Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 54 The Spiritual Furnace Selection Begins

There was a pile of shrimp shells placed in front of Long Kongkong, but he didn't eat a few in total. His judgment was correct. Hepburn seemed to really like eating this, and her red lips were so bright and colorful.

"Is it delicious? Let's come again next time?" Long Kongkong said with a smile.

"Who wants to follow you? Go and wash your hands. It's getting late. I have to go home." Hepburn wiped her mouth with a napkin.


After washing his hands, Long Kongkong came back and asked the boss to pay the bill, but was told that the bill had already been paid.

"Goddess, you are wrong. How can you ask a girl to pay the bill when you go out to eat?" Long Kongkong looked helpless.

Hepburn said calmly: "You came out to work and study. What's more, I ate most of it. Don't forget, I am the boss. Can the boss let the employees pay the bill? Let's go."

As she spoke, she stood up and walked outside.

"You should go back early." Standing at the door of the store, Hepburn said to Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong suddenly said righteously: "It's so late, I will definitely send you home. This is what a man should do."

"Are you a man? Don't you say you are still a child?" Hepburn looked at him with a half-smile.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "Boys also have to protect their girls! Are you right, boss goddess?"

"What a mouthful you are!" Hepburn walked in one direction, and Long Kongkong hurriedly followed.

At this time, there were far fewer people on the street and it seemed cleaner and cleaner. The figures of the two people were pulled by the magic lamp on the roadside. They suddenly became longer, shorter, and overlapped again.

Hepburn's home is not far away, it only takes about twenty minutes to walk. This is a small courtyard that doesn't look very big in a small alley.

"Okay, I'm here." Hepburn stopped and said softly.

"Okay goddess, then you should rest early!" Long Kongkong smiled and waved to her, but he stood still and did not move.

"Well, let's go." Hepburn turned and opened the door. On the way back just now, Long Kongkong, who was always talkative, didn't say much and seemed very quiet.

After she opened the door and walked in, when she looked back, he was still standing there without moving.

"Why don't you leave?" Hepburn stuck her head out.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "I was wondering if there would be a surprise."

Hepburn asked doubtfully: "What surprise?"

Long Kongkong looked mysterious and whispered: "For example, a goodbye hug or something like that."

"What good things are you thinking about?" Hepburn said angrily, and then quickly closed the courtyard door.

"Boss Goddess." A voice called softly from outside.

Hepburn didn't open the door again, and said through the courtyard door: "What are you doing?"

"See you tomorrow." Long Kongkong's voice came.

Hepburn was stunned, and then a thick smile appeared on his face, "See you tomorrow."

A wonderful weekend always passes quickly, well, this beauty refers specifically to Long Kongkong.

When the two brothers met again in the college dormitory, Long Dangdang's face was pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness. Even his eyes were darker than normal, but he was in good spirits.

This weekend was definitely a torture for Long Dangdang. He spent every day in sacrifice. Can he feel comfortable? Even though a powerful priest was there to treat and restore him, it was still very painful to sacrifice the kind of practice that ignited one's own origin. The biggest gain is that Hai Jifeng taught him a practice method of converting spiritual power into liquid form, and he plans to give it a try this week. Let’s see if we can evolve to the fifth level before the Spiritual Furnace Heavenly Selection Ceremony begins.

After confirming with Teacher Zi Tianwu, this method seems to be the best way to evolve liquid spiritual power.

What is completely different from Long Dangdang is that the color of Long Kongkong's air is very good, and he even feels like he is in high spirits and proud of the spring breeze. The smile on his face never disappeared.

"What did you do this weekend?" Long Dangdang looked at his brother in confusion.

"Brother, do you know? I asked the goddess out for dinner. Spicy shrimp!" Long Kongkong said with a proud look on his face.

"That's it?" Long Dangdang said speechlessly.

"Of course it's not just that. I also peeled shrimps for her to eat, and she ate them all. The food was very delicious. Don't you think we have gone a step further?" Long Kong said with certainty.

Long Dangdang curled his lips, "I didn't think so. I just felt that a licking dog seemed to be appearing."

"Long Dangdang, who do you think is a licker? You know nothing!" Long Kongkong was furious. If he couldn't beat him, he was ready to pounce on him.

"Then Teacher Ye doesn't care if you go out on weekends and during the day?" Long Dangdang asked curiously.

Long Kongkong said angrily: "Why am I a prodigal? Mine is called a work-study program, and the teacher approves of it."

"It's weird to believe you. You must have deceived Mr. Ye." Long Dangdang knew his brother very well.

The anger on Long Kongkong's face disappeared instantly, and he kept Long Dangdang's arm, "Brother, dear brother. You can't tell me, for the future happiness of your dear brother."

