Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 490 I swear on behalf of Austin Griffin

Long Dangdang tightened the two swords in his hands. He had no chance to retreat. In the cave behind him was his younger brother.

"Austin Griffin, you finally started your last revival. We have been waiting for you for a long time. This time, everything about you will end, and the destruction you brought will also end completely. Only when you are completely annihilated, the destructive thoughts you left in this world will disappear, and our world will have the possibility of revival."

The cold voice of the Bone Dragon Knight resounded through the sky. It had slowly raised its head at this time, and dark red flames rose in the eye sockets under the helmet.

Long Dangdang stared at the other party and said lightly: "How do you know this is my last revival?"

The Bone Dragon Knight was obviously stunned for a moment, "Nine times, you only have nine chances to revive. We witnessed your eighth death before, so this is your last time."

The reason why Long Dangdang did not deny that he was Austin Griffin was to delay some time. He still clearly remembered that when he came to this world last time, he could immediately return after the evolution was completed. He just hoped that Kong Kong could be faster now.

"No, you're wrong. Don't you realize that I'm different now than I was before?" As he spoke, Long Dangdang suddenly burst out with a very pure divine light aura.

The soul fire in the eye sockets of the Bone Dragon Knight jumped violently, "What's the difference? Your nine attributes are water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, space, poison and destruction. Your current body has seven of these attributes, and your clone in the cave has the destruction attribute. You can fully recover if you only have poison. Do you think that if you divide your power into two parts, I won't recognize you?"

Is there an eighth attribute of poison? Long Dangdang has always known that he has eight attributes, and he has awakened seven of them. It turns out that the last one is poison.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said, "No, you're wrong. Maybe I used to have the attribute of light, but not the divine attribute. So, this time I'm different. I won't destroy anything again. I just hope to be a good person."

The Bone Dragon Knight seemed to be stunned and didn't make a sound for a long time.

Not far from him, on the top of another bone dragon with a body over 500 meters, a powerful lich in a magic robe suddenly made a sharp voice, "Did I hear it wrong, the God of Scourge, the Nine-headed Chimera, Austin Griffin actually said he wanted to be a good person? It was you who destroyed our world, and you want to be a human being?"

Long Dangdang glanced at it and said lightly: "Do you believe in love? It is the power of love that changed me. It melted the destructive intention in my heart and resolved the hatred in my heart. You should know why I wanted to destroy the world. Now, everything is over. I no longer want to destroy and destroy. I just want to be a human being and live a quiet and happy life. After leaving this world this time, we should never come back. Now, we are also taking back the destructive intention in us. When we take everything back, we will naturally leave here, and you can still be reborn."

"Don't listen to his sweet words, kill him, only by killing him can everything be solved. He destroyed our world, and only by killing him completely can the hatred in our hearts be resolved." Not far away, another huge skeleton roared angrily.

"Roar——" As if recalling the great hatred in the past, all the bone dragons roared at the same time.

The black long sword in the hand of the bone dragon knight was raised horizontally, and all the undead creatures calmed down again. It stared at Long Dangdang with burning eyes, "You said that you have resolved the hatred in the past. What do you use to prove it?"

Long Dangdang said: "How do you want me to prove it?"

The bone dragon knight said coldly: "Unless you are willing to swear in the name of the God of Heaven's Punishment, after taking back your destructive thoughts, you will permanently withdraw from our world, never return, and never destroy and destroy other worlds. Swear with your blood of the God of Heaven's Punishment, can you do it?"

After hearing his words, Long Dangdang suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that he could really do it! And this is exactly what he wanted in his heart!

Turning his head to look at the depths of the cave, he could clearly feel that Long Kongkong's cultivation had reached a critical moment at this time. He was absorbing a large amount of a strange energy contained in this world, so that his strange blood power, or the blood of the God of Heaven's Punishment as these undead creatures said, was reviving and improving. In addition, Long Dangdang, who was of the same origin, could clearly feel that his blood power was also continuously improving under the stimulation. Therefore, Long Kongkong could not do anything at all now.

Long Dangdang suddenly laughed, "I can."

Just when the soul fire in the eyes of the Bone Dragon Knight showed disbelief, Long Dangdang put away the Blue Rain of Light Hibiscus in his left hand and raised his palm at the same time. The blade of the Judgment of Light in his right hand fell on his left hand.

The next moment, the purple-gold light in his pupils became brighter. He, who was originally struggling to face the pressure of the Bone Dragon Knight, burst out with a breath in an instant. The whole world that was originally full of malice towards him seemed to tremble slightly at the moment when this purple-gold appeared, exuding a fearful thought.

All the bone dragons couldn't help but retreat a little at this moment. Because they all clearly felt the terrifying aura of destruction coming from Long Dangdang.

Purple and gold flowed, and in the next moment, Long Dangdang's left hand was rendered in the same color. The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth were slightly raised. He hadn't shown such a knowing smile for a long time. Even he didn't expect that it was originally just a smile. With the idea of ​​stalling for time, I suddenly discovered a broad road.

The next moment, the Judgment of Light in his right hand was pulled horizontally, cutting his palm, and a drop of purple-gold blood immediately flowed out of his palm.

Long Dangdang felt as if his strength had been drained away, and his face suddenly turned pale, but he said in a very calm voice: "I, Austin Griffin, with my God of Divine Punishment The blood of the media swears that after we absorb the remaining destructive power of this world, we will stay away from here and never come back. We will only be good people if we violate this oath. Die of exhaustion.”

