Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 366 The power of Zisang Liuying

Golden Dragon Knight Dragon Dangdang.

Simultaneously cultivate two major professions: Knight and Magic. It can still reach this level. Compared with the day before, his influence at this moment soared almost instantly. Whether it was the saints from the six major temples or the geniuses participating in the competition, they were all shocked by the power he displayed.

When Long Dangdang walked out of the competition venue, he still had a faint smile on his face, as if he wasn't the one who shocked the audience just now.

Ling Menglu also looked at him with a smile on her face, welcoming his return, but deep in her eyes, there was a hint of worry. There were many things in her mind that were like a mirror, but she just couldn't tell them. Dangdang, who has always been low-key, has now chosen to show himself in such a high-profile manner, which is undoubtedly abnormal.

Returning to Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang smiled and raised his hand. Ling Menglu also raised her hand to fight with him, "You have defeated the sister of our priest temple."

Long Dangdang smiled and said, "I didn't hurt her at all."

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at him, "You're already scaring people like that, what else do you want?"

Long Kongkong came over and said, "Does my brother subdue others without fighting?"

Looking at him who seemed careless, Ling Menglu said: "It's just too scary anyway."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "If I have this ability, I will also scare them. Won't the subsequent games be easy? As long as you ask yourself if you can't block it, then don't block it. Moreover, this is not all his strength. . It could be even scarier. Don’t forget, he has a nickname.”

Long Dangdang glared at him, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

There were no members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group in the yellow group competition that followed, and in the cyan group that followed, Zisan Liuying appeared again.

Judging from the results, Zisan Liuying, like all the losers yesterday, had a negative result. However, no one dared to underestimate the number one genius of the Magic Temple. Because of her surrender yesterday, Only then can more people feel her strong self-confidence.

Eight rounds of round robin, for players who want to enter the final eight, each round is very important. If she dares to admit defeat in one game, it undoubtedly means that she is confident to win all the remaining games, and at the same time, she can also help herself Partners get more points.

Shi Zeyu stood on the sidelines. As No. 8 in the youth group, he had a bye today, but he still came. The most important thing was to see Zi Sang Liuying's strength. As a group of death, it is by no means an easy task to qualify from this group. If he wants to qualify stably, he must defeat at least two of them: Zisang Liuying, Long Kongkong, and Cai Caijuan.

Shi Zeyu is also a gold base knight, and is the top seed in the Knights Temple. He has confidence in Long Kongkong, and so does Cai Caijuan. Only Zi Sang Liuying was really unsure. Among the six major temples, the only one that can challenge the Knight Temple is the Magic Temple. In the past ten years, among the younger generation, both the Magic Temple and the Priest Temple have had extraordinary talents. For the Knight Temple, the pressure is actually very great. Especially the threat posed by the Magic Temple.

Shi Zeyu is older than Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. Before these two brothers appeared, he was the target of the Knights Temple's efforts to cultivate. In order to compete with the two peerless Zi Sang Liuying and Ling Menglu. He has always regarded Zisan Liuying as his biggest competitor. As for Ling Menglu, because of the relationship between the two major temples of knights and priests, his family once intended to bring him and her together. But in the past few years, there has been suddenly no movement from the Priest Temple and the Ling Family.

Shi Zeyu also practices hard on weekdays, performs various tasks, and grows rapidly. He didn't have much contact with Ling Menglu, but in his heart, he had always felt that she was the only one worthy of him, and he had always regarded her as the white moonlight in his heart. But I don't know since when, this goddess who used to call her brother seems to be getting farther and farther away from me.

When he first saw her, Long Dangdang, and Long Kongkong, he didn't pay much attention to their cousins' identities, but in this inheritance competition, seeing them together as teammates, they couldn't help each other. When the communication between them seemed to be more than just teammates, Shi Zeyu had a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He now urgently needs to use this inheritance competition to prove himself. If he can win the final championship, then everything should not be a problem.

