Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 450 Continuous Forbidden Curse

Long Dangdang and his friends settled in the special training base of the Knights Temple. When the spatial anchoring is activated, the movement is really a bit loud, and it will cause a wide range of spatial fluctuations and elemental fluctuations. It is indeed not appropriate in the temple headquarters and can easily affect others.

Long Dangdang himself became busy, traveling between the temple headquarters and the special training base every day. During the day, he would go to the temple headquarters to learn advanced knight combat skills or go to the Magic Temple to learn magic. In the evening, I return to the base and practice with my friends.

At this time, the benefits of having the ability to teleport through space become apparent. With the Anchor of Time and Space, Long Dangdang's space teleportation ability is greatly enhanced. Medium-distance space transmission of tens of kilometers is not a problem. It only takes about ten seconds of preparation time to carry out direct transmission. It is very convenient to travel between two places.

At the same time, he is also gradually adapting to the artifact of the Anchor of Time and Space. With the help of the Soul Breathing Furnace, he is gradually controlling the power of the artifact. When learning magic, he also discusses with Wu Di what kind of magic is most suitable. Own.

Time passed quickly in this intense practice and study. Another three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The battle between the federal army and the Kingdom of the Undead on the front line is also in full swing. The initial success is finally over. After going nearly a thousand miles into the Kingdom of the Undead, the army assembled by the Kingdom of the Undead relied on two occupied cities to block it. Now the two sides have fallen into a stalemate. As for the Kingdom of the Undead, more than a hundred ninth-level warriors appeared on the battlefield, and they were no longer suppressed by the Temple Federation in terms of high-end combat power.

The Temple Federation must deal with the collision of high-end combat power with special caution, because once a high-level professional dies in battle, it is likely to become part of the opponent's combat power. This is the last thing the federal army wants to see. . Once the balance of strength between the two sides is tilted due to this aspect, then they are likely to face catastrophe. Therefore, the federal army has become more and more cautious. After suppressing the Kingdom of the Undead on the periphery and recapturing one-tenth of the land area occupied by the Kingdom of the Undead, proceed steadily, build fortresses in key areas, consolidate the areas that have been recaptured, block all passages between the Kingdom of the Undead and the human world, and complete continuous oppression. Then figure it out slowly.

This is a strange space. There are colorful colors in the space. There is no sun in the sky, but there is a strong magical element. The seven colors that illuminate the entire space come from the colorful clouds that flow from time to time in the sky.

Long Dangdang was standing on the ground in this space with his teacher Wu Di. At a glance, there are only some hills in the distance on the ground, and there are no traces of life.

This is a very special training space in the Magic Temple. Magicians of the eighth level and above need to be approved by the Magic Temple to enter and practice. Only the ninth level Dharma God has the authority to enter at any time.

Although Long Dangdang is only at the eighth level now, he has a special status and has been approved by the master of the Magic Temple to enter it to study magic.

This space is called the Forbidden Demon Realm. Legend has it that a top magic god transformed into an artifact. When he died, he combined his power with the artifact to create this special space realm.

The Forbidden Demon Realm has two characteristics. First, the types of elements here are extremely complete and rich, and all known element attributes exist. The second thing is that here, no matter what level of magician you are, as long as you are a being who has not exceeded one million spiritual powers and is not limited by heaven and earth, then the magic you cast here will only have one-tenth of its original power. Therefore, its function is to allow high-level magicians to study magic here. There is no need to worry about the magic power being cast being too powerful and causing unnecessary effects.

The Forbidden Demon Realm is definitely the core resource for the Magic Temple.

"Let's begin." Wu Di nodded to Long Dangdang, with a bit of fanaticism and strong expectation in his eyes.

Long Dangdang nodded, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, a circle of silver-white light bloomed behind his head.

After these days of practice and familiarity, I have become more and more proficient in controlling the anchor of time and space. The spatial anchoring was activated instantly. Suddenly, it was as if a hole had been poked in the Forbidden Demon Realm, and a large number of colorful clouds in the sky gathered in the direction of Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang's body flickered illusively, and five figures appeared beside him. Except for the spatial attribute clone, all other five clones appeared.

The low voice of the spell quickly began to be chanted. Normal magicians need to follow a special rhythm when chanting spells, especially high-level magic spells, so as to use the spell to induce the vitality of heaven and earth for their own use. This process is also the most important part of magic. A process that takes time.

But at this time, Long Dangdang's mantra chanting was short and powerful, with no cadence or rhythm at all. He was just reciting the mantra.

Soon, with his body as the center and around his body, the six-colored light began to rotate crazily. The violent aura suddenly caused the entire seven-color color of the Forbidden Demon Realm to begin to undergo bizarre changes.

The elemental power induced by the space anchor was guided by the spell and quickly formed terrifying elemental energy. In just ten seconds, the huge elemental fluctuation had already taken shape.

The silver halo behind Long Dangdang's head became brighter and brighter, and a layer of blue halo lingered on the surface of his body. At the same time, a white ripple-like light emitted from his Dantian, covering himself, his clone, and the witchcraft. No matter how violent the elemental energy outside is, it cannot affect them inside at all.

The "six" dragons raised their right hands and pointed forward at the same time. Suddenly, the violent six-color light roared out like a landslide and tsunami. Wherever it passed, it swept away all the surrounding elemental energy, causing an area of ​​several square kilometers. The elements within the range are actually empty. The power of the six-color elements faintly took on the shape of a giant wave, and the giant wave at the front was shaped like a giant dragon. It rushed out for nearly three kilometers before gradually dissipating.

Long Dangdang's body flashed with silver light, and he and his clone appeared several kilometers away. He chanted the spell again, and after more than ten seconds, another elemental storm raged.

