"There is no human intrigue, no human evil. Everything begins to become beautiful. As long as I exist, they can even live forever. My relatives and lovers will never leave me again. And when I Returning to the human world again, I was immediately pained by the intrigues of the human world. I decided that I wanted to change everything, to make everything under my control, and to become strong, strong enough to protect me. Family, protect everything. Only by keeping everything under control can the tragedy of the past not happen."

"Kongkong has begun to be able to recall some memories of the past life. Dangdang, what about you? You really can't remember it at all? But no matter what, let's go back to mother. Let us, mother and son, rule the kingdom of the dead together, and then Rule the entire continent so that our will can be easily transmitted to every corner of the world."

Listening to the narration of Ling Xue, the Holy Law God of the Dead, Long Dangdang fell into silence. Even with his usual composure, there was only one thought in his mind at this moment, and that was that this was all a dream.

In this short period of time, the information he obtained was so incredible and unbelievable. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't have guessed that the Holy God of the Dead, who ruled the kingdom of the dead, would be his mother. And he and his younger brother actually still have such a predestined relationship.

Yes, he actually already believed it in his heart. However, he grew up and learned in the human world since he was a child. The partners and teachers around him, including his parents and younger brother, all brought him The warmth of the human world. But at this moment, his biological mother actually said that she wanted him to join the Kingdom of the Undead and destroy mankind together. How could he accept this?

He also tried to recall, recalling whether he really had memories of his previous life because of his blood connection, but he soon discovered that he did not have this memory at all. No matter what he thought, the only memory in his mind was in this life.

what to do? What should I do? But no matter what, he can't be an undead and kill humans! He couldn't do it, he really couldn't. And is the Holy Law God of the Dead in front of him really still his mother? Even if her body is still there, is her soul still?

At this moment, he was in deep confusion. How much he hoped that this was really just a dream, he just felt that even if this was a novel, he would not dare to write it like this!

Looking at the stunned Long Dangdang, Ling Xue did not ask any more questions, but turned around and looked at Long Kongkong and Hepburn, who were holding each other's arms and crying, with tenderness in their eyes.

With her extremely powerful mental power, she could clearly feel that Long Kongkong's mental fluctuations were undergoing earth-shaking changes at this time, and she even felt from him the same strong emotion that she had felt from her son before she died. hatred. Yes, this is his little Austin, he remembered it, he should have remembered it gradually. Son, I'm coming back.

She slowly came to them, opened her arms, and gently hugged Long Kongkong and Hepburn. However, Long Kongkong's body shook violently, raised his head, and looked at his mother with tears on his face.

"Is this, is all this true?" At this moment, he kept recalling Hepburn's voice in his mind. It was definitely not the Hepburn in front of him, but everything seemed to overlap with the Hepburn in front of him. And there's more that seems to be coming back, but it's still a little vague at the moment.

"Yes, of course it is true. We were originally such a happy and happy family, but we were all destroyed by hateful humans. Once we live again, no one can break up our family again. They must all be destroyed. Only the undead can The world is so pure. Our family can be together forever and no longer need to worry about being tainted by these dirty humans. Come to me, son, and let us work together. Mom now has great power. We will definitely be able to fulfill the teacher’s last wish and let the power of the undead spread across the entire continent and rule everything here.”

"No, you can't! Kongkong!" Long Dangdang, who was sluggish in the distance, seemed to suddenly wake up and said quickly.

Yes, no. Humanity, the lives of millions of humans! Even if they really come back to life, they are still human beings! How can we destroy mankind? He couldn't accept it, he couldn't accept it at all in his heart.

Long Kongkong looked at Ling Xue and then at Long Dangdang, his eyes a little blank.

Ling Xue suddenly turned her head and looked at Long Dangdang, "Why not? Do you want to repeat the same mistakes and let our family fall into the hands of those dirty humans again and be killed by them again with the most cruel means? Just be serious. Can’t you even remember it?”

Long Dangdang's eyes had regained some clarity at this time, "No, that's not the case. No matter whether you are really our mother or not, we cannot go to kill humans with you. Those are millions of living lives. Ah! I can’t remember the past and present life you mentioned at all. This may have been your mental control over me and Kong Kong. I don’t believe that my mother will become like this. You are the Holy Law God of the Dead, and you are not us. 's mother."

Yes, this was the answer in his mind. No matter how true the two stories told by the Saint of Death in front of him were, at this moment, it was still hard to believe in his heart. I don’t want to believe it either.

"Brother, but, I remembered it, I really remembered something. I can be sure that it belongs to my memory. It comes from our blood." Long Kongkong spoke at this time, he His eyes were a bit colder than before, and the strong negative emotions in his heart were spewing out like a fountain. His eyes were filled with hatred and destruction, and the strong sadness impacted his brain again and again.

"No, Kongkong, that's not the case. We are human beings! How can we help the undead to destroy humans? Kongkong, wake up!" Long Dangdang strode forward and walked towards Long Kongkong. At this time, the only emotion in his heart was panic. . Everything in front of me seemed so unreal.

A light blue light flashed, and Long Dangdang's body instantly froze, frozen in place. Ling Xue turned around and looked at him with a complex light flashing in her eyes.

