Looking at the few soldiers who were about to cause trouble in front of him, Long Kongkong's thoughts suddenly changed. How to solve the problem at hand without being questioned by Hepburn?

You definitely can't beat him, the seventh-level war king!

Suddenly, Long Kongkong had an idea, and he stepped forward with a smile on his face, and hugged the shoulder of the warrior who was obviously the leader, "It turns out that these elder brothers are the leaders of the Warrior Temple, which really makes our store prosperous. Shenghui! Why don't I treat you to this meal today and let's just make friends."

The seventh-level war king obviously didn't expect that a clerk in a small shop would be so bold when he heard that he was a seventh-level war king. He even forgot to break free from his hand immediately. It was at this time that he and several of his companions saw a strange halo. The halo was not strong, even very soft, but the small but complex structure emerged from Long Kongkong's chest. , their eyes suddenly widened.

Long Kongkong made a silent gesture in an instant, but said: "Brothers, I also studied at the Knights Branch of the Temple Academy. After all, knights and warriors are both melee combat types. How many powerful people can I meet? It’s my honor, be sure to let me treat you today!”

Several soldiers reacted almost instantly. They looked at each other for a moment, with embarrassment showing on their faces involuntarily. Not even the seventh-level war king could break free from Long Kongkong's hand.

Spirit furnace! That's a spiritual furnace!

They still know each other at Spiritual Furnace!

No matter which temple it is, anyone who can own a spiritual furnace must be a genius of the temple, not to mention that Long Kongkong in front of him looks like a teenager. If he can own a spiritual furnace at this age, even a fool knows that he has no origin. Average.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Long Kongkong put a little force on his hands and almost pressed the war king to sit down, "Brother, wait a moment, the pork rib rice in our store is one of the best. I will serve it to you right now. Don't be polite to me. "

After saying that, he let go of his hand, turned around and came to Hepburn, who looked a little pale. He naturally took her arm and walked back.

Hepburn seemed to have only breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, being pulled by Long Kongkong all the way to the kitchen.

"Boss, here are four portions of pork rib rice." Long Kongkong shouted towards the back.

"Okay." came He's father's voice.

Long Kongkong then whispered to Hepburn: "Don't go out yet, leave the outside to me."

"But, they don't look like good people." Hepburn whispered, her pretty face seemed to be getting paler.

Long Kongkong raised his hand and patted her shoulder gently, "Don't worry, I'm here. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt my goddess." After saying that, he walked out.

The dining tables in the Heshi Pork Ribs Shop were not big and could only accommodate four people. Long Kongkong simply pulled a chair to the dining table of the soldiers and sat down on the side.

He looked at the several knights with a smile, and the leader, the seventh-level war king, asked in a low voice: "Is this little brother from the main hall of the Knights Temple? What happened today..."

Long Kongkong smiled and said: "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, I understand. I'm not from the main hall, I'm from here..." As he said that, he quietly took out the badge of his Spiritual Furnace Academy and covered it with his body. He controlled his movements so that he could not be seen in the direction of the kitchen, and swayed towards the soldiers.

The expressions of several soldiers suddenly changed. The spiritual furnace and the badge couldn't be fake.

"Then let's go." War King's face turned a little pale.

"No! It's agreed that I'll treat you. Our pork rib rice is really good. Of course, the eldest brothers are all very old, so they probably won't be too embarrassed to let me treat them. They're willing to give me a little more money. What's the store like? Naturally, I am very happy.”

The expressions of several soldiers were a little strange. They understand clearly what Spiritual Furnace Academy means. The strength of the young man in front of them may not be comparable to them, but when it comes to his status in the temple, it is something that they cannot even catch up with. Spiritual Furnace Academy is a place that specializes in monster-level beings. Almost all the temples come from there.

"Kongkong, come and serve the food." Father He's voice came from behind.

Long Kongkong stood up, put his chair back, smiled at several soldiers, and then turned around and went to the kitchen.

The fragrant pork rib rice was quickly placed in front of several soldiers.

"Brothers, please try it. Our ribs are so tender and delicious."

Several soldiers ate very quickly, finishing the food in front of them in three strokes, five divided by two, and the leader of the war king stood up, coughed, and said: "It is indeed delicious. Not bad, not bad. Thank you, little brother. Not yet. Please tell me your last name!"

