Season Division

Chapter 40 The High-spirited Young Man

Chapter 40 The High-spirited Young Man

The next day, the Darong City Branch of the Inspection Department.

Zhou Yanan went to work early in the morning, and her head was a little dizzy.

In order to investigate the anomalies in Xu Heng's old house this month, she searched countless documents, but found nothing.

However, during this period of time, nothing strange happened in the old house.

The two female members of the inspection department who were in charge of squatting there were still vigilant every day at first, but later they were so bored that they passed the time by cleaning. They even bought some furniture and went in. They almost regarded it as their own home.

"That kid Xu Heng is really big-hearted. He just threw the house away to us and didn't care about it. He didn't even make a phone call after returning to school for a month. So he doesn't care about the progress of the investigation?"

Zhou Yanan shook her head, but didn't think much about it.

Most immature young people are like this, cynical and lack of responsibility.


When passing the aisle of the office area, Zhou Yanan stopped suddenly.

The atmosphere in the bureau today seems to be different from usual. Why do everyone get together and chat so happily?

"Captain Zhou, are you here?"

A member saw her and immediately said hello.

"En." Zhou Yanan nodded, "What are you talking about so happily?"

"Don't you know yet? The team member responsible for protecting Xu Heng's safety came back last night for a change of shift and told us something interesting." The member laughed.

Then, he explained the matter in detail.

It was actually about Xu Heng's physical examination yesterday and finally put down his rhetoric.

It was the second time that everyone in the office area heard it, but they still couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Yanan was also a little dumbfounded, imagining Xu Heng's appearance when he said those second words, and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

That kid is so funny.

"He has been back to school for a month, why hasn't his cultivation improved at all, is he still at the third level of building Qi?" Zhou Yanan said a little speechlessly.

Last month, Xu Heng just did a test in the Inspection Department, which was the third floor of Jianqi.

It's already March now, and that kid hasn't made any progress?

"After all, he is a high school student. I heard that he just transferred to the South Campus, and now he is busy with those theoretical classes every day. He probably has no time to practice." A member laughed.

"That's true. The theory class of the seasonal exam is still very important." Someone nodded in agreement.

"But having said that, there are only three months left before the college entrance examination, that kid hasn't even finished his theory class, and his cultivation level is only at the third level, how dare he threaten in public that he wants to compete for this year's city festival champion?"

"It's normal, boy, you must have a good face and refuse to admit defeat."

"I was like this when I was in high school. I had great ambitions. I guess I was a second grader than that kid. Now that I think about it, I kind of miss the youthful and frivolous days." Someone was full of emotion.

"You should stop putting gold on your face. That kid is still a martial arts genius. I heard that he has opened up all the eight veins, but instead transferred to the South Campus to apply for the festival. I really don't know what he thinks."

"What else can I think? I must want to learn from his senior sister, abandon martial arts and follow the festival, and become famous. Unfortunately, his talent for festival is too ordinary."

"It is estimated that the teachers in their North Campus were stunned when they heard the news, and actually let go of a martial arts genius."


Everyone discussed again.

Zhou Yanan listened for a while and began to feel bored, so she returned to her office and called Xu Heng.

"Hey, do you really plan to take the seasonal college entrance examination this year?" Zhou Yanan cut straight to the point as soon as the call was connected, trying to persuade Xu Heng.

"That's right, you are also here to persuade me? Don't try to persuade me, I'm almost annoyed by you, first the teachers and leaders of the North Campus, and then the people in charge of Tiansi..." Xu Heng complained frantically on the other end of the phone .

Zhou Yanan couldn't even say the words of persuasion, and swallowed them back.

Okay, it seems that no one can persuade this kid anymore.

"Does your sister know about this?" she asked.

"Of course, I told her long before the beginning of spring, and she promised me that I would come back on the day of the college entrance examination."

"Has she not contacted you recently?" Zhou Yanan frowned.

"No, I have nothing else to do. I've been very busy recently...beep..."

On the other end of the phone, there was only a busy tone after being hung up.

Zhou Yanan immediately stared.

I made a phone call to persuade you with good intentions, but you are still so impatient?

Oh, dog man, not a single good thing!


On the other side, the teaching building of the South Campus.

