Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 455 Killing the Ninth Level Undead

If Long Dangdang were asked to answer their question, Long Dangdang would give an affirmative answer, yes, it is that powerful.

After obtaining the Eternal Heart, his adamantine base armor, which had already reached the level of immortality, had actually been temporarily upgraded to the level of an artifact. Although it was only the lowest among artifacts, it was still an artifact. ah! After reaching the artifact level, the adamantine base armor is affected by its own material and cannot be promoted to more skills, but the skills it already possesses have been greatly improved.

The three-fold increase in spiritual power originally triggered by the Light Furnace was directly increased to five-fold. In other words, Long Dangdang had just broken through the eighth level and had 30,000 spiritual powers. Now, after activating the Light Furnace, it has been increased to 150,000. This is also the reason why his spiritual power did not fall behind at all when facing the ninth-level zombie king. What's more, he also needs to add the judgment skills used by the Judgment of Light in his hand. Judgment itself also has powerful amplification and suppression capabilities against undead creatures. Adding the two together, even if Feizheng himself was amazingly strong, he would still be chopped away by Long Dangdang's sword and be injured.

After a brief surprise, Wang Changxin and Tao Linlin flapped their spiritual wings at the same time, flew down from the air, and rushed straight to the lich on the ground. At this moment, more than a dozen seventh- and eighth-level undead creatures have rushed out and are guarding the altar of the undead.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." In a series of roars, Xiaoba's magic finally fell to the ground. In an instant, the violent roar made the earth tremble. The huge spiritual power fluctuations are extremely shocking.

Hundreds of undead creatures were swallowed by the terrifying golden dragon's breath, and at the same time, a deafening roar of the dragon resounded throughout the world.

In the sky, hundreds of undead creatures flying up and trying to attack Xiaoba suddenly fell from the sky like dumplings.

Facing the dragon's innate magic, these undead creatures, whose cultivation level and realm were obviously weaker than his, had no chance of resisting. They fell directly from the sky and crashed to the ground.

The reason why they can fly so high is because Xiaoba did it deliberately. After all, the higher they fly, the harder they fall. Deliberately letting them fly high into the sky and then suppressing them to fall would be the greatest harm.

The dragon dangdang slashed away the ninth-level zombie king. In a flash of light and shadow around him, Xiao Xie's figure appeared out of thin air. The central pupil of his huge eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. In the next moment, an extremely powerful mental shock was released.

The zombie king was smashed away by the dragon. His whole body was being attacked by the power of judgment, and he was trying to break free through the undead energy. This mental impact instantly caused his thinking to go blank, and the fire of his soul swayed violently.

The zombie itself does not have a particularly powerful soul energy, but Xiaoxie is a spiritual monster at the peak of the eighth level. In terms of spiritual power, it is definitely not inferior to the zombie king. This impact has caused considerable damage to its soul fire. harm. Long Dangdang followed the sword, and the Judgment of Light in his hand burst out with even brighter brilliance. A huge beam of light fell down, emitting an unparalleled sacred aura.

Shenghua! Knights' powerful sacred attribute skills can only be learned by knights of level eight or above. Split by the artifact-level Judgment of Light, its power is even more powerful than the Judgment.

His whole body was shrouded in holy flowers, and the zombie king screamed, with a large amount of black smoke rising from his body. The surface of the skin was burned and large mottled areas immediately appeared. It has obviously been hit hard.

Long Dangdang followed the sword and arrived in front of it. The Judgment of Light in his hands was slashed horizontally and vertically. At this time, the Judgment of Light had completely transformed into the color of the holy light, the Holy Flower Cross Slash.

"Boom——" This time, the Zombie King's body was directly knocked down from the sky and hit the ground hard. If it weren't for the Zombie King's extremely strong body, this sword would probably have divided it into four parts. Despite this, there was also a huge criss-cross scar on its body, which could be seen deep in the bone. The Holy Flower continued to burn, and large streams of black smoke continued to emerge from the zombie king's body.