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said: "You practice hard when you are in school, and I will not report you. My cousin has invited us to join her demon hunting group in the future. She is very strong, and others will join in the future. , you have to keep up, understand?"

"Okay, brother, everything you said is right, and I will listen to you. As long as it doesn't affect my time to accompany the goddess on weekends, it's no big deal." Long Kongkong agreed without hesitation.

Long Dangdang was a little surprised and said: "This time it's really a long-term relationship! Didn't we just look at it before?"

"Who are you talking about? I'm extremely dedicated, okay. By the way, brother, give me some money to spend! Otherwise I won't even have money to treat guests to dinner. Also, I always have to buy some gifts for the goddess, you see. Your brother's pocket is cleaner than his face." Long Kongkong said pitifully.

"We'll see if you work hard enough before the weekend and you can consider it."

"Okay, please." Long Kongkong immediately agreed excitedly.

Long Kongkong did start to work hard in his training. Although this was passive, it was mainly because of the teacher's selfless dedication to him and Long Dangdang's urgent tracking of him, which made it impossible for him to show off. Moreover, he has to work for his goddess during the two full days every weekend. This time must be saved. If you don’t make any progress in your cultivation, you won’t be able to do business!

Therefore, it was rare that he began to listen carefully during class and began to practice hard whenever he had free time. After breaking through the fourth level of cultivation, the effect of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace seemed to be getting better. The speed and capacity of absorbing spiritual power had increased, making him feel as if his spiritual power was increasing rapidly every day.

As long as people have hope and pursuit, they will not feel hard and tired. This is exactly the case for Long Kongkong. Whenever he thinks that he can go to see his goddess on the weekend, he becomes extra energetic. Even Long Dangdang I couldn't help but marvel, this boy's laziness seemed to have disappeared. He was very energetic every day and always looked very motivated.

Long Dangdang also began to enter the key state of his cultivation, which was the transformation of liquid spiritual power. The method Hai Jifeng taught him was actually not difficult, it was accomplished with the help of a knight's skills. With his innate spiritual power of 90%, all he needs to break through to the fifth level is time.

In the blink of an eye, two weeks have passed, and the most important moment for Spirit Furnace Academy has finally arrived. Spirit Furnace Heaven Selection Ceremony!

After breakfast, each class gathered in the college square under the leadership of their respective class teachers.

The square seemed a little quiet, but every student's eyes showed excitement. The Federation has developed for so many years. For the professionals in the six major temples, the spiritual furnace is almost the biggest difference between the powerful and ordinary members. A powerful spiritual furnace can completely become the core ability of a professional, thereby creating a truly top being.

Being able to be admitted to Linglu Academy, it can be said that everyone present is a genius, well, except for a certain Kongkong. But how do you stand out among geniuses? Simple efforts are no longer enough. The blessing of the spiritual furnace is the most likely to make them a blockbuster.

And today has arrived at this important moment. Many senior students have been waiting for this day for several years. At this time, everyone is gearing up.

Every student who comes to this academy has heard many legends about Spirit Furnace Academy. For example, this is where the six temple spiritual furnaces are stored. In the process of spiritual furnace selection, strength is often not as important as talent. Ordinary spiritual furnaces are chosen by students based on their suitability, but truly powerful spiritual furnaces will choose their own hosts. All these are lingering in the minds of the students, filling their hearts with a strong sense of expectation.

Zhou Shuixi, the dean of Linglu Academy, came to the square accompanied by a group of teachers.

"Good morning everyone, I am Zhou Shuixi. Today is probably an important day in your life for you. This is the third time that the Spirit Furnace Selection Ceremony has been held in the more than ten years I have been in office, but I can tell you Yes, this time should be the one with the greatest opportunity. So, you are lucky. Of course, while this luck is attached to you, the same heavy responsibility also falls on your shoulders."

"The process of spiritual furnace selection is full of uncertainties. What I need to remind you is, don't force it, otherwise, you will be expelled from the selection process. In the selection of spiritual furnace, you are not the only ones who are looked at. Your strength, attributes, talents, and even personality will all be factors in whether the spiritual furnace chooses you. It is better to find the spiritual furnace that best suits you than to choose the strongest spiritual furnace. I know that some of you You already have your own goals, but again, don’t force it. What you think is suitable for you may not really be suitable for you. When the spiritual stove takes the initiative to choose you, you must also keep your heart and feel it carefully. , choose whether your spiritual furnace is what you really want. The more spiritual furnaces are not the better, the most important thing is that the multiple spiritual furnaces that can fit with themselves and integrate themselves can complement each other. I once met a temple , he only had two spiritual furnaces in his life, but he completed five evolutions of both spiritual furnaces, making him the top being in the temple. The two spiritual furnaces cooperated, making him almost unbeatable. So, children, keep your heart, don’t be impatient, and choose carefully, that is the most important thing to you.”