Long Kongkong patted his chest and said with a smile: "If you don't change your name, you won't change your surname. That's what Long Kongkong is."

The King of War nodded and said: "I'll come and get close to my little brother again when I have the opportunity in the future. How can we let you treat us at our age? This pork rib rice is indeed very delicious. This is the money for the meal. Let's take the first step. What happened just now Brothers, please don't take it personally. If you need us brothers in the future, just tell us." After saying that, he put down a coin, waved his hand, and left with a few companions.

Seeing them leaving, Hepburn quickly ran out from behind, and Hepburn's father followed.

"Kongkong, are you okay?" Hepburn came to him and saw that his beard was completely covered, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Dad He held a kitchen knife and said bitterly: "There are still people who dare to make trouble near the temple headquarters. They are really courageous. If they make trouble just now, I will let them know how powerful my kitchen knife is."

Long Kongkong hurriedly said: "Boss, don't be impulsive. Those are all professionals. But they are easy to talk to. I asked them to invite them to dinner and they stopped making trouble."

Father Hepburn waved his hand and said: "It's no use asking for it, forget it, just feed it to the dogs. Kongkong is good. He knows how to protect you, Sister Hepburn, and has made you a full-time employee in advance. From now on, your daily salary will be increased by ten copper coins. Work hard."

"Okay, thank you boss. But boss, they seemed to have paid me when they left. They said they were embarrassed to let me treat them." Long Kongkong pointed to the table.

Only then did Hepburn's father and Hepburn see that there was a coin on the table. Although there was only one coin, it was golden.

A gold coin?

One gold coin is exchanged for one hundred silver coins, ten thousand copper coins...

Four portions of pork rib rice cost less than a single silver coin. This is a hundred times the meal money.

"Give this much? It will take us several months to earn it!" He's father was really shocked.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "It's probably because they scared my sister Hepburn, and they Pan Ran regretted the compensation. Boss, don't worry, I will always protect sister Hepburn in the future."

Father He pinched the gold coins, the original anger on his face had long since dissipated, and said with a smile: "Kongkong is good, Kongkong is good." As he said this, he walked towards the back.

Hepburn was about to step forward to clear the plates on the table, but was held back by Long Kongkong, "Sister, let me do it."

Hepburn glanced at him and said, "You are quite capable of beating snakes with a stick. I am not your sister."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "The boss asked me to call you that. How about I call you Sister Goddess?"

Hepburn pinched him gently and said, "Don't act like a good person by talking nonsense all day long. You should do the same to other girls when you were in school."

"It's unfair, it's unfair! My goddess sister. I swear, I only treat you..."

"Okay, what are you swearing?" Hepburn raised her hand and pinched his mouth, and said sternly: "You can't make nonsense of your oaths, do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Long Kongkong blinked and nodded repeatedly.

Only then did Hepburn let go of her hand and looked at him deeply, "Kongkong, thank you."

Long Kongkong immediately stretched out his not-so-thick arm, gestured with his biceps, and said with a smile: "No one can hurt my goddess, no one. Sister goddess, I will protect you."

"What a goddess, goddess. Just call me sister." Hepburn found that she always had the urge to punch this guy twice.

Temple Headquarters.

Long Dangdang continued to practice in the training room of the reckless knight Hai Jifeng. Although the environment here was not as good as the academy, the magic circle in the training room had a strong effect on condensing the vitality of the world and was more suitable for training.

His face was finally no longer so pale, and at this moment, the wind attribute clone was standing opposite him.

The expressions of the original clone are almost the same as those of the original clone. The clone looks exactly like the eyes of the original clone, just like a pure copy.

But at this moment, the wind attribute clone in front of him was slightly different. His eyes were constantly flashing with complex light, while the main body remained relatively calm.

A soft whirlwind began to emit from the clone, hovering around the clone, slowly lifting his body up from the ground. The main body emits golden light, and a circle of golden light patterns appears under its feet, which is the Knight Skill Ascension Formation.

The next moment, the wind attribute clone controller Whirlwind flew up with his body, while the ascension array on the main body bloomed into the sky, and the training room was suddenly filled with the explosion of the two elements of light and wind.

