Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 355 Battle against the Undead (Part 2)

The vast majority of zombies only have fighting instincts. Their bodies are as hard as iron, and their attack power and destructive power are beyond the comparison of skeletons. Moreover, they also carry strong corpse poison and plague. As long as they are attacked by them, they will be instantly destroyed. will be affected by the poison. Why are there so many zombies! "

In just a short time, there were already thousands of zombies within their field of vision.

"Master, the situation is very bad! These zombies are at least equivalent to the strength of your third-level warriors. Their bodies are the best weapons."

"Is it just the third level?" Long Haochen asked, feeling a little calmer. With his current cultivation level, he seemed to be able to withstand thousands of third-level zombies.

Yating's eyes froze for a moment and said: "Master, the biggest difference between zombies and skeletons is not only their individual strength, but also their development potential. It is extremely difficult for skeletons to evolve unless there are powerful zombies. Only with the help of witches and even lichs can they complete their evolution. Zombies, on the other hand, can evolve naturally through constant killing and devouring. These thousands of zombies cannot all be third-order, and there may be one next."

"Zombies also have levels? Can they evolve naturally?" Hearing this, Long Haochen couldn't help but take a breath and suddenly became less optimistic.

Yating nodded and said: "If I remember correctly, zombies are divided into ordinary zombies, ghost zombies, metal zombies, etc. according to their strength from low to high. The most powerful among them are various metal zombies. It has the strongest evolutionary ability. Its destructive power is also extremely terrifying, and the most powerful zombie king can even fly."

Just as she was saying this, she suddenly found that Long Haochen's eyes seemed to be a little straightened. She quickly followed Long Haochen's eyes and saw a huge zombie on the horizon in the distance moving at an alarming speed. Flying over here, a layer of dark green appeared on the zombies below for no reason, and their forward speed suddenly increased.

Zombie King, there is actually a Zombie King?

Yating's face suddenly turned pale and she screamed, "The Zombie King is really the Zombie King."

Long Haochen calmed down at this time, "Yating, how powerful can the Zombie King be?"

Yating shook her head blankly and said: "I don't know either. I just heard that the Zombie King is the weakest undead monarch in the world of the undead. However, no matter how weak it is, it is still at the level of a monarch! I'm afraid, I'm afraid at least it is. Above the eighth level, even the ninth level.”

Hearing what she said, Long Haochen couldn't help but take a deep breath and his pupils contracted violently. However, his right hand holding the Punishment of Light became exceptionally stable. He said that no matter how powerful an opponent he encountered, he would still protect Haoyue and allow him to evolve smoothly.

Yating did not speak again, but began to chant a spell. Her voice was very clear and sweet, and it seemed that she was affected by Long Haochen's firmness, and the fear in her heart also disappeared.

The Zombie King flying in the air was the fastest. In an instant, it had reached the front of the mountainside. It immediately saw Long Haochen with its four wings spread out behind it. Its forward flight suddenly stopped for a moment, and its eyes were even more agitated. He stared at Long Haochen with confusion.

"Humans, humans with light attributes? How can there be humans here?" The voice of the zombie king was like a bell, and the tyrannical aura of death was blooming from it like an overwhelming force. Just like the corpse witch's increase in skeletons, with the existence of this zombie king, the strength of the zombies below is obviously increasing.

"Hello, Zombie Monarch, what are you doing here?" Long Haochen said calmly. Of course he won't start a fight unless the Zombie King takes action. He is here to delay time.

The zombie king actually didn't attack Long Haochen directly. It looked very vicious. It looked about three and a half meters tall, suspended in the air, with a pair of very disgusting wings on its back, and half of it had gray-black feathers. , but the other half looks like a bat. This pair of uncoordinated wings seems to have been installed later.

The face of the Zombie King is actually very handsome, but it is a dead gray color, and the eyes in the eye sockets are dark green. There is a layer of green mist around its body, and a thick smell of fishy smell is even from a distance away from Long Hao. It's still hundreds of meters away in the morning, and I can still smell it vaguely.

Long Haochen did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly released the holy light shield again to protect himself and Yating from the poisonous poison of the zombies.

The Zombie King looked at Long Haochen coldly, "Get out of the way, human. What's in this cave? My subordinates just passed me information. They seem to have found something very dangerous here. I want to go in and check." "

Long Haochen was slightly stunned. It seemed that the zombie king didn't know that Haoyue was here. He shook his head silently and said: "My partner is resting here, you can't disturb it. Please leave here."

