Jason Belial did not return to his villa, but far away from the West End where the villa is located. When he arrived at the residence as a temporary contact point, his companions were already waiting for him there.

It was a woman with a charming and sharp face, long curly brown hair, and her eyes were the same color as her hair, full of coldness and malice.

She sat on the other side of the table, facing the door, sipping the amber sparkling wine in her hand.

After pushing the door open and entering the room, Jason Beria went straight to the dressing area in the corner and closed the curtain. He reached his hand to the back of his neck, fumbled around and opened a gap. This gash split along the spine, extending up to the back of the head, and down to the middle of the shoulder blade. This well-made gash was hidden under the outer layer of skin. Even if Beria took off his clothes and exposed his upper body, he would not be able to observe it at close range. It is also difficult to find.

In just over ten seconds, he took off this layer of human skin and transformed from a blue-eyed man with high cheekbones into a woman who looked similar to the woman at the table, with slightly curly brown hair and a pair of cold brown eyes. A strange man with bright eyes.

"Magic Mirror" Arrodes answered only the appearance of the human skin he used to disguise himself!

He got dressed, left the dressing corner, folded the human skin and placed it on the table. The woman finally spoke: "Are you ready?"

"it is done."

Jason Belial replied concisely: "I left a portrait to mislead the lackeys of Zhengshen. According to the plan, from now on, you are Patrick Jason, intending to escape and attract their attention, and then I will act with my true face , assassinating Paras Negan.”

The woman from the Beria family raised her head and drank the last sip of sparkling wine, put the glass on the table, and responded calmly: "Okay."

"There is no blood in you. It seems that you failed to silence them. Why did the authorities protect them so quickly?"

Jason's expression froze and he didn't want to say more on this topic: "They hide their strength, I don't want to waste time."


His face darkened: "Are you laughing at me?"

"How could it be? I was sent by my family, and I know what to do." The woman put the human skin into her suitcase, stood up, and raised the corners of her mouth, "Negan's death is not worth mentioning, and the general trend of the times is not worth mentioning. It has nothing to do with us, but this is an opportunity to get the "blasphemous card". "

Jason's face looked a little better, but he still said sarcastically: "It's you who need to worry about it. I have the gift of the mother tree, but you don't. Therefore, I am more valuable to the family, and you are just a bait that needs to be left to fate. That’s all.”

The woman's smile also turned cold: "Really? But what I have to do is to take a detour and escape from Backlund as soon as I appear, attract the official and possible demigod bishops, and then wait for an opportunity to lift the disguise and disappear. But what you have to do is After killing Negan, stay here and continue to deal with...that person."

"This also proves that I am more capable and trustworthy than you." Jason didn't care.

Huh, more capable? Even more capable is that she doesn't even know where her partner who was carefully trained for promotion died. In the end, she can only deduce from clues and notices that she encountered an extraordinary person from the church... The woman sneered several times in her heart, but she didn't want to get involved in the dispute with the other party. waste time.

Turning off the lights, the room suddenly became dark.

The door opened and closed, the black shadow left along the open window, and the two demons went to their predetermined locations.

It’s late at night, and tonight, the extraordinary ones in the church will be on the greatest alert.

And no one could have imagined that their purpose was not revenge at all, but to assassinate Duke Negan, who was going to meet his mistress tomorrow!


In the underground church of the Aurora Society's stronghold, members of the Aurora Society were scattered on benches, praying silently. Some are reciting proverbs, some are silent, and some are reciting teachings.

The mural has been completed. Starting from the wall on the right side of the entrance, it depicts a sun shining on all things, making people unable to help but hold their breath and feel awe. There are mountains in the distance, and there are giant beasts lurking in the shadows, but they are afraid of the brilliance of the sun and dare not approach. People knelt down in front of the huge golden cross and devoutly bathed in the glory of God.

This scene tells the story of the ancient sun god saving all living beings.

The artist used all his skills when depicting the sun and people. His exquisite brushstrokes and warm yet bright colors show his devotion and admiration for the Lord. It can be seen that he should also be a member of the Aurora Society. The faces of the praying people are serene, with the corners of their mouths raised, implying joy and expectation. There is a vague figure of a person in the sun in the sky. A few strokes draw a rough outline, and a few shadows create a vague and compassionate face.

Amon raised his head and looked at the huge painting, which was five to six meters high. The characters in it were about the same size as real people. The light spliced ​​by gems and gold inlays still shone brightly in the overall dark environment.

He threw up the Tudor gold coin in his hand, caught it, threw it up again, caught it again, stopped for a moment in front of the mural, and came to the portrait on the left.

If the right side is heaven, the left side is hell.

The strong wind rolled up the clouds and mist, covering the sky and making it dark. The red moon hung high, half of the sky was filled with stars, and the other half was covered with red burning clouds.