Different attributes, different skills, different controls.


After a whole week of practice, Long Dangdang finally mastered the dual-purpose method.

The golden light converged and the clone fell.

Long Dang said: "Senior Canghai, is this all right for me?"

A soft white halo gushed out from his chest, condensing into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Canghai did not speak immediately, but a faint white halo rippled on his body.

"No?" Long Dangdang asked doubtfully.

"Alas..." Cang Hai sighed, "I didn't expect you to be able to cultivate my illusion of distraction so quickly."

"Is it fast?" Long Dangdang was stunned. This week's training can be described as excruciating for him. The distraction method made him feel as if his mind was going crazy for a while. It was finally under control.

Canghai said: "Of course it will be soon. You have to know that this method of illusory mind and distraction was known as one of the most difficult auxiliary skills to practice in ancient times. Even if a hundred people practice it, not one person may succeed. Even if It is a success, but it also requires a long, long time of hard work. Most people cannot bear the pain of mental disintegration and give up during this process. But you have succeeded in just a week. This can be explained by more than just a quick word? Now I am really more and more confident in you. If you can practice it to a profound level, it will be of great benefit and help to your future. Maybe , it is precisely because you have the unique talent of this avatar that you can master this technique so quickly. It is as if the technique itself is tailor-made for you."

Regarding Yueming Canghai Spiritual Stove's praise, Long Dangdang just listened and didn't take it seriously. Now his mind is full of how to solve the problem of repairing this person as soon as possible. No matter how fast you practice, it will be in vain if you can't solve this problem. The sixth level peak is your ceiling.

"Then can I start trying to condense liquid spiritual power now?" Long Dangdang asked.

"Of course. You can use one mind to control three clones to meditate and practice, condense spiritual power. Use the main body to transform with me. But don't stay here, go back to Spirit Furnace Academy. Although here you can use the magic circle to condense the energy of heaven and earth. , but it is not as pure as the heaven and earth energy of Spirit Furnace Academy. There are many spiritual furnaces of Zhong Ling Heaven and Earth there, and the spiritual energy is purer."


Just when Long Dangdang returned to Spirit Furnace Academy to practice, Long Kongkong also came back. Naye was not at the temple headquarters, and he didn't stay there to practice. It felt better to be here at the academy.

"Yu Tong, what's going on today? Why did your assessment of me actually happen that day? It really shocked me."

After returning to the dormitory, Long Kongkong couldn't wait to ask. In fact, when he was at Heshi's Chop Shop today, he had already tried to ask Yu Tong in his mind, but he did not get a response. It was not until this time that he contacted the wise spiritual furnace again.

"Because the assessment of you is a piece of your future that I intercepted." Yutong said leisurely.

"Can you still predict the future? Then quickly predict for me, will I be able to marry my goddess in the future?" Long Kongkong asked in surprise.

Yutong said: "I can only predict some fragments, and that can only be done after I have reached the peak of evolution. Now that I have signed a contract with you, I have returned to the elementary state and cannot do it anymore."

"That's it, that's really a pity." Long Kongkong said with some dejection. "Forget it, I will impress her with my sincerity. Let's start practicing now. I don't know why, but recently I feel more and more that I still need to be strong enough!"

Yutong said: "There is something you can make sure of before practicing. With my help, you can use the power of the third stage of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. That is already the ability to form a field. You should have felt it yesterday. You are the first person to develop domain skills from the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, so give this domain a name."

"What is the field?" Long Kongkong asked curiously.

Yutong said: "Field is the ability to change the rules within a certain range."

Long Kongkong said: "That's it! Let me think about it."

After thinking for a moment, he murmured: "When I was practicing yesterday, I felt that the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was like an abyss, constantly devouring everything in the outside world. At that time, I felt that I had become the core of the world. , it’s called the invincible abyss black hole realm at the core of the universe, what do you think?”

Yutong said: "Tianyuan? Well, this name is okay."

"Hey, I'm talking about the invincible abyss black hole realm in the core universe of heaven and earth!" Long Kongkong said dissatisfied.

"Okay, let's call it Tianyuan Domain."

"Didn't you tell me to give you a name?"

"You only have the right to make suggestions. As your core spiritual furnace, the final decision rests with me."


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