Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 462 Full Power Explosion

Long Dangdang was holding two swords, and his eyes were shining. At this moment, he didn't feel much nervous. Before actually launching their plan today, they conducted very in-depth and precise reconnaissance.

The frontline pressure of the Temple Federation still has a very large impact on the Kingdom of the Undead. This has resulted in the Kingdom of the Undead's rear forces' defense of the Altar of the Undead being tight, but the number of high-level strong men is relatively small. After all, more power is deployed on the front line. Although it is still unclear why the Kingdom of the Undead has maintained a stalemate, as if it is waiting for something, the relative emptiness in the rear is absolutely true. And with their current strength, facing the defense of the Altar of the Undead, they definitely have enough power to attack.

The slow domain of the Slow Breathing Furnace suppressed the chanting of spells for five minutes. When the sacred energy around the archangel's scepter began to drip downward in a liquid state, the slow field suddenly released.

After chanting the spell to this point, there was no need to suppress it anymore. A bright golden light that had been suppressed for a long time appeared in the sky almost instantly, connecting the sky and the earth.

All of this seemed extremely sudden and completely without warning. There was a golden light pillar in the sky that seemed to support the sky. The thick gray clouds suddenly cracked like a broken cage. The bright sunshine in the sky It fell instantly and combined with the sacred light rising from the ground. The brilliant golden light caused the surrounding undead aura to quickly dissipate and escape in the distance.

Affected, the undead energy vortex above the undead altar five kilometers away fluctuated violently. And this time, it was like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, instantly detonating the undead defenders over there.

Three figures rushed out from the direction of the Altar of the Undead almost instantly, flying straight towards this side. At this moment, above the cracked sky, a figure with six wings spread out behind it slowly emerged.

The arrival of the Archangel is almost complete.

For a ninth-level powerhouse, it only takes about five breaths to feel a distance of five kilometers with full power.

From far to near, three figures soon appeared clearly in Long Dangdang's field of vision. The one rushing at the front was a ninth-level dead man, covered in armor like a human warrior, holding a huge battle ax, and emitting light almost like tail flames from behind, increasing his speed to the extreme. Wherever it passed, even the air was knocked out with bursts of sonic booms.

Behind him, one on the left and one on the right, were two figures: a huge black skeleton, and an even bigger bone dragon, even one size larger than Xiao Ba. The bones of the bone dragon showed a layer of blue glittering halo, and its bone wings flapped, rushing towards it with a majestic momentum.

"Ang——" Xiaoba's six big heads were raised at the same time, and a six-color ripple swept out instantly, heading straight towards the three attacking undead figures and covering them with an elemental storm.

The slow field not only helped Ling Menglu hide her aura, but also bought Xiaoba enough time to cast dragon language magic.

The light mist rising from Long Dangdang's body had already begun to gather momentum, and his eyes at this time had become extremely sharp.

The elemental storm first hit the dead man in the middle. The ninth-level dead man held the battle ax with both hands and suddenly swung it out. At that moment, the battle ax erupted with terrifying power like the creation of the world, and the elemental storm was actually struck from it. Open, and the speed of his forward movement was only slightly reduced. It was obvious that this ninth-level dead man was in an explosive state similar to deflagration at this time, rushing towards him with an unparalleled attitude.

The huge bone dragon behind it instantly spurted out an icy blue breath from its mouth. Wherever the breath passed, the violent power of the elemental storm stagnated in front of its huge body, and was then smashed into pieces by it. , the response was even stronger than that of the ninth-level dead, and the speed increased instead of slowing down. The soul fire beating in the huge eye sockets of the bone dragon even had a bit of excitement. For top undead creatures like the bone dragon, There is nothing more attractive to them than the flesh and blood of a true dragon.

The bloodline power of the Golden Dragon Clan is suppressive to ordinary Dragon Clan, but it has no effect on the Bone Dragon Clan. And in the bone dragon's perception, if it can devour the six-headed golden dragon in front of it, then it can directly jump to a level and break through to a higher level.

