The Mirror Demon can almost perfectly mirror all of the opponent's abilities, even weapons and equipment. But his cultivation level remained at the peak of the eighth level. Therefore, among the demon clan back then, it had the title of invincible at its same level. There is no point in mirroring someone who is stronger than him, but if someone is weaker than him, being mirrored by him is equivalent to an enhanced version.

Long Dangdang's cultivation level is definitely not as good as the Mirror Demon God. From the Mirror Demon God's point of view, it is natural that he can be killed easily. But when the two really collided together, the mirror demon felt something was wrong.

The furnace of light is also burning, and the spiritual power is also increasing sharply. At this moment, the spiritual power of the Mirror Demon God is even close to the ninth level. However, the golden color on Long Dangdang's body is even more gorgeous, which comes from the auxiliary magic increase brought by the artifact Archangel's Scepter. Seeing the moment when the two sides were about to collide, Long Dangdang's body burned with scarlet flames, and the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace behind him also exploded instantly. The spiritual furnace can also be copied, but the problem is, how can the ability of the copied spiritual furnace be used? , how can the Mirror Demon God compare with Long Dangdang.

What's more, at the moment when the two sides are about to collide, Long Dangdang performs sacrifice and deflagration almost at the same time. Don't forget, his teacher is a reckless knight. The recklessness of a reckless knight lies in his explosiveness. He never spares any effort when facing his opponent. He launches an all-out explosive attack at the first opportunity without giving his opponent any chance.

"Boom——" The two sides collided violently. Mirror Demon God Dantalian only felt that the heavy sword struck by the opponent had an unparalleled sharpness. At the same time, he also saw the purple meaning in Long Dangdang's eyes.

At that moment, Dantalion felt his whole body suddenly tremble, and he was even more shocked to discover that it seemed to be an existence that had not been copied by him. For no reason, he became panicked and frightened. The collision between the two sides was clearly evenly divided in terms of spiritual power. It was all due to the judgment of light. But Dantalian took a step back, and what greeted him was a violent storm-like attack from Long Dangdang.

Blue-gold light spots poured down, and the Blue Rain Light Hibiscus erupted almost immediately after. Dantalion hurriedly responded. It was also the Blue Rain Light Hibiscus, but no matter how he resisted, the purple touch from before was still there. It left a very deep shadow in his heart. He felt familiar with that purple color, but it was precisely because of this familiarity that the fear in his heart became unprecedented.

In the eyes of others, after Long Dangdang collided with the Mirror Demon God Dantalion, he raised his swords, the lights of several large spiritual furnaces complemented each other, and launched a violent storm of attacks. The Mirror Demon God was suppressed and retreated continuously.

It can be said that Long Dangdang and Xiaoba cooperated to suppress the two demons by themselves.

When he just won the inheritance competition, his friends still thought that he was not necessarily more powerful than Ling Menglu. But now they were shocked to discover that Long Dangdang had grown to such an extent.

What they didn't know was that Xiaoba's breakthrough just now was also a qualitative change for Long Dangdang, a qualitative change in his bloodline. His strange purple-gold bloodline has greatly increased. Not only him, he can even feel that his younger brother is also affected by the changes in his bloodline, and the power of his bloodline has also increased dramatically. Xiao Ba's six-element fusion also boosted the bloodline of Long Dangdang and the two brothers. Long Dangdang had just sent out a bloodline-level intimidation directly with his eyes, just to see if the Mirror Demon God Dantalion could copy them. If this power of blood is copied by the other party, then you really have to be careful. After all, the two brothers know the destructive power of this power of blood best.

Facts have proved that Dantalion was not able to copy the power of his bloodline, and was significantly suppressed by his bloodline aura. If a disciple like him, a reckless knight, seizes such an opportunity, he will never let it go, and will not give the other party a chance to fight back. The knight's secret skill of fighting with the round sword exploded in full force, and the whole person slashed wildly like a whirlpool, and even one of them was in a sacrificial state before launching the attack.

