Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 435 Return to the Holy City

Long Dang said: "Yes, I found the Natural Disaster City and successfully sneaked into it. I observed some situations inside and am ready to report to you."

As soon as these words came out, all the saints in the audience were shocked. Xuan Hanyan couldn't help but said: "You entered the natural disaster city? How did you get in?"

You know, previously, the Federation had sent a large number of demon hunting groups to try to sneak into the Kingdom of the Undead. However, the situation in the Kingdom of the Undead is too complicated. First of all, the elemental attributes of the Kingdom of the Undead have changed, which is not suitable for human cultivation. After entering, supply is a problem. On the other hand, the fluctuations of human qi and blood are completely different from those of the undead, and the spiritual power of the undead strong is quite outstanding. When encountering the spiritual exploration of the undead strong, the strong human qi and blood are almost invisible. If you want to It is extremely difficult to go deep into the Realm of the Dead, especially into the cities of the Realm of the Dead.

Just like how Long Dangdang suddenly encountered a mental scan by an undead strongman in the undead city before, that is normal in the country of the undead, which is to detect whether any humans have sneaked into the world of the undead. Under spiritual investigation, human energy and blood are basically invisible.

Therefore, even if a ninth-level human being sneaks into the Kingdom of the Undead, it will be difficult for him to do so. Once he is discovered after going deep enough, it will be very difficult to escape. Therefore, the Federation's exploration of the Kingdom of the Undead has always been very limited, let alone finding the Scourge City. This can be seen clearly from the map Long Dangdang obtained previously.

At this time, Long Dangdang actually said that he had successfully entered the Natural Disaster City, which was undoubtedly of extraordinary significance to the Federation.

"Yes, fellow saints, I successfully entered the Natural Disaster City this time." At that moment, Long Dangdang began to tell what he had experienced when he entered the Kingdom of the Undead. The combination of the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, the Sky-hiding Fruit, and ultra-long-distance teleportation, plus the fact that he used his mount partner Evil Eye Tyrant to absorb the Soul Stone to cover up his aura, and even pretended to be an undead to participate in the selection of the Prince Consort, all Told it once.

Listening to his story, all the saints were moved. There is no doubt that Long Dangdang must have violated the rules by venturing into the Kingdom of the Undead without reporting this time. However, from another perspective, before he entered the Kingdom of the Undead, he actually took on a large number of demon hunting groups' exploration missions to the Kingdom of the Undead. From a demon hunter's perspective, there was no problem for him. It can also be said that he has entered the kingdom of the dead to perform a mission as a demon hunter!

Moreover, everything he discovered far exceeded the information obtained by the previous explorations of the demon hunting group. It can be said that it played an extremely important role in the Federation's understanding of the Kingdom of the Undead.

Whether it is the order of the Kingdom of the Undead, the city's condition, the specific location of the Scourge City, or even the existence of Mithril Castle. It's all brand new information.

"..., in the final choice, I was not selected, and at that time, I vaguely felt the blood of my parents. I also exposed my identity at that time. I was besieged by the undead strong men. Drawn by the blood, My brother was teleported to me. He helped me hold back the enemy and allowed me to complete the teleportation array. My Biyou Cave Spiritual Furnace can only teleport one person at a time in its first-level state. Originally, I wanted to teleport him. The one who left was knocked into the teleportation array by him and returned to Jiyang Camp. My brother’s life or death is unknown."

At the end of the sentence, Long Dangdang's eyes dimmed. In fact, only the last paragraph was made up by him. Before that, all the stories told were true. What he concealed was the situation of his family.

After listening to Long Dangdang's description of the Kingdom of the Undead, the saints present fell into deep thought. There is no doubt that the news brought back by Long Dangdang is too precious. Especially now that the human army has started a war with the Kingdom of the Undead, this plays a vital role in helping humans understand the world of the Undead and even going deep into the Kingdom of the Undead in the future.

