Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 387 Demon God inheritance?

Hearing his brother ask if their strange bloodline was related to the seventy-two demon gods, Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel shocked, and his eyes changed instantly.

After Long Kongkong asked this question, his face changed slightly, because this is really possible! When the bloodline first awakens, purple-gold scale patterns will appear on their bodies, much like the outline of dragon scales. And this time, he was able to defeat the power of the moon demon, which means that their strange bloodline power should be superior to the power of the moon demon. Among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, they can surpass Above the second-ranked Moon Demon God, there is no doubt that the only one ranked first is the Demon God Emperor, and the race to which the Demon God Emperor belongs is the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan.

In the Demonic Realm, they once faced the terrifying and powerful men from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan. They were truly devastating existences that could not be described by simple levels. If their bloodline is related to the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan...

Looking at each other, the two brothers' expressions became a little solemn.

"No..." At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded. The golden halo flickered, and Yutong's figure emerged quietly, flashing with a faint golden light. Her slender figure, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, floated next to Long Kongkong, "It is not the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan. It has different energy. The same goes for the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan. The dark attribute is different from the dark attribute of the Moon Demon Clan, and is more domineering. But when the cultivation level is not as good as the other party, it is impossible to let the power of the Moon Demon collapse. So, no."

Long Dang said: "That means the power of our bloodline is even greater than that of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan? Then do you know the origin?"

After Yu Tong was silent for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't know. But what you said is very possible. Maybe, only your mother knows something."

Hearing her mention her mother, Long Dangdang couldn't help but frown. All their efforts now are to rescue their parents as soon as possible. There is nothing more important than this. Reminiscent of my grandfather’s description of my mother’s origins, yes! Only the mysterious origin of their mother would be related to their bloodline. In comparison, their father, who was just a priest, should be nothing.

Long Kongkong said: "The only thing left to do is to save my parents. Brother, don't think so much, you should prepare for the war quickly. I can't help you, it's up to you later."

Although there are three of them in the semi-finals, Long Dangdang will meet Ling Menglu in the semi-finals, and only one of them will advance. On the other side, Long Kongkong is now weak and can no longer fight with Zisan Liu. Therefore, the final final can only be a showdown between Long Dangdang and Zisang Liuying. At the end of the day, there has to be a final collision.

"Well, leave it to me. You have a good rest. I'll help you restore the power of your bloodline first." As he said that, Long Dangdang put away his doubts about the bloodline and was about to help Long Kongkong inject the power of his bloodline.

"Don't..., if you want to win Zisang, you need the power of your bloodline. If you inject it into me today, you won't be able to maintain your best condition tomorrow. If my cousin and I admit defeat tomorrow, the finals will probably be moved forward. I have nothing Yes, I can feel that our bloodline power is slowly recovering. It just takes time. You'd better adjust your condition. You must have been overdrawn today. You should think about how to deal with it tomorrow. Zisang." Long Kongkong stopped Long Dangdang and didn't let him help him treat himself.

Long Dangdang did not persist. He was determined to win the championship. The reward of the championship and the identity of the championship played a very important role in rescuing their parents.

Temple of the Soul.

Lu Yinzhi slowly woke up from his coma. The strong feeling of weakness and severe headache made him groan almost instantly.

A soft gleam of light shone on his head, and the cool spiritual energy slowly poured into it, relieving his severe headache.

Lu Yinzhi gasped a few times, and his pupils began to focus gradually.

Standing next to him was an old man, his whole body covered in a magic cloak.

"Are you feeling better?" the old man asked softly. This is the current master of the Soul Temple, the top psychic, and also Lu Yinzhi's teacher, Lu Qi, who is known as the poor and the underworld.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I..." Lu Yinzhi struggled to start, but there was a sharp stabbing pain in his brain, forcing him to fall back. His destiny summons the Moon Demon, which is usually nurtured in the Sea of ​​Spirits. If the Moon Demon is severely injured, the first thing that will be injured is his Sea of ​​Spirits.

"Don't move. I don't blame you. You have tried your best. Your opponent is too special." Lu Qi was not angry because of his disciple's failure, but comforted him.

After a few more breaths, Lu Qi tried hard to say: "Teacher, I don't understand, why? Why did I lose. He should obviously be unable to stop my moon demon power, why did I lose the game?"

"I don't know either." Lu Qi frowned and said, "The outside world couldn't clearly see the situation at that time, and I couldn't go deep into it to feel it with my mental strength. So I want to ask you, how did you feel at that time? Why can you Did he block your attack?"

Lu Yinzhi said: "Teacher, I had gone all out at that time. I knew that I couldn't fight him for a long time, so when I used the Moon Demon, I was ready to finish it off in one battle. Although his sudden charge was beyond my expectation. In addition, but at that time, I had already condensed more than 70% of the power of the Moon Demon. At the moment of collision, it had even exceeded 80%. Logically speaking, even a ninth-level powerhouse may not be able to withstand it. Even with the bonus of the spiritual furnace and equipment, it is equivalent to the eighth-level peak guardian knight at most, and it is definitely unstoppable. However, when we collided, his shield seemed to have a very special power. My moon demon power collapsed, which made me unable to defeat him and ultimately defeated. Could it be that there is some special power on the shield? It should not be an ordinary adamantine base armor , platinum gold, different!”

Lu Qi shook his head and said: "I know this fine gold base armor. It is indeed the strongest existence among the thirty-six fine gold bases, but it is only the power of the immortal level. And your Moon Demon's In terms of energy level, when it comes to equipment, it is a god-level level, the top special energy. What he is wearing is not the Divine Seal Throne, so it is impossible to withstand it. Therefore, the special energy should not be spiritual. What the golden pedestal brought to him was his own strength. Unexpectedly, the Knights Temple also saved a hand and cultivated such a successor. It is indeed the first temple! In the future, the dragon is empty It would be even more amazing if he became a Divine Seal Knight."

