Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 488 Fulfilling the Promise

Yes, the person who appeared not far in front of Long Dangdang with an evil smile on his face and looked exactly like him was none other than Long Kongkong?

Even Long Dangdang, who had already done a lot of psychological construction for himself, almost had his defenses broken when he saw his younger brother. I couldn't help but have mixed feelings for a while.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. Brother, your strength has improved a bit quickly! Less than three months have passed since you ruined your mother's plan to directly build an altar of the dead in the Holy City, and you have already reached the ninth level. It's much faster than I thought. That's fine, let's get ready." Long Kongkong said with a smile.

At this moment, Long Dangdang, who had calmed down, already knew where this place was. This was the place he had visited during his breakthrough, another plane. In fact, he now knows the origin of this plane. It was the world that was destroyed by Long Kongkong's predecessor, and it was also the world that persecuted his parents and younger brother in their previous lives. A world completely covered by darkness and fire, filled with undead creatures. The undead creatures in this world are even very similar to the undead that my mother brought to the Holy Demon Continent. And everything here was undoubtedly extremely hostile to him and his brother. After all, they have that strange blood flowing through them.

"Are you going to break through the ninth level here?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong nodded and said: "Yes! That's why I need you to protect me, brother. Originally, if you wanted to break through to the ninth level, you needed to be here, but after I recovered part of my memory, I removed the You have introduced all the destructive characteristics to yourself, so you can successfully break through. Shouldn't you thank me, my brother? Of course, this is also for my own sake. After all, you are stronger and can do well when I break through. Protect me, right?"

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and tried to calm down his turbulent mood at this time, "Kongkong, there are only us here. Have you really decided to destroy the Holy Demon Continent with your mother? That is the place where we were born and raised! Even if the humans in this plane are sorry for the past, you have destroyed this world as a price, not to mention, what does this have to do with the Holy Demon Continent? "

Long Kongkong said calmly: "You should tell your mother about this. It is humans who make us not think of ourselves as humans. Oh, of course, I was not a human being originally. In fact, neither are you. The person I am now is not complete. I, in this life, you took away part of my power. In fact, we were supposed to be one, and we were the real Austin Griffin. Now we are divided into two individuals, even two. Soul, I don’t know why this is the case, but I cannot interfere with your independent thinking, and you have also taken away part of my power and authority, but I am the core part. In fact, swallowing you, Let us become one, that is the best choice. In that case, it will be easier for me to recover. However, I am really reluctant to let go. After all, you are my good brother!" In the end, his The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing another evil smile.

"Brother! You have always been a person of promise, and you must do what you promised me. Let's get ready to start. When I start to break through, I'm afraid all the strong men in this plane will be attracted, so I will It's up to you to protect me. Of course, you can also choose to attack me when I make a breakthrough in cultivation, and you might be able to kill me. Maybe you can guess why my mother didn't go all out to fight against humans. She is also waiting for my growth. Killing me may prevent her from destroying the Holy Demon Continent. Do you think this is a good idea? "

Long Dangdang stared at the familiar face in front of him. He didn't know whether it should be Long Kongkong or Austin Griffin. His eyes were full of complexity, "Why, why do our families have to fight against each other? Don't you have a good life in this life?" Are you happy? I also want to ask my parents, aren't they happy? If there was no country of the dead, our family would live happily. You would marry Hepburn and I would marry my cousin. , we can go around and live a carefree life. We don’t need any church or power. We can just surround ourselves with our parents and live a good life with them. Isn’t it good to be empty and take advantage of the mistake? It’s not done yet, it’s still too late. Come back, if you are willing to work with me to persuade my parents, the effect will definitely be much better.”

Long Kongkong listened to Long Dangdang's description, a flash of longing flashed in his eyes, but soon returned to a cold and evil look, "If everything was as simple as you said, then there would be no current situation. You also heard what my mother said that day. She endured so much suffering for me. How could I stand on the opposite side of her and destroy mankind and establish a country of undead order? Our family can live happily. At that time, we are the masters of this world, and we can even conquer any world and do whatever we want. Isn’t this true freedom?”

Long Dangdang said angrily: "In a world without life, can happiness still exist? Kongkong, you..."

Long Kongkong waved his hand and said: "Needless to say, since you don't want to come back to me and my mother, I won't force you. You chose the six major temples and stood on the opposite side of us, so I'll see you on the battlefield in the future. Now. I'm about to break through. I'm undefended at this time. If you have the ability, kill me now. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Only by killing me will you have a chance. Otherwise, the Temple Federation will not. Maybe it's our opponent. I'm the great Austin Griffin."

As he spoke, Long Kongkong turned around and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Long Dangdang watched him walk over, even a little confused for a moment.

Although he had guessed that some of the movements of the undead army might be related to his brother, it was another matter to actually say it from Long Kongkong's mouth. Are you really waiting for Kong Kong to grow up?

At this time, Long Dangdang was already at the ninth level, but he could still clearly feel the strong sense of danger coming from Long Kongkong. The Kong Kong now seems to have completely changed from the Kong Kong before. However, he still clearly remembers the feeling when the two brothers met again that day in Stone City. Kong Kong, what kind of you are you really?

