Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 379 Six Paths of Reincarnation

Chu Yu spun at high speed and swooped down towards Ling Menglu, the sword of reincarnation in his hand turning into the sharp tip of a cone. The air was torn apart by his dive, leaving a dark trail in the air. Assassin's high-level skill, Spirit Breaking Cone!

The Soul-Breaking Cone is a combat skill specially developed by the Assassin Temple for the study of spiritual aura. It possesses a powerful ability to break through the face, specializes in breaking the spiritual aura and various defensive skills. It has three major characteristics: puncture, penetration, and sharpness.

Ling Menglu raised the staff slightly in her hand. She never chanted any spell. It seemed that all the magic was at her fingertips. She pointed the staff towards the location where the broken spirit cone was pierced. Suddenly, a strange scene appeared.

The light shield formed by the holy light spiritual array was instantly condensed into an area with a diameter of only one square meter, and the concentration was completed just as the broken spirit cone arrived.

"Ding——" A crisp sound resounded throughout the audience, and a golden halo rippled out.

The spirit-breaking cone rotated wildly, trying to penetrate the defense, but although the concentrated holy light spirit array was drilled into nearly half the depth, it was still firmly blocked in front of Ling Menglu, preventing it from truly breaking through.

The Holy Spirit takes control! This is no longer a regular skill in the Priest Temple, because no one except Ling Menglu can use this skill at all. But Ling Menglu did just that. How powerful is this control over the light element?

The figure he met for the first time stopped spinning. The next moment, thousands of sharp edges suddenly burst out from his body. At that moment, it was as if his entire body had split into thousands of parts, heading straight towards Ling Menglu. Launched a full-scale attack.

The four wings behind the Angel of Light flapped, and in an instant another Holy Light Spiritual Array was released, covering Ling Menglu again. At the same time, a layer of white halo surged out based on the Holy Light Spiritual Array, repelling the force. The spiritual furnace fires again.

Thousands of light points splashed on the surface of the Holy Light Spiritual Array, creating countless haloes and blocking all attacks.

Both sides were making tentative attacks, but even though they were just tentative attacks, they still amazed the other contestants watching.

Holy Light Spiritual Array, Broken Spiritual Cone, and even Repulsion Spiritual Furnace. Many people in the Assassin Temple and the Priest Temple know these abilities. However, when Ling Menglu and Chu Yu used such skills, they seemed to have become different. . Is this still the original skill? Can the original skill explode with such power? What kind of control and sublimation is this?

Especially Ling Menglu, as a priest, when faced with such a powerful assassin, not only did he not retreat or decline in the slightest, he even vaguely had the upper hand, unwaveringly facing the impact of the first encounter again and again.

His figure flashed, and he immediately stepped back when they first met, widening the distance between him and Ling Menglu. This was very sudden, leaving many spectators confused. Shouldn't assassins attack priests in one go?

Only some discerning people saw that at that moment, there was a layer of orange-red light flickering on Ling Menglu's chest. However, as she retreated from the first encounter, the orange-red light quickly converged and was not really released.

The two sides regained distance, and Ling Menglu did not use any attack skills. She just looked at the first encounter in the distance with a calm expression. And Zai gave her a thumbs up, a flash of admiration flashing deep in his eyes.

At this time, the three people who felt the deepest feelings were Zisang Liuying, Tang Leiguang, and Cai Caijuan.

Once, together with Chu Yu and Ling Menglu, they were the top group of people in Linglu Academy. It has also been planned for a long time to form a team in the future and shine in the Federation.

At that time, they were more imaginative about their future, imagining how powerful they could be in the future, when they could reach the ninth level, and touch the mystery beyond the ninth level.

Elemental Saint, Goddess, Son of Reincarnation, Thunder Sword Master, White Phoenix, these nicknames all came from that time. At that time, they admired and compared each other. Continuously improve ourselves in healthy competition. They are all top geniuses, and no one is convinced by anyone else, and they all hope to become the most powerful one.