Lu Yinzhi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he held back after all.

"Just say what you want to say." Lu Qi said calmly.

Lu Yinzhi said: "Teacher, can I evolve my destiny summons again and guide the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan..."

"No." Lu Qi's face darkened, "Of course not. Don't even mention this matter again. Do you know how dangerous that is? That's not a power you can control. Among the seventy-two demon gods , after so many years of research, we have found that the only two power inheritances that can not affect our minds and are powerful enough to be controlled by us are the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God. The energy of other demon gods is either too evil and violent, or it will cause us Genetic aberrations are not applicable. As for the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan, don’t even think about it. This clan is different from other demon clans, and no one dares to say whether it contains the will of the former Demon God Emperor. We have no idea about the Seventh Demonic Dragon Clan. The research on the Twelve Pillar Demon Gods has always been very cautious. Although there is a desire for these powers, there must be no real resurrection of the Seventy-two Pillar Demon Gods. Once another Demon God Emperor appears, it will be a huge disaster. Now there is a The realm of the dead is already too much for us to handle."

Lu Yinzhi frowned and said: "However, the reason why we can guide and use the power of the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God is because such high-level demons are very similar to us humans. The Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan can also take the form of humans. , is the highest level of the demon clan. The Demon God Emperor has been dead for ten thousand years and has not experienced any mutations. Can we really not try it? After all, that was the demon clan's top combat power at the time. If it can be used, , it will be of great help to us.”

There was a bit of sternness in Lu Qi's eyes, and he reprimanded unceremoniously: "Do you think you are the only smart person in this world? In the past ten thousand years, our ancestors have been living in poverty? It's because We felt that there might be changes in the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, so we never thought of touching it easily. All the remaining energy of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan was sealed in the Demonic Realm. The Demon God Emperor and the other seventy-one demon gods were all It’s different. It can be said that he is the hub of the entire demon clan. Once this hub is opened, no one knows what changes will occur. Yin Zhi, you must keep in mind that in the future, when you become the master of the Soul Temple, It cannot be touched either. This power can be studied, but it must not be triggered. Otherwise, it is likely to cause a huge uncontrollable disaster."

Lu Yinzhi was now more awake. He nodded and said, "Teacher, I understand."

Lu Qi sighed softly, "I didn't expect that you couldn't make it to the end. This time, after all, the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple took the upper hand."

Lu Yinzhi said with some shame: "I let you down."

Lu Qi shook his head and said: "It's nothing. From the perspective of all mankind, this is a good thing. At least, we have people to succeed us, and there is still the possibility of being better than the past. The threat posed by the Kingdom of the Undead is greater than you think. Bigger. Otherwise, the Holy Church would not be so eager to hold this inheritance competition. After the competition, more than half of the Holy Church will go to the front line."

Lu Yinzhi said in surprise: "Is it already so difficult?"

Lu Qi nodded and said: "Yes, and the bill to cremate the remains of heroic spirits will soon be passed. The conservatives can no longer stand it. In the past three months, the skeletons of more than 3,000 heroic spirits have been stolen. And they all will become our enemy. No matter how exhausted the power of the temple is, it will not be able to defend against all raids. Once these strong men responsible for guarding die, they will also be transformed into undead and stand on the opposite side of us. These are the undead. The most terrifying place in the country. When the number of enemies increases as you fight, and they are your comrades one moment and become enemies the next, it brings despair. Therefore, after federal consultations, it was decided that we can no longer be consumed like this. An all-out war against the Kingdom of the Undead. After this inheritance competition, the purpose is to establish the next inheritor of the Holy Temple. Once a Holy Temple falls, he will immediately take over. There will be no shortage of successors. "

At this point, he looked at Lu Yinzhi, "If I die, you will be the next master of the Soul Temple. I have already discussed this with the other temples in our temple. You must continue to work hard to cultivate and break through as soon as possible. Ninth level.”


Lu Qi waved his hand, "Don't think so much. It's not that easy to want me to die. The Holy Church's decision is right, but it keeps getting messed up. You should have a good rest, don't meditate first, and let your body recover on its own for a while. Practice again.”

Early in the morning, early in the morning. The top 36 players who entered the finals of the inheritance competition have already arrived at the competition venue. Although most of them have been eliminated. However, yesterday's quarterfinal match really left a deep impression on them. Almost every battle is beyond imagination.

The only ones who entered the semi-finals were players from the Knight Temple, Magic Temple and Priest Temple. In the last two days, the winner of this inheritance competition will be decided.

If Ling Menglu and Zi Sang Liuying could enter the finals, everyone would have expected it. Then, the twin brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were beyond everyone's expectations.

None of them were the top seeds representing the temple, but they both reached the semi-finals. Both brothers showed extremely amazing talents and strength. Can they continue in today's semifinals? When they face the peerless two prides respectively, what kind of collision will happen? Did they perform a feat that no one can do, or did they finally advance to the finals? Every spectator is filled with expectations.

Except for Ming Xi who went to seclusion, the other six members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group gathered together. When they walked into the competition venue, they immediately felt like they were being praised by the stars. There are three out of the top four! There is no doubt that they are now the number one demon hunting group of the younger generation, an existence that even Zisan Liuying's team cannot compare to.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong walked side by side. They looked so much alike. The only difference was that Long Kongkong's face was really pale today.

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