Having already arrived here, as the saying goes, the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string. Long Dangdang continued to break through the soil upwards, and soon came to the underground side of the treasure house. Others also gathered.

Long Dangdang said to his companions through the temple spirit crystal: "When I break the defensive formation later, I will use the slow field to block it as much as possible, but it may still trigger an alarm. When plundering the soul crystal, if I encounter an enemy , don’t be obsessed with fighting. Senior Sister Wang will accompany me to break up the queen. Monroe, you go first. I will let Qing Nian accompany you. We will go downstairs to prepare for teleportation. Then I will collapse the tunnel, and then we will return directly through teleportation. Although we encountered each other here The possibility of an undead powerhouse that we can't compete with is very small, but if we really encounter such a force majeure situation, it's better for me and Senior Sister Wang to break up, and you run away from the passage and don't look back. Then find a way to return to the Federation through the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. .”

As he spoke, Long Dangdang handed the storage ring containing the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to Ling Menglu.

What he said was naturally the worst plan. Ling Menglu looked at him deeply, but didn't say anything more. She just took the storage ring. At this time, she certainly couldn't question Long Dangdang's decision.

Ming Xi quietly entered the invisible state. Long Dangdang took a deep breath and summoned Qing Manan first. The soft white light began to spread towards the thick wall in front, and the power of slowness began to penetrate into the magic circle.

At this time, the power of the Qing Tun Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace was revealed. Even this defensive array with an alarm was still not activated when it was penetrated by the Qing Tun Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace. The strange field power with time and space fluctuations quietly penetrated into it, causing the operation of the defensive circle to slow down.

The silent penetration is not fast, but Long Dangdang is not in a hurry. This can reduce the movement as much as possible and allow the slow field to cover as many areas as possible. The alarm will still be triggered, but the alarm after being triggered will be However, it cannot be transmitted under the effect of the slow field, and it will take a certain amount of time to be transmitted. By that time, they would have already run away. If they could avoid fighting, it would be better not to fight.

Gradually, the area covered by the Slowness Domain exceeded fifty square meters, and Long Dangdang nodded to Wang Changxin beside him.

Wang Changxin was already ready. He swung the Tyrant Hammer and smashed it directly against the wall in front of him.

The low muffled sound was also absorbed and slowed down by the slow field, and the defensive array suddenly fluctuated violently. This hammer failed to directly break the array.

Long Dangdang concentrated on watching the spread of the shock and feeling the changes in the magic circle.

Facts have proved that the effect of the slow field is excellent, completely suppressing the possibility of the magic circle being transmitted outwards, no changes occur, and no alarm sounds.


Long Dangdang nodded to Wang Changxin again. This time, Wang Changxin's body flashed with red light, and he was possessed by the Spiritual Furnace of the Dominant World. He was possessed by the God of War. When his combat body was at its strongest, he once again activated the Overlord Hammer and smashed it against the wall in front of him. Long Dangdang also increased the power of the slow field to the strongest at the same time.

"Boom——" The roar echoed in everyone's ears, and the magic circle in front of them suddenly shattered. Wang Changxin's attack was no less than that of a ninth-level powerhouse. The defensive array could not be blocked. Originally, the greatest role of the defensive array was not just defense, but alarm, which could make the undead in the shops and Shimen City stronger. The patient can react immediately. If you want to block the direct attack of a ninth-level powerhouse, you need a large magic circle and a powerhouse to preside over it.

In an instant, earth and rocks flew, and a hole was opened in the thick wall. Long Dangdang's figure flashed, and he was the first to rush in. On him, a holy light spiritual array also appeared, covering his body. This was the defensive magic that Ling Menglu had applied to him.

The slow field has been opened to the maximum at this moment, covering all energy and breath fluctuations here with all its strength.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, Long Dangdang immediately felt the strong soul fluctuations in the treasure house. A large number of soul crystals were neatly placed on the surrounding shelves. On the side where they broke the hole, many soul crystals were scattered on the ground. .

