Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 370 The Violent Rat King

The Rat King's body is really strong now. Even Long Dangdang, who was watching the battle, noticed that every time he saw it, its body shape changed significantly.

The current Rat King is over ten meters long. You know, it is not a slender being like Xiaoba, it is as long as it is vertically and horizontally. Ten meters long, it looks like a small mountain of meat. The length of the long tail dragging behind him has exceeded twenty meters. The whole body's hair is dark golden, looking oily and smooth, like the finest silk. A pair of small dark golden eyes are shining, with a hint of scarlet.

Facing Shi Zeyu's full attack, bathed in the holy judgment, its movements were not slow. It held its head with a pair of front paws that were very short compared to its own body. In the next moment, its huge and fat body , but it turned into a dark golden light and disappeared instantly. The Dousha Xuanyuan Sword that Shi Zeyu attacked with all his strength fell directly into the air.

The two sides instantly opened a distance of more than thirty meters. The white-gold light on Long Kongkong's body in the distance flickered. Under the action of the fine gold base armor, the sacred flame on his body had been extinguished. The fusion skill of the Holy Yin Spirit Furnace and the Touch of the Abyss, the Holy Abyss Yin, was restored again, and the powerful Swallowing appeared on Shi Zeyu again.

What the hell? What about a big mouse? How did you run away? Shi Zeyu was a little confused. He suddenly felt like the opponent he thought he knew well enough had become a stranger again.

The Rat King appeared near Long Kongkong's body, and slowly lowered his small paws. His small eyes flickered. He glanced at Long Kongkong, flicked his long tail, wrapped around Long Kongkong's body, and pulled him directly onto his back. .

Shi Zeyu did not pause. His Fighting Circle Sword continued to rotate. How could he retract the released ultimate move like this? His figure suddenly jumped up, like a top that jumped suddenly. Go straight to the dragon and sweep away in the air. Twenty seconds have passed since the battle began. He has begun to feel the threat of swallowing himself.

Before Dousha Xuanyuanjian arrived, he saw the fat rat once again raised its front paws and hugged its small head, which was extremely small compared to its body proportions. Then, a dark golden stream of light flashed past, The sweep of Dousha Xuanyuan Sword fell on Kong Chu again. Even the locking skill Shi Zeyu just released was ineffective.

The life-saving skill of the sky-swallowing rat, the rat runs away holding its head!

This is a skill similar to teleportation, and can ignore locks.

After two consecutive misses, the rotation of Dousha Xuanyuan Sword was almost done. If it continued to rotate, Shi Zeyu himself would not be able to bear it. His eyes fluctuated slightly, but his movements did not pause for a moment. Not only did he practice hard, he also had extremely rich practical experience. A golden light door opened instantly next to him, and the next moment, light elements suddenly surged throughout the entire competition venue like a tide.

A bright unicorn with a pure white body, a golden spiral horn on its head, and two wings on its back walked out of it.

Different from ordinary bright unicorns, the mane on the neck of this bright unicorn and the feathers on the edges of its wings are golden. There are also faint golden cloud patterns on its body. It is about four meters long and more than two meters tall at the shoulder. It is five meters tall, with its wings spread out, and its wingspan is as high as six meters. It is the King of Light Unicorns.

This is obviously still a light unicorn king that has not fully grown up, but despite this, as the darling of the light element, the light still shines in the audience the moment it appears. The dazzling golden light caused the light elements in the entire competition venue to continuously increase.

And the moment it appeared, the Rat King, who was carrying Long Kongkong behind him, suddenly widened his eyes, and there was light flashing in his eyes. It was not fear or trembling, but clearly excitement. , unparalleled excitement. It was like seeing an incredible gluttonous feast, and his mouth was watering.

"Brother said you can't eat it! You can't eat it." Long Kongkong hit its plump back with the shield of fear and sadness in time.

The Rat King turned his head and glanced at him, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"What's your look like?" Long Kongkong said angrily: "Don't forget what you promised me."

The Rat King's beard was slightly raised, his long tail shook suddenly, and he threw the dragon into the air. Long Kong was empty in the air, spun around, and landed steadily under the influence of the spread spiritual wings.

