Seclusion in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 27 Network Marketing

The significance of a gift like super fireworks is not only expensive, but more importantly, it can trigger a site-wide broadcast, attracting a large number of viewers to the current live broadcast room, and attracting traffic for the host.

Soon, after the first super firework appeared in Zhou Liner's live broadcast room, the popularity of her live broadcast room soared from 490,000 to 890,000, and she was about to surpass one million popularity!

As for the attracted viewers, although most of them will leave soon, there will be many who choose to stay, and even gradually become the anchor's true fans.

Of course, how many people can stay depends mainly on the anchor's personal charm.

At this time, Zhou Lin finally sang the most classic lines of "Always Love Rice"!


"I love you, love you, like a mouse loves rice!"

"No matter how much wind and rain there is, I will still be with you."

"I miss you, think of you, no matter how bitter it is!"

"As long as it makes you happy, I'm willing to do anything. I love you like this."


This lyrics is extremely simple and straightforward, and the melody is even more brisk and smooth. Just listen to it once, and you can easily learn it!

This kind of song is really suitable for spreading on the Internet. In the live broadcast room, some viewers have already started to send the five words "mouse loves rice" crazily. In just a dozen seconds, a large number of bullet screens completely covered the screen. .

Then, suddenly another burst of colorful fireworks exploded on the screen of the live broadcast room!

User: Mouse loves rice, presenting anchor "Zhou Lin'er" a super firework, and triggering a broadcast announcement on the whole site, everyone celebrates!

The second super firework appeared, and this person actually changed his name to Mouse Loves Rice!

Immediately, there was another 666, 233 praise in the barrage, and more people began to give some small gifts.

Although not everyone is wealthy, hearing a song you like and giving a small gift of a few dollars is within the acceptable range.

Finally, when Zhou Lin sang the last line of "Mouse Loves Rice", her popularity in the live broadcast broke through one million, and it lasted for a long time.

Obviously, Zhou Lin's first live broadcast of her new song was a success, and the song "Mouse Loves Rice" is finally released in this world!


Chen Feng watched the whole process of Zhou Lin singing "Mouse Loves Rice" for the first time. He was also relieved to see her popularity soaring in the live broadcast room, and more and more people began to give gifts.

After all, the song "Mouse Loves Rice" is closely related to his future income. The hotter the song, the happier he is.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had to lament that no matter which line of work it is, it is not easy to do well. Seeing Zhou Lin maintain a sweet smile in front of the screen, and pay great attention to the wording of every sentence, that kind of cautious It is difficult for ordinary people to deliberately please the audience.

"Hey, the entertainment industry is not easy, and it's not easy to do live broadcasts. It's more comfortable to just stay at home and write songs... But... it's comfortable to be comfortable. What about the money? It's not enough!"

Chen Feng sighed, life is like this, it is full of contradictions all the time.


Today is an extremely important day for the horizontal and vertical band.

Fan Yichen's second song after joining the band is about to be released.

This time, under the strong intervention of the entertainment company behind Fan Yichen, the band has completely lost control over the work.

What's more, this time the new song directly found a well-known producer in the pop music circle, and the style of the song is completely towards the popular love song, focusing on the small fresh meat fan route.

It can be said that the current horizontal and vertical band has completely lost its soul.

Apart from Zhen Jian who has been trying his best to maintain the brand of the horizontal and vertical band, Yang Luo and Zhang Yu have been completely disappointed in the band,

Now they just regard themselves as part-time workers, recording songs? Okay, leave after recording; show? Okay, let's leave after the show.

As for eating and chatting with Fan Yichen and the entertainment company's personnel to build relationships, then I'm sorry, don't play!

In fact, on the day Chen Feng was abandoned by the horizontal and vertical band, irreparable cracks appeared in this band, and after their first new song "No More Ordinary" suffered Waterloo, this band has existed in name only.

Guitarist Yang Luo and drummer Zhang Yu have realized this, so they choose to muddle along.

Zhen Jian was actually aware of this, but he didn't want to admit it and was still holding on.

But Fan Yichen, the little fresh meat, didn't care at all.

At the beginning, he joined the band to use the band as a springboard, to give himself the identity of the band's lead singer, and at the same time, to use the band's strong creative ability to turn himself into a talented singer-songwriter.

But obviously, this plan seems to be a bit unworkable, anyway, the band is much worse than he imagined.

So, let's play casually now, anyway, if the new song can't become popular again, then he won't play with this broken band, and he can continue to be a fresh meat by relying on his appearance. How easy is it to make money lying down?

This is the current state of the band.

In this state, they finally broke through and released a new song, and the name of the new song is: "Love You Forever"!

The lead singer of this song is Fan Yichen, and Zhen Jian becomes the harmony voice.

The fact is so cruel, under the control of the entertainment company behind Fan Yichen, Zhen Jian has no room to resist.


"Love You Forever", this song chose to be released simultaneously on the entire network, and it was free on the entire network. At the same time, on major social media, this song began a vigorous marketing campaign.

At the same time as the song was released, a well-made MV was also uploaded. The MV featured Fan Yichen as the main feature, while Zhen Jian, Yang Luo and Zhang Yu were all reduced to foils. Even Zhang Yu hardly had a frontal shot.

With such a large-scale campaign, finally, the song "Love You Forever" quickly achieved an extremely explosive spread effect.

On several major music websites, "Loving You Forever" dropped suddenly on the major new song charts.

Penguin Music, No. 1!

Wangyun Music, ranked third!

Cool cat music, ranked sixth!

These music websites are all traditional large-scale comprehensive music websites. Although this type of website has declined in recent years, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and its traffic is larger than that of independent singer music websites like Music New Beginning. a lot of.

Being able to be on the rankings of these websites does indeed show that "Loving You Forever" has achieved initial success.

In addition to the charts of these music websites, "Loving You Forever" has also begun to show a huge topicality on social media.

On Weibo, the MV of "Loving You Forever" released by Fan Yichen's certified account has already had nearly 10 million views, hundreds of thousands of likes, hundreds of thousands of retweets, and 80,000 to 90,000 comments. The content is all crazy pursuit of Fan Yichen!

And some forums related to the entertainment industry also had a large number of posts promoting Fan Yichen. Among them, in some group circles dominated by women, there were hundreds of similar content posted overnight!

In WeChat, Penguin's personal Moments, and Space, Fan Yichen's name has also become a hot word recently.

This time, it's really a network-wide push, a network-wide marketing!

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