Long Dangdang took a step forward and moved away from the position behind him. The invisible Ming Xi had already stepped in. Long Dangdang also waved his hand unceremoniously. His spiritual power swept across and began to draw a large number of soul crystals around him into his body. In the storage ring.

At least so far, it has been very smooth. Under the influence of the slow field, they did not trigger the alarm, which will undoubtedly give them sufficient time.

The number of soul crystals stored in the treasure house was no less than when they came last time, and it was even more. Long Dangdang naturally accepted them all without hesitation. Even after Xiaoba was promoted to the ninth level, Absorbing these soul crystals can also continue to improve your cultivation!

Soon, as the number of soul crystals they collected decreased, the fluctuation of soul energy in the treasure house also began to decrease.

Suddenly, Long Dangdang's body froze, and he suddenly turned around and looked towards a dark corner that they had not noticed before.

Others were busy collecting the soul crystals at this time and did not notice his changes at this time.

Previously, because of the existence of abundant soul energy, Long Dangdang didn't feel anything. But at this moment, as the soul energy weakened, a breath that was very familiar to him, but also a little strange, and even palpitating, appeared. In that corner.

Long Dangdang raised the Judgment of Light in his hand almost without hesitation, and slashed directly towards the dark corner with a holy sword. The dazzling holy light also illuminated the surrounding darkness.

As soon as Long Dangdang made a move, the others naturally reacted accordingly. Everyone was surging with spiritual energy and looking in that direction at the same time.

"Bang" the holy light collapsed, and the power of the holy sword was directly blocked, and right there, a figure covered in platinum armor stood there quietly, and it was in his hand that the sword was swung away. What he holds is a platinum shield with a fearful expression on it.

"Saving one hand is indeed saving one hand! I know you well enough to guess that you will come here. It must be for Xiaoba's evolution."

Seeing this figure, everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Ming Xi even exclaimed: "Kongkong."

All vigilance collapsed at this moment, and Ming Xi was about to rush towards Long Kongkong.

But at this moment, the Judgment of Light in Long Dangdang's hand swung across, blocking Ming Xi's way, "Don't go there."

Hearing Long Dangdang's deep voice, Ming Xi was stunned and stopped, "Captain, what's wrong? That's Kong Kong, it's Kong Kong!"

Long Dangdang's face became extremely complicated at this time. Yes, this person appeared in the dark corner of the treasure house. It seemed that he was waiting for them to appear. Wasn't it his twin brother Long Kongkong? The adamantine base armor on his body, the adamantine base of fear and sorrow, is so eye-catching.

However, is Long Kongkong now the same as Long Kongkong before? He didn't know, really didn't know. How he wished it was still the case! But at this time, Long Kongkong brought him not only familiarity, but also a strong sense of strangeness.

The mysterious purple-gold blood power in Long Dangdang's body was boiling and surging crazily, and it even felt like it was about to leave the body. But in his eyes, the younger brother had a crazy flavor full of destruction and destruction.

"He is right not to let you come over. Because, I am no longer Long Kongkong." As he said that, Long Kongkong took off the mask of the Adamantine Base Armor of Fear and Sorrow on his face, revealing the The face is exactly the same as Long Dangdang. However, compared with the previous Long Kongkong, his face now looked a little pale, but his eyes were exceptionally deep, and his pupils had completely turned into deep purple.

"Let's get to know each other again. My current name is Austin Griffin." Long Kongkong grinned on his chest, and huge black light bands suddenly spread around and turned into groups of deep light almost instantly. It enveloped the entire treasure house.

As for everyone in the 1911 Demon Hunting Group, light mist rose up from their bodies, even Long Dangdang was no exception. Their own spiritual power had begun to escape uncontrollably.

"What's going on? Captain, what's going on? What happened to Kong Kong?" Tao Linlin exclaimed.