Long Dangdang did not continue to pursue, but lightly patted his Dantian. The next moment, a white halo rippled outwards with his body as the center. This white halo quickly covered the battlefield on his side. As well as the battlefield between Wang Changxin and Tao Linlin below, it quickly spread, covering the area where the gray tornado was.

A realm isolated by time and space! An advanced version of the Sluggish Realm.

After Long Dangdang obtained two artifacts, the one with the biggest increase was the Soul Breathing Furnace. Promoting the Light and Slow Spirit Breathing Furnace to the perfect level is equivalent to completing six evolutions. That's right, the Watcher's Spiritual Furnaces are superior to ordinary wisdom spiritual furnaces. They can evolve six times. After completing six evolutions, it can directly release this large-scale field skill.

The tornado itself generated by the Altar of the Undead by attracting the energy of the undead has not changed much, and it still looks the same. However, below the height of 100 meters in the isolation field of time and space, it can be seen that the tornado formed by the energy of the undead rotates at a large speed. of decreased. Within the scope of this space-time isolation domain, everything will slow down, and even thinking will be affected.

Of course, under the control of Long Dangdang, he and his partners were not included in this.

Wang Changxin and Tao Linlin fell from the sky. Behind Tao Linlin, the golden demon-suppressing tree fell to the ground first. The powerful force of shock interrupted the magic release of the ninth-level lich. When the lich just paused, a large amount of undead energy came out. The death and decay magic that had turned into a corrosive force was covering them.

A red light flashed around Wang Changxin's body, and her figure visibly swelled a bit. The intense red light covered her whole body, turning into a red armor. Dominate the world's spiritual furnace, dominate the body!

Beside Tao Linlin, three portals opened. First, three eighth-level monsters rushed out. All of them were existences with extremely powerful defenses like the Iron-backed Earth Dragon. They rushed out in three directions to block those seventh- and eighth-level monsters. Undead creatures attack.

Death and decay had already covered it at this time. The golden demon-suppressing trees were drooping one by one, and the brilliant golden light turned into a mask, covering the peach forest.

The golden light was impacted by death and withering, and golden light mist suddenly rose up, and the golden demon-suppressing tree trembled violently. After all, Tao Linlin's cultivation was weak, and it was still difficult to resist the ninth-level lich's magical attack.

But at this moment, everything around him suddenly shook, and everything began to slow down, including the erosion of death and decay. The golden demon-suppressing tree was not affected. Taking this opportunity, the golden light on the surface of the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree shines brightly, and the brilliant golden light blooms outward, barely blocking death and decay.

Wang Changxin, who was in the Overlord state, was not affected by death and withering. He had already rushed directly in front of the ninth-level lich, swung the Overlord Hammer in his hand, and went straight towards the opponent to knock it down on his head.

At this moment, the soul fire in the eyes of the ninth-level lich seemed to have stopped beating. The only thing he could do was that his whole body instantly became unreal. It was too late to resist, attack, or even chant a spell at this moment because everything was too slow.

"Boom -" The ninth-level lich was thrown upside down by the hammer, and its illusory body absorbed most of the attack power. This was its innate ability. Despite this, the soul fire in its eyes still swayed violently.

And those undead creatures of the seventh and eighth levels were even more affected. All their actions became like slow motion, and everything seemed sluggish.

This is the oppressive power of the perfect level Watcher's Soul Furnace. Even if there are so many powerful people, they will still be fully oppressed by the domain. Even the ninth-level powerhouse's own domain cannot compete with them.

Wang Changxin succeeded with the hammer without even a moment's pause. She walked away with the hammer, and an illusory golden light and shadow emerged from behind her. The golden light and shadow was full of majesty and violent fighting intent. It only paused for a moment before suddenly crashing in from behind. Wang Changxin's body.

In an instant, the crimson armor on the surface of Wang Changxin's body suddenly turned into red gold, and her body also skyrocketed from a normal human to five meters tall. This was a dominating battle body that combined the world-dominating spiritual furnace and the war-spirited furnace. It was also her seventh-level peak. The fundamental reason for being able to compete with the ninth-level powerhouses is through cultivation. The internal and external spiritual powers were superimposed, and the two spiritual furnaces exploded, instantly making her combat power soar to the extreme.