"Human beings? Every undead was once a human being. But how many undead souls died of a normal life? Do you think that human beings who really died of a normal life can become undead? Is it because of the injustice in the world that causes people to die without peace of mind? Could it be that these two stories I told Can't I still wake you up? Why can't I awaken your bloodline memory that is bound to appear for you as my son? Or is it that you are not my son at all? "

The light in the eyes of the Holy God of the Dead, Ling Xue, suddenly became intense. She suddenly raised her hand and grabbed Long Dangdang's head. The terrifying mental power instantly burst out and poured down.

Long Dangdang's own mental power is quite strong. During this period, through the improvement of the Soul Stone and Xiao Xie's feedback, he has even touched the edge of the ninth level. When he encountered a mental attack, Xiaoxie reacted immediately and wanted to resist, and his own mental power also exploded.

However, everything is in vain. The spiritual power of the Holy God of the Dead, Ling Xue, is really too strong. Your unrivaled spiritual power rushed into Long Dangdang’s spiritual sea with an almost arrogant attitude. Long Dangdang’s entire spiritual sea was in this huge sea. There is nothing to hide under the scanning of soul power.

Whether it was Xiao Xie, Xiao Ba, or his own strength, they were completely suppressed and unable to move at all. Only the strange surge of blood power could barely protect his spiritual sea from damage.

Ling Xue's eyes flashed with uncertainty, "Why? Why can't I find the imprint of my soul in your soul? We are mother and son, but why can't I feel belonging to you? My soul breath? Why? You are not my son?"

Completely different from Long Kongkong, in Long Kongkong, she could already clearly feel the extremely familiar breath. In all the breaths, they were so similar to those in her previous life. She even seemed to have felt the breath after her death. Little Austin's mood swings were close to collapse at the last moment.

On the contrary to the changes in Long Kongkong, she didn't even feel anything about Long Dangdang. Yes, there is no trace of his son in his previous life. However, they are twin brothers from the same mother! Could it be said that only one of his resurrected sons inherited the memory? But they all have that strange bloodline mark flowing on them. That is indeed the mysterious and powerful bloodline power that belongs to his son! Even she can only serve as a carrier to pass on this power to her son, but she cannot use it at all.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Long Kongkong had already released his hold on Hepburn, rushed to Ling Xue's side in a few steps, and hugged her arm.

Although he recovered some memories, the memories of this life still occupy more! Growing up, he and his brother spent the longest time together, especially after entering the academy. It can be said that he has always lived a lazy and comfortable life under his brother's protection. Seeing that my mother actually took action against my brother, how could I not be anxious?

Ling Xue's soul power converged, and Long Dangdang fell to the ground with a pale face. Long Kongkong was about to step forward to help, but was held back by Ling Xue.

The Holy Law God of the Dead murmured: "No, it's not right. It shouldn't be like this. It's obviously the same bloodline power, but why is the memory fragmented? There is absolutely no possibility for him to revive his memory. . It has been guided by the power of my soul, but there is nothing at all. Why is this?"

When she was telling the two stories just now, she had been guiding them with her unparalleled spiritual power. The same bloodline, coupled with reincarnation, led her to believe that her son would definitely be able to start to recover his memory. Just like for Hepburn, she used the same method.

Facts have proved that it was successful with Long Kongkong, but for some reason, it was not successful with Long Dangdang. This is not normal at all. Unless it is said that his son was reborn in Long Kongkong, but Long Dangdang also inherited his son's magical power of blood! This is why? Even though she was already standing at the pinnacle of the world, at this moment, Ling Xue's mind was a little confused and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Long Kongkong struggled for a while, and Ling Xue subconsciously let go. He hurriedly squatted down and helped Long Dangdang who fell on the ground, "Brother, you..."

The two bodies came into contact, but in an instant, both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong felt as if they were electrocuted. The two bodies separated instantly again.

Because, the moment they touched each other, they all clearly felt the strange blood in their bodies suddenly rioting. Long Kongkong could clearly feel that his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace seemed to be attracted by the strange blood, and he actually felt like it was about to devour Long Dangdang. What Long Dangdang received was a wave of cold and destructive aura transmitted from Long Kongkong. This caused an instant collision between the blood power of the two people who originally had the same origin.

Long Dangdang's pupils suddenly shrank and he was different. At this moment, he clearly felt that his brother had become different. In an instant, his heart sank. Although he didn't understand why this happened at all, he was certain that his brother's change was due to the influence of the Holy Law God of the Dead.

If something goes wrong, something will happen after all. But, what on earth is going on? He couldn't understand it at all.

The Holy God of the Dead, Ling Xue, had come to his senses at this time, looked down at Long Dangdang and then at the stunned Long Kongkong, murmuring in his mouth: "It seems that something happened when my little Austin was resurrected. Kongkong, you revived little Austin's soul, but maybe it's because the human body is too weak, so two bodies are used to carry your bloodline. Long Dangdang is not the resurrected you, but the carrier of your bloodline. By devouring him, maybe you can regain your talents from your previous life and gradually regain your strength. You two become one and you are my true son."

As the Holy Law God of the Undead, a top being who studies undead magic, after a short period of thinking, coupled with the different changes in the auras of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, she already had some judgments in her mind. This explanation is the most reasonable. His son's soul was completely resurrected in Long Kongkong. Long Dangdang had no trace of it at all. He was only a human body in this life, but he shared his son's magical blood.

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