On the other side, Shi Zeyu had already risen and landed on the back of the Bright Unicorn King. It can be clearly seen that the light element released by himself merges with the light element released by the light unicorn almost instantly, blooming with an even more dazzling brilliance. The light elements had condensed around his body like substance, and even his fiery red heavy sword had completely turned golden red at this moment.

His momentum also continued to increase. At this moment, he already looked a bit like a ninth-level holy knight. This is Shi Zeyu in his complete state. Long Kongkong can even feel that his spiritual power is sublimating. With the Bright Unicorn King as the center, a halo of about twenty meters in diameter is constantly flashing with magnificent patterns. It is this halo that, to a certain extent, The devouring effect of the Holy Abyss is distorted, causing the devouring speed to be almost halved.

Shi Zeyu spread his arms on both sides of his body, and a pair of swords pointed diagonally at the ground. The bright unicorn spread its wings, and the next moment, the light elements in the competition venue seemed to boil. In the middle of Shi Zeyu's chest, a ball of golden light lit up. It was a heart-shaped spiritual furnace. With its appearance, the halo under his feet quickly expanded outwards, and at the same time, a large golden flame rose from it.

Ling Menglu's eyes narrowed slightly on the sidelines, "The Sacred Soul Furnace is not inferior to the Wisdom Spirit Furnace, an existence with purely divine attributes. Grandpa has always wanted to find one for me, but he has never found one. With the domain of the Holy Flame, in this statue With the blessing of the spiritual furnace, he should be able to reach the level of the body of the God of Light. He really has ninth-level combat power."

Just as she was speaking, the holy flames in the field had already expanded outwards on a large scale, rapidly spreading to every corner of the entire field.

Long Kongkong was shocked to find that his body seemed to be burning. Although the adamantine base armor could resist the devouring to a great extent, it could only resist part of the effect. It felt like I was using a sacrificial skill, burning my very own life source.

"Admit defeat, you can't be my opponent. Within the holy flame, there is nothing you can do in this arena. You can try to see which one is faster for you to be devoured by the holy flame, or to be burned faster by the holy flame. I don't want to lose. Shou Yuan should end as soon as possible. Originally, this was not prepared for you." Shi Zeyu looked at Long Kongkong who was thrown to the ground by the Rat King with burning eyes. He was sitting on the back of the Sacred Unicorn King. At this moment As high as a king.

Indeed, Long Kongkong has already felt that although he can still swallow the opponent's spiritual power to replenish himself, the holy flame is still burning himself. The immortal-level fine gold base armor can slow down, but it cannot completely avoid. Moreover, the bright unicorn king was walking towards him step by step. Shi Zeyu in this state was undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Are you going to lose? still……

Long Kongkong stood up straight, and a white field of fear and sadness bloomed, affecting his opponent in reverse. Just when he was hesitating in his heart whether to use that special power. Suddenly, the huge dark golden figure suddenly moved.

The burning of the holy flame also affected the Rat King. At this moment, the Rat King's small eyes had turned scarlet.

The extremely fat body no longer retreated, but rushed towards Shi Zeyu and the Bright Unicorn King like lightning.

At the same time, a scarlet light suddenly shot out from its body, shining directly on the Bright Unicorn King.

Shi Zeyu was slightly stunned, but his movements did not pause. The Judgment of Light in his right hand slashed out. With the blessing of the Furnace of Light and the Holy Flame Domain, he slashed out a Judgment. The huge golden light blade seemed to be cutting open the entire space, heading straight for the Rat King.

However, Shi Zeyu still held back a little. It was the rule of the temple not to kill the opponent's mount in a knight duel. A knight without a mount will be greatly weakened, and he will also receive a great punishment, which he is unwilling to bear.

However, at the next moment, his pupils dilated instantly.

The moment the bright Unicorn King with its incomparable steed was illuminated by the red light in the eyes of the Rat King, its body trembled violently, so much so that Shi Zeyu, who was sitting on its back, was shaking unsteadily. one time. Then the fat body of the Rat King came closer.