And a country of the undead full of order has undoubtedly aroused the strong vigilance of many federal senior officials. It is organized and orderly, just like a country. The development of the Kingdom of the Undead has advantages that humans do not have. Dead human warriors and strong human beings can almost all be called resources for the development of the Kingdom of the Undead. Once the strength comparison between the two sides reaches a critical point, then the destruction of the entire human world will be inevitable.

"The news you brought back is so important. I think Dangdang is not only blameless this time, but also meritorious." Xuan Hanyan said in a deep voice.

The fall of Long Kongkong in the Kingdom of the Undead is undoubtedly a huge loss for the Knights Temple, but if we really look at the comparison of gains and losses, is it worth exchanging Long Kongkong for such important news? If you don't start from feelings, just from the comparison of benefits, it is undoubtedly worth it. This is almost equivalent to the mystery of the world of the undead opening up to the Temple Federation. This has extraordinary significance for the next series of military operations.

Xi Che also nodded and said: "Dangdang, the information you brought back is so important. You should immediately compile this information, including the map you explored. Submit it to the headquarters and the demon hunting group at the same time. Updated We have this information about the Kingdom of the Undead. Your exploration alone has surpassed almost all other demon hunting groups. On behalf of the military, I will ask the demon hunting group to give you adequate rewards. I also think that although your actions this time are reckless, , but judging from the results, there is no merit. You were brave and resourceful in the process of going deep into the Kingdom of the Dead. You are worthy of being the champion of this inheritance competition."

At this point, his voice sank and he continued: "However, I must also remind you. As one of the future inheritors of the Champions Temple of the Grand Competition, the same reckless behavior must not happen twice. Because The Federation cannot afford such a loss. We are also very sorry that your parents and brothers fell into the Kingdom of the Undead. However, I hope you can keep your heart. You have also seen how powerful the Kingdom of the Undead is. It is impossible for you alone to conquer the Kingdom of the Undead. If they were rescued, they would only trap themselves there. And since you discovered the blood aura of your parents this time, it proves that they are probably still alive, and your brother will not necessarily be killed. What you should do now , is to join the war against the kingdom of the undead with the army. When we wipe out the undead, we will definitely strive to bring your parents and brothers back safely."

Long Dangdang lowered his head and nodded gently, "Yes, Marshal, I understand."

Xi Che nodded to him and said, "Okay, then you go back first and wait for news about your situation."

Ling Menglu and other partners also listened to Long Dangdang describe the whole process, how thrilling it was. Not only did Long Dangdang successfully infiltrate, he even pretended to be a dead person and went deep into the natural disaster city. The degree of danger involved can be imagined.

At this time, they understood more and more that Long Dangdang had no intention of letting them follow him. If they went with Long Dangdang, it would be almost impossible for them to go as deep as he did alone. The number of Hidden Sky Fruits is limited, and they don't have the ability like Xiao Xie to emit the aura of the undead to cover themselves up. Especially a light god like Ling Menglu, if he enters the kingdom of the dead, he will be like a lighthouse.

After returning to his residence, Long Dang completed the tasks assigned by Xi Che first, and also went to the Demon Hunting Group's branch in Jiyang Camp to hand in the tasks. The points were not distributed immediately because the exploration mission he completed this time was so outstanding that it even exceeded the original mission given by the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters. The specific number of points to be awarded will have to wait for news from the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group.

But there is no doubt that the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group will no longer be a general-level demon hunting group.

In the next few days, Long Dangdang has regained his composure in the eyes of his friends, or is suppressing his sadness. At least from their perspective, there is no clue now. He spent most of his time practicing. His companions also practiced with him.

Returning to the human world, my own spiritual power has improved a lot, which is coupled with the feedback after the completion of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Long Dangdang's inner spiritual power improves very quickly. Even without Long Kongkong, his improvement speed is still rapid.

Three days later, news came from the headquarters. Long Dangdang and the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group were ordered to return to the Holy City and go to the Demon Hunting Group headquarters to report their duties and not participate in the frontline battle for the time being.

Long Dangdang, who originally wanted to directly participate in the war, was undoubtedly suppressed. The high command generally believed that his current emotional state was not suitable for directly participating in the war.