Xiaoba also felt the malice from the bone dragon at the first time. The pride of the dragon royal bloodline made it raise its six big heads at the same time, staring at the bone dragon with cold eyes, even if its own cultivation level was lower than the opponent's. The first level didn't have the slightest fear. He roared with a dragon's roar in his mouth and rushed straight towards the bone dragon.

The dark-skinned Skeleton King is the weakest of the three undead warriors, so when it faces the impact of the elemental storm, it is also the one that is most affected. Its body stagnates, and its soul fire also appears in a trance. It took a moment to catch up.

At this time, Long Dangdang had already faced the ninth-level deceased in front of him.

Accumulating momentum, detonating, sacrificing, and emitting amplification skills all at the same time, coupled with the already ignited furnace of light, at this moment, no one would treat him as an eighth-level person.

The amplification power of the Immortal Level Adamantine Base Battle Armor and the Furnace of Light is too tyrannical. The increase in spiritual power exceeds three times. Coupled with the superposition of sacrifice and detonation, and the compression of the momentum, at this moment, Long Dangdang himself The momentum has been raised to the extreme.

His teacher is the reckless knight Hai Jifeng, and at this moment, if Hai Jifeng were here, he would probably be amazed by his disciple's outburst.

Long Dangdang didn't have even the slightest reservation. With the blessing of many amplifying skills, he also used the ultimate move of Sacrifice Strike immediately, and superimposed the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace that was filled with incomparable energy. The power of Shura with murderous intent.

The bright golden red sword light directly faced the battle ax of the ninth-level deceased with an indomitable momentum.

If this was a ninth-level human professional, Long Dangdang would probably have his hair on end standing on end when he took the first step. At this moment, the attack power exploded by Long Dangdang was by no means inferior to any ninth-level and second-level temple. The total spiritual power has already exceeded 200,000.

What the ninth-level deceased saw was a red vertical line. In its field of vision, it seemed as if the entire world had been divided into two halves by this red vertical line.

Although this is not the complete version of Long Dangdang fused with Xiaoba, it is still a terrifying existence second only to the complete version.

On the other side, Wang Changxin's explosion almost appeared together with Long Dangdang. Her fighting style has always been a bit similar to Long Dangdang, an explosion is an explosion!

The Dominant World Spiritual Furnace and the War Godly Furnace were superimposed, covering her in a red armor. When she exploded with all her strength, the armor on her body even emitted a dark red light, without any reservation, burning her own power and blooming violently. . The big hammer shook the sky!

The collision between the two sides was almost instantaneous.

The two huge bodies of Xiaoba and Bone Dragon collided instantly, and they were directly entangled with their breathing and physical combat.

The bone dragon's ice attribute dragon breath already possesses domain power and has law fluctuations, which is why it was able to freeze elemental storms before. But Xiao Ba not only has his own bloodline inherited from the Golden Dragon Clan, but also has the blessing of Long Dangdang's bloodline. The superposition of the two gave it a ninth-level combat power with an eighth-level cultivation level. The moment the two sides collided, Xiaoba's body erupted with terrifying dragon power.

Even if the bone dragon is not as afraid of this dragon's power as normal dragons, the soul fire in the bone dragon's eyes is suppressed and beating violently. The two sides fell directly into a fight.

The difference from their side is that the victory or defeat between Long Dangdang and the ninth-level dead appeared almost in the moment when the two sides collided.

The battle ax in the hand of the ninth-level deceased also burst out with huge power, colliding with Long Dangdang's Judgment of Light.

However, with the addition of Shura Slash, Judgment, Sacrifice and Holy Judgment, as well as the Dragon Dangdang with numerous explosive amplifications, the power of this attack is simply too great.

A red line instantly cut off the brilliance-level battle axe. Although the ninth-level deceased barely turned sideways to dodge, the red light still penetrated from its right shoulder and passed through the left side of its abdomen. Although the strong body of the powerful man was not directly split in half by this sword, most of his body was still cut open, and the power of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace penetrated instantly.

Red Lotus Explodes!

The ninth-level deceased instantly bloomed a huge red lotus light and shadow from the wound. This is a brand-new skill developed by Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace after the Eternal Heart Amplification and Advancement.

