Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 424 The Holy God of the Dead

This is a very spacious room, surrounded by transparent glass walls, allowing you to clearly see the outside. Walking in here, everything in the entire Scourge City comes into view. In this room, surprisingly, there are no strong elemental fluctuations like outside.

There is no furniture in the room, only an altar protruding from the ground in the center. Compared with the simplicity of the room, there are very rich and complex runes on it from the ground to the altar, but at this time, they It looks like cold mithril, without any energy fluctuations.

On top of the altar, a slender being sat cross-legged. She was wearing a dark blue robe, which looked different from the magic robe. It had fine blue-gold patterns on it, and her long hair was spread behind her. Yes, judging from the figure, the master of the kingdom of the dead, the Holy Law God of the Dead, is actually a woman. Her whole body was shrouded in a thick robe, and her whole body looked hazy, making it impossible to see her appearance clearly.

The next moment he entered here, Long Dangdang's own bloodline immediately felt the sensation, because he sensed the familiar, extremely kind, and only mother's breath. My mother is here, and my mother is imprisoned in the place where the Holy Law God of the Dead is?

"You're here? You're here after all." The strange voices of men and women echoed in the room.

The Lich King had already stood aside at this time, but the female deceased did not follow. In the large transparent space, there are only the Lord of the Undead Kingdom, the Lich King, Hepburn and Long Dangdang sitting cross-legged.

Long Dangdang said solemnly: "Hand over my parents and Hepburn, let us leave, and I will return you the undead princess."

The Holy God of the Dead said calmly: "It seems that you didn't listen to what the Lich King said before. Why, don't you still believe that the person in front of you is Hepburn? Where is your brother? Why didn't he come with you? You are the only one. one?"

Long Dangdang said coldly: "Yes, I am the only one. I left my younger brother in the Holy City. If I couldn't save my parents this time, I never thought about going back alive. And if we die, our future will be empty. He will avenge us."

"You are a responsible brother, and the Dangdang in your name is not in vain. This is good. Don't worry, let's do it bit by bit, okay? It will also make it easier for you to accept everything you are facing. First of all, Let me prove to you first that the person in front of you is Hepburn."

As he spoke, he didn't see the Holy God of the Dead doing anything. All the magic runes on the floor of the room suddenly flickered, and the next moment, Long Dangdang only felt that there was nothing in front of him. Hepburn, who was originally held hostage by him, was like this. Disappeared into thin air.

The strong fear made him choose to explode without hesitation. The furnace of light was instantly ignited, and the Judgment of Light in his hand lit up directly. The power of Xiaoba's six dragons was about to take over, and at the same time, the magical power of blood in his body was about to rise. ignite.

But at this moment, a powerful and terrifying suction force suddenly came from the ground. Long Dangdang felt that the spiritual power in his body was pouring out, and even the power of his bloodline became sluggish for an instant. The next moment, a terrifying heavy sword was pressed on his shoulder, making him completely unable to move.

Although he had already guessed that there was a huge gap between himself and the Lich King and the Holy God of the Dead, he never expected that the gap was so big that he didn't even have a chance to take action. The heavy sword, which was obviously an artifact, pressed against his shoulders, making Long Dangdang unable to move at all.

And the girl who didn't know whether she was the Princess of the Undead or Hepburn had already appeared next to the Holy Law God of the Undead.

"Now, we can talk properly." The Holy Law God of the Dead said calmly.

Despair spread in his heart, and Long Dangdang's heart instantly sank to the bottom. He knew that it was over. After all, he fell into the hands of the enemy and was unable to successfully rescue his parents.

"What else is there to say?" Long Dangdang realized that he still had the ability to speak.

"I'm very happy that you can come. Now that Hepburn is by my side, there is no need for me to deceive you with lies, are you right?" The voice of the Holy Law of the Dead is still unhurried, as if he is telling a story Just an ordinary thing.