There is one thing that Dantalian cannot copy, that is, Long Dangdang has Long Kongkong here to replenish the life energy of the three demon gods at all times, and he is not afraid of sacrificing his life force at all. Of course Dantalion can also use sacrifice, but he is in the state of being swallowed by the dragon. If he uses sacrifice again, it will only be consumed faster. Therefore, in his inner judgment, he cannot use this skill. Next, they were completely suppressed.

On the battlefield, the only thing that still has some difficulties at this time is the Lucky Demon God who has more people to fight against.

Wang Changxin was only one step later than Long Dang when he launched an attack on the Lucky Demon God. He ignited the Dominating Spiritual Furnace and the God of War Furnace, directly possessing him. The domineering battle body directly maximizes her attack power. However, the most difficult thing about the Lucky Demon God is not his combat power, but his ubiquitous luck.

When Wang Changxin launched his attack, Ming Xi appeared silently behind the Demon God of Luck. As a result, I don't know how the Lucky Demon God did it, and the two of them almost collided with each other.

Fortunately, Ling Menglu's magical protection prevented the tragedy of killing each other. Yue Li's single magic has no way of locking onto this Lucky Demon God. In desperation, she could only work with Ling Menglu to attack him with area magic.

Fortunately, they worked together to suppress the Lucky Demon God, so that he had no time to assist the other two Demon Gods. Xueer itself is known as a support among the demon clan. Facing area magic, he put up a layer of shield. Whenever magic falls on this shield, even if it is a range of magic, it will always fall on a relatively weak point and cannot be broken.

He did not attack Ling Menglu and the others, but turned in the direction of the snake demon god Andumari. While resisting the suppression of area magic, he released a strange dark golden halo towards Andumari.

Xiao Ba had already suppressed the Snake Demon God and the snake tightly. Suddenly, his foot slipped and his body deflected. The dragon's breath sprayed crookedly.

Andumari immediately seized this opportunity, took a breath, and poured out the huge power of darkness, barely pushing Xiao Ba away, and at the same time pulling away from him.

"This Lucky Demon is really annoying, what should I do?" Yue Li couldn't help but ask. With the overall strength of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, there would be no problem even if they were to fight against three eighth-order peak demon gods at the same time. But the lucky blessing from the Lucky Demon God is really too influential. If it continues to be blessed like this, we don't know when this battle will be resolved.

Ling Menglu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she made a choice in the next moment, floating up and flying backwards. Ling Menglu came directly to the top of the golden demon-suppressing tree. The archangel's scepter was raised in his hand, and a pleasant spell sounded. As she chanted the incantation, a loud chant suddenly sounded in the air.

Strange golden lights fell from the sky and bathed in the golden demon-suppressing tree. Suddenly, the Golden Demon-Suppressing Tree seemed to have taken a tonic, and its already strong body grew and expanded rapidly. Layers of golden halo expanded outward in a wide range. Its branches also grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The angel of light descended from the sky and landed on the golden demon-suppressing tree. The soft power of light turned the entire tree into a crystal clear golden color. The golden diamond-like brilliance burst out and directly suppressed the entire audience.

It's still demon-suppressing, but it's demon-suppressing under the full increase of the goddess and the artifact Archangel's Scepter. Covering the whole place in an instant.

Whether it was the Snake Demon God Andumari, the Luck Demon God Xel, or the Mirror Demon God Dantalion, at this moment, their breath sank, all the skills they were using were interrupted, and even the power of luck was cut off. .

Wang Changxin's Tyrant Hammer found Xi'er almost at the same time. The Lucky Demon God, who suddenly lost the guardian of Lucky, was much more fragile than imagined. As handsome as he was, he and his horse were directly hit by the Tyrant Hammer and flew out.

The Mirror Demon God was also slashed away by Long Dangdang's sword, and a deep dent was cut out of the fine gold base armor on his body.

Xiaoba rushed forward again, stepping on the snake with his feet and suppressing the snake demon with his breath. Suddenly, the situation of the war was completely reversed.

"Bang!" The power of suppressing demons was released again, and almost all the colors within the naked eye reach of everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group turned into gold. It was under this golden reflection that The auras of the three demon gods dropped again.