But if he wants to become a champion, at this moment, Zisang Liuying in the field is undoubtedly his biggest stumbling block. He believed that as long as he could defeat Zisan Liuying and successfully qualify for the quarterfinals, then there should be few people who could affect him on the road to the championship.

Moreover, in his opinion, Zisang Liuying chose to admit defeat in the match with Cai Caijuan, which was undoubtedly playing with fire. Because as long as she loses one more game, she is likely to be eliminated. He wanted to take a closer look at how far this man, known as the most outstanding genius in the Magic Temple for thousands of years, could reach. How sure are you of being able to defeat her?

Zisan Liuying was wearing a dark blue magic robe today. The surface of the magic robe was inlaid with dozens of gems of different sizes and colors, emitting a faint orange-red halo. Undoubtedly, this is an epic piece of magical equipment.

Her face was as cold as ever, and she looked like she wouldn't let strangers in. Opposite her, the opponent she faced today was the assassin who was defeated by Long Kongkong yesterday, covered in a gray cloak.

Assassins are inherently restrained by all legal professions. Relatively speaking, summoners are better, but magicians and priests will be restrained by assassins to a certain extent. The assassin's high speed, stealth, and burst all pose a great threat to the magician.

"Five, four, three, two, one, the game begins."

Following the referee's announcement, the assassin's figure instantly disappeared on the spot.

This is an eighth-level assassin. He used Ling Gang in yesterday's match with Long Kongkong. Assassins at this level have extraordinary explosive power. With the weak defense of the magician, as long as he is close to him, there is almost no chance. Possibility of resistance.

The leader of the Assassin Temple was really aggrieved when he lost to Long Dangdang yesterday. With the three major areas superimposed, he couldn't get close at all. Coupled with the powerful defense of the adamantine base armor, even if he got close, it would be impossible for the assassin to break through the guardian knight's defense. Easy things. Knights are inherently resistant to assassins.

But today, facing Zisang Liuying, he wanted to prove himself even more in his heart. Although you are a peerless genius in the Magic Temple, you are still a seventh-level magician. As an eighth-level assassin, can't you still defeat a seventh-level magician? He was not even prepared to give Zi San Liu Ying the space to cast the spell. After turning invisible, he immediately rushed towards Zi San Liu Ying. At his speed, the distance between the two sides was almost instantaneous.

Zisan Liuying held her staff, and the moment the referee announced the start, she thrust her staff into the ground.

In the short time it took for her to make such a simple action, her opponent had already crossed two-thirds of the distance between the two sides, the dagger in his hand had been raised horizontally, and the assassin's special move, Emperor Stab, had been launched.

"Boom -" As the staff was inserted into the ground, a low roar suddenly sounded, and the entire playing field shook violently. A layer of dazzling yellow light suddenly erupted with Zisan Liuying's body as the center. The area covered by the yellow light was not large, only about thirty meters in diameter. And everything seemed to have been calculated. At the same time as the yellow light broke out, the eighth-level assassin also happened to rush into this range.

A strong shock erupted from the ground, and a violent shock and bottom-up impact fell on the assassin. But at this time, his whole body was covered by Ling Gang. This seismic wave, which was similar to the trampling of war, impacted on him. It could only slow down his momentum slightly, and was broken by the powerful impact of the Emperor's Thorn. He was still Rushed towards Zisang Liuying. The only change was that his invisibility revealed a blurry figure under the impact of the collision.

The staff inserted on the ground by Zisan Liuying lit up four rays of light almost instantly. The first was a yellow ray of light, blocking the way of the Emperor's Thorn. Seventh-level earth magic, diamond barrier!

This is an extremely powerful defensive magic, almost the best defense among the seven levels of earth magic, but at this moment, San Liuying cast it out instantly.

"Bang!" The diamond barrier instantly shattered under the impact of the eighth-order emperor thorn, splashing yellow light all over the sky. Emperor Thorn actually only paused for a moment before charging forward again. As one of the top six beings in the Assassin Temple, how could the eighth-level Emperor Thorn be blocked by a seventh-level magic?

