When Long Dangdang came to the cafeteria, the first-grade cafeteria was already overcrowded. He glanced around and didn't see Long Kongkong. This kid ran quite fast.

The next moment, he felt strange looks from all directions. Some are curious, some are weird, but most of them are hostile.

There is no doubt that the goddess Monroe, the elemental saint girl Sang Liuying, and the white phoenix Cai Caijuan are definitely the three most watched goddesses in the first grade. Sixteen years old is the age of youth, and it is also the age when boys and girls begin to be ignorant about matters between men and women. Almost all boys regard at least one of these three as their dream lover. But I didn't expect that a new student seemed to have succeeded. The key is, it doesn't matter if I get one, I still have two boats.

How can one endure this?

At this moment, Long Dangdang even felt like he was the enemy of the world. The unkind glances around him seemed to be cutting him apart.

Is this the result of public opinion and accumulation of gold and bones? Long Dangdang is also helpless. The key is that no one believes his explanation now! My cousin's words about "scumbag" are really too lethal.

Cousin, cousin, you have hurt me.

After lunch, Long Dangdang found an unoccupied table and sat down as if nothing had happened. Not even the classmates from Knight Class 1 came over to sit with him.

What a bunch of heartless guys!

Eat, go back to practice after eating, and let them do whatever they want.

Long Dangdang was very calm and had a clear conscience.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the girl holding a dinner plate sat down opposite him.

"Hey, scumbag, can you tell me how you caught up with Monroe and Zisang! I'm really curious." Cai Caijuan looked at the calm Long Dangdang in front of her, and even felt a bit of admiration in her heart. This guy can still be so calm in front of everyone, he is truly a scumbag! Is this the self-cultivation of a scumbag?

Long Dangdang looked at the girl in front of him who had the summoned beast of White Phoenix, and felt helpless. He thought to himself, Sister, are you here to cause trouble?

When the surrounding students saw Cai Caijuan taking the initiative to approach Long Dangdang, for a moment, they even forgot about their hostility.

Who is this person? Can the legendary goddess harvester work? One, two, this is the third one. The glass hearts of the young people were instantly shattered. The Summoner Class students who were originally a little proud were all shocked and filled with resentment.

"My name is Long Dangdang, not scumbag." Long Dangdang put down his chopsticks and said to Cai Caijuan calmly but distantly.

"Okay, I get it. Didn't you just say to cast a general net and cultivate them one by one? Then cast a net for me too and let me see how you succeed." Cai Caijuan said enthusiastically.

Long Dangdang was stunned, "I never said such a thing."

"What? Are you just such a scumbag? You actually don't recognize it?" Cai Caijuan looked at him in shock.

"I never said what I recognized?" Long Dangdang was completely confused.

Cai Caijuan curled her lips, "I don't like boys who lie. It seems you can't scumbag me anymore."

"You think too much." Long Dangdang also has a temper. After being accused of being a scumbag for a day, he felt a little angry. He ignored Cai Caijuan and ate his lunch in big gulps, preparing to finish it quickly and go back to practice.

"Hey, don't you like me? How am I inferior to them? Even if I look a little worse than Monroe, I'm not worse than Zisang, right?" Cai Caijuan couldn't help but feel angry when she saw how he ignored her.

Long Dangdang was just eating his lunch, finishing it as soon as possible. Tonight he had to consider whether to pack a meal and take it back to the dormitory to eat.

"Why are you ignoring people? Are you polite?" Cai Caijuan knocked on the table.

"I'm eating, but I don't speak when I eat, and I don't speak when I sleep, do you understand?" Long Dangdang said helplessly.

Cai Caijuan suddenly leaned down and lowered her voice: "Monroe invited me to join her future demon hunting group. She said you will also be in the group. We will be teammates in the future. There should be Zisang too. If we are in the same group in the future , you alone make us jealous, how disharmonious! You have to think carefully."

