Secret: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 72 Lin En’s Commission

"Forget it, that's it..."

Linn leaned back, as if he had accepted his fate. He then looked at Klein and said, "Actually, I shouldn't tell you this, but I still can't help it. I always feel uncomfortable not talking about such a big thing. Think of it as giving your last words..."

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you." Klein comforted him, and then said: "And it's not like I don't have friends who believe in secret existences. Although the secret existence you believe in is something I have never heard of, but the essence is There’s actually no difference, right?”

"I knew Sherlock would say that. He is indeed a friend I recognize..." Linn smiled immediately and gave a thumbs up to Klein. He then sat up and looked at Klein with a more serious expression. .

Lin En said: "Actually, I am telling you this not only because I want to confide in you, but also because I want to entrust you with the next one."

"Say." Klein was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little confused, his expression was still serious.

"If... I mean if I really die because of this matter one day, please handle my funeral affairs for me. I will write a document to you about the inheritance." Lin En said seriously, " If I don’t die, but become evil, crazy, and a complete degenerate, please report me to the church.”

"Don't worry, I will use the ability of the audience channel to make myself forget about this commission, so even if I really fall, I won't use it against you, but please be careful."

"Please, Detective Sherlock."

Hearing Linn's words, Klein was stunned for a moment. He had thought about what kind of commission Linn would give, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Really... Klein exhaled, nodded, and said, "I remember, I will accept your commission."

The living room fell silent again, this time the atmosphere was much heavier and more tragic than before. About half a minute later, Lin En suddenly burst out laughing and said:

"Okay, okay, don't be so serious. I won't necessarily die. Maybe I will be like some extraordinary people who join the secret organization. I won't change at all. That would be the best."

When Klein heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Linn, and saw that Linn had returned to his usual appearance. He seemed to have completely thought it through, but there was still a little concern and melancholy in his eyes that was well covered up.

This made Klein not know what to say for a moment. After thinking about it, he asked: "When are you going to pray to the Fool?"

Lin En poured himself another cup of coffee and replied: "Well, I have to go to the Church of the Night soon, let's talk about it when I get back!"

"The Church of the Night?" Klein was stunned for a moment and looked at Linn with some doubts. "Could this matter have anything to do with the Church of the Night?"

"That's not true. It's just that the weirdo told me an additional piece of information besides asking me to pray to the Fool. I won't tell you the specifics. Anyway, it's a big deal. I may need to give the night watch to the Church of the Night. Reporters should write a letter of report, you know, my relationship with them is pretty good."

Lin En said this, taking a sip of coffee, with a sad expression, "Otherwise, maybe I don't have to pray to the Fool, and I will be dead with Backlund."

"If it weren't for the fact that praying to the hidden existence bothers me so much..." Linn sighed and said, "I would probably be outside St. Samuel's Church now."


WTF? It sounds like something bad happened!

Klein was suddenly curious, but he did not continue to ask. After all, looking at Linn's attitude, Klein knew that the other party was really not prepared to talk about the additional information.

Klein planned to wait until Linn reported it to the Nighthawks before directly asking the church. Since he was a fellow Angel, he could basically easily get information on things related to Linn.

Linn, who had already prepared the groundwork for reporting Lanerwus, put down his coffee at this moment, stood up, and said, "I'm leaving first. Next time I will bring the inheritance distribution letter and the entrustment money." .”

"Goodbye my friend."

After seeing Linn off, Klein watched him get on the trackless carriage, then closed the door, closed the curtains, and walked four steps backward to reach above the gray fog.

Klein first took out the pendulum and confirmed whether pulling Lin into the gray fog would bring him any danger.

The promise is negative, Lynn Sotos, being pulled into the gray fog will not bring danger to Klein. The behavior of fellow Angel this time seems to be the same as before. Although the attitude is subtle, there is no malice.

After confirming this, Klein breathed a sigh of relief and made up his mind completely.

Afterwards, Linn prayed to the Fool, and he recruited him into the Tarot Club. It just so happened that his spirituality was enough for him to recruit someone into the Tarot Club.

"But Lin is suspected to be a high-sequence person like Mr. Azik who has lost his memory and power. With my current situation, can I really pull him into the gray fog?" Klein suddenly remembered something and fell into thinking.

"But it seems that Linn is indeed a low-sequence person. He is even seeking promotion. Or is it that Linn is actually in a different situation from Mr. Azik? Mr. Azik just forgot how to use his power, but Linn is similar. Yu reincarnated and really became an ordinary person who needs to start from scratch?"

Klein thought about it and couldn't come up with an accurate result after thinking for a long time.

"Forget it, you'll know when the time comes. You'll know if you can pull it up. If you can't pull it up, there's nothing I can do about it."

Klein shook his head, and then the gray fog fell. After putting on a simple disguise, Klein left No. 15 Minsk Street and also got on the trackless carriage heading to St. Samuel's Cathedral.

In a hotel outside St. Samuel's Cathedral.

"According to the efficiency of the Church of the Night, Lanerwus should be able to get lunch tonight. I wonder if there is still a chance for our Mr. Fool to appear. How about making arrangements?" Lin En, who had already sent the report letter, looked from a distance. At the door of the church, I muttered silently in my heart:

"It still doesn't work. The traces would be too heavy. It would be bad if the Church of the Night discovered me. I am a friendly angel after all..."

Lin En was thinking this, and seemed to remember something. He looked at the 008 in his hand and said with a smile: "Alsuhod's pen, it seems that you haven't written a script to trick me yet. This is consistent with your usual The style doesn’t quite match, are you trying to hold something back?”

As he said this, Linn's attitude seemed to be indifferent - after all, if you had killed the Nightmare Dragon yourself and made it into a pen, you wouldn't care too much about the pen.

Of course, this does not mean that Linn is not guarded against 008 at all, he is just ready to flip the table at any time.

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