Making a movie is a very complicated and troublesome thing. Writing scripts and raising funds are actually the simplest parts of the preliminary work. When it comes to the actual preparation stage of filming, finding actors, setting up a crew, preparing props, everywhere Choosing locations and providing food, clothing, housing and transportation for a large group of people are really annoying things.

However, there are specialties in the art industry. Ni Hao is good at scripts and directing, so he can do these two tasks well. As for other tasks, he can find others to help him complete them.

For example, he met a very experienced producer when he was making short films before.

Some of the photographers and lighting technicians he had worked with before were quite skilled, and he also kept in touch with them.

There are also many of his college classmates who have been in other crews for a long time. He can call them over if he says hello.

Although Ni Hao had offended some investors in the circle before, those things were not serious. They just annoyed him and did not want to invest in him. It was not a deep hatred. Now that Ni Hao himself has never Since he has attracted funds from elsewhere, others will naturally not stop him from making films.

As for the crew members, as long as Ni Hao can pay them, it doesn't matter who they work with. Most of them work for money and don't care much about other things.

As for actors, Ni Hao needs to carefully choose. Of course, he does not choose the best, but the most cost-effective. After all, he only has a total of 8 million funds on hand, and he will definitely not be able to hire celebrities. Those supporting actors with good acting skills but low reputation are the most suitable.

He had been observing the area around the Kyoto Film Academy for a long time, but he actually couldn't find many people who could act in his movies. Wang Bo helped him find a few in the training class, but unfortunately, those few people could not act in the movie. They are indeed very experienced, but the pay is also a little more expensive. He is not willing to use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

The only thing that made him a little relieved was that the strong man named Zou Hua whom he met at the premiere of "The Wilderness" happily agreed to his invitation, and the asking price was not high. He is really a real person. !

As for the others, Ni Hao decided to continue to try his luck. Anyway, there was still some time before the actual filming started, so he was not too anxious.

That night, after having dinner with Zhang Yan, Ni Hao happily sent her back to her place of residence. Along the way, he kept talking about his plans to join a crew and make a movie. Zhang Yan has been listening carefully and even gave him a lot of good suggestions, which made Ni Hao even more enthusiastic about Zhang Yan.

After seeing Zhang Yan off, Ni Hao flew directly to Mountain City, a prosperous city in the Southwest District, the next day, where he was about to turn his dream into reality bit by bit.

Ni Hao took the funds he raised and went to the mountain city to get busy.

Chen Feng and Xu Tailang were not idle either. Xu Tailang used his connections to quickly help complete the project approval and filing of the film, while Chen Feng made a call to Zheng Yugang and helped Ni Hao clear up the relationship in the mountain city. .

There are also several relatively large film and television bases in the mountain city, one of which was invested and built by Zheng Yugang. He has very strong connections there. With his care, it will be easier for Ni Hao to do things.

Zheng Yugang expressed his support for Chen Feng's investment in making movies. His movie "Cao Mang" recently exceeded 1 billion in box office, and it is still making progress. In his opinion, the movie market is booming and has great potential. It would be a good thing if more people were willing to join in.

After all, the bigger the whole cake, the more portions each person will get.

Especially when he learned that the person Chen Feng invested was Ni Hao, he felt even more relieved. He still had some impressions of Ni Hao. The short films he made back then were very exciting. This time he has money to make a theatrical feature film, and he will definitely not. It would be too bad.

After hearing Zheng Yugang's praise of Ni Hao, Chen Feng felt more relieved. Now, he is even more looking forward to Ni Hao's film.

What kind of miracles can this film, which is almost exactly the same as in his dream world, create in this real world?

Chen Feng will wait and see!

That night, when Chen Feng went to pick up An Ruohua, An Ruohua looked a little confused and lost.

"What's wrong? Is there anything unhappy today?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Because I rarely see An Ruohua like this.

An Ruohua shook her head and said, "There's nothing unhappy about it, I just feel a little sad..."

After a pause, she continued: "Today, there was a man named Wang Bo in our class who quit the training class and went to film a movie with Ni Hao... the movie you invested in."

Um... Chen Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this matter had anything to do with him.

He also heard Ni Hao mention Wang Bo. The relationship between them seemed to be very strong. Now that Ni Hao had obtained the funds to film, he naturally took Wang Bo with him.

"But... isn't this quite normal? If you have a movie to shoot, just go and film it. Can't you just make up for the training class later?" Chen Feng asked with some confusion.

He didn't understand why Wang Bo's withdrawal from the training class ultimately made An Ruohua unhappy.

An Ruohua took a long sigh and said: "It's so simple. Today, when Wang Bo told the teacher that he wanted to quit, he was scolded by the teacher. And... the words he said were a bit unpleasant, and in the end he even Many people in the training class criticized it together, and everyone felt very sad."

"There are still such teachers?" Chen Feng was shocked. Isn't this just a semi-official short-term training course? Even if the teacher is not satisfied with the student's withdrawal, there is no need to criticize it so harshly.

It even affected An Ruohua's mood in the end, which was a bit too much.

An Ruohua shook her head: "I can't help it. This teacher has always been like this. Even when he lectures us, he always has a sense of superiority. Many people don't like him."

"If you don't like him, just don't take his class. Do you have a class schedule? If it doesn't work, let's skip his class!" Chen Feng paused: "Also, if no one in your class likes him, you can also try Please complain to the leaders of the school, after all, the tuition fees paid by everyone are quite high, there is no way you can come here and suffer in vain!"

Hearing this, An Ruohua thought for a moment and whispered: "Let's see, his course is almost over anyway, and the next step is to invite some real directors to teach us. That person... the subsequent impact It’s actually not too big.”

Seeing that An Ruohua didn't want to cause trouble, Chen Feng didn't say anything more. He asked An Ruohua the name of the teacher again, secretly remembered it in his heart, and then drove the car seriously. Walk home.

Ha, he must be an arrogant and arrogant hypocrite. If you have a chance to meet him in the future, you should meet him properly.



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