Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 658: The power of dragon death still exists (Part 2)

This was Wang Yuanyuan's prepared attack, a perfect combination of the bloody storm and the Space Gate Spiritual Furnace. Not only is the attack power extremely powerful, but it also excels in its suddenness.

The power of the Space Gate Spirit Furnace is to open a door in another place within sight and then teleport Wang Yuanyuan there, which is different from ordinary teleportation. As long as her eyes can see and locate the space door, then no matter what is in between, it will not hinder her transmission.

Even though the Space Gate Spiritual Furnace has not been synthesized with other spiritual furnaces, Wang Yuanyuan has been killing enemies in the Southeast Fortress for so long, and this spiritual furnace has evolved three times. Whether it is the transmission distance, number of times or the anti-interference ability during transmission, it is already extremely powerful.

The light magician was obviously panicked. He obviously did not expect that these opponents could break through his ninth-level defensive magic in this way.

It was precisely because of his absolute confidence in the sacred bond that he confidently and boldly chanted powerful attack magic. As long as this magic is completed, he is confident that he will defeat all the humans in front of him.

However, Wang Yuanyuan's sudden arrival completely destroyed his thoughts. The terrifying dimensional storm swept over with a thick smell of blood. In desperation, he could only interrupt the magic that was about to be completed and groaned. , quickly retreated, and at the same time, the staff in his hand burst out with strong golden light, blocking the baptism of the dimensional storm.

The attack was blocked, but his staff was instantly smashed to pieces. At the same time, the sacred restraint was also released due to the shattering of the staff. Cai'er led her friends and rushed in brazenly.

The light magician is very good. Faced with such an unfavorable situation, while retreating, he pointed both hands at Wang Yuanyuan who was closest to him. Layers of golden halo suddenly rose from Wang Yuanyuan's feet, bound by the holy light.

This is a seventh-level light control magic. He can cast it instantly despite the backlash from his previous chanting magic. This shows how powerful his understanding of light magic is.

At the same time, his body suddenly moved backwards, and a strange scene appeared. The statue of Electrolux, which was supposed to be at the end, actually seemed to move backwards with him. Keeping the distance as far as possible, at the same time, he was still chanting a spell in his mouth, and the speed of chanting became more and more rapid.

With his spiritual wings flapping behind his back, Cai'er had already caught up to him like a gray lightning bolt, and the death sickle in his hand brought a sky-shattering rainbow straight down.

Magicians' attack power is undoubtedly extremely powerful, but their defense power is inversely proportional to their attack power.

Wang Yuanyuan's surprise attack was extremely critical. Although he failed to succeed in one blow, it was equivalent to breaking the sacred restraint and ending the magic he was about to complete. Cai'er was counting before, calculating the time it took for the light magician to complete the spell. The purpose was to have Wang Yuanyuan interrupt the spell before it was completed.

Magic backlash is an extremely dangerous thing. When any magician releases magic, once the magic is interrupted, backlash may occur. The more powerful the magic, the more powerful the backlash will be. Especially the closer the magic spell chanting is to completion, the stronger the backlash will be.

No matter how powerful this light magician is, he has been hit by the backlash of his own magic and has no time to recover. Cai'er just wouldn't give him another chance to complete high-level magic.

However, what Cai'er didn't expect was that the light magician's magic release speed was beyond her judgment. Just as her Death Scythe was about to hit her opponent, the light magician completed another spell.

The light shone brightly, and the Death Scythe suddenly paused in the air, and then, a powerful thrust erupted from the front.

It was an almost unstoppable and powerful force. The light was soft, but it had an undeniable powerful impact and had no harmful effect. But even Cai'er's Death Scythe was as sharp as Cai'er's Death Scythe, and it couldn't resolve the seemingly gentle impact of the Holy Light.

The name of this magic is Holy Sacrifice, a life-saving magic of light magician released by burning one's own origin. The person in front of me is naturally burning with the fire of his soul. Although he is just a holy guard guarding here, he has his own pride and will never allow himself to be defeated like this.

As long as he relies on the ability of this holy sacrifice to knock back all the opponents in front of him and give him time to chant the spell, he is still confident of defeating these humans.

Just when Cai'er frowned and thought that she had no chance to defeat the light magician at this time, suddenly, a strange feeling came from in front of her.