The Zombie King glared fiercely. Suddenly, it seemed to have thought of something, "Could it be it?" As it spoke, the green color emitted from its body suddenly became intense, and then, a dark purple crystal emerged from the It spat out from its mouth, and the next moment, the dark purple crystal trembled violently, and circles of purple light spread from it.

The Zombie King muttered something, and suddenly, the dark purple crystal suddenly rotated for a week, and then instantly pointed to the position of the cave behind Long Haochen.

"Oh my god! It's really it." The Zombie King's expression will not change at all. This is a characteristic of zombies. But at this moment, the green mist around his body became obviously unstable, and his figure flashed. , without saying anything more to Long Haochen, he directly pounced in his direction.

Long Haochen had a premonition that something bad was going to happen when the Zombie King spit out the purple crystals. He was already ready for the battle. Facing the Zombie King's attack, he took half a step back. A golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and a strong golden-red flame instantly rose from his body. It was the fire of the sun, instantaneous.

The blazing sun's fire rose into the sky, and the roar of the dragon also sounded. Long Haochen held the Punishment of Light and launched the Dragon Rising Strike directly at the Zombie King falling from the sky.

Light restrains darkness, and sanctity restrains death. In terms of attributes, Long Haochen has the absolute upper hand. The moment the golden red sun fire came into contact with the Zombie King, the dark green mist around his body suddenly evaporated rapidly.

The Zombie King had no weapons in its hands, but its arms were extremely long, with green nails over a foot long on each finger. It went straight to Long Haochen to grab it.

A harsh collision sounded in the air, as Long Haochen, who rushed up from below, collided hard with the zombie king falling from the sky.

The violent roar caused a large golden light spot to burst into the sky. At the moment of collision, Long Haochen felt an unparalleled terrifying force coming down.

At the critical moment, his experience in the Tower of Aion gave him shocking skills. The body was slightly twisted by half a foot, and at the same time, the Holy Shield technique was activated on the brilliant holy shield in the other hand. Bombarded the Zombie King from the side, and he himself avoided the most powerful position of the opponent's attack.

Despite this, Long Haochen's body was still knocked down from the air and hit the ground hard. The huge impact force made a deep pit halfway up the mountain where Long Haochen had landed. You know, there are rocks there!

However, the zombie king didn't seem to be feeling well. Long Haochen's attack contained not only the fire of the sun, but also the presence of the bright and sacred fire. The two powerful bright and sacred flames spread to its body almost instantly.

After the zombie king's swooping body was resisted, it suddenly let out a scream, and then, large mouthfuls of green liquid spewed out crazily, spraying on itself, trying to extinguish the burning holy fire of light and the fire of the sun.

However, as a beloved of gods, is the sacred flame released by Long Haochen so easy to extinguish? The Zombie King only felt that it was not only his body that was being burned, but even his soul. For a moment, it did not dare to pursue Long Haochen anymore. Instead, it leapt backwards and fell into the group of zombies that had begun to climb. It pulled two zombies and tore their bodies into pieces in an instant. The strong soul fluctuations and The dark green liquid poured on his body, which made the two flames dim a lot.

The Zombie King followed suit and killed more than twenty of his men one after another before the two flames were completely extinguished.

This is the attribute of God's favored ones.

If Long Haochen faced an opponent with light attributes or one that was not restrained by light attributes, then although his attribute advantages would exist, they would be greatly weakened. However, what he is facing now is the undead creature that is most afraid of light and holiness.

Yes, just as Yating said, this zombie king is at least the eighth level of strength. It should not reach the ninth level yet, but he is also a terrifying powerhouse at the peak of the eighth level. But even such a strong man became obviously frightened after being exposed to the two flames of Long Haochen, and he actually did not dare to pursue him again.

But now Long Haochen's condition was also very bad. He only felt that his arms were about to burst, and every bone in his body was not different. The bones, meridians and even internal organs in his body were groaning in pain.

The power of the Zombie King was really terrifying. Even though he had made the best response, he was still almost killed by a single blow in the face of that absolute power.

Long Haochen knew clearly that this zombie king was much more powerful than Abao. Moreover, it seems to be an undead creature of pure power. This put Long Haochen himself under great pressure. After all, he was not a powerful knight. Although his external spiritual power is not weak, it is weak compared to the zombie king in front of him.


Ahhhh! Monthly ticket, wake up.

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