Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 353 Dangdang is promoted

No one would not want to own an artifact, and Long Dangdang is no exception. However, it is obviously not an easy thing to own an artifact!

Accepting the artifact given by the Magic Temple will definitely have various restrictions. When Wu Di said this condition just now, he was really moved. Because if you can carry an artifact, the success rate of going to the natural disaster city to rescue your parents will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced. However, when he calmed down, he realized that this was obviously impossible. Not to mention that the Magic Temple would not allow him to take the artifact so far. Even he himself could not do this.

Going to the Natural Disaster City to rescue your parents is a very dangerous and difficult task, and there is a high probability of failure. If you bring an artifact to the Natural Disaster City, the artifact will fall. So, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Federation. He can't do this for his own selfishness!

So, after he calmed down, he shook his head and refused.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I can't give up my identity as a knight. I am now an Adamantine Base Knight, and the Knights Temple has always been very good to me. I don't say whether I can become a Divine Seal Knight in the future, but I am a knight now. It’s more of a knight’s profession that I’m used to.”

Wu Di was not dissatisfied because of his rejection. He still nodded with a smile and said: "Indeed, for you, perhaps the dual cultivation of knights and magicians is a path you can take. Your mount also has its own characteristics. Such characteristics. Go ahead according to your heart. However, the palace master also asked me to tell you. Even if you don’t want to just belong to our magic temple, don’t give up magic. After all, you are also representing this inheritance competition. Our Magic Temple is participating. As long as you agree, if you can win the final championship of this inheritance competition, then you will still be given the opportunity to control the artifact."

Long Dangdang looked at Wu Di in surprise and couldn't help blurting out: "Is this okay?"

Wu Di smiled calmly and said: "You have won this with your own talent. There is nothing you can't do. I had high expectations for you, but I didn't expect that your growth rate would be faster than I imagined." Hurry up. Work hard and keep it up. You will definitely have a place in the future Federation, and it will be a core seat."

"Yes, thank you, teacher." The atmosphere of the Magic Temple made Long Dangdang feel refreshed. Although for him, it was still a bit illusory to be in charge of such an artifact, but at least he had a chance, right? As Wu Di said, there is no way to give up the Divine Seal Throne in the Knights Temple, so you can only wait in line. And the help of artifacts to professionals can be imagined.

After bidding farewell to Wu Di, Long Dangdang had already received the news on his way back to his residence that the competition among his friends was over.

Tao Linlin defeated his opponent again today and secured the top three spots in the Soul Temple. This was indeed an unexpected surprise. However, he was also exhausted from fighting for two consecutive days and was unable to continue.

Ling Menglu has nothing to say, her cousin is invincible!

Wang Changxin successfully entered the top six in the Warrior Temple. Although she never said anything, her friends unconsciously had great confidence in her.

Long Kongkong also defeated his opponent. The effect of the adamantine base armor was too great. The realm of fear and sorrow combined with the touch of the abyss made it almost impossible to solve. When the opponent does not have an adamantine base, winning is a matter of time. His Adamantine Pedestal of Fear and Sorrow is not an epic piece of equipment, it is immortal.

At this point, except for Long Dangdang, all the partners have advanced to the top six in their respective temples.

"What? You lost? Hahaha, it's okay, brother, I will protect you from now on." Upon hearing that Long Dangdang lost, Long Kongkong's first reaction was to laugh.

Seeing him looking like he needed a beating, Long Dangdang said calmly: "You'd better pray that you don't run into me in the finals, otherwise I will beat you upright."

Long Kongkong blinked, "If you lose, won't you be eliminated?"

Long Dangdang: "Haha."

Yue Li explained: "We haven't been eliminated yet. Today, nine will advance to four, and the remaining five will have to play extra rounds to determine the last two places. It will definitely be okay for the team leader to play extra rounds. It doesn't mean that he will not win today. Zisang, it’s just that he didn’t fight hard.”