As time went by, Ling Menglu and Zisang Liuying gradually stood out, gradually taking the lead with their higher talents.

When they first met at that time, the Six Paths of Reincarnation had just begun to practice, and the pain caused by losing one sense of the Six Paths of Reincarnation made him miserable, and he became the weakest among the five. The other four people would spend some time with him every day, encourage him, and help him get through the most painful period.

When we first met him, he was originally a shy boy. After practicing the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he became even more silent and seldom spoke on weekdays. But in his heart, his friends are even more like family than his teachers. It was with their encouragement that he was able to gradually overcome the difficult pressure of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and grow step by step.

Therefore, when Ling Menglu and Zi Sang Liuying asked them to make a choice, they were the most painful in their hearts when they first met. He really didn't want his companions to be scattered. However, facing the irreconcilable situation, he had no choice. He chose Zisang Liuying not because Zisang Liuying was stronger than Ling Menglu. It's because, in his heart, compared to the goddess whose strong divine aura makes him feel ashamed, he reflects more of the elemental saint who has a cool personality and is cold on the outside but hot on the inside.

However, although the choice has been made, it does not mean that the emotion in the heart of the first encounter has weakened. Whether it was him or the other three, they had always wanted Ling Menglu to come back. Even the stubborn Zisang Liuying was the same.

However, seeing the rapid growth of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, especially the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong who gradually showed their prominence and gradually caught up with them, Ling Menglu seemed to have drifted away from them.

And the five of them, whether it is Ling Menglu who left or the other four, have grown rapidly in these few short years.

In this inheritance competition, aren't the many abilities they displayed exactly what they longed for when they were young? However, they are no longer the five-person team they once were.

When we first met, she gave Ling Menglu a thumbs up, which was a sign of admiration for her strength. But the smile on Ling Menglu's face seemed to say, when we first met, you have grown up. Among their former five-person team, Chu Yu was the youngest one and was always looked after by them as their little brother.

It was in this atmosphere that the fighting between the two sides came to a brief pause.

But the pause was only a short moment, the sharp look in his eyes when they first met reappeared, the sword of reincarnation in his hand was slowly raised, and the aura on his body changed instantly. With his body as the center, the surrounding space seemed to have begun to distort. Even if you just take a look at it, you will feel like your soul is about to be absorbed. So much so that many of the other contestants watching the match would subconsciously look away, especially those melee professions with relatively weak mental power.

When he first met, a strange light shone on his chest, and his whole body began to become illusory because of it. But a terrifying aura also burst out from him.

Ling Menglu's eyes also became solemn, and even the hand holding the staff involuntarily tightened, her eyes fixed on Chu Yu.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace! That illusory and unclear thing is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace, known as the number one assassin. This domineering existence has been passed down for countless generations, but there are very few people who can really inspire it. It was it that tortured Chu Yu for so many years, but it was also him who made Chu Yu become the son of reincarnation he is today.

He did not continue to try and test because he had already clearly felt the difference between himself and Ling Menglu when they first met. Whether it was cultivation, skills or talent, there was a level gap between him and Ling Menglu. In a normal battle, it would be almost impossible for him to break through Ling Menglu's defense. So, he decided not to waste any more time. There is only one possibility to defeat Ling Menglu, and that is to use the Six Paths of Reincarnation Soul Furnace and let the Sword of Reincarnation strike with all its strength.

The Sword of Reincarnation plus the Six-Way Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace is a power at the level of an artifact. It is also the real killer weapon of the Assassin Temple.

Six paths of reincarnation, six swords in total. Every time you cast a sword, you lose one sense, and it takes seven days to recover. If you use two swords, the recovery time is fourteen days. If the final sixth sword is used, the user will definitely die and will never be able to recover.

The terrifying power brings equally terrifying negative effects. Therefore, First Encounter is rarely used after practicing the Six Paths of Reincarnation. However, facing Ling Menglu, there was no other way.