The ninth-level body was instantly torn from the inside out, bursting out and annihilated in the blooming red lotus.

The evolved Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace allows Long Dangdang to burst out with the power of a red lotus bloom every time he performs Shura Slash, which contains the power of one hundred and eight small Shura Slashes. Where there was an outbreak, there was a second outbreak. Its power is directly related to the power infused by Shura Slash. One hundred and eight small Shura Slashes, each one has one-third of the power of the original Shura Slash that was slashed by the dragon. In other words, in fact, the power of the Red Lotus Explosion is even greater for melee professions such as knights than Long Dangdang's full blow. It is equivalent to the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace decomposing his attack power, then integrating and superimposing it, and then bursting out.

Every time Red Lotus Explosion is used, it takes half an hour to use it again. This is because the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace needs to restore its power. But for Long Dangdang, who had just superimposed the five skills of Sacrifice, Explosion, Light Furnace, Accumulation, and Holy Judgment, this blow was no different from a close single-target forbidden spell.

This was also the first time Long Dangdang used the ability of Red Lotus Explosion in actual combat, and the effect was even more terrifying than he imagined. At this time, a huge red lotus light and shadow bloomed in front of him, reflecting his body like a demon coming.

Long Dangdang even had the feeling that even if he was in front of a Saint, he would still kneel in front of Hong Lian Bao.

In the eyes of Long Dangdang's friends, this blow is an instant kill! Yes, he killed a ninth-level undead powerhouse instantly with one sword.

At the same time, on the other side, Wang Changxin and the black Skeleton King had collided with each other. With a huge roar, the Skeleton King was directly thrown away by Wang Changxin's hammer. The bone knife in his hand was broken into two pieces, and Wang Chang Xin was also knocked upside down, but his domineering power did not decrease at all. He only paused briefly before rushing out again.

In terms of frontal combat ability, there is actually a certain gap between Wang Changxin and the ninth-level powerhouse, but this gap will not be revealed until the two sides fight for a period of time. In terms of instantaneous explosion, she is enough to keep herself in the ninth level state within twenty seconds. How domineering the world-dominated spiritual furnace is, with three consecutive hammers, directly suppressing the Skeleton King's retreat.

And at this moment, the Archangel in the sky had completely descended, and the golden holy sword that had destroyed the Altar of the Undead last time appeared again. He shot straight towards the Altar of the Dead five kilometers away.

The Skeleton King and the Bone Dragon were startled at the same time, and subconsciously wanted to leave the battlefield. But it’s still too late. At the same time as the holy sword fell, a slender light mixed with blue and red flashed away.

The soul fire in the Skeleton King's eyes suddenly shrank. At this moment, it felt a huge crisis, but at the same moment, it could do nothing. Because under Wang Changxin's three consecutive hammer blows, although it barely managed to swing Wang Changxin away, it was also in a state of shock.

A faint light shot into the Skeleton King's eyes, and the next moment, a violent explosion sounded in the Skeleton King's head.

It has to be said that in terms of physical strength, the ninth-level Skeleton King is even higher than the Bone Dragon, because the Bone Dragon's body is extremely large, and its spiritual power is not as strong as the Skeleton King. Therefore, the explosion at this moment did not explode the Skeleton King's head immediately. However, blue and red flames were emitted from its eye sockets at the same time, and its huge body froze in place.

How could Wang Changxin let go of such a good opportunity? Holding back the numbness caused by the shock, the Tyrant Hammer descended again.

With a "bang" sound, Skeleton King's skull was finally unable to withstand the heavy blow of the Tyrant Hammer after enduring the baptism of ice and fire. His body was shattered and he suddenly fell to the ground.

The holy sword also descended on the altar of the undead at this moment, and almost instantly pierced the center of the altar of the undead. The holy aura exploded crazily.

A harsh scream echoed in the air. The originally rich undead energy violently dissipated at this moment. The undead energy and sacred energy like a tsunami collided and exploded with each other, while many gaps appeared in the gray clouds in the sky. , let countless golden sunshine shine on the earth.

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