Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 460 Re-entering Shimen City

Even though Long Dangdang and the others had explored four undead altars in one day, their exploration was centered on Shimen City. Next, if they want to explore more altars of the undead, they must either go further, but the efficiency will definitely be greatly reduced, or they can use a large undead city as the core for exploration, such as the Scourge City, the capital of the undead empire. But that would also increase the risk. How to choose is a very important question.

Long Dangdang chose both at the same time. First continue to explore the surrounding areas of Shimen City and go further, and then see if we can find some patterns through the branches of these undead altars. If there are patterns to follow, then finding more altars of the undead will become much easier.

However, in the next two days, after continuous searching, they discovered three more altars of the undead, which greatly reduced the efficiency. What makes them most helpless is that there is no regular pattern in the distribution of these altars of the undead. It's like it's completely randomly distributed.

Then Long Dangdang decided to turn around and continue to explore with the Scourge City as the center.

And this undoubtedly requires more caution, because the possibility of encountering the undead strongman's reconnaissance will also increase.

Facts have proved that their luck is good, or it may be the reason why a large number of strong men from the Undead Empire are pulled on the front line. During the next nearly week of exploration, they were always able to hide their figures perfectly, and Without being discovered, Long Dangdang even got back his Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle.

After more than ten days of hard work, with Shimen City and Natural Disaster City as the core, the spatial coordinates laid out by Long Dangdang have become as dotted as a star. As the exploration deepened, Long Dangdang and the others gradually found some patterns.

Although there is no regular pattern in the distribution of the Altar of the Dead, the overall distribution is very wide. The reason for the irregular distribution is related to the terrain and the directional distance from the human world.

After eight days of exploration, they discovered sixteen altars of the dead. Of course, these all appeared outside the city. Among them, the altars of the undead near the Scourge City were relatively large, and the smallest ones were about the same size as the first altar of the undead they found after arriving in Shimen City. The largest one was at least five times the size of that one. When they were inspecting it, even though it was still far away, Long Dangdang and the others could feel the overwhelming pressure. It is conceivable that the strong men responsible for defense must be extremely terrifying beings. , they did not get too close, and immediately moved away after leaving the coordinates. It was definitely not something they could destroy at this stage.

While investigating, Long Dangdang also continuously reported the situations they discovered to the front line through the temple spiritual crystal. Including the specific locations of these undead altars, as well as the scale of the undead altars and some of their own judgments, they were all reported to the frontline command.

Returning to the vicinity of Shimen City, Long Dangdang and the other six rested for a night, basically restoring their mental state to their best.

"Tomorrow we will enter Shimen City to see if we can get more information, and at the same time look for the Soul Stone." The Soul Stone obtained last time has been basically absorbed by Xiao Xie, and he plundered a warehouse with it. Xiao Xie's spiritual power level has now reached a level equivalent to the peak of the eighth level of a human professional, and is only one step away from the ninth level. In terms of cultivation speed, it is even higher than Xiaoba.

Long Dangdang is now an eighth-level powerhouse, which means that Xiao Xie can break through to the ninth level. And once it completes the breakthrough and becomes the true evil-eye tyrant, its help to Long Dangdang will be even greater. At the same time, sneaking into Shimen City is also to obtain more information, among which the number of altars of the undead is the most important.

Everyone has some expectations for entering Shimen City. They also want to see what the city of the undead will be like. Although they also know some from Long Dangdang's mouth, as the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is believing. Curious Who doesn’t have a heart?

In the early morning, just after dawn, Long Dangdang led his friends to the vicinity of Shimen City. Everyone entered the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and went underground.

There are passages left by Long Dangdang underground, so it is easier to travel, and they have quietly entered Shimen City without anyone noticing.

Put away the Earth Escape Divine Shuttle, and release the Slow Domain and Xiao Xie's breath cover at the same time. Even if an undead creature passes by them, all they see is a few dead people walking together. Xiao Xie's powerful mental power created an illusion-like appearance for them. Unless they are at the ninth level of mental power, they have to observe at close range to discover this disguise. The premise is that they must also be proficient in the power of time and space. , can penetrate the sluggish realm of the Spirit Breathing Furnace.

The moment they walked onto the street, except Long Dangdang, the other five people were somewhat nervous. After all, this was one of the top big cities in the Undead Empire. There must be something in this city that they couldn't fight against at this stage. exist.

The number of undead on the streets seems a little sparse. Although there is no sunshine, the undead creatures are still used to hiding in the day and coming out at night, so it would seem a bit deserted during the day.

Seeing the undead obeying the order and seeing the shops belonging to the world of the undead on both sides, in addition to the novelty, everyone was more shocked.

There is no doubt that the appearance of the undead is more than just a disaster. If the original undead creatures were just raging like a virus, then the current undead creatures have really built the prototype of a country, and are in opposition to humans, so that their ultimate goal is to destroy all humans. , became the new master of this continent, built the entire world into the existence of the undead, and swallowed all the breath of life.

Coming to Shimen City again, Long Dangdang's heart was heavy. He once again saw the undead in this city, and looked at the orderly but dead undead creatures. The last trace of fantasy in his heart had been shattered. Mother really wants to destroy everything!

After calming down, Long Dangdang led his companions while marching on the streets, carefully observing the situation in the city, and scanning with mental power from time to time.

He has been to Shimen City, so he is very aware of the scale of this city. At this time, he could already feel that the total number of undead in Shimen City had decreased, and not even a little. At least half empty. In other words, more than half of the undead creatures were transferred to the front line.

