Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 44 Battle against the Demons

"What the hell is this? It's so ugly!" Long Kongkong looked at the dual-sword demon charging over with curiosity on his face. Is this a demon?

Stanley Ho had already taken out his sword and shield, "Whatever it is, just kill it. This test is simple, as long as you can kill more demons. Shall we go together?"

He is also a guardian knight. In fact, in the Knights Temple, after so many years, guardian knights still occupy the mainstream.

"You are the main attacker, and I will help you with defense and assistance." Long Kongkong said with a smile. As he spoke, he had already raised the knight sword in his hand, and a brilliant golden light bloomed from his body, and at the same time it acted on On himself and Stanley Ho.

Ho Hong-yin felt his body heat up, the suppression of the dark aura on him was significantly weakened, and the light elements in the sacred light began to condense rapidly.

He couldn't help but look at Long Kongkong in surprise. In this place that simulated the area occupied by the demons back then, dark attributes were the mainstream. How could he cast the sacred light so calmly and condense the light elements like this?

Before he could think about it, a large number of double-sword demons had already rushed over. He Hongyin shouted loudly, and slashed the knight sword in the direction where the number of double-sword demons was the largest. A golden sword light that looked like a sword burst out, and wherever it passed, the bodies of low-level demons like the Double Sword Demon were shattered one after another. Light slashing sword!

He Hongyin is a fifth-level and first-level knight, and his total spiritual power is even higher than that of Long Dangdang. This light sword slash is majestic. The next moment, he was already flying into the air, and the knight sword in his hand once again burst out with even brighter brilliance, slashing with the sun!

There was almost no pause between the attack skills of the two knights. The sword light exploded like a small sun, and a large area of ​​the double-sword demon that rushed forward was blown to pieces.

"Brother He is mighty!" Long Kongkong said with a smile, and the sacred light also strengthened.

The Yuan Vortex Devouring had already been released when he started to use his skills. There are indeed no light elements to absorb here, but there are quite a few dark elements and elements with other attributes. And what Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace swallows is the spiritual power of heaven and earth, not limited to the light attribute. Therefore, he can completely convert the spiritual power of heaven and earth swallowed by the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace into his own spiritual power, and then use the light attribute After releasing his skills, the environment had no impact on him at all.

He Hongyin released two skills and killed nearly half of the double-sword demons. Bathed in the sacred light, he could feel that the spiritual power he had consumed was rapidly recovering. The light condensed in Long Kongkong's sacred light The elements are very pure and absorb smoothly and comfortably.

He couldn't help but look back at Long Kongkong, who held a shield in his left hand and a knight's sword in his right hand pointing to the sky. The sacred light continued to bloom, and the white light on his chest rotated like a whirlpool.

Ho Hong-yin took a deep breath, absorbed a large amount of light elements in the air, and rushed out again, still with the light-slashing sword, this time it turned into a horizontal sweep. After doing this several times, all the double-sword demons have been killed.

"Kongkong, there's something about this sacred light of yours!" He Hongyin quickly absorbed the light elements and continued to restore his spiritual power. He couldn't help but extend his thumb to Long Kongkong.

Originally, when he was in a group with Long Kongkong, he was a little desperate. This one is probably the weakest in the entire first grade. But after the actual battle started, he discovered that Long Kongkong could help him speed up his recovery in such an environment. For this reason alone, he should be no weaker than a peak fourth-level priest. Only the light elements condensed by priests can be so pure under normal circumstances. That was under normal circumstances, with a place full of dark attributes in front of him. I don’t know how he did it.

"Don't worry, Brother He, I am your strong backing." Long Kongkong said with a smile. He was still full of energy at this time, and the release of the sacred light was not as much energy as the energy absorbed by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace.

The dark elements in this place were extremely rich, and when they were swallowed and absorbed by the Yuan Vortex, he only felt that the effect was even better than when he meditated.

"Three more green ones are coming from a distance, Brother He, keep up the good work!" Long Kongkong pointed into the distance.

Three green-headed double-sword demons rushed towards Long Dangdang and Monroe from three different directions, and their speed was far beyond what the previous ordinary double-sword demons could match. The green carapace on its body had a dark luster under the weak skylight, and it was approaching quickly.