Long Dangdang did not raise any objection, and together with his companions, rode Xiaoba directly back to the Holy City to rest.

With six dragon heads, Xiaoba flies extremely fast and is very stable in the air. It doesn't even need to take the initiative to do anything. The various attribute elements surrounding its body will naturally form a protective shield. Sitting on its broad back, it is smooth and comfortable for everyone.

"How is the current situation since the frontline war started?" Long Dangdang asked Ling Menglu. This was also the first time he asked about the situation on the front line after returning.

Ling Menglu looked at him, a look of worry flashed in her beautiful eyes. In the past few days since Long Dangdang came back, everything seemed normal, but it was because he looked so normal that she became more and more worried.

"Because you are deep behind enemy lines, the Holy Church ordered the federal army to launch an attack in advance. At present, we have defeated part of the army stationed by the undead army, and also wiped out some undead. We have also used some special means to destroy some of the undead energy. We have penetrated about two meters into the country of the undead. About a hundred kilometers away. The undead army retreated and regrouped to form a defense line a hundred kilometers away from us. At present, the pressure we put on the undead army should be quite high. Twelve of the thirty-six Holy Church members are already on the front line. , including two dragon knights. The elites of the six temples have also come to the front line. At present, it seems that we already have a certain advantage."

The six major temples have profound foundations. This time it is no longer a tentative attack, but a real effort to solve the huge problem of the Kingdom of the Undead.

"That's good." Long Dangdang murmured.

"Dangdang, Kongkong will be fine. You two have the same blood. If something happens to him, you will definitely be able to feel it. That's what he said before. Don't worry too much. Jiren Tianxiang, we will definitely be able to rescue them." Ling Menglu comforted her softly.

Long Dangdang sighed secretly in his heart, of course he knew that Long Kongkong would be fine. Moreover, not only is everything okay, Kong Kong is now the prince of the kingdom of the dead! However, both he and his parents are on the opposite side of all mankind. This is even more painful for Long Dangdang than simply being captured. Even if he was caught, he could still try his best to rescue him, but in this situation, it was no longer a matter of rescue.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, and I won't do anything stupid anymore. I just feel deeply that my strength is insufficient now. When I return to the Holy City this time, I plan to stay in seclusion for a while to improve my cultivation. Let's all join together. Now the Federation The war with the Kingdom of the Undead is in full swing, but our strength is still a little weaker.”

Yue Li said: "Retreating is a good idea."

Others also nodded. In their eyes, Long Dangdang was still strong enough to practice hard even when his parents and younger brother were taken away. This was already a very good state.

Return to the Holy City. Long Dangdang and his friends returned directly to the temple headquarters. The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group is also here.

Returning to a familiar place again, but without the usual lazy guy around him, Long Dangdang's heart couldn't help but tighten.

During the recent period, he could often feel fluctuations in his strange bloodline power. It was as if the void was calling him. But they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and there was no way they could communicate with each other.

Fortunately, the strange bloodline power has been relatively stable during this period of time. Not much has changed.

"Dangdang, the hall master invites you."

Mithril Castle.

Long Kongkong sat cross-legged on the bed, and the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace was turned on, swallowing up the extremely rich elemental power in the air. He has never felt that it is so easy to improve his cultivation level.

Long Dangdang ran away, and her mother became very angry. He could feel that the power of his brother's blood was far away. In his heart, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

And since staying in Mithril Castle, some chaotic memories often emerge in my mind. His emotions began to change, especially the emotions filled with destructive thoughts that kept lingering in his mind.

The emergence of these negative emotions made his hatred of human beings almost grow day by day. Some memories from his past life began to reverberate in his mind, and there were some things that he couldn't even touch carefully, otherwise he would feel heartbroken. Fortunately, he still has Hepburn by his side. Whenever this time, Hepburn is by his side, which can somewhat relieve some of his inner pain.

"Brother, are you okay? Do I really want to follow my mother to destroy humanity?"

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