"Uh..., it can still be like this. I thought it would be over if I lost. This knockout round is really meaningless. Ahem, brother, just pretend I didn't say anything. Our team still needs you as the mainstay. Yes!"

Long Dangdang ignored him and looked at Ling Menglu, saying: "Menglu, now everyone has entered the top six, do you have any new news? Is the ranking of the top six important within their respective temples?"

Ling Menglu said: "The news I have received so far is that the final rewards for the respective temples and the rewards for the main temple will still depend on the results of the comprehensive finals to avoid the situation of civil war."

Long Kongkong said doubtfully: "Cousin, what does it mean to be an expert in civil war?"

Ling Menglu said: "That is to say, if you are good in your own profession, you will not be able to meet other professions. The comprehensive finals are different. There is a high probability that you will encounter all other professions. If you want to get a good ranking, you really need comprehensive abilities in all aspects. They are all very strong.”

Long Kongkong said: "Is there a two-on-two match? If it's two-on-two, my brother and I will definitely be invincible."

Since defeating the two adamantine pedestal knights together, and later defeating the teacher, he is definitely full of confidence now.

Ling Menglu shook her head and said: "No, they are all individual competitions. This inheritance competition is all about individual strength. Therefore, you have to work hard and don't be eliminated early."

As she said that, she looked at Long Dangdang and said: "The format of the finals has been decided. Thirty-six contestants were randomly divided into four groups by drawing lots, with nine people in each group. Single round robin. The top two teams in each group will advance to the quarterfinals. After the quarterfinals, there will be a knockout round until the champion is determined. One thing that is certain is that the championship reward must be an artifact."

When she heard her talk about the competition system, no one had much reaction, but when she said the word "artifact", everyone immediately stopped. "Artifact", that is an artifact!

Ling Menglu smiled slightly and said: "So, everyone should work hard!"

This time, even Long Kongkong didn't say much, and everyone's eyes were focused on Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang felt the eyes of his partners and said: "Six of us have entered the finals of this inheritance competition. This means that we have a one-sixth chance of winning the final victory. Next, the events of our respective temples Let the game go as long as you can, retain your strength, and ensure your own condition. Wait until the finals and then try your best. After reaching the finals and after the draw is completed, we will plan our tactics. We will strive to have more people enter the top eight."

He, Long Kongkong, Ling Menglu and Wang Changxin are all the most promising to enter the top eight. Ideally, if four people finish in the top eight, that would undoubtedly be the best-case scenario. Of course, this is the ideal state. Which one can enter the finals and is not a strong one? Moreover, the group stage is a round-robin competition, which eliminates a lot of luck and can only compete with true strength.

Temple Alliance headquarters, office of a certain ninth-level middle-aged man.

Three middle-aged men sat around a table, looking at each other. They had been doing this for a while, but no one spoke.

"Dangdang has revealed five golden dragons in the Magic Temple, and the Magic Temple has taken them seriously." Zi Tianwu sighed and said.

Na Ye said helplessly: "The growth rate of these two boys is really too fast, and it has completely exceeded our original thoughts. If they want to leave, I'm afraid we can't stop them. Moreover, their parents have been arrested and replaced. No one can control it. But it is impossible for the Federation to launch a full-scale war with the Kingdom of the Undead just for the two of them at this time. Even if it is launched, it may not be able to save their parents. After this inheritance competition, I am afraid that they I really have to leave.”

"Then do it, I'll go with them." Hai Jifeng said coldly.

Na Ye glared at him angrily and said: "Is all your brains filled with muscles? Is it useful to go there? Let alone you, even if the three of us go with them, can we escape from the Kingdom of the Dead? Rescued people? Don’t you know why there is this inheritance competition?"

Hai Jifeng said coldly: "You don't care whether I have grown muscles in my brain, but I will recognize my apprentice. My apprentice's parents were taken away, do I, the master, not care? Are you willing to tolerate you? Just stay there, if I can't stop them, I will go with them. The worst is to do it. Anyway, sooner or later, we will have to fight to the death with the Kingdom of the Undead."