Long Dangdang didn't say a word. The despair in his heart made his mind go blank. For the first time, he felt that he was so close to death.

"Everyone, sit down." What made Long Dangdang raise his head in surprise was that the Holy Law God of the Dead raised his hand and pressed it. His body fell down uncontrollably, and the Lich King and Hepburn also sat down. Come down.

"Long Dangdang, I'm very pleased that you went deep into the tiger's den to rescue your parents even though you knew you were close to death. You are a good boy. The reason why your parents are here is because I want to see you, preferably with your brother. Since You are already here, so your brother should come too. This will save me from having to say the same thing twice."

Long Dangdang was stunned. Before he could react, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of him and pierced directly into his chest.

The fine gold base armor on his body disintegrated instantly, turning into a fine gold base and falling aside. And that gleam of cold light pierced directly into his left chest without any pause.

Long Dangdang only felt a pain in his heart. It felt like his heart was being pierced. Was he going to die?

And in the next moment, when his heart was pierced, the magical blood power in his body surged instantly, causing his whole body to erupt with a strong purple-gold color, and purple-gold scales instantly covered his body. Make him look less human.

Jiyang Camp!

The waiting time finally came to a week, and the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group received notice that the army was about to launch a full-scale attack on the Kingdom of the Undead. The military ordered them to attack with the army.

After a night's rest, everyone has adjusted to their best condition. However, everyone is still in a bad mood. Without Long Dangdang, the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group would have lost its backbone. And Long Dangdang has been in the Kingdom of the Undead for so long, but there is no news.

"Let's go." Ling Menglu greeted her friends. In Long Dangdang's absence, she shouldered the heavy responsibility of commanding the team.

Long Kongkong was the first to stand up and follow her outside. These days, he has become much quieter than before. The whole person seems to have grown up.

Others followed suit. Just when they walked out of the tent, Long Kongkong suddenly stopped and covered his left chest with his right hand, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Kongkong, what's wrong with you?" Ling Menglu was the first to react. She clearly felt that Long Kongkong's heartbeat was accelerating violently.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Amidst the violent heartbeat, Long Kongkong's face instantly turned pale, and his whole body even began to spasm uncontrollably. Purple-gold lines quickly appeared on the surface of his skin, and his entire body began to tremble like chaff.

"Brother, my brother..."

Hearing him say these words, Ling Menglu's expression changed drastically. Ordinary twins would have a certain amount of telepathy, let alone professionals like Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. Moreover, Ling Menglu also vaguely knew that there was something special about their bloodline, so Long Kongkong said before that if something happened to her brother, she would be able to sense it immediately.

At this moment, Long Kongkong suddenly appeared in such intense pain. Could it be said that Dangdang him...

Ling Menglu quickly took out the archangel scepter in a hurry, and immediately sent an angel blessing to Long Kongkong, trying to help him stabilize his condition, and asked eagerly: "What's wrong with your brother?"

The golden light of the angel's blessing illuminated Long Kongkong's whole body, but it did not alleviate his pain at this time. He seemed to be suffocated, his eyes widened, and the purple-gold patterns on his body had begun to change in the direction of purple-gold scales. , and then, a strong purple-gold color suddenly bloomed on his body, and a gap seemed to suddenly open in front of him, and his body was sucked in with a "swish".

Wang Changxin, who was closest to Long Kongkong, tried to catch him, but only tore off a piece of his clothes. However, Long Kongkong was already flying and disappeared without a trace, not even a breath remaining.

The sudden change shocked the entire 19115897 Demon Hunting Group.

The severe pain in his heart made Long Dangdang unable to breathe. He only felt as if his body was burning. The strange blood power in his body became boiling like never before. Although his spiritual power was driven crazy by the unknown power under his feet, Absorbed, so that the spiritual power is exhausted, but the blood power in the body becomes more and more powerful like a galloping wild horse.

