"Long Dangdang, why do you still have candy to eat? I've finished mine long ago." Long Kongkong looked at his brother in surprise.

"What's left before." Long Dangdang said calmly.

"Brother, then you can also give me a piece to eat." Long Kongkong said with a shy face.

"If you want anything from me, call me brother. If you don't want anything from me, call me Long Dangdang. No more, just the last one." Long Dangdang said angrily.

The next day.

"Brother, why do you still have candy?"

"The last piece."

The next day.

"Brother, didn't you talk about the last piece before?"

"Well, this is really the last piece."

"Long Dangdang, you can keep your skills from now on."

"Then what's your name? You can shamelessly get up to anyone you meet, so call it Jilaisui."

With a flash of light, two figures emerged from the lower class side. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"I hate that devil so much. Xiaobai, you died so miserably!" A lamenting voice came next.

The two people who came back were Cai Caijuan from the first-year Summoner Class and the Assassin Class 1 who met for the first time. It was Cai Caijuan who was lamenting, but she had a gloomy face when they first met. Both of their faces looked pale, obviously due to excessive consumption.

Seeing the two of them appearing, the second-year students were obviously gloating about their misfortune, while the third-year students were a little more relaxed.

If a third grader is surpassed by a first grader, this is Spirit Furnace Academy, that would be really shameless! Now that everyone is even, there are still two groups that have not returned.

"Hey, they haven't come back yet? Why hasn't even Monroe come back? That Long Dangdang is great!" Cai Caijuan looked around. The first thing she looked for was those geniuses who were equal to her, but she found that no matter Zi Sanliu Ying, Tang Leiguang or Monroe have not come back yet.

"Stop talking." Chu Yu's mouth twitched, and he turned around and walked in the direction of the Assassin Squadron. Obviously, this time he and Cai Caijuan were not as good as those two groups.

They reached the level of the big devil. Although he finally exhausted all his cards and died together with the big devil, the big devil's final disintegration of the demon also pulled the two of them to death together. Cai Caijuan's natal summoned beasts were all killed. The big devil's offensive and defensive capabilities are extremely strong, and he has great restraint against him as an assassin. But one of them is an assassin and the other is a summoner. When the summoner's summoned beast is destroyed, he can only fight against the big devil head-on. Frontal fighting is something that assassins are not good at. In addition, their cooperation is indeed not tacit enough, and they have never practiced at all.

But no matter how unwilling you are, the facts cannot be changed. Their assessment has ended.

Yan Yao is in a good mood now. In this assessment, the performance of Knight Class 1 far exceeded previous assessments. The first-year teams to return were almost all combinations without knights. The first-year combinations with knights only started to return after at least one-third of their members had returned. The least optimistic combination of Long Kongkong and Stanley Ho actually exceeded 60 to 70% of people, which is even more surprising.

And now, even Cai Caijuan and Chu Yu are back, but Long Dangdang and Monroe haven't come back yet. In other words, the Cavaliers also have the top two combinations. Individually, they can also rank in the top four.

I have to be nicer to Long Dangdang from now on, it will really give me face! Yan Yao thought in her heart.

At this moment, light and shadow flickered, and several light and shadows appeared quickly in succession. A total of three groups of six people appeared.

The expressions of the third-year students who had just relaxed suddenly tightened, because two of the three groups were from their side. In other words, the last two groups of third-year students were all back. But only one group came back from the first grade.

The third-year students stared at the first-year side, wondering in their hearts, are their last group coming back? But no, there was still only one group coming back.

"Poof!" Zisan Liuying used her staff to support herself on the ground to prevent herself from falling. Luo Xiaoxiao, a girl with short pink hair who had returned a long time ago, quickly stepped forward to support her.

Tang Leiguang's condition was also very bad. He sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Luo Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice: "What kind of demon brought you out?"

Zisan Liuying frowned and said: "Seventh level. Three flame demon puppets merged and became seventh level flame demon puppets. They were finally broken up, but they were still able to disperse and fight, and their vitality was extremely tenacious. After killing two, In the end it didn’t work.”

