The moment his light attribute talent was improved, Long Dangdang felt the same feeling as Ling Menglu did when he was practicing. The integration of the light element not only simply turned into his spiritual power, but even became his dependent, and he naturally became the master of the light element.

If the Son of Light is the darling of the light element, then now he is like the light element's..., dad?

This wonderful and somewhat weird feeling made Long Dangdang's calm heart ripple. And this is just the beginning.

The master of the Magic Temple raised his hand and waved, and a fiery red fruit floated in front of Long Dangdang. The next moment, it vaporized directly in the air and turned into a ball of light red mist. Along with Long Dangdang's breathing, Drilled directly into his nose.

A blazing heat spread directly throughout the limbs and bones, making Long Dangdang's whole body's blood vessels seem to be stretched at this moment. The warm energy nourished his body, and Long Dangdang immediately felt that his physique was rapidly improving. , yes, it is not the internal spiritual power that is improved but the external spiritual power. His body is being constantly moisturized, causing a layer of water mist to rise unconsciously around his body, and even his skin begins to become crystal clear.

Although Long Dangdang didn't know what the six holy halls gave him, he could guess that this was the treasure of heaven and earth that the hall master had mentioned before. The great help of this treasure to the body was unprecedented in Long Dangdang's life, because not only his external spiritual power was improving, but even his strange purple-gold bloodline power was impacted and nourished by this heat flow. Subtly improving. Let his whole person's aura continue to rise. At the same time, his perception of the fire element also became stronger.

In this short period of time, Long Dangdang has clearly felt his own changes. While his cultivation continues to improve, even his understanding of the elements is also improving. The hall master said before that the Yunling Formation could help him break through the ninth level, but he needed to experience the ninth level by himself. This experience was naturally for the purpose of giving birth to his own domain, but at this moment, Long Dangdang discovered that, let alone the Yunling Formation, the two heavenly materials and earthly treasures that had just been fused to him had already made his His perception has been greatly improved, and I am afraid that the ninth level of perception will not become a bottleneck restricting him at all.

So strong, really strong.

And this wasn't over yet. Just when the heat in his body gradually stabilized, another coolness entered his body. It was an icy blue lotus that floated out from the hands of the master of the Priest Temple and floated in front of Long Dangdang. The lotus turned into dots of blue light and penetrated directly into Long Dangdang's eyebrows.

Long Dangdang suddenly felt as if a door had been opened to his spiritual world. The bursts of coldness made his spirit extremely active. After the cool air penetrated into the sea of ​​​​spirituality, he had opened up to The ninth-level spiritual sea suddenly surged, with waves of waves impacting in all directions, and his spiritual sea was constantly expanding, and his spiritual power was like a blowout from the depths of the spiritual sea. Rushing outside. Long Dangdang's mental power, which had been raised to the ninth level through Xiao Xie's feedback, had stabilized at the ninth level in what seemed to be a very short period of time.

At the same time, the affinity of the water element continued to rise, making it easier for Long Dangdang to absorb himself. The perception of three consecutive elements changed, and even the stickiness of the elements he felt before disappeared. Most of it.

Long Dangdang could even feel the influence of this ice blue lotus, as if even he and Xiao Xie were being washed away by the undead aura. That's right, this heavenly and earthly treasure not only helped him improve his spiritual power and open up the sea of ​​​​spirit, it also washed his sea of ​​​​spirit, allowing all impurities to be quietly dissolved. This in itself is also a kind of cleansing for his soul, making his mind more transparent.

Long Dangdang even had the feeling that even if he had evil thoughts in his heart, under this cleansing, everything would disappear and cease to exist.

This level of heavenly material and earthly treasures is probably comparable to artifacts. In order to improve themselves, the six major temples have really spent a lot of money this time!

What he doesn't know is that the spirit-absorbing formation set up for him this time is of course not just to simply improve his cultivation. It also has the important task of laying the foundation for him to accept the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Task.

Regarding the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Long Dangdang, the first chairman of the Temple Federation, once left some words, including some requirements such as mental clarity, cultivation, and strength. Of course, the most important thing is the recognition of the creative power of the God Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. The original Chairman Long also went through many hardships to obtain its recognition before finally succeeding. In order to ensure that Long Dangdang can become the second holder of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, this time the Holy Temple can be said to have original capital.

Originally, after Long Dangdang activated the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the Knights Temple proposed to open the Soul Containing Formation for him to help him qualify for the assessment as soon as possible. But there are some internal differences. The difference is not that the Yunling Formation cannot be opened, but to what extent it should be opened and what level of resource support should be given to it. The Yunling Formation also has different levels. It is not too difficult to simply upgrade a professional to the ninth level of cultivation. But how to improve it has changed a lot. Is it just to improve the cultivation level, or is the cultivation level and foundation to be improved together?

Because of this incident, there were many discussions within the church. It wasn't until the crisis in the Holy City came, and Long Dangdang even solved the crisis by almost sacrificing himself, that the opinions within the Holy City were unified.

The three heavenly and earthly treasures just taken out by the Hall Master, the Magic Temple Master, and the Priest Temple Master are the most precious. The hall master took out Holy Luna, which was the sacred energy purified by Long Dangdang, the first-generation Federation Chairman, after possessing the body of the God of Light, with his powerful cultivation and with the help of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. This holy dew is the only one left. Because it itself contains some aura belonging to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, it can not only help owners of the Son of Light physique with more than 90 innate spiritual powers to upgrade their physique to that of the God of Light, but At the same time, it can also further enhance its affinity with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

There were initially three portions of Holy Dew. Two of them have been used by the extremely talented ancestors, in the hope of gaining recognition from the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. But it ultimately failed. But even if he fails, after being baptized by the Holy Dew, he can still react to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and accept the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne, but he just failed to pass the assessment. In other words, the Holy Dew itself is equivalent to the key to unlocking the examination of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. This is definitely the most precious thing for the Knights Temple, and its preciousness is no less than the Eternal Heart.