It raised one of its dark golden claws, and the dark golden blade-like claws of its front claws suddenly collided with the Judgment Blade. Then Shi Zeyu was shocked to see that the blade of his Judgment Blade paused in the air. It felt as if the big rat had directly caught it with its claws.

Immediately afterwards, the dark golden claw blades closed, and with a "bang", golden light shone out, and the Judgment Blade was crushed to pieces.

This scene immediately caused an uproar in the entire audience. You know, Shi Zeyu, who is riding the Bright Unicorn King and blessed by the Holy Soul Furnace, has reached the level of the ninth-level Holy Knight! The power of the Judgment Blade in this state was so powerful that it was grabbed by the big rat with its front paws and crushed into pieces. What level of strength is this? Ninth level?

However, the Rat King's forward body was also stopped by this blow, but the scarlet color in its eyes became more violent, and its body shone with dark golden light like water waves, which completely blocked the Holy Flame Spiritual Furnace. The body suddenly swung, and the long tail behind it had already wrapped around a pair of front legs of the Bright Unicorn King. What shocked Shi Zeyu was that the body of the Bright Unicorn King was trembling and did not react at all, and the tail of the Rat King was wrapped around its front legs.

A huge pulling force came, directly pulling the Bright Unicorn to fly in the direction of the Rat King, and Shi Zeyu was thrown directly up.

Although Shi Zeyu didn't know what happened to cause such a situation, he definitely didn't dare to let the Bright Unicorn King be dragged by the big mouse!

The body rotated in mid-air, the spiritual wings behind it flapped, and the two swords waved out a huge sword flower in the air. Thousands of sword lights were like the light of the sun that burst out in an instant, heading straight towards the Rat King to cover it.

Holy Sword of the Sun! This is a skill that can only be used by ninth-level holy knights.

No one expected the situation in the field at this time. The Bright Unicorn King is the top mount partner of the Knight Temple. It has a huge increase for the knights. In a sense, it is not inferior to the dragon. . However, in front of the big mouse, it seemed to be completely destroyed. As it was pulled by the Rat King's tail, even the power of the Holy Flame Domain was reduced a lot due to the lack of its increase. It also forced Shi Zeyu to use his ultimate move, not against his opponent Long Kongkong, but against this big rat.

Then Shi Zeyu saw that the huge and plump dark golden mouse once again held its head with its front paws. The dark golden light flashed past, and it flashed out of the Sun Sword and went directly to the other side of the competition venue. aside. At the same time, it had opened its bloody mouth to an extremely exaggerated arc and bit into the body of the Bright Unicorn King that was pulling beside it.

"Shut up—" At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

The Rat King's open mouth suddenly paused. At this moment, half of the Bright Unicorn King's head was already in its mouth. But the scarlet color in its eyes suddenly faded away, and there was still a trace of fear.

Use your tongue to carefully push out the head of the Bright Unicorn King, then turn your head to look in one direction. What it saw was a pair of eyes shining with purple-gold light. Although it was blocked by the platinum mask, at this moment, it still felt the extreme fear originating from its blood.

Long Kongkong stood there holding the Shield of Fear and Sorrow, the purple-gold color in his eyes disappeared, and he turned to Shi Zeyu who was about to rush towards the Rat King.

"Let's all take back our mounts and let's go one on one. Otherwise, I can't guarantee the safety of your mount." At this moment, Long Kongkong's voice was very calm, but in the background were the King of Unicorns who almost ate the light and the one who just closed his mouth. With the Rat King as the background, there is a sense of fear and eeriness.

Shi Zeyu forcibly restrained his momentum, and at this time, there was a shocking wave in his heart. The Holy Flame has obviously weakened a lot. Without the support of the Light Unicorn King, he simply cannot maintain this realm for too long. Although Long Kongkong was talking to him, the guidance of the Holy Abyss still fell on him and kept devouring him.

"Okay!" Shi Zeyu agreed without hesitation.

Two light doors opened at the same time beside the two mounts. Although the Rat King was unwilling, the fear in his heart still took over. He didn't even dare to look at Long Kongkong and obediently got into the light door.

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