Zitianwu said: "Okay, you two, stop arguing. The Kingdom of the Undead invaded again, and three cities were swallowed up silently. Now the Federation has reached its most dangerous moment. What we have to do at this time is Let’s work together, don’t say so many useless things, and let’s find a way.”

Na Ye smiled bitterly and said: "There is nothing we can do! Even if the hall master comes forward, there is no way to stop his son from rescuing his parents. Should we keep them locked up? In that case, no matter how talented they are, their future will be ruined. Once their How do you let them face their parents being killed by the Kingdom of the Undead?"

Zitianwu said: "Then what does your holy church say?"

Naye said: "It's just like what I said. Our church can't do anything about it. What the church leader means is that if they have to go, let them go if they can't stop them. Two sets of fine gold bases are what the church can do." Give them the greatest support, otherwise, would they be able to pass the fine gold base test so easily? If they can really save their parents, then they will be the successors of the next generation of the temple. If they really fall there side……"

Zi Tianwu couldn't help but said: "Isn't the Holy Temple able to exert any strength at all?"

Naye said: "I don't know the specifics, but I probably won't sit idly by completely, but I certainly won't allocate forces to go deep into the Kingdom of the Undead with them. The things these two boys took from the Holy City Auction House last time are obviously It’s all preparation for going deep into the kingdom of the dead.”

Zitianwu said: "The inheritance competition is not over yet, and there is still a buffering opportunity. Let's find out more about his parents first. Have you tried to contact them again in the Kingdom of the Undead?"

Na Ye shook his head and said: "No. There is no movement anymore, but Kong Kong's girlfriend has also disappeared. This is even more troublesome. I understand this kid. He seems to be out of character, but in fact, he is sure of what he is doing. My son is even more stubborn than his brother."

Hai Jifeng stood up, turned around and walked out.

"Lao Hai, why are you leaving?" Zi Tianwu said helplessly.

Hai Jifeng said without looking back: "I'm too lazy to listen to these meaningless words from you, so I'm going back." After that, he left.

Na Ye sighed and said, "With his temper, he must have made up his mind."

Zitianwu said: "Don't think about it so much now. I hope they can get good results in this inheritance competition. If they can really win a championship, they will definitely be able to get an artifact according to the rewards set before. Once With the artifact under their control, the Holy Church will definitely pay more attention to their safety."

Na Ye said: "I won't worry about this aspect, they will definitely go all out. This inheritance competition should be their opportunity to truly rise."

When Long Dangdang came to the Magic Temple again, just as he was preparing to draw lots for the playoffs, he was told that he no longer had to draw lots because he had already entered the top six of the Magic Temple. Yes, win without fighting.

The reason is simple. The Magic Temple conducted a survey on the other four players who participated in the playoffs besides him. The question is simple, are they willing to compete with Long Dangdang through drawing lots, or are they willing to let Long Dangdang occupy a qualifying spot and qualify first, and then the four of them will go through two rounds of knockout rounds to determine the last qualifying spot.

The four playoff players unanimously chose the latter. The reason for this choice is very simple, because no matter who among them, including the No. 6 seed, will definitely lose as long as they draw the dragon, then there will be no chance at all. Judging from the battle between Long Dangdang and Zisang Liuying, he will definitely be able to get a qualifying spot, but he just doesn't know who he will step on to qualify. Instead of risking being drawn to compete with him, it would be better to give him a spot to qualify first. The others are of similar strength, so they at least have a chance to compete fairly and have a close to equal chance.

Therefore, although Long Dangdang did not participate in the playoffs, it was somewhat inexplicable, but it seemed that it was a matter of course that he entered the finals and became one of the six people who qualified for the Magic Temple. At this point, all six members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group have qualified and entered the finals of the inheritance competition at the six temple headquarters. If these thirty-six people are the six major temples in the future, the six of them combined are almost equivalent to the entire upper level of a temple.

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