl was extremely beautiful, with an oval face as delicate as a porcelain doll. She was about 1.65 meters tall and had dark green long hair. Her hair hung loosely behind her back and hung over her hips, but her face was cold and expressionless, slightly destroying some of the beauty.

Long Kongkong stood up with a surprised look on his face. He ignored the girl with short pink hair and came to the girl with long dark green hair. With a charming smile on his face, he said: "Let me meet you, I am a knight. A new transfer student, Long Kongkong, may I know the name of the beautiful girl Gao?"

The girl with long dark green hair glanced at him coldly, "Get out!"

"Okay!" Long Kongkong agreed and sat back with a smile.

Long Dangdang frowned and said, "We are all classmates, why do we need to say nasty things to each other?"

The girl ignored him and walked away with her food plate.

The girl with short pink hair looked at them sarcastically, snorted, and then followed them.

Long Kongkong found that except for himself and his brother, the other four young knights seemed a little silent, "What's wrong with you?"

He Hongyin swallowed his saliva and said dryly: "That green-haired girl is the six-element genius elemental saint San Liuying from the Magic Class 1."

Long Kongkong curled his lips and said: "With this personality, it is estimated that the saint will become a leftover girl in the future. Who dares to ask for it? Do you think it is my brother?"

Long Dangdang said: "I like gentle ones."

Long Kongkong suddenly said warily: "My goddess is very gentle, don't worry about it!"

"You're thinking too much, let's eat."

Zisang Liuying is very strong! Long Dangdang thought secretly in his heart. A fifth-level and seventh-level mage, even if he is already sixteen years old, is quite an achievement. What's more, he is a six-element mage. According to Teacher Zi, the more elements you control, the stronger the mental power required, because although the various elements themselves have their own effects, the real power lies in how to integrate them with each other. Combination magic is the most powerful. Yes, I just don’t know how many combinations she can do now. It is indeed the Spiritual Furnace Academy!

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