When they heard the words "seventh level", everyone around them couldn't help but take a breath. You know, the first-grade class teacher is only at the seventh level! And what Zisang Liuying said was that she and Tang Leiguang teamed up to even disperse the seventh-level flame demon puppet. How powerful this was.

The last two groups of students from the third grade side couldn't help but look at them with complicated expressions. The situation they encountered was the same. The battle between the flame demon puppets was ever-changing, especially when they were fused together and had already crossed the seventh level threshold, it was really difficult to compete.

"Menglu hasn't come back yet." Luo Xiaoxiao leaned into Zisan Liuying's ear and said.

Zisan Liuying's expression changed slightly, and he glanced around, but sure enough he did not see the figure of the goddess Monroe. Her eyes suddenly showed a look of disbelief, how could it be possible?

The combination between himself and Tang Leiguang should definitely be the strongest in the first grade. The seventh-level flame demon puppet is even more difficult to deal with. Why have he and Tang Leiguang come out, but the other two haven't come out yet? Is that dragon Dangdang that strong?

Zisang Liuying pursed his lips. Tang Leiguang had already noticed this situation and frowned.

"Knight, be mighty!" At this moment, there was a cheer from the Knights' class.

There is no doubt that the combination of Long Dangdang and Monroe, who came back last, should be the champions of this assessment. This was unprecedented for the Knights, and they were finally proud.

At this point, the lower grades have not come out yet, and only the last group is left.

At this moment, the light lit up and two figures slowly emerged. The eyes of all the lower grade students and teachers were instantly focused.

The next moment, everyone was in an uproar.

Long Dangdang appeared in the light, but Monroe, who was wearing a veil, was nestled in his arms, her eyes closed.

The boy is handsome, the girl is wearing a veil, and her whole person is full of fragility. They look so well matched.

Long Kongkong's eyes widened almost instantly, "If you don't bark at a dog that bites, it's a good idea to save it!"

"Teacher, Ling Menglu was exhausted during the assessment and fell into a coma. Please ask the teacher for help." Long Dangdang ignored those strange looks and said loudly.

A golden light shrouded almost the next moment, falling on Long Dangdang and Monroe. The smell of peace filled them. A woman with a slender figure and soft eyebrows walked quickly. She was the head teacher of the pastor class. She took Monroe from Long Dangdang and helped her treat it with her own hands.

Not long after, Monroe woke up. She was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes found Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang stood there, looking as if nothing had happened, and he didn't show much weakness. A flash of surprise flashed in Monroe's eyes, and then a hint of embarrassment. She clearly remembered that when she finally fell, she seemed to be caught by someone.

"The lower grade assessment is over. Each class is brought back for rest. The assessment results will be announced tomorrow." A teacher from the college announced.

Long Dangdang was already surrounded by students from Knight Class 1. Not only the students, but also Yan Yao came to him.

"Which level have you reached? Have you reached the flame demon puppet?" Yan Yao asked quickly.

Long Dangdang nodded, "With Ling Menglu's full strength, we barely passed the Flame Demon Puppet level. Then we came out."

"Really?" Yan Yao suddenly became excited.

Long Dangdang nodded.

"Pa", Yan Yao slapped him on the shoulder, "Good boy, it's okay, even though it's the first place that came by chance, it's still the first place. Haha, our knight class is no longer at the bottom in this assessment. Okay. That’s it for today, let’s disband on the spot and go back to rest.” As she said that, she turned around and left triumphantly.

The next moment, Long Dangdang was surrounded by his friends. Basically, they asked him about his assessment status.

Long Dangdang just smiled and said that it was Ling Menglu's strength, and he was just assisting from the side. In the end, Menglu used her moves to defeat the flame demon puppet, and they barely passed the level.

Although he was saying this, a pair of eyes not far away were still focused on him.

Zisang Liuying looked at Long Dangdang with a slight frown. She could also hear the voices here. However, only when you have truly faced the Flame Demon Puppet can you know how powerful that existence is. Just relying on Ling Menglu? You know, there were great demons before that.