Soft orange-red light quietly emitted around her body. The strong white light released by the holy sacrifice impacted Cai'er and slid quietly along her body. The previously irresistible impact completely disappeared.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group who was being thrown away by the Holy Sacrifice was surprised to see that the orange-red light was actually released from the left arm of the dead Long Haochen. The majestic and solemn orange-red light came out completely. The light aura above the Holy Sacrifice formed an absolute suppression like a superior being.

Although Cai'er couldn't see what happened, how could she miss such a good opportunity with her fighting wisdom?

With a flash of figure, countless Cai'er's figures had taken the opportunity to cut in, completely surrounding the light magician in the center. It seemed as if thousands of death scythes were slashing at the light magician surrounded in the center at the same time.

Thousand Shadows Slash, Cai'er's attack was improved from the original Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace after she became the Death God's Favorite. Although the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace has now been merged into a part of the Samsara Spiritual Furnace, Cai'er has already understood the function of its attack, and combined with her own divine body constitution, the power of this attack is even more powerful than before.

Performing Holy Sacrifice is already the last resort for a light magician. If this cannot buy him time, then even if he is a powerful magic god from ancient times, he will not be spared.

Amidst the harsh shattering sound, the light magician disappeared, and only a golden light merged into the eternal melody on Cai'er's chest. At the same time, a clear voice sounded: "Saint Guard No. 7 surrenders to you."

After falling to the ground, Cai'er's eyes were a little dull. She subconsciously looked at Long Haochen's arms, which were wrapped around her neck and fixed by chains.

Tears immediately moistened her eyes. It's the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. The orange-red light just now was clearly released by the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield!

Turning around suddenly, Cai'er looked at her friends and shouted loudly: "Did you see it? Did you see it? He is not dead, Haochen is not dead. He will definitely come back to life, he will definitely." Here, her hands tightly hugged Long Haochen's arm in front of her, and her delicate body was trembling violently.

No one knew why the power of the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield was triggered. Long Haochen was dead, so it was impossible for him to activate it, but the light shining out of the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield undoubtedly gave them great confidence. . It was as if Long Haochen was not dead.

From the time they entered the Tower of Eternity to now, in less than half an hour, they had passed two levels and reached the end of the third floor. The strength of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is undoubtedly evident. You know, the defenders they passed these two levels just now were all ninth-level powerhouses! Even if it's only the ninth level, it's still an out-and-out ninth level.

In fact, Long Haochen had great confidence in daring to lead his companions to fight deep inside the demon clan. Although everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is generally around level 7 or level 5, each of them possesses a spiritual furnace, and each of them has powerful equipment and talents. Compared to the eighth-level experts of the same profession, they are even better.

If he hadn't encountered a completely irresistible opponent like the Demon God Emperor, if he hadn't fallen into the trap set by the Demon God Emperor. Even if they face a desperate situation, they still have a chance to escape.

It's too late to say anything now, Long Haochen is dead after all. However, on this road that is the only chance to resurrect him, every demon hunter in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is releasing their own brilliance.

Perhaps, this demon hunting group is still very powerful after losing Long Haochen, but without Long Haochen, the Dawn of Light will also lose its soul!

With great difficulty, Cai'er suppressed her excitement and said, "Everyone rest where you are and recover your spiritual power."

The ascending passage ahead has been opened, and the golden light beam shines in front of the statue of Electrolux. As long as they step into this light pillar, they will enter the fourth floor of the Tower of Eternity. But at this time, no matter how anxious Cai'er was, there was nothing more important than letting her friends regain their strength.

From the time they started their mission in the magic city to now, no one has had a rest. The third level assessment is so difficult, then the next fourth level will only be even more difficult. Without being in perfect condition, how could they survive the test of the fourth level? Only by meeting the next challenge in the best condition can they better overcome the following difficulties.

Lin Xin and Sima Xian were also called here. The second half of the third floor of the Tower of Eternity was full of light, which was very helpful for them to restore their spiritual power. Even Lin Xin, who is of the fire element, is much better at practicing in the world of light elements than in the world of dark elements.

Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi sat at the back. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. As the leaders of the younger generation of the Knights Temple, after they were woken up by Long Haochen's scolding, they had completely lost the idea of ​​committing suicide. Originally, they thought that in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, they could not compare with Long Haochen and Cai'er, but they were still better than the others.

But now it seems that this idea is obviously wrong. Judging from the strength shown by the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group before, even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to win one of them.


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