Secret: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 1 Time Travel Trumpet and Medici

Lynn felt like she was splitting apart.

He could still feel where his main consciousness was, but in addition to his main consciousness, Lin En found that his spiritual body seemed to be extending out, and at the same time he was controlling another body in another time and space.

The one where he is sitting on the corpse of a huge monster is very surreal.

Am I dreaming?

Lin En blinked, and he found that his main consciousness was lying in a cold pit. In his ears, there was the sound of sparse rain mixed with the sound of "bang bang bang", which sounded like the sound of a shovel digging earth. The expression on his face The mud mixed with rain slid down, giving it a slightly sticky and disgusting feeling.

Lin En looked up confusedly and saw a blood-red crescent moon hanging in the sky. Although most of the moon was covered by dark clouds, some corners could still be seen vaguely.

The can it be red?

Where is he?

At this moment, his hazy consciousness finally came to his senses. Lin En suddenly realized that his spirit was really divided into two halves, controlling two bodies at the same time, and that the place where his main consciousness was... was being buried? !

Damn it! What kind of murder and burial scene is this? !

Lin En was shocked. His first reaction was not that he had traveled through time, but that Conan's death aura had finally affected him, an innocent boy. But then Lin En realized that this was impossible. Rather than simply being affected by the halo of death, it was more like he had traveled through time again, and become two people at the same time.

Gan! The winery I destroyed just yesterday was not all in vain!

Lin En felt his eyes go dark, and the villain in his heart had already begun to curse. At this moment, he felt a strong wind blowing towards his face. Linn instinctively put his elbows on the ground, and with a very skillful twist and roll, he avoided the blow coming towards his head. shovel, and also saw clearly his attacker.

He was a tall and thin man, who did not look strong. He was wearing a high-collared windbreaker that could be called a retro style. He had gray hair on his temples and was about 40 years old. He was looking at him in astonishment, with a hint of horror. .

Is this the murderer this time? You don’t have to choose one of the three...ah!

Lin En suppressed his wandering thoughts and climbed up from the ground neatly and quickly. Only then did he realize that he was in a forest. The surroundings were very desolate and there seemed to be no human habitation. It was obviously a good place to kill people and dump their bodies.

The tall and thin man threw away the shovel at this moment, as if he wanted to take something out of his arms.

Lin En was naturally no stranger to this action. He immediately stepped forward and hit the man in the abdomen with his elbow. At the same time, he snatched away the gun that the other man had just taken out. Then he kicked the man with a whip kick, knocking the man to the ground. It flew upside down for three or four meters and hit a tree with a "bang" sound.

Then, the man's body slipped down and fell limply to the ground, motionless.

Lin En was not at all surprised by this. He then skillfully stepped forward to check whether the man was pretending to be fainted. After confirming that the man had really passed out, Lin En raised his hand and was about to touch the man's back of the neck again, but... He suddenly paused before his palm fell.

"Wait a minute, this is no longer Ke Xue's world. I won't knock people to death if I come here like this, right?" Lin En thought about it. Although he didn't have any no-kill principles, he would kill people just after he crossed over, in case he was destroyed later. What should I do if my corpse is discovered by a detective after I failed to exterminate it and cried behind bars?

He still doesn't know how self-defense counts in this world.

After hesitating for a second, Linn finally decided to use a safer method - he used local materials to make a rope from the man's clothes and tied the other person up.

After solving the immediate crisis, Linn's eyes couldn't help but fall on the gun he just grabbed from the man's hand. It was undoubtedly a revolver, but the style was quite old.

"This style, the Victorian era? Tsk, it's fatal." Linn played with the pistol, and with the sound of "click-", he dismantled the pistol into parts in just a few seconds.

While Lin En was observing the parts, he diverted part of his attention to the other body he was currently controlling.

Although I don’t know what happened, but in addition to his main body, he now obviously has a clone...or should I say a trumpet?

Based on Lin En's thinking, although it was difficult to control two bodies at the same time, it was not impossible, so Lin En's consciousness almost immediately spread to the trumpet.

So on the monster's corpse, the child who looked to be only seven or eight years old had a little more agility in his originally empty eyes, but this agility was instantly covered by indifference and madness.

Linn lowered his head and found that there were still torn holes under his feet, and there were blood stains and black-red meat pieces everywhere around him. Some of these meat pieces were still squirming and growing twisted tentacles.

To be honest, this is a scene that can make any intelligent creature shudder. It is terrifying and weird. But the strange thing is that Lin En does not feel any discomfort at this moment, as if all this is not worth mentioning in his eyes and cannot bring any harm at all. He didn't waver at all.

Linn could even look around and make a calm judgment, concluding that he crawled out of the belly of the monster under his feet.

This is his "mother".

But this monster did not die because of him, because Linn could see the hideous wounds on the other party's body that were definitely not caused by him.

"Mother" died before he was born.

Not only that, Linn could also see that the monster's belly still had a bulge, and there seemed to be another thing that hadn't crawled out.

What could it be?

Lin En was thinking this, his eyes still indifferent, and he suddenly heard a muffled cry, which seemed to come from under the bulging belly.

It turns out to be a child...

Lin En looked at the bulging place and listened to the crying getting lower and lower, but had no intention of rescuing the other party.

Even if the other person seems to be approaching death.

No, wait, what am I doing? Why am I just watching?

Linn blinked. His consciousness seemed to suddenly wake up at this moment, suppressing the indifference and madness that seemed to coexist with the body.

Lin En's brows couldn't help but frown. He didn't have time to confirm what was going on, so he rushed directly to the bulge, stretched out his hand and started tearing along the original wound on his stomach. It was also at this time that Lin En realized that his body was actually very small. , looks like a child of seven or eight years old.

But it seems to be very powerful.

Just when Lin En tried hard to open the hole a little to see the condition of the child inside, a flame suddenly shot out from the hole. Linn was immediately frightened and took half a step back almost subconsciously. He saw the flaming blade cutting the hole wide, and then a child who looked larger than an ordinary baby crawled out from there.

After the child crawled out, his smart red eyes first looked around, and finally landed on Linn not far away, showing a thoughtful expression.

Then, Lin En was dumbfounded as he watched the other person's figure suddenly turn into a ball of flame. The flames grew taller in an instant, and finally condensed into a seven or eight-year-old child.

This is a child who looks just like any other person. He has blood-red hair and eyes of the same style. Although he is still young, he can tell that he has a good foundation. If he is not disabled in the future, he must be a handsome boy, but his expression is quite attractive. , one can tell at a glance that he deserves a beating.

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