A demon hunting group? Long Dangdang sighed and said: "Okay, let me explain to you. What you just said about spreading the net generally and cultivating one by one is not what I said. You may have met my brother Long Kongkong, but that is not me. Also , Zisang and I are just classmates. She came to me this morning and wanted to discuss with me. She was not very polite, so I refused. Then I happened to be seen by Monroe. Ling Menglu is my cousin. She deliberately blackmailed me that morning. She just said that I was a scumbag. At the same time, she and Zisang Liu should not be on the same team in the future. She probably misunderstood that Zisang wanted to recruit me into the team, so she deliberately called me a scumbag to stimulate me. Don't you think of her character? understood?"

Cai Caijuan's eyes glowed, "So, you are still a hottie?"

Long Dangdang quickly took the food in front of him into his mouth and finally finished it.

"Don't take it seriously. I'm leaving first." With that said, he picked up the dinner plate and walked out.

Looking at his back, Cai Caijuan had a thoughtful look on her pretty face and murmured to herself: "Aren't Zisang and Monroe on the same team? That's not what Monroe said before. Ah! Why is Monroe so nervous about Long Dangdang? He can cooperate with Monroe to win the championship in the last assessment. There must be some secret. Long Dangdang, you have successfully aroused my interest! "

After getting rid of those "intense" gazes, when Long Dangdang returned to the dormitory, he saw the words "retreat in seclusion" hanging on the door of the dormitory next door. He resisted the urge to kick the door open and returned to his own room. In the dormitory, lock the door.

Just when he was about to start meditating, there was a knock on the door.

Long Dangdang thought it was Long Kongkong, so he opened the door, and what appeared outside was his cousin who had taken off her veil and smiled sweetly.

"Dangdang, I'm here." Ling Menglu was not polite to him and walked directly into Long Dangdang's dormitory.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "Can girls go into the boys' dormitory?"

Ling Menglu waved her hand to him and motioned for him to close the door, but she said: "Our Linglu College is different from ordinary colleges, there are not so many rules. It has never been said that girls cannot go to the boys' dormitory. Even if you fall in love, It’s not prohibited, of course, until the senior year.”

At this point, she suddenly put on a pitiful look, "Dangdang, I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to be so big-mouthed. Do you want me to explain it to you?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Are you sure you won't make it darker and darker?"

Ling Menglu stuck out her tongue and said, "Okay, don't be angry. I came to you for business." As she spoke, her face immediately changed and she became serious.

"What's the matter?" Long Dangdang asked doubtfully.

"We are going to the temple headquarters in the afternoon, you, me, and Long Kongkong." Ling Menglu said: "We have obtained the wisdom furnace, which is very important to the entire temple. The temple wants us to go , and about the fact that we obtained the Wisdom Soul Furnace, only the Holy Church knows about it, not even the senior leaders of the academy. There is a direct connection between the Holy Church and the Wisdom Temple."

"Should I go too?" The Wisdom Spiritual Furnace is indeed the most top-notch existence, but my own Wisdom Spiritual Furnace is somewhat special, right?

"Of course! The three of us are called to go in the church." Monroe said matter-of-factly.

"Okay. Now? Or when?" Long Dangdang asked.

"Now, can you call Kong Kong?" Monroe said.

Long Dangdang nodded, this is business. Undoubtedly, for the Holy Church, students who obtain the Wisdom Spirit Furnace must be trained with emphasis, especially those like Monroe. For himself, he didn't think much about it. After all, if the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace was not solved, not only would his wisdom spiritual furnace have no future, it would even be difficult for him to grow to a high level.

Arriving next door, Long Dangdang patted the door and said, "Long Kongkong, come out, I have something to do."

There was no reply from inside.

"I'll count to three. If you don't come out, I'll break the door." Long Dangdang said coldly.

"Retreat, didn't you see the words on the door? Aren't you afraid that your dear brother will go crazy?" Long Kongkong's sad and angry voice came from inside.

"Stop pretending, it's business. Hurry up!"

After a few seconds, the door opened. Looking at Long Dangdang outside the door, Long Kongkong just stuck his head out and said, "What's the matter?"

Long Dangdang whispered: "Summoned by the Holy Church. Let's go."