He also knew that he only had one chance to use his Six Paths of Reincarnation. Even if he only used one sword, it would take him seven days to recover, and it would be even more difficult to defeat his opponents later. What's more, Ling Menglu may not be defeated with one sword. But no matter what, he must try his best to clear the way for his son San Liuying to win the championship.

The mental fluctuations around the entire competition venue have obviously become stronger, and everyone is stimulating their mental power to resist the negative effects of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Soul Furnace.

Long Dangdang couldn't help clenching his fists. With the existence of several spiritual furnaces of wisdom in him, he would naturally not be intimidated by his first encounter. But he was also nervous! It's really because the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace is so famous.

The first time the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace bloomed brilliantly was in the era when the six human temples were fighting against the demons. The first Federation Chairman, the only one in the history of the Federation who controlled the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, also had his own demon hunting group. In his demon hunting group, he has not been the strongest for a long time. The strongest is his wife, who comes from the Assassin Temple and is known as the Saint of Reincarnation. His powerful wife was still able to stand side by side with him by virtue of her strength even after he possessed the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, which shows how powerful she is, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace is the core of her strength.

Ling Menglu raised the staff in her hand, and the golden light in front of her began to appear slightly distorted. In the distortion, the sacred light seemed to be continuously superimposed on each other like wrinkles, forming layers of light curtains to block the In front of her.

The Angel of Light was also chanting a spell, and the sacred golden color had covered Ling Menglu's figure so much that it was almost invisible. No one knows how many layers of defensive Holy Light Spiritual Array it is, and the rich holy aura even renders the air golden.

Only in the direction of the first encounter, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace was like a black hole. All the gold, even if it was just light, would disappear silently if it entered within a radius of ten meters.

"Be careful." Chu Yuqing Leng's thoughts resounded throughout the audience. Yes, there was no sound, but this mental wave clearly conveyed his consciousness, and everyone could feel it.

The next moment, his body suddenly disappeared, and a vast white light flashed away. Six Paths of Reincarnation, the First Sword!

There was no strong collision sound, only a slight and strange buzzing. At that moment, everyone in the audience felt as if their heartstrings had been suddenly cut off, and their heartbeats stopped for a moment.

At this moment, the sacred aura that was originally fluctuating strongly in the competition venue seemed to have been put on a stop button, and it stopped instantly.

The figure he met for the first time appeared on the side, holding the hilt of the dagger in his hand. At this time, the sword of reincarnation had become different. It was no longer as sharp as before, but turned into pure white and crystal clear. of pure white.

Yes, this is the real Sword of Reincarnation, and the one he used before was just a Sword of Reincarnation that was covered with a protective layer to isolate the power of reincarnation. After being combined with the Soul of Reincarnation Furnace, it becomes a true artifact.

The golden color began to fade away quietly without making any sound, but the feeling was so clear. It was a very strange feeling. Every golden light point was extinguished quietly, and all the sacredness was like a picture with faded colors, gradually turning into black and white nothingness.

Even though they had already had a high estimate of the Sword of Reincarnation and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, when this sword flashed past, everyone watching the battle could not help but be shocked beyond measure.

So powerful! When they first met at this time, it seemed that he was not the same person as the one who had tentatively attacked before.

Ling Menglu's figure was revealed. The Angel of Light had arrived in front of her at some point, and the last golden shield in its hand was slowly disintegrating.

I don't know how many layers of defense were superimposed, but they were completely wiped out by this sword. But it only barely blocked the sword attack.

At this time, when they first met, he looked no different from before. His eyes had turned white, and the terrifying murderous aura was rising crazily under the stimulation of the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace.

The sword of reincarnation in his hand trembled slightly, and in the next moment, he had once again turned into a bright white light and disappeared. The only thing everyone could see was that the white figure had arrived in front of Ling Menglu.

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