After Xu Heng hung up the phone, he sighed tiredly and walked into the classroom.

After the news of the physical examination spread, the teachers and leaders of the North Campus ran directly to his dormitory last night and tried their best to persuade him to go back. They also said that they would intercept the application form for the college entrance examination during the festival and help cancel it.

Naturally, Xu Heng would not agree, and finally sent them away, but the person in charge of Tiansi called again, also advising him not to worry about taking the exam this year, and even guiding him to consider signing up for the martial arts exam, because the martial arts master is not weak, etc.

So I worked hard all night, and it was almost dawn when I wanted to go to sleep.

"Being a genius is not easy, and being a hidden genius with a big secret is even more difficult!"

Xu Heng sighed and felt tired.

The worst thing is that now the outside world regards him as an idiot, thinking that he has lost his mind, and that he is not a good martial arts genius.

Sitting in the classroom at this time, Xu Heng also obviously felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

In the past, when he came to attend lectures, almost no one would notice him. Occasionally, some elementary school girls couldn't help but look at him more.

But most of the time, everyone still focuses on their studies.

But today, the teacher was lecturing on it, but the students around him always looked back and looked forward. Every time they were discovered by Xu Heng, they quickly turned their heads and pretended nothing happened.

Xu Heng didn't pay much attention to it, and put his mind on the class.

After school, I went to the cafeteria as usual.

After eating, on the way back to the dormitory, the weird eyes around him did not decrease, but tended to increase.

Xu Heng was already used to all this and ignored those foolish eyes.

The heart is like still water, without waves.

I, Xu Heng, have such a mature mind, how can I care about these things?

The ancients said: The world slanders me, deceives me, humiliates me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, and deceives me. How should I deal with it?

Just endure him, let him, let him, avoid him, endure him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, you just watch him.

Therefore, Xu Heng always had a tolerant and peaceful heart for those students who didn't know the truth, and didn't care about their incomprehensible eyes, but just persuaded them with good words: "My mother, what are you looking at, believe it or not, I will beat you to death? "


Back to the dormitory, the moment the door closed.

Xu Heng patted his small mouth with the most ferocious expression.

"To make you stupid, to make you stupid, why can't you control this handsome little mouth? Do you have to say those middle school things?"

I took three consecutive shots, and completed my daily self-examination.

Xu Heng regained his composure, sat down on the bed, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.


He couldn't bear it any longer. If he wanted to absorb Xiaohan's solar energy, he couldn't see people at the third level of Jianqi, so he had to rush hard.


Time flies, three months passed in the blink of an eye.

June 8, 273 in the Northern New Calendar, the college entrance examination day.

This is the annual college entrance examination day in the thirteen continents of the world.

The time is the same, the test questions are the same, the martial arts test, the literary test, and the seasonal test all start today.

Xu Heng got up early to finish washing.

Back in front of the bed, slowly opened a metal box, and solemnly took out a new set of clothes from it.

This was a gift from Fu Yongqing when he left before.

A set of lightweight battle suits with all-black bodysuits inside, which can perfectly wrap the muscles of the whole body according to the body shape, and have the protective effect of reducing the trauma of sharp weapons.

The outside is a layer of slightly loose, thin and rare fabric, which not only strengthens the protective effect, but also has an aesthetic effect.

Xu Heng changed into his combat uniform, took out two black blade daggers from the metal box, and pinned them to his waist.

This is also the weapon that the senior sister specially chose for him.

Although I don't know what material it is made of, it must be of great value. It can exert his "cold pursuit" ability to a greater extent and reduce the consumption of solar terms.

After getting dressed, Xu Heng combed his hair like an adult again.

The bangs on the front of the forehead are lifted to the top of the hair, leaving only a small amount of hair hanging upside down in an arc.

The appearance and temperament are elevated to the extreme at this moment.

High-spirited Ling Yunzhi, once the best in the world!

"After today, all misunderstandings will disappear, and I will start a new journey in life."

"Sister, will you come to see me?"

Xu Heng pushed open the door of the dormitory, and a ray of blazing sunshine poured into his face.

A handsome and handsome young man, he sets out to look at the blue sky, before the jade tree faces the wind, he strides towards shooting stars.

He walked towards the examination room, as if walking towards a bright future.


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