Judging from the news from the front line, although the Kingdom of the Undead has gathered a large army, it still maintains a defensive posture as a whole and has not launched a large-scale counterattack. It seems as if it is waiting for something. The coalition forces are worried about this, because judging from the strength gathered by the undead on the front line, they are fully capable of launching an attack on their own initiative, but now they are only in a defensive posture, which makes the Temple Federation a little uncomfortable. After meeting, I tried to attack several times, but was pushed back hard every time.

From the overall strength point of view, the Temple Federation still has a clear advantage, but the problem is that although it has the advantage, humans also have many concerns. When the two sides initiate a war, the first thing humans must consider is reducing battle losses, because Once killed in battle, he is likely to appear in the enemy's camp the next moment. Therefore, this is also the reason why no full-scale attack has been launched until now. The federal army still hopes to reduce the overall strength of the Undead Empire through constant consumption, and then gradually destroy it to minimize its own losses.

Relatively speaking, the Kingdom of the Undead has no such worries at all. Moreover, once the war begins, it is impossible for the human army to take away all the corpses, and the army of the Kingdom of the Undead can still be resurrected through undead energy. Even if the strength is initially Weaker, but no one dares to say what the situation will be like if it is defeated. But even so, the Kingdom of the Undead has always been stable and has not rushed to launch an offensive. This makes people have to wonder, what are they waiting for?

I don't know why, but when I think about this problem, Long Dangdang feels an inexplicable feeling of depression. He still clearly remembered that on the day of the great change, his mother once said that if his brother regained his former strength and cooperated with her, he could easily dominate the world.

My brother's power? Or, their mysterious bloodline power. Even the mother doesn't seem to know exactly what the power of blood is, but she only knows that it is extremely powerful. She said that she was not her child in her previous life, but she and her brother had inherited this power of blood. However, after his brother awakened some memories, the power of blood seemed to be shifting in his direction.

"Where are we going now?" Ling Menglu's voice came to his ears, pulling Long Dangdang out of his thoughts.

Long Dangdang said: "Let's go around the streets and see how the shops that exchange soul crystals are doing."

There is no point in thinking about it anymore. The most important thing is to make yourself stronger. If you can truly pass the test of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, then maybe everything will be solved.

After calming down, Long Dangdang's eyes became firm.

Walking on the streets, the undead creatures have almost no communication with each other. For the middle and low-level undead, they only know how to obey orders. Only the high-level undead of the seventh level and above have a certain degree of wisdom. At the eighth level, At the ninth level, the intelligence of undead creatures is no different from that of normal humans.

Except for Long Dangdang, this was the first time for everyone to watch undead creatures up close in such a peaceful state. There are not many books of the dead on the streets during the day. Although most of the undead do not seem to be afraid of light, they still deliberately walk in the shadows such as under the eaves of houses when walking.

The city seemed to be in order, but the atmosphere was dead silent and cold, even making them feel a little chilly and fearful.

Yue Li murmured: "It's hard to imagine how terrible it would be if the whole world became like this and became dead silent."

After hearing her words, Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang looked at each other. What was the point of such a dead order? When that time comes, not only humans will perish, but also all life forms on this planet, and even the entire planet.

Long Dangdang has a very good memory, so he easily found the location of the former store. He could see it from a distance. Although it was daytime, there would still be an endless stream of undead coming and going from the store. After all, exchange The soul crystal maintains existence and evolution. This is something that is engraved in the bones of all undead creatures.

"That's it." Long Dangdang stopped. Last time, he emptied out the warehouse of this store through the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, causing heavy losses. After such a long time, I don’t know what the situation is in the warehouse. I guess it must have strengthened its defenses.

Long Dangdang led everyone into the store, exchanged the prepared low-level equipment for a few low-level soul crystals, and at the same time quietly felt the situation in the store with his mental power. Without knowing the strength of the defense here, he did not dare to use mental detection to directly detect it to avoid being discovered.

I can vaguely feel that there are several powerful waves of undead aura in this shop, and they are all at least eight levels and above.

The eighth level was nothing, but in this huge Shimen City, the original city lord was not something they could compete with now.

If the high-level soul crystals stored here can be as large as the last time I looted them, it is basically certain that they can help Xiaoxie advance to the ninth level.

After a short observation, Long Dangdang and his friends exited the store, bypassed a few streets, found a remote place, released the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, and drilled into the ground again. They had to observe from the ground in order to Determine the condition of the warehouse in the store.

The Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle moved forward cautiously. Xiao Xie's mental power was detecting in front. Under the ground, the distance that the mental power could detect would be at least ten times smaller. However, as an eighth-level spiritual creature, Xiao Xie's mental detection ability Still quite powerful.

The Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle stopped five hundred meters away from the warehouse where Long Dangdang had taken action, at a depth of about a hundred meters. Xiao Xie used his mental power to get closer and closer to explore the situation in the warehouse there.

Soon, Long Dangdang discovered through Xiao Xie's detection that the warehouse had been repaired, and the internal defensive energy was significantly enhanced. The defensive array was much thicker than before. Even with his cultivation level, he wanted to It will take a lot of time to break it open.

After walking around the warehouse, the basic situation was determined. The defense of the warehouse has become stronger. Although it is not enough to stop the real strong people, it can be done by delaying it for some time, which is enough for the strong people in Shimen City to respond. Moreover, the defense against the underground has been significantly strengthened, and it is much tighter than the previous defense.

Long Dangdang's eyes flashed, he already had a plan!

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