The next moment, the purple-gold color in his hand instantly burned and turned into a cluster of brilliant purple-gold flames rising up. At this moment, it seemed as if a great terror was coming between heaven and earth, and even the entire dark red world was reflected into purple gold.

The bone dragon legion in the distance, as well as the undead warriors behind the bone dragon, were all suppressed by this terrifying force. The bone dragons fell downward one after another, landing directly on the ground. Facing this shocking purple-gold color, It felt like I couldn't even lift my head.

And at this moment, Long Dangdang finally felt enlightened about his own domain. At this time, he was high above, and all the undead souls surrendered. All elements and everything, including this planet, seemed to be... Surrendering to him.

The burning purple-gold flame illuminated everything around him, making Long Dangdang seem to have a circle of light rising around his body, and the world's destructive intention, which was being absorbed by Long Kongkong, suddenly moved toward Long Dangdang at ten times the previous speed. Dangdang and the dragons in the cave gathered together.

"He, he really swore?" The lich's voice was broken when he said these words before. They really never expected that the terrifying god of punishment would once destroy their world. The God of Divine Punishment, who had destroyed everything, actually swore an oath. How incredible this is!

Even the Bone Dragon Knight only held out hope when it made the previous request, because it knew very well that it was not easy to kill Austin Griffin, who had awakened to the ninth level. No matter how strong his strength is, he will be restrained by Austin Griffin's powerful bloodline, and it is likely to be the price of annihilation of the entire army.

However, he actually swore it, and he swore it with the blood of his God of Punishment. Even if he is the King of Kings and the God of Gods, after swearing in this way, he cannot break it. Precisely because his bloodline is so noble and he is the God of Divine Punishment, his oath is even more terrifying. This is likely the first oath since Austin Griffin IX.

"Who made you swear?" A hoarse but angry voice came from deep in the cave.

The smile on Long Dangdang's face became more intense, "What's wrong, my brother? Didn't you say that we are one body? You are Austin Griffin, so am I! Why can't I represent myself? Did you swear? I promised you before that I would help you achieve this breakthrough. I didn't agree on how to do it! This is called surrendering without fighting. Isn't it better than fighting to the death? ? I may not be able to protect you completely! This result is perfect, isn’t it?

At this moment, the rising purple-gold flame turned into a rune and penetrated directly into Long Dangdang's eyebrows, making him immediately feel as if a strange shackle was imprinted on him. At the same time, the purple-gold light separated from another part and penetrated deep into the cave.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel that Long Kongkong's aura became chaotic, but at this moment, the destructive power contained in this plane once again increased tenfold and swarmed towards him and the cave. Rushing from the depths.

Long Dangdang suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. This oath brought a shackles to him, but precisely because of the appearance of this shackles, he could clearly feel another throbbing deep in his heart. This throbbing came from the eternal heart. It was relief and appreciation, and there were waves of warmth that seemed to soothe my body and mind. Among them, there is also a special power that nourishes his body, allowing the previous consumption of blood essence and blood oath to be quickly restored.

I don't know whether it was because they were unable or unwilling to take off again. The bone dragons on the ground did not take off again. The undead warriors just stood on the ground, looking at the dragon Dangdang whose purple-gold light became more and more intense.

Yes, the oath stood. As the destructive energy in this plane continues to disappear, the entire plane seems to be undergoing some subtle changes.

Every time Austin Griffin is killed by them, or later dies on his own, its destructive power will return to the world as if it is being navigated. Even if they work hard to rebuild the world, it is because of this destructive energy. unable to do so due to suppression. At this moment, although they did not actually kill Austin Griffin, their thoughts of destruction were truly retreating.

God of Scourge, Nine-Headed Chimera, Austin Griffin, have they really changed?

The Bone Dragon Knight put away the long sword in his hand. He slowly raised his right hand, looked in the direction of the dragon, and placed his right fist across his chest.

After struggling for so many years and killing Austin Griffin so many times, he himself couldn't tell whether there was more hatred or despair in the hearts of the surviving undead warriors. But at least at this moment, they finally saw the glimmer of hope. For this reason, he would rather let go of his hatred than cause trouble.

The powerful undead men were also looking in the direction of Long Dangdang. There was hatred, confusion, and unwillingness in their eyes, but they were also relieved. Can it really, really be over?

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded from the depths of the cave, "Long Dangdang, you bastard, do you know what you are doing!"

The next moment, a figure burst out of the cave, crashed into Long Dangdang like a meteor, punched him hard in the face, and sent his whole body flying out.

Even though he was beaten away, the smile on Long Dangdang's face still remained unabated. He was in the air, and his voice came out, "I don't care whether you are Austin Griffin or Long Kongkong, you are still my brother. You actually I dare to hit your brother. It’s really been a long time since I’ve hit you.”

Under the stunned gazes of the undead creatures below, the two figures collided violently together again, making a deafening roar.

Those were fierce blows that hit the flesh, and they were all aimed at the face. One moment, one person was knocked away, and another moment, the other person was blasted far away. However, in this process, the destructive ideas that did not affect the world were gathering in their direction.

"What shall I do with my hatred? What shall I do with my pain? Long Dangdang, return it to me!"

"Isn't it enough that you destroyed this world and brought pain to this world? It's over."

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