The magic he cast is a very difficult thing to control in the magical world, and is called elemental storm, or six-element storm.

The magic of elemental storm can be cast as long as you control four elements, but the power of the four-element storm cannot be compared with the six-element storm after adding light and darkness.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to cast this magic. Because it is necessary to keep the elemental power under control in a balanced state, and then break the balance to burst out the power at the moment it explodes. This has extremely high requirements on the magician's control, and the magician must also have the ability to control multiple elements at the same time. Very few people use this magic in the Magic Temple. Among the users, the most representative one is the current elemental saint woman San Liuying.

She is also able to cast six elemental storms. But now, she has used the core of ice and fire as the core of the artifact Song of Ice and Fire Staff, which is relatively easy to control.

And if Zi Sang Liuying were here at this time, he would definitely be shocked beyond measure by everything in front of him. Even if she wants to cast the magic of Six Element Storm, she needs to chant for at least thirty seconds, and once she casts it, she will fall into a certain state of weakness. This is why she has the artifacts Song of Ice and Fire Staff and Elemental Soul Furnace.

The elemental storm composed of six elements has theoretically reached the forbidden spell level, which is equivalent to the eighth-level forbidden spell. The overall power is comparable to ninth-level magic. At this time, the power of the elemental storm cast by Long Dangdang may still be within the range of the eighth-level forbidden spell. But the problem is that his casting speed and ability to cast continuously are absolutely unimaginable by any other magician.

Yes, too fast, too fast.

Over the past few days, Long Dangdang has been discussing with Wu Di what kind of magic is most suitable for himself and the anchor of time and space? In the end, to sum up, the more control over multiple elements, the more suitable it is. Because in this way, the various elemental powers swallowed up by the Anchor of Time and Space can be wasted as much as possible.

As it turns out, he succeeded. Not to mention the power of the elemental storm he cast, it relies on the anchor of time and space to pull the power of the elements and cast it in quick succession. This is something that no current magician in the Magic Temple can do.

Even a being at the level of the Master of the Magic Temple cannot cast eighth-level forbidden spells continuously without resting at all.

Of course, Long Dangdang also has limitations when casting it. The main limitation is that after casting a forbidden spell, he needs to go to another place where the power of the elements has not been activated before he can cast it again, because the elements in the original place The energy has been absorbed and released by him.

In the Forbidden Demon Realm, you only need to move five kilometers to do it, because the magic power here is only one-tenth of that in the outside world. But if it is outside, you need to move dozens of kilometers away to use it. Because at that time, the area covered by his magic was not a few square kilometers, but dozens of square kilometers.

But even with such restrictions, theoretically speaking, Long Dangdang already has the possibility of continuously casting forbidden spells. Now he cannot add the power of space to it, otherwise, the power will only be greater. The space element exists everywhere and is inexhaustible. Of course, it is also difficult to add.

In the process of casting the forbidden spell, the role of the light and slow breathing furnace is also huge. Its main function is to influence the anchor of time and space through itself, so that the power of elements absorbed by the anchor of space can be separated. , preserve the six basic attribute elements, and make the energy level of each element the same, so that when Long Dangdang absorbs and releases elemental storms, it can get twice the result with half the effort and is extremely stable.

Despite this, according to Qianman, the true meaning of the Anchor of Time and Space still needs to be further developed, because the most powerful thing about this artifact is the power of time and space. The ability to anchor in space is only a small part of its power. It's just that the power of time and space is too difficult to control.

In the past three months, Long Dangdang has been like a sponge that absorbs water. He has learned a lot of various high-level magics and skills of the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple. Generally, high-level professionals need to use the temple's contribution to redeem them. When it came to learning high-level skills, he was allowed to choose freely because of his status as the champion of the inheritance competition and the reaction of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation that day.

It can be said that his strength is improving every day, and his progress is so fast that even a top magician like Wu Di, who is extremely talented in his own right, is amazed by it.

After casting three elemental storms in a row, Long Dangdang returned to Wu Di.

Wu Di said happily: "You have completely mastered the technique of continuously casting elemental storms. You just need to remember that during the continuous casting process, do not seek excessive speed, stability is the most important. And anti-interference Ability. When the enemy discovers that you can continuously cast forbidden spells, they will definitely focus on attacking you. At this time, you must make your own spell chanting stable, or just give up decisively. You still have some flaws in the connection of elements... …”

Long Dangdang listened carefully to what the teacher said and kept it in mind. Although it had only been a few months, his temperament seemed calmer than before. He never rests and practices and studies day and night. Even his partners worked hard with him. Among the thirty-six inheritors selected in the inheritance competition, they were definitely among the group that made the most progress.

After finishing today's magic practice, Long Dangdang said to Wu Di: "Teacher, I have already reported to the church that I will go to the front line tomorrow."

Wu Di looked at him, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "I know that your heart has actually flown to the front line a long time ago. If you can stay in the rear for such a long time, your mentality is already very calm. If you were younger than me, At that time, I was far inferior to you, and I couldn't hold it back for a long time. However, you must remember that you no longer belong to yourself or a family. As the most important inheritor of the six temples, The mission you shoulder is to pass on the glory of knights and magic."

"Currently, the war ahead is going relatively smoothly. But the number of strong men in the Kingdom of the Undead is more than we imagined. The most important thing is their ability to assimilate. In a war under normal circumstances, even if more than half of them are killed or injured, it may still be possible. There is a chance of a Jedi counterattack. But the war between us and the Kingdom of the Undead is not like this. According to the calculations of the Temple and the Federation. In this war, once our total casualties exceed 25%, there is a possibility of collapse. Possibly, more than 35%, then humanity is in danger..."

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