Long Dangdang held the staff and murmured a spell in his mouth. The wind element in the air suddenly became violent. Standing behind him, Monroe could see that with his body as the center, the green light instantly turned into The whirlwind was spinning around his body. Judging from the energy intensity, it was a fifth-level magic.

In just a few breaths, the three green-headed double-sword demons were already close. Long Dangdang swung the staff in his hand into the air, and the green whirlwind surrounding his body immediately rose into the sky, and quickly expanded into a circle. The huge tornado enveloped him and Monroe.

What Monroe saw was that he calmly put the staff back into the storage ring, then held the sword in both hands and rose into the air. The blue light on his body flashed, and he actually merged into the tornado.

This is the first time she has seen such a fighting method, releasing magic by herself and then integrating into it? What kind of play is this?

But at this moment, three green-headed double-sword demons had already rushed forward. They waved their sickle-like forelimbs without hesitation, and suddenly rushed into the tornado with an extremely sharp breath. Although the body is being carried along, due to its fast speed and strong explosive power, there is a tendency to rush directly into this aimless fifth-level wind magic.

But at this moment, green light flashed in the tornado, and along with a series of crisp collision sounds, the momentum of the three green double-sword demons was contained almost at the same time. But in the tornado, the impact of the explosive force was contained, and their powerful bodies were somewhat uncontrollably driven by the tornado to fly up. Some lost control of their bodies and could only wave their claws wildly.

Monroe's eyes lit up, it was clearly Long Dangdang who attracted them into the tornado, and relied on his familiarity with this wind magic to snipe the three green double-sword demons in the magic. The loss of control not only caused the three opponents to lose their encirclement and explosion, but even lost control to a certain extent.

With a flash of blue light, Long Dangdang came to her side again, turned to look at her and said: "Cousin, hurry up and set up the magic circle." As he said that, the two swords in his hands were replaced by staffs, and the staffs pointed to the sky. Green light burst out. The tornado suddenly began to undergo strange changes.

The tornado itself is also composed of wind whirlpools. At this moment, these wind whirlpools are showing strange changes. Some wind whirlpools are spinning faster, while others are starting to slow down. The three green double-sword demons inside were already in chaos while spinning, and each of them became even more confused when the wind whirlpool changed. Moreover, their rotation speeds in the tornado were also different. Almost at the next moment, the bodies of two of the green double-sword demons collided fiercely.

Losing judgment on their surroundings, they slashed at each other with their waving forelimbs almost simultaneously. Coupled with the speed brought by the rotation of the tornado, the green carapace suddenly flew in the strong wind.

Monroe really didn't expect Long Dangdang to fight against the three green double-sword demons in such a way. The green double-sword demon itself is equivalent to a fifth-level strongman, and it is not an ordinary fifth-level one. Their powerful bodies and destructive power make them difficult to deal with. Moreover, when the same race cooperates, it is by no means one plus one plus one, but a geometric multiple of threats.

Even for fifth-level students of Spirit Furnace Academy, it will not be easy to deal with them. It is even more difficult to fight against them alone. It can be regarded as a normal assessment. But Long Dangdang did not choose to fight head-on. Using a fifth-level magic, coupled with his own interception in the fifth-level magic and the control of the magic itself, he was able to play with three green double-sword demons in the palm of his hand. Importantly, The consumption is not large, which is very rare. Is he not yet at level five? Is the magic knight so strong? The combination of magic and knight's methods is quite clever.

"Bang, bang, bang..." After several consecutive collisions, the bodies of the three green double-sword demons were more or less damaged, especially the horns on the back that resembled wings and could drive the body to glide. It doesn't look like it.

Long Dangdang threw his staff into the air, and a tornado suddenly rose into the sky, climbing to a hundred meters before disintegrating in the air. The broken bodies of the three green double-sword demons were also thrown out, falling from the sky and landing in three directions. , making a dull collision sound. Judging from the distortion of his body, it was obvious that he was no longer alive.

When Long Dangdang threw out the tornado, he was already sitting cross-legged on the spot, meditating silently. Monroe did not disappoint him. On the ground, the golden lines that she had carved for a long time were now connected into one body. The brilliant golden light soared into the sky and shot straight into the sky. Penetrating the thick clouds in the sky.