Listening to the dean's narration, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong couldn't help but look at each other. Did it turn out that some students already had the goal of choosing a spiritual furnace? Do they have it? No! Their teachers have never said what kind of spiritual furnace they hope they can choose. Why is this?

"Distribute ceremonial badges." Zhou Shuixi said in a deep voice.

An old man standing next to him waved his hand, and dots of silver light flew towards the head teachers of each class. Each class teacher received the silver light, which was a silver badge. They distributed these badges to the students in their class.

Long Dangdang's heart suddenly moved when he saw the silver badge in Long Kongkong's hand. Except for the color, it was almost the same as his own golden badge.

"Junior Zhou Shuixi, the fifty-first dean of Linglu Academy, respectfully invites you all wise men." Zhou Shuixi saluted in the direction of the air.

The entire Spiritual Furnace Academy seemed to have a strange resonance due to this. A slight vibration appeared in the air. All kinds of heaven and earth vitality and elements in the air have become rich. It seems that the entire Spirit Furnace Academy has begun to become strange and bizarre.

The next moment, strange changes began to occur in the sky. A faint colorful halo circulated, and nine groups of strange lights began to condense. Nine rays of light rose from different directions in the Spirit Furnace Academy and injected into the nine haloes in the air. Suddenly, the elemental fluctuations in the air suddenly increased tenfold, and the air seemed to become thicker.

Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace began to operate on its own again, rapidly absorbing the rich energy.

The nine lights and shadows in the sky gradually solidified, and one could vaguely see that they were nine huge spiritual furnaces. Each spiritual furnace looks extremely magnificent, exuding a strong brilliance, and there are a large number of light patterns on it that are fluctuating violently.

There is a figure suspended above each spiritual furnace, a figure that resembles a human being. There are men and women, some tall and some short. Although they all look like light and shadow, they are still extremely shocking.

The foundation for the establishment of the Spiritual Furnace Academy is also the nine wisdom spiritual furnaces known as the strongest spiritual furnaces in the entire Holy Demon Continent. It happened again.

Their breath is so vast that with their appearance, the entire sky has turned into color. Sitting in the center of the nine spiritual furnaces, the woman shrouded in a strange nine-color halo said calmly: "Are you ready?"

Zhou Shuixi bowed again and said, "It's ready, please, seniors."

The woman turned to all the students. Although she could not clearly see her appearance, everyone present felt like they were being watched by her.

"Spirit Furnace Heavenly Selection, let's begin!"

Along with the voice of the woman in the center of the nine spiritual furnaces of wisdom, the fluctuations of various elements in the air suddenly became strange, and all the elements began to converge towards the sky. Based on the location of the nine spiritual furnaces of wisdom, As the apex, a strange colorful halo is formed.

Zhou Shuixi led a group of teachers to retreat aside. The next moment, the colorful halo suddenly dropped, forming a huge colorful light pillar that fell on the ground.

"From high to low, each grade enters the light pillar." Zhou Shuixi shouted in a deep voice.

The sixth-grade students immediately took action. Under the leadership of their class teacher, they came to the front of the colorful light pillar and filed in. When their bodies stepped into the colorful light pillar, they disappeared as if they were swallowed up. The class teacher stepped aside after sending the students in.

"Kongkong, show me your badge." Long Dangdang said softly.

Long Kongkong was looking at the colorful light beam in front of him with excitement at this time. He didn't take it seriously and gave Long Dangdang the silver badge in his hand.

There are more than 300 students in the entire Spirit Furnace Academy, and they enter the light pillar very quickly. A few minutes later, it was the first grade's turn.

Monroe, who was standing at the front of the pastor class, turned to look in the direction of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. To be honest, she couldn't tell who they were. Wearing a veil, she nodded slightly towards this side, and then Then he led his classmates towards the direction of the colorful light pillar.

The first class of knights followed closely, and followed the first class of priests towards the colorful light pillar.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel that the two badges in his hands began to become hot.

Seeing that he was about to reach the colorful light pillar, Long Dangdang whispered: "Return the badge to you, Kong Kong, get the best spiritual furnace!" As he said that, he put a badge into Long Kongkong's hand, and the next moment , as the squad leader, he was the first to step into the colorful light pillar.

Long Kongkong took the badge casually and followed closely. The moment he entered, he felt that everything around him seemed to become sluggish, as if he had entered a warm pool. The palm of his hand shook slightly, and the badge in his palm suddenly broke free from his fingers and flew out.

The badge magnified in front of him, bursting with brilliant golden light.

Long Kongkong was slightly startled. Isn't the badge silver? How did it become golden?

"Dragon Dangdang? Brother!" He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound. The next moment, everything in front of him turned golden.

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