The ninth-level lich let out a piercing scream and howled in fear! With its powerful spiritual skills, it tries to free itself from the oppression of the isolated realm of time and space.

But at this moment, a powerful spiritual piercing suddenly came, making the fearful howl it had just made seem to be stuck in its throat, and it saw the enlarged giant hammer quickly descending above its head.

"Boom——" The lich's own physical defense is not very strong. If he wants to exert his most powerful combat effectiveness, he needs to keep a distance from his opponent. This is no different from a human magician. Therefore, when a certain point is reached, In high-level battles, the lich is often accompanied by powerful melee undead assistants of the same level.

However, the Zombie King at this time was unable to protect him at all. Under Long Dangdang's strong open field, Wang Changxin dominated the battle body and volleyed with his hammer.

In the fierce roar, the terrifying explosive power directly tore the ninth-level lich's body into pieces. Even the escaped soul power was directly suppressed by the world-dominated spiritual furnace and was unable to escape.

On the other side, the zombie king's life came to an end faster than the ninth-level lich. Under the attack of Shenghua Cross Slash, it had already been severely damaged, and the time and space isolation field came, and it could not even recover itself. was suppressed.

Long Dangdang's figure flashed, and he held the Judgment of Light in his back with both hands. The tip of the sword was downwards, and dark red light surged behind him. He could see a huge dark red lotus, as if it had emerged from hell. Blooming behind it, the dark red light and the Judgment of Light were superimposed, and even the surrounding air was cracked because it could not withstand its sharpness.

Long Dangdang held the sword in both hands, and his body fell instantly, like a meteorite falling from the sky. The divine sword in his hand pierced directly into the top of the Zombie King's head. The Zombie King tried to grab it with both hands, but was unable to grasp the Judgment of Light at all. The brilliant red The gold pierced its hands and then slammed into its forehead, extinguishing the fire of its soul.

After the two ninth-level undead creatures were eliminated, Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief. He himself never expected that he could kill two ninth-level undead creatures so easily. He had already prepared to fight with the opponent before, giving enough time to delay Ling Menglu in the air.

At the same time, large swathes of meteors and fire rain fell from the sky, bombarding the middle and low-level undead creatures below. The magic prepared by Yue Li had been completed, and the eighth-level meteor and fire rain ravaged the earth. In addition, the undead creatures below were suppressed by Xiaoba's dragon language magic and were unable to fight back.

Long Dangdang could vaguely feel the strong light energy fluctuations coming from behind Xiaoba, and Monroe's magic should be almost ready.

At this moment, the zombie king's body suddenly relaxed, and the strong undead energy immediately escaped, rushing towards the undead altar. The same was true for the ninth-level lich killed by Wang Changxin not far away.

Long Dangdang frowned slightly. It would be great if Kongkong was there. With him, all the undead energy would be converted into life energy that they could absorb and enhance their strength. But now, he could only watch the undead energy dissipate but could do nothing.

He controlled the continuous release of the space-time isolation field, and Wang Changxin had already rushed towards the more powerful undead creatures of the seventh and eighth levels that were suppressed by the field. Long Dangdang looked at the altar of the undead. The undead energy of the two ninth-level undead creatures converged into the altar of the undead. What would happen to the undead energy? And it's not just these two ninth-level ones. After the middle and low-level undead creatures die, the undead energy also converges towards the undead altar. The volume of the vortex swirling in the altar of the undead began to change. Long Dangdang clearly felt that the pressure in the space-time isolation field he exerted began to increase. The energy released by the altar of the undead actually felt as if it had given birth to its own will. He was working hard. Wanting to break free from his oppression.

Long Dangdang believed that if the power of his domain was directly aimed at suppressing the Altar of the Undead, the reaction would be even greater at this moment. Fortunately, the power of his domain only slows down everything inside and isolates it from the outside world as much as possible.

At this moment, the sky suddenly became brighter, and a huge golden figure seemed to emerge from the clouds. Huge six wings stretched out behind it. A big hole was opened in the sky, allowing the sun to shine in and bathe. Ling Menglu's spell has been completed.

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