"Is that so? Is it because of the wisdom spiritual furnace?" Long Kongkong felt relieved before he walked out.

Long Dangdang grabbed his arm and pulled him to his side, "It should be. But first, please explain to me what it means to cast a general net and cultivate one by one?"

"Uh! Brother, listen to my explanation. Aren't I thinking about your future happiness?" Long Kongkong said with a flattering look.

Long Dangdang smiled slightly, "For my happiness? Then I will also work hard for your happiness. Go talk to your spareribs goddess about casting the net in general."

"Brother, I was wrong. Isn't it okay that I was wrong?"

"You two have such a good relationship!" Ling Menglu walked out of Long Dangdang's dormitory and said with a smile as she looked at the two brothers.

Long Kongkong looked at her and then at Long Dangdang, "Are you two really together?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Don't Lenovo. My cousin is here to come to the temple with us. Let's go." Then he let go of Long Kongkong.

Monroe walked in front, followed by two cousins ​​with the same handsome appearance. She couldn't help but admired in her heart, this feeling was a bit cool! When I meet other students passing by, almost everyone will look at me sideways.

The three of them came to the teleportation array together, and Monroe activated the formation. The next moment, the three of them had arrived at the teleportation array at the temple headquarters.

Although Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong often come to the temple headquarters to practice, they really don't know where the temple is. Ling Menglu, however, seemed to know this place very well, and led the two of them towards the interior of the temple headquarters.

Arriving at the innermost part of the third floor, the wide passage seemed to have reached its end. A huge mural with a height of more than ten meters and a width of fifty meters appeared in front of them.

Such a huge mural is meticulously crafted, with huge demon pillars of different shapes painted on it. There is an illusory figure in front of each demon pillar. In the close-up position, the backs of six powerful men representing the six major temples are painted.

This mural records the glorious history of the six human temples fighting against the seventy-two demon gods of the demon race thousands of years ago.

"You come within two meters of me." Ling Menglu said to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

The two brothers approached their cousin.

Ling Menglu's hand flashed with light, and an extremely delicate and crystal-clear token, as if carved from golden crystal, appeared in her palm.

The aura of light instantly became stronger. Ling Menglu urged her own light spiritual power to inject it into the token. A golden light shot out from the token, shining right on the figure representing the priest's temple among the six figures on the mural. Suddenly, golden light swirled, and a golden vortex appeared on the surface of the mural. The next moment, a suction force came instantly, shrouding the three figures in it.

There was a flash of golden light, and it seemed that just a moment later, the three of them had appeared in another space.

This is a golden palace that looks like it is surrounded by golden light. The entire palace is filled with an extremely rich aura of light, almost viscous light elements lingering around. On the ground are regular golden magic circles extending inward, with a pole on both sides. A huge golden pillar with angel reliefs of various shapes on it. The entire hall is circular, with a golden circular altar in the center. The altar is surrounded by six largest golden pillars, on which six seraphim of different shapes are engraved.

"Children, welcome to the priest's church." An old and kind voice sounded. The three of them looked up and immediately saw an old man wearing a golden priest's robe and holding a golden scepter standing there and looking at them with a smile.

Seeing this person, Ling Meng smiled and Long Kongkong looked curious. Only Long Dangdang was shocked and almost blurted out: "Grandpa?"

Yes, isn't this old man standing on the altar the grandfather of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, Mr. Ling?

"Grandpa?" Long Kongkong looked at his brother in surprise, then looked at the old man on the altar, and was equally shocked.

After all, Long Leilei and Ling Xue had never told their brothers that their grandfather was actually a saint.

Yes, it’s the temple! To be able to stand on this altar, wearing such a luxurious priest's robe, what other possibility is there? Only the identity of the temple can explain everything. Their grandfather turned out to be a ninth-level saint, the highest level of the priest profession. Moreover, their teachers are all ninth-level experts, but there is no Holy Temple. It can be seen that there is a difference between Holy Temple and ordinary ninth-level teachers.

"Brother, are we considered the third generation of the Holy Saint?" Long Kongkong couldn't help but asked Long Dangdang.

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