The next moment, he suddenly felt that his heartbeat seemed to have doubled in an instant. And his body seemed to become illusory in an instant. Then, Long Dangdang seemed to shake his body, and a figure separated from him and fell next to him.

The moment the figure fell out, all the pain disappeared. Long Dangdang gasped for air, and when he saw the figure falling beside him clearly, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Empty ?”

Long Kongkong didn't understand what was going on at all. He just felt dazed for a while amid the violent heartbeat. The next moment, the pain was gone, and he fell to the ground, and then he heard the familiar voice.

Blinking his eyes quickly, Long Kongkong turned his head and looked to his side, and suddenly saw his brother very close at hand, with their eyes facing each other. For a moment, the two brothers couldn't help but be a little confused.

Long Dangdang felt a chill all over his body at this moment. According to his rescue plan and his way of doing things, the first thing he considered was the worst outcome. In his plan, the worst outcome was that the rescue was unsuccessful and he died in the Scourge City. His only obsession was that even if he committed suicide, he would not be turned into an undead.

But the scene before him clearly exceeded his expectation of the worst outcome. His younger brother was also forcibly taken in, using his and his younger brother's blood. And even they themselves don't know the abilities contained in this bloodline.

"Brother, you're okay, that's great. I thought you just burped." Unlike Long Dangdang, who felt cold, Long Kongkong suddenly had a look of surprise on his face when he saw his brother. When his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he felt a strong crisis, his first reaction was that something happened to his brother and he was killed. And at this moment, seeing his brother still alive in front of him, how could he not be happy?

"Which of your eyes saw that I'm okay?" Long Dangdang pouted helplessly in one direction.

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of his mouth. The next moment, his eyes widened instantly, and the surprise on his face did not diminish. He shouted, "Hepburn!"

Then he bounced off the ground and rushed over.

Long Dangdang's hands and feet were cold at this moment, and his whole body was out of control. He couldn't stop it even if he wanted to! He opened his mouth to scream, but found that Long Kongkong was not stopped. He rushed directly to Hepburn and held her in his arms. Both the Saint of the Dead and the Lich King watched this scene and did nothing.

The moment Long Kongkong saw Hepburn, he completely ignored the powerful Lord of the Undead beside her, hugged Hepburn tightly, and jumped up and down with excitement.

The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth twitched. Is this the legendary fearlessness of the ignorant?

Hepburn was held by Long Kongkong. While he was stunned, his eyes gradually revealed a doting look, and he hugged him gently with his backhand, while tears fell from his eyes.

Long Dangdang looked in the direction of the Holy Law God of the Dead, fearing that she would be disadvantageous to her brother because of his actions. But to his surprise, the Holy God of the Dead turned sideways and looked at Long Kongkong who was hugging Hepburn. He didn't show any expression and just let him cheer for joy.

"Great, it's great that you're okay. I really miss me! Hepburn, I swear, I will never be separated from you again. I will be with you all the time. I promise not to let you go again." If you are taken away by anyone, I will tie you to my belt and see you every moment." Long Kongkong said excitedly.

"Whether you can be with her all the time depends on your choice." Until this moment, the Holy Law God of the Dead finally spoke quietly.

Long Kongkong was stunned, and subconsciously turned his head to look, only to realize that there was another person beside him.

After looking at the Holy God of the Dead and the surrounding environment, his thinking became normal. He suddenly turned around and looked at his brother, "Brother, this is..."

Long Dangdang looked at his younger brother and said with some helplessness: "Calamity City, Mithril Castle, the residence of the Undead Monarch, the Holy Law God of the Dead."

Long Kongkong blinked, "Saint Law God of the Dead? Lord of the Dead? Where is he?"

The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth dropped and he said nothing.

Long Kongkong's reaction was very quick this time. He suddenly turned around and looked at the Holy Law God of the Dead beside him, and said with a tongue-tied mouth: "It can't be you, right?"

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