When facing the big devil, both she and Tang Leiguang had gone all out, and they had exhausted a lot of their strength before they finally managed to pass. The Great Demon's combat power is extremely powerful, stronger than a single flame demon. The strength of the flame demon puppet is its variety of combinations and variations.

Could Monroe defeat such a powerful opponent by herself? She didn't believe it. This dragon is certainly not simple.

"What's up, Zisang, do you think this Long Dangdang is powerful?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked.

Zisan Liuying shook his head and said: "I don't know. But I think we have neglected the knights before. This time the two people cooperated in the assessment, the role of the knights has begun to show up. The Knights Temple has been the first place for many years. There must be a reason for a holy temple. As a partner, even if the strength is a little weaker, it can play a great role. In the past, their assessment was relatively poor, so we didn't take it seriously, but now it seems that we need to pay more attention to it in the future. .They don’t have mounts yet.”

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at Zisang Liuying with some surprise. This person usually spoke very little, and it was rare for him to say so many words at once. It showed that this time he touched her quite a bit.

On the way back to the dormitory, Long Dangdang asked Long Kongkong about his assessment status. Long Kongkong's chest almost reached the sky, he was so proud.

Third place in the first class of knights! Second only to Long Dangdang and Mu Yi. Stanley Ho, standing by, was also full of praise and praised Long Kongkong's performance.

"You don't know! Although Kong Kong can't attack, he has an excellent sense of fighting. Whenever I am unable to do anything, he can always appear in the most suitable place to help me block the enemy. He can also continue to help me recover. . Can you believe it? He is a knight who actually knows Angel Blessing and Eye of Truth. Without these two skills, we might not even be able to pass the invisible level. With Kong Kong's assistance, I used the Holy Sword three times. Basically, we have found the door to the Holy Sword."

Long Kongkong said proudly: "Please call me Chong Lingbao from now on. Long Dangdang, are you convinced? Although you are number one, you got it by eating soft food. I have real ability."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "It seems that you have made great progress during this period. It's pretty good."

"That's right!" Long Kongkong got his affirmation and suddenly became even more proud.

Long Dangdang continued: "It seems that the previous supervision of you is effective. Then, we will continue. Aren't you already at the fourth level? Try to reach the fifth level as soon as possible. Let's continue to start when we get back."

"Ah? The teacher said to go back and rest, do you understand?" Long Kongkong suddenly became angry.

"You are the last in the whole grade in cultivation, but you still have the nerve to rest? Work hard, young man." Long Dangdang said calmly.

Half an hour later.

"Is this your spiritual treasure? That's it?" Long Dangdang was absorbing the spiritual power from Long Kongkong and bathing in the blessing of the angel he released, but there was a touch of sarcasm on his face.

"Can you blame me? No one here lets me suck! I can suck demons during the battle. Also, what's wrong with your body? Why is it like a bottomless pit?" After returning, Long Dangdang let Long Qingkong Concentrate and input spiritual power and angel blessing for yourself to heal.

But his body was like a black hole, as if no amount of spiritual energy could be filled.

"Didn't you say that the amount of Chong Ling Bao is enough? It turns out that your amount is still too small. Keep working hard."

The assessment for senior students lasted until noon.

Jiang Qingqiu was the head teacher of Pastor Class 1. She came to a small independent dormitory building and knocked gently on the door.

This dormitory is by the lake of Lingluo College. Looking at the lake from this side, the lake surface is sparkling. The main campus of Temple College in the distance is very clear. In the clear lake water, you can occasionally see swimming fish passing by.

The door opened, revealing a beautiful girl's face.

Monroe hugged Jiang Qingqiu's arm and said, "My most beautiful teacher, how are you doing?"

Jiang Qingqiu smiled slightly, walked into the dormitory with her first, closed the door, and then said with a smile: "I'm sure, you are indeed the first in the grade. The second is Zi Sang Liuying and Tang Lei Guang. They are considered the best in the Flame Demon Puppet level. Defeated two flame demon puppets."

Monroe's eyes moved slightly, "So, we have passed the test?"

"Well, it's over."

Monroe narrowed her eyes slightly, and her beautiful eyes became brighter, "What a great dragon!"

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