A ray of brilliant golden sunshine fell from the sky, and there was actually a beam of light between the dark world. It shone on Monroe and Long Dangdang, and the thin light elements became rich.

Monroe tapped the staff in her hand lightly on the magic circle on the ground. Suddenly, the golden light became more intense, surrounded by a sacred flavor. Holy light!

The pleasant sound of Sanskrit singing came to Long Dangdang's ears. In the strange elemental fluctuations like the sound of nature, the spiritual power he consumed was restored at an alarming speed.

Yes, this is the priest, the foundation of battery life and healing on the battlefield. The goddess finally bloomed with her own glory after he defeated two rounds of enemies.

"Boom -" He Hongyin chopped off a green double-sword demon. Before the green double-sword demon rushed over, he completed his momentum and chopped one of the forelimbs of the green double-sword demon into pieces with a dazzling strike. And split the opponent's carapace on one side to injure him, but the other two green double-sword demons had already rushed over from both sides, with a huge figure over four meters tall, and their guillotine-like forelimbs instantly sealed his sides. direction. The harsh sound of the air being cut gave him a chilling feeling.

"Brother He, the left side belongs to me." At this moment, Long Kongkong's voice came from behind, who had been showing him the sacred light. The next moment, there was a figure beside him.

He Hongyin took advantage of the situation and turned to the right. All the spiritual energy that was originally injected into the shield and sword was transferred into the long sword, and the Yaori Slash was slashed out.

"Boom——" Another green double-sword demon was hacked out by him.

"When--" There was also a collision sound from the other side. When He Hongyin looked back, he saw golden light blooming. Long Kongkong's shield steadily blocked the attack of the green double-sword demon, and God blocked it!

The Divine Control Block itself has a certain ability to borrow force, and coupled with the Devouring of Yuan Vortex, even the white vortex on Long Kongkong's chest turned into gold at this moment.

"I'll suck you to death." Long Kongkong shouted, and the Yuan Vortex Devouring was also activated at full power. His shield even brought a strong suction force under the injection of Yuan Vortex Devouring, causing the green double-sword demon to be briefly stuck. .

It swung back violently before pulling away a pair of forelimbs, leaping back to gain some distance.

"That's it! Leave this one to me." Long Kongkong said with a smile, and at the same time, he slipped and chased the green double-sword demon. At the same time, he did not forget to swing back the knight's sword in his hand, throwing a sacred light on Ho Hong-yin again.

Although this kid is not as good as his brother, he still has something! Stanley Ho was thinking in his mind, but his movements were not idle. One on two, fight against two green demons with double swords.

Five minutes later, Ho Hongyin panted and killed two green double-sword demons. The other green double-sword demon, whose green light had dimmed, was chased and devoured by Long Kongkong. He resisted and was consumed. That's almost it.

"Give him a Sunshine Slash and kill it, Kong Kong." Ho Hong-yin shouted.

"I can't!" Long Kongkong shouted naturally.

"Can you kill the sun?" Ho Hongyin was speechless. But the next moment, he saw Long Kongkong's shield colliding with the green double-sword demon. The Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace sucked the opponent and held on to him. The green double-sword demon was unable to throw him away.

"There is too much spiritual power. Brother He, let me give you a big one. Look at me, angel blessing!" He raised the knight sword in his right hand, and in the surging golden light, a very small golden angel flew out, brilliant. The golden light turned into dots of golden light, and quickly penetrated into He Hongyin's body.

Ho Hongyin quickly recovered the spiritual and physical energy he had just consumed. He stared at Long Kongkong dumbfounded, and the angel blessed him. Is this what the guardian knight can use? Isn't this a priest's skill?

Of course ordinary guardian knights can't, but Gou Knight can!

He wasn't very good at attacking Long Kongkong, but when it came to saving his life, he still deserved the mantle.

When the green double-sword demon was almost sucked dry, He Hong led it over and smashed its head with a sword. At this time, he looked at Long Kongkong with a somewhat complicated expression.

Maybe, maybe, it seems that I have found a treasure. I just don’t know whether I should call him a priest who knows how to block, or a guardian knight who knows how to bless angels?

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