They were too familiar with Long Kongkong, their former teammate, and naturally knew that his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace was powerful, but at this moment, his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace seemed to become more and more terrifying. The unparalleled devouring power directly It's depriving them of their spiritual power and life force. The deep purple in Long Kongkong's eyes became darker and deeper.

"Have you really decided? Decided to help her?" Long Dangdang's voice was a little difficult. At the same time, a layer of dazzling purple-gold suddenly burst out from his body, covering himself and his friends behind him. Only then was the terrifying devouring power isolated.

As his cultivation level improved, Long Dangdang also had more control over his own strange bloodline power.

"Why not? She is right. Do you know the evil nature of human beings and the hateful nature of human beings? You have also listened to her story. You should know what she and I have experienced in the past. Do you know that unforgettable story? The pain and hatred are so strong. Isn't it bad to become undead? As an undead creature, at least there are orders and prohibitions, and there will be no more human intrigues and selfish desires. Everything will return to order."

Long Dangdang said coldly: "But don't be undead. The root of the undead energy that supports the existence of undead creatures is the negative emotions of human beings and the negative energy brought about by death. If even humans and other life forms no longer exist, , then, is there any basis for the existence of the undead?"

Long Kongkong said: "Of course, after the energy of the undead reaches a certain level, it can form a cycle. Previously, the number of altars of the undead in the Kingdom of the Undead has reached 81, and an internal cycle has begun. After occupying the entire continent, If the Altar of the Undead covers the entire planet, then, at that time, the energy of the undead will be able to cover the entire planet, communicate with the universe, and begin to absorb the dark elements in space, thus completely turning the planet into a planet of the undead."

"Kongkong, are you crazy? How could you do this? Have you become a dead person?" Ming Xi couldn't help shouting, tears already welling up in her beautiful eyes.

Long Kongkong smiled, "Ming Xi! You seem to have become a lot stronger, but you have to keep working hard, otherwise you will just be a drag. What's wrong with the dead? Do you want to come to me? , accompany me to become the dead together.”

"No, I don't want it. You, how did you become like this? Have you been brainwashed by the Kingdom of the Dead?" Ming Xi's voice was choked with emotion. If she hadn't been forcibly held by Long Dangdang, she would have rushed over.

Long Kongkong smiled slightly and said: "Brainwashing does not exist. I said, I am no longer Long Kongkong, I am Austin Griffin, the great God of Punishment, Austin Griffin. When I really wake up At that moment, everything will come to nothing. I will control this world, and even the existence and destruction of all worlds. That is the real me."

As he spoke, he looked at Long Dangdang and continued: "My dear brother, do you know how I guessed that you would come here? It's very simple, because I know you too well. There are continuous altars of the undead being destroyed. Destroyed, and judging from the way of the destruction, it should have been done by a group of people. The summoned archangel was probably done by my cousin. At the same time, it can be transferred continuously. It must be the ability to teleport. This is your category. And Judging from the report of the undead, you robbed this place last time. Based on my familiarity with you, the reason why you plundered so many soul crystals is to help Xiao Xie evolve. But this time after you started taking action, The ruined altars of the undead are all around Shimen City, giving the undead an illusion that you dare not enter the city. You just destroy the altars of the undead outside, and even leave traces of teleportation away. The more this happens, the more I feel I realized that you had another purpose, and my guess was obviously correct. At that time, I was still wondering if you were going to destroy the Altar of the Dead in Shimen City, but then I felt that you wouldn't be so aggressive. With your calmness, , will definitely not take such risks, but just want to maximize benefits, so the best choice is here. Do you plan to go back after plundering? Judging from your actions this time, your The teleportation ability has been improved a lot."

Listening to Long Kongkong's somewhat evil voice, everyone couldn't help but feel a little chilly. The face in front of them looked so familiar, but his voice and his breath had undergone earth-shaking changes. , is this really still the same Long Kongkong? Even Ling Menglu, who already knew the inside, was a little unable to accept it.

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