Ling Menglu, who possesses the artifact, is so powerful when she uses it at full strength. She can even directly summon archangels to join the battle, but now these three demon gods obviously do not have this qualification.

The next situation becomes simple. There was no need to kill these three demon gods at all, but the full suppression gave Long Kongkong enough time to fully launch the devouring process. Long Kongkong directly activated the blessing of Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace, and the sea of ​​​​the abyss advanced to the touch of the abyss. Isn’t the Lucky Demon God difficult to deal with? Then he would first target this person alone. Anyway, the enemies on the other two sides were also suppressed and could not cause any trouble.

The Lucky Demon God, who was at the peak of the eighth level, was completely suppressed by the demon-suppressing power, and his lucky ability was greatly weakened. Under Long Kongkong's devouring, his spiritual power dropped rapidly, and the overall situation was decided.

In fact, the most powerful thing about the Lucky Demon God is that he resurrected the Snake Demon God and the Mirror Demon God at the same time, and then he is just a supporting role. But this actually brought benefits to everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, that is, they could devour the life energy of two more demon gods.

When the Lucky Demon God was the first to fall, Long Dangdang had already accepted the sacrifice. The Mirror Demon God was completely suppressed by him, and the final outcome could only be to be swallowed up.

The three demon pillars in the distance were extinguished one by one, but blue moonlight began to ripple around Long Dangdang's body. Devouring so much spiritual power at once made the repair of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace greatly improved again. So far, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace has absorbed and recovered more than 140,000 spiritual energy from Long Dangdang, leaving only 60,000 spiritual energy to completely repair this powerful spiritual furnace at the watcher level.

After a series of battles, everyone gradually became familiar with the new equipment and spiritual furnace they had just obtained, verifying their strength.

At this time, they continued to advance in the Demon Realm, but there were also many people paying attention outside the Demon Realm.

The leader of the temple was standing at the entrance to the demon realm, and beside him were several senior members of the demon hunting group.

"The energy of the Demon Realm continues to be consumed, and it has exceeded 13%." A staff member responsible for the Demon Realm said in a deep voice.

The hall master just nodded and said nothing more.

The staff member continued: "Lord, if this continues, it may lead to instability in the Demon Realm. After all, the Demon Realm is a separate small plane but it is not a pure virtual world. If the spiritual power consumption is too large, I am worried meeting……"

The hall master raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and said calmly: "They are already inside. There is no way to call them out now, so just watch it like this. According to the rules of the devil realm, the consumption does not exceed one hundred Thirty percent will not affect stability. And thirty percent consumption is only possible if it reaches at least the top thirty-six demon gods. Do you think this is what they can do now?"

"I don't think it's easy to say!" a voice said from the side.

The hall master turned around and saw that the speaker was looking thoughtful. It was none other than Knight Gou Na Ye.

"Oh? Do you think they can advance to this extent?" the hall leader asked.

Naye said: "I don't know about the other members of their team, but Dangdang and Kongkong have always been good at creating miracles. Moreover, for ordinary people, the biggest problem when entering the demonic realm to experience is that the continuous combat effectiveness is affected by the environment. But Kongkong has Yuan. The Vortex Spirit Furnace can not only help you recover your spiritual power, but also help your partners recover, which allows them to have no worries about battery life. What is the strength of the top thirty-six demon gods? At most, they are level nine level two to level nine level three. They may not be able to deal with such a level-two team in front of their entire team. If they maintain their peak form, it is still possible."

After hearing what he said, the hall master's expression suddenly changed. He couldn't help but frowned and said: "Kongkong can recover through devouring, and can even help Dangdang recover because of his blood connection. How can others recover?"

Na Ye said: "Kongkong has a shield called the Ascension Spirit Shield, which can conduct spiritual power transmission. His Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace can filter energy of any attribute into pure absorbable spiritual power. And what they swallowed inside is The life energy of the demons is impossible to possess in the outside world, and this life energy can even assist them in directly improving their cultivation."

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