Seclusion in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 147 Time and space chaos

In the evening, after class, Zhang Yan finally arrived at the urban village where Wang Bo and Ni Hao lived.

When the fever reaches over 40 degrees, one's life may be lost if one is not careful. At this time, there is no need to worry about the past grudges. Let's first see how the person is doing.

Wang Bo was quite happy. He knew that Zhang Yan still cared about Ni Hao. Otherwise, when they met that day, Zhang Yan wouldn't be nervous about asking for news about Ni Hao.

However, the further he walked toward the village in the city, the more Wang Boy felt a little embarrassed. The environment here was so bad, and Zhang Yan, who was very well-dressed, felt a little embarrassed to come to such a place.

However, Zhang Yan herself didn't care much about this. When she was in Jiangnan City, she and Ni Hao lived in a similar rental house.

Soon, Wang Bo took Zhang Yan to Ni Hao's room and knocked on the door. No one answered, so Wang Bo took out the key and opened the door.

Because Ni Hao often stayed up late to revise scripts and forgot to eat when he was busy, Wang Bo simply gave him an extra key to his room so that he could occasionally deliver meals to him.

After opening the door, a faint burnt smell came out. Wang Bo was startled and quickly walked into the room.

The room was dark, with only the computer screen on. As expected, Ni Hao was sitting in front of the computer in a daze.

In the kitchen cubicle at the door, there was a pot on an old induction cooker. There were some boiled noodles in the pot, and next to it was a plate of leftover tomatoes and scrambled eggs.

It seems that when Ni Hao was carrying him to the clinic in the morning, he was not talking nonsense. It turned out that he really wanted to eat tomato and egg noodles.

It's a pity that Ni Hao didn't make tomato and egg noodles himself. Instead, he boiled the noodles into paste and fried the tomatoes and eggs into vegetables.

Wang Bo winked at Zhang Yan speechlessly: Look, I didn't lie to you.

Zhang Yan sighed, first turned on the lights in the room, and then walked straight behind Ni Hao.

"Ni Hao!" Zhang Yan shouted loudly.

Ni Hao was shaken and turned around stiffly.

Then he saw Zhang Yan.

At this moment,

He was a little confused, because he never expected that Zhang Yan would appear in front of him at this moment.

Time and space seemed to be confused, and some fragments of memories began to pop up in his mind crazily. Coupled with the dizziness caused by the fever, Ni Hao actually began to hallucinate. He seemed to have returned to the place where he lived with Zhang Yan before. The two of them lived together in such a rental house. He stayed at home and wrote scripts every day, and Zhang Yan often went out to film. At that time, Zhang Yan would shout his name behind his back every time he came home.

"Ni Hao!"

"Yanyan, you're back!"

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Anything is fine, I'm so hungry!"

In my memory, it seems to be a similar conversation, which seems to have been said countless times. At that time, Zhang Yan would always smile tenderly, and then force him to get up and cook together.

So, is it now in reality or in memories? Ni Hao was a little unclear.

However, he still responded subconsciously: "Yanyan, you are back, I am so hungry..."

Zhang Yan looked at Ni Hao, whose face was pale, his eyes were confused, and his body was shaky, and she suddenly felt the urge to cry.

That's all, let's put the old debts aside for now. Considering that he is really sick, let's not argue with him for now!

"Stop being busy, you need to rest now." Zhang Yan reached out and stroked Ni Hao's forehead.

The tentacles were a little hot, but not too hot. It seemed that the fever had almost subsided, and Zhang Yan felt relieved a little.

"Zhang Yan?" Only then did Ni Hao wake up a little. It turned out that he was not dreaming just now. Zhang Yan really came to see him?

At this time, Ni Hao was really shocked. He suddenly had the illusion that his dream had come true, as if time and space had been displaced, and the past and present were seamlessly connected.

Ni Hao suddenly had an idea, and something he had been unable to figure out suddenly became clear to him.

The chaos of narrative space and the chaos of narrative time are actually interrelated. Only when time and space are broken can more possibilities be created and freedom can become greater.

"Holy shit, I figured it out!"

Ni Hao stood up unsteadily and waved his hands excitedly.

However, the next second, Zhang Yan pushed him directly to the bed.

"Don't think about anything now. Go to sleep and rest!"

While saying this, Zhang Yan actually pushed Ni Hao down on the bed.

"Oh, oh, I'm going to go out and get some fresh air first. Please be careful..." Wang Bo, who was next to him, saw this, smiled cheaply, and ran away.

Zhang Yan didn't have time to pay attention to Wang Bo's teasing. She pushed Ni Hao down on the bed hard, then covered him with a quilt, and then reached out to cover his eyes.

"Don't open your eyes and go to sleep immediately!" Zhang Yan whispered.

This time, Ni Hao was surprisingly obedient. He closed his eyes obediently, as if he was really going to sleep.

Zhang Yan's hand covered Ni Hao's eyes for a while, then slowly took it away. Seeing that Ni Hao's breathing gradually became longer, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then touched his forehead again.

It’s still a little hot!

Zhang Yan thought for a moment, then got up and picked up a towel from the clothes rack nearby, then poured some hot water into the basin to moisten the towel.

Of course, Wang Bo helped Ni Hao get the hot water. These days, Wang Bo has almost become Ni Hao's nanny.

After wringing out the hot and wet towel a little and folding it a few times, Zhang Yan came to the bed again and put the towel on Ni Hao's forehead.

This will make you more comfortable and help you cool down.

After watching Ni Hao sleep more and more soundly, and even his frown gradually relaxed, Zhang Yan sighed softly and prepared to get up and leave.

However, just as she stood up, a hand suddenly grabbed her sleeve.

Ni Hao is actually not asleep yet. Was he pretending to be asleep just now?

"Don't go, I can't sleep without you." Ni Hao whispered with his eyes closed.

Zhang Yan was suddenly so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

However, after looking at Ni Hao's still pale face and fingers that had no strength at all, she finally relented.

In fact, it didn't take much effort for her to pry off Ni Hao's fingers, but she still couldn't bear it.

"Okay, I won't leave, okay, you go to bed quickly." Zhang Yan said helplessly, sitting beside Ni Hao's bed.

"Yes." Ni Hao responded, but he stretched out his hands to hug Zhang Yan's arms, and then buried his head in Zhang Yan's hands.

Maybe this way, he could sleep more peacefully.

Zhang Yan sat blankly by the bed for a while, and soon her expression turned ugly.

Because this time, Ni Hao really fell into a deep sleep, but her arms were still tightly held, and her hands were being pressed, even numbed.

Why, why did Ni Hao sleep so comfortably, but he had to suffer this!

The more Zhang Yan thought about it, the angrier she became. With a final act of cruelty, she finally pulled out her arm, then lay down next to Ni Hao and pulled a long length of quilt over her.

It’s all about sleeping anyway, so why not sleep comfortably!

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