Just when he was in a complicated mood, Long Kongkong had already sat down cross-legged deep in the cave and closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes, Long Dangdang even felt as if his younger brother was back. The familiar face always had a faint smile on it, and even looked a little lazy. Especially, at the next moment, when circles of black light appeared on Long Kongkong's chest and expanded outward, the strong sense of familiarity even made Long Dangdang's eyes become moist.

At this moment, a faint purple meaning suddenly rose from Long Kongkong's body. The purple color full of destructive meaning quickly spread to his whole body, and even the black halo that expanded outward was rendered into... purple.

Long Dangdang's own bloodline was affected by it and changed almost instantly. He just felt as if the power of his bloodline was being aroused, and the spiritual energy all over his body was boiling. The strong idea of ​​destruction even caused negative emotions to rise in his heart, but at the same time, his own spiritual power seemed to be greatly enhanced by the power of blood, and his spiritual power began to overflow outwards.

What surprised him even more was that the devouring power of Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace did not devour his power. Instead, he felt an extremely familiar injection of spiritual power. Yes, unknowingly, he and Long Kongkong were connected by their own special bloodline. Part of the energy absorbed by Long Kongkong from the air directly entered Long Dangdang's body.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel that there seemed to be a kind of energy that he especially needed in the swallowed energy. This energy integrated into himself not only made his bloodline power continue to grow stronger, but also his own spiritual power. Rapidly sublimating and improving, the speed of improvement is much faster than when it is nourished by itself in the Yunling Formation.

Long Dangdang's mood was a little dazed. If he was not in a confrontational state, and if his brother who had reached this level of cultivation was still with him, then, no matter how big the world was, there was nowhere that the two brothers could not go to. ?

However, at this moment, Long Kongkong, whose cultivation base is rapidly improving, seems to be hitting the ninth-level bottleneck, is evolving towards a terrifying existence that will destroy the Holy Demon Continent, if he goes by what he said. And Long Dangdang can also clearly feel that, at least now, he cannot control the power of blood to surpass Long Kongkong and suppress him. Long Kongkong was right. If their power was divided into two parts in the previous life, then Kongkong was obviously the core part. And if I gain the approval of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, will I be able to stop him and his mother? Long Dangdang didn’t know.

From a rational point of view or the perspective of the Temple Federation, killing Long Kongkong and nipping these dangers in the cradle is undoubtedly the best way. Long Kongkong, who has not grown up, is not that scary, not to mention that he is now at a critical moment of breakthrough in cultivation. But, can I really do it? That's his biological brother! Perhaps it was because he knew himself so well that he dared to tell everything while still practicing with peace of mind in front of himself.

Suddenly, Long Dangdang's eyes became extremely complicated. Closing his eyes, he could vaguely hear angry roars coming from far outside the cave. Apparently, his and his brother's existence had been discovered.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and walked towards the outside of the cave without looking back.

He couldn't attack his own brother at this time. So, what is the difference between me and my mother who wants to destroy the world? Make a promise, then fulfill the promise. If you really want to stand on the opposite side of your parents and younger brother, then you must be upright on the battlefield and never retreat even if you die. But no matter what, he couldn't sneak attack his brother while he was practicing.

Long Kongkong, who was silently sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave, with the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace fully turned on, was just as Long Dangdang strode out of the cave, his eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Long Dangdang had already arrived at the exit of the cave. When he saw everything outside, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The first thing I felt was the overwhelming evil thoughts, which seemed to tear the whole world into pieces.

And the whole world is also restless because of the aura exuded by Long Kongkong. The terrifying and violent elements of darkness and fire are agitating crazily. Long Dangdang's current mental power has reached the ninth level, and the sea of ​​spirit is in the Ten Thousand Years Ice Lotus. It was huge and vast under the nourishment, and he could clearly feel that powerful auras were coming towards this side at an alarming speed. On the ground, an army of undead that could not be seen beyond the horizon had already appeared.

These undead creatures look more dead than the undead creatures in the Kingdom of the Undead. The dead in the Kingdom of the Undead still look human at least on the surface. But at this time, the undead creatures here were almost all composed of skeletons, resentful spirits and the like. They were overwhelming and dense, and their targets were all pointed in their direction.

Looking at this scene, Long Dangdang felt fear in his heart. His fear was not because he was about to face such a huge army of undead, but because he suddenly thought that if the Holy Demon Continent was wiped out by his parents and younger brother, what would happen to the human race? Wouldn’t it also become what you see in front of you? Even if it is slightly better and more orderly than this, what difference does it make in the deathly silence?

He couldn't help but turn around and looked deep into the cave again. He could feel that his brother's aura had begun to improve. For some reason, after absorbing the seemingly unknown energy of this world, he was not just practicing empty cultivation. In order to improve, under the influence of his Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang felt that the power of blood in his body was also boiling, and the changes in this power of blood, together with the spiritual power of his whole body, began to stir and improve. This is an all-round improvement, as if it is evolving itself.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Long Dangdang turned around again, his eyes becoming firm again. Yes, I can definitely prevent everything from happening. When I become the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader, I should be able to solve everything.

While thinking about it, he had summoned his fine gold base. The golden light flowed, and the fine gold base turned into a battle armor covering his whole body. Long Dangdang holds the Lotus of Blue Rain Light in his left hand and the Judgment of Light in his right hand. The aura on his body suddenly surged.

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