However, immediately after, red, blue, and cyan lights started to light up one after another.

A ray of red light shone on Di Ci, causing him to lag for a moment and slow down significantly. That is to resist the ring of fire, a magic that almost everyone can use as a fire magician. And the level is not high, only level four. However, when used by Zisan Liuying, it was no longer a simple fire resistance ring, but a fire shield. The power to resist the fire ring is compressed into a small area, and the power of resistance is completely exerted on Emperor Ci without being scattered.

What follows are water shields and wind shields. Four series of magics blocked Di Sashimi one after another. When he broke out of the encirclement, he was less than ten meters away from Zisan Liuying. The illusory figure became a little clearer.

It was undoubtedly a very dangerous thing for the magician to be brought within ten meters by the assassin. However, at this time, Zisan Liuying still looked so calm and composed.

She made her second move in today's game. At the moment when the Emperor's Thorn was blocked by four magic spells, she pulled out the staff stuck in the ground and raised it above her head.

In an instant, the power of the four elements generated by the four magics that had just been defeated by the Emperor's Thorn instantly gathered inward and turned into a four-color tornado rising into the sky.

Emperor Ci had just touched the ground with his toes at this time, and was about to use his force for the second time to rush towards Zisan Liuying, who was already very close to him. This huge lifting force had already appeared under him, making him so The toes that were already so close to the ground just didn't touch the ground, and they missed the point. The whole person was instantly lifted into the air by the power of the four elements.

Under the powerful power of Ling Gang, even the power of these four elements could only slightly lift him into the air, floating about one meter. However, at this moment, he could not move any further.

And at this moment, in front of Zisan Liuying, a spiritual furnace shining with six-color light appeared quietly. Her body also became crystal clear in an instant, and her whole body seemed to be in that six-color light. It swelled a bit under the light. A circle of six-color light appeared behind her head.

This is what she used in the internal competition between Long Dangdang and her in the Magic Temple. It is also her core ability, the elemental body!

Zisang Liuying's innate inner spiritual power has not reached one hundred, but it is very close. Her elemental body may be slightly inferior to Ling Menglu's innate light god body, but with the superposition of the six elements, the power is But definitely a lot.

The reason why she didn't use the elemental body immediately was because the emperor's assassin was too fast, and the assassin's restraint on the magician still existed in her to a certain extent. But at this moment, the assassin was knocked into the air by the impact. Although this process may only last for one second, it was enough for Zisang Liuying.

Pointing the raised staff forward, the elemental furnace in front of him suddenly turned into gold and black, and a two-color entangled ray shot out. It is the combination of light and dark, the polar rays.

At first, in order to block this blow, Long Dangdang used the space power of the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace and the momentary eternal superposition space of the Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace at the same time, and then he barely resisted. But at this moment, the Emperor Thorn floating in the air has no such ability at all.

White light burst out instantly, which was the light of Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace. The emperor's thorn that had exhausted its power was drawn again, and combined with the light of the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace, the spiritual power was concentrated in front of him in an instant. At this moment, the eighth-level emperor thorn had already felt a powerful threat, so he didn't take any chances and exploded directly. At the same time, the spiritual wings behind his back were instantly opened. In this way, he can exert power even while floating in the air.

"Boom--" A violent roar echoed throughout the audience.

blocked! The eighth-level spiritual power is added with the Emperor's Thorn and the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace. The superposition of several great skills finally blocked the polar rays.

But at this moment, the spectators with enough eyesight have already made their judgment. Zisang Liuying won!

The reason is simple. Although the Emperor's Thorn blocked Zisan Liuying's attack, his body was already knocked backwards by the powerful explosive force brought by the bipolar rays. And what comes to him next are the demons, violent storms, and magic that are erupted based on the elemental divine body!

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