The hall master was also ruthless. After giving the Eternal Heart to Long Dangdang, he took out the last piece of Holy Dew this time. Long Dangdang was bound to win the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation.

And the red fruit that the master of the Magic Temple took out was also quite extraordinary. It was the spiritual embryo divine fruit known as the innate treasure. It is said that it is a special energy body that was born from the huge energy born when the plane was shattered and formed in the universe. It absorbed the huge energy generated by the fragmentation of the plane and continuously purified it.

This treasure has long existed in the Magic Temple, but everyone can feel the huge energy it contains but don't know how to use it. It wasn't until Chairman Long broke through the limit thousands of years ago that he mastered the origin and use of this treasure. Its function is to reinvent itself.

It is not a rebirth in the ordinary sense, but the kind that breaks the limits of the human body. The fire attribute is only incidental to it. The most important thing is the accumulation of its own energy for the body, which is a huge energy similar to the accumulation of planes. Chairman Long's evaluation of it is that it can increase the external spiritual power by one hundred thousand and break the limits of the human body, making the upper limit of the human body's external spiritual power close to the limit of the plane.

In other words, with the fusion of this spiritual embryo divine fruit, the human body's external spiritual power limit will be increased to 990,000. And it will naturally improve by constantly absorbing external energy. Of course, this may take a long process, but if there is enough energy, it can also be improved rapidly.

Therefore, among the three heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Long Dangdang integrated, the Spiritual Embryo Divine Fruit is the most precious one. At the beginning, Chairman Long once said that this treasure cannot be used until the federation is at risk, so it has been preserved to this day. It is also known as the fire that can bring rebirth to mankind.

The Magic Temple also worked hard this time and took out the Spiritual Embryo Divine Fruit. The profound meaning is that the person who will be born in the future and hold the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation will no longer belong exclusively to the Knights Temple. After all, Long Dangdang also has the heritage of the Magic Temple!

And what the Priest Temple came up with was also amazing, the Ten Thousand Years Ice Lotus. It is true that nature has nurtured existence for thousands of years. Ice lotus itself is a precious medicinal material, and its effect is to clear the heart. The Ten Thousand Years Ice Lotus is the best tonic for the sea of ​​spirit. Not only can it expand and stabilize the spiritual sea, but it can also greatly improve spiritual power and stabilize the spiritual sea.

Before merging it with Long Dangdang, the hall master did not tell him what the heavenly materials and earthly treasures were to be fused. He did not want him to have any ideas in his mind, but wanted him to fuse these heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the most natural state, so that he could These treasures play the greatest role.

Until this moment, Long Dangdang didn't know how useful these things he had fused were, but he could clearly feel that his body was beginning to undergo strange changes. Especially the evolution of the purple-gold bloodline was something he didn't expect. What kind of treasure is this? It can even help my own bloodline power, which has only been slowly improving as I grow older.

The previous blood consumption when attacking his mother's undead barrier has been made up for in a short period of time, and it is still improving. Purple gold flows in the blood throughout his body, allowing him to clearly feel the changes in external spiritual power.

My mind also became exceptionally clear, and my spiritual sea was quickly opened up. At this moment, the rich elemental power in the Yunling Formation became secondary. The auxiliary improvement of the three major treasures was making Long Dangdang's life level sublime.

The kingdom of the dead, the natural disaster city.

In Mithril Castle, Long Kongkong was sitting cross-legged in the room, meditating silently.

Compared with him before, he now has a more evil temperament, but even in the natural disaster city where the undead aura is so strong, there is no fluctuation of undead energy on his body. The undead energy didn't even dare to come within a hundred meters of his body.

At this time, his body was exuding a faint purple-gold halo, and a layer of mesh-like purple-gold light patterns lingered on the surface of his skin. An aura that seemed to be able to destroy everything loomed over him.

Suddenly, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and then he opened his eyes in surprise. At this moment, the purple-gold lines on his body suddenly became clearer, and the halo flickered. Even his eyes turned purple-gold at this moment.

"Huh?" He let out a soft cry, and Long Kongkong's body levitated on the spot, and he naturally stretched his legs and stood up.

"What happened? It's Long Dangdang's side. His bloodline power is improving? How did he do it? Logically speaking, he doesn't have a core of destruction, so he can't improve his bloodline power through practice like me. Why? It will cause my bloodline to fluctuate and even increase. My brother is really worried."

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Long Dangdang's expression became a little playful.

Slowly walking to the bed, looking across the vast natural disaster city below and towards the human world, Long Kongkong's eyes became deeper and deeper. In the depths of his deep eyes, there was a purple spirit, and the person in front of him was full of purple. The air seemed to be constantly shattering because of this touch of purple spirit.

"My brother, since you have improved so quickly, it seems that we have to hurry up. The improvement of bloodline is a good thing." In Long Kongkong's eyes, the purple-gold color became more and more intense, as if Like a bloodline of the same origin that can transcend time and space and travel to distant places.

Long Dangdang didn't know when he had entered a state of deep meditation. He no longer needed to control the changes in his body. With the help of the Yunling Formation and the three heavenly materials and earthly treasures, his body seemed to be in a state of deep meditation. Like evolution, he greedily absorbs the rich elemental power in the air. His own spiritual power has not been directly improved, but has been continuously refined in this state, and the overall foundation has been continuously thickened.

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