The earth is cracked, all life is devastated, trees are fluttering and dancing like ghosts, and monsters roar and wreak havoc on the earth. There are no complete people in this painting, but people can be seen from every unobtrusive corner: the crying girl , half of the child's body, a broken hand, and a pool of blood. This one probably had a different artist. He brought the vision of world destruction into reality, but not by painting shocking and exaggerated pictures, but by painting some tiny details that make people feel chills down their spines after seeing it.

In this hellish scene, looking up at the sky, I saw thunder and lightning tearing apart the sun, the stars and the moon hanging high, and brass eyes watching everything.

Amon's face was expressionless.

He tossed the tudor gold coin up, caught it, and put it in his pocket.

The kings conspired in the palace at dusk, and the "Redemption Rose" finally killed the sun, and huge evil flowed in the Eastern Continent. However, this was not the real beginning. The moment this massive murder began, the creatures of the Eastern Continent had already suffered a devastating blow. The short-lived divine war caused more than 90% casualties, and the darkness and curse that followed for two thousand years made it a truly forbidden place for life. There were no city-states left, and there were dead wilderness with monsters wandering everywhere. A world that cannot be saved and will never have peace. There is only death and madness.

He is not the original body, and his feelings about this memory are not very deep. But even the main body may not have any additional thoughts similar to human beings, so the clones will not have them either. Amon did have unique respect for the ancient sun god. He would never abandon him, so he would never abandon him. But Amon does not have the sentiment of "loving the house and the bird". This respect is only given to the ancient sun god, and any other ancillary items, believers, cities, gods, beliefs... are not included.

From a rational point of view, the land abandoned by the gods is no longer suitable for living creatures, and mythical creatures are no exception; from a profit point of view, there are no materials and characteristics that we need.

From a perceptual point of view...there is no such thing.

Therefore, if there is even one Amon who is really attached to that land and his former father, there is no need to use a mighty all-Mongolian referendum to decide the protection of "Chernobyl".

There are two murals on the other two walls. If these two are looking back to the past, then the other ones are looking forward to the future.

Hanging upside down on the dark cross is the eternally bleeding God. He bears the sins of all sentient beings and pays for them with his own blood.

The insults, hatred and pain He suffered were all for the sake of all living beings, and these will eventually pass and God will return to the earth. Because He suffered the pain of death, He was able to regain His crown of honor and glory. Because everyone has tasted the pain of death, He was also bathed in God's grace and gained new life.

Amon was noncommittal about looking into the future. He randomly found an empty chair and sat down, staring at the cross in front of him for a long time. Then he took out a gemstone and a flat grinding stone from his pocket, slowly, as if to pass the time. Polished to create a transparent luminous surface on the gemstone.

Amidst the very relaxing and gentle "rustling" sound, Amon polished the luminous surface brighter and brighter. When he was about to grind the second side, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He raised his head and saw that the high door of the underground church was pushed open a crack. The devil stood behind the door and waved to him.

Amon then put away the gem, slipped out of the door with brisk steps, and closed it silently. A layer of shiny gem powder fell on his clothes and trouser legs. It fell in pieces when he walked, and it was actually quite beautiful.

They had finished talking, and the Dark Saint came out to see off the guests. Kesma looked at this young man with slightly curly black hair wearing a monocle, and felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.


Hillstown, Eisinger Stanton's home.

Klein was invited to share breakfast, and besides him, there was also Kaslana.

After taking a bite of the soft potato pancakes, Klein praised: "Mr. Stanton, your cooking skills are very good."

Essinger, who had gray hair on his temples, smiled and said: "This is a characteristic of Lundberg. For extraordinary people of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, versatility is a common feature. Sequence 6 upwards is called 'Bo'." scholar'.

"The potion it corresponds to is quite easy to make people lose control. Until now, I am not sure about promotion."

Nothing happened after forcing back the "Apostle of Desire" last night, and the members of the Machinery Heart also obtained the opponent's appearance from the "Magic Mirror", making them more confident in catching the devil.

The detectives involved in this matter are all believers of the three gods, so they will not fail to pass information to each other. With the resources of the three major churches, the devil can be fished out even if he searches in the vast sea of ​​people in Backlund.

With the church's protection under their belt, the detectives were finally able to relax and take a breather.

They must maintain a relatively good and stable mentality and not give the apostles of desire the slightest chance to take advantage of the situation.

After chatting for a while, Klein spread the remaining butter on the last bit of toast, chewed and swallowed it slowly, and then asked: "Mr. Stanton, you seem to have mentioned the opening of a certain sealed item before. , can it help us deal with the 'Apostle of Desire'?"

"Yes, its role is crucial in dealing with demons." Essinger responded calmly, "Its code name is '1-42'."

"1-42"? "Level 1" sealed objects are highly dangerous and can be used on a limited basis. Even Backlund Parish can only save one or two... A corresponding description flashed through Klein's mind and he asked with interest:

"What kind of item is it? What are its abilities and negative effects?"

Essinger smiled and said: "This is the secret of the Church of the Night Goddess. I don't know it. I only know that it was not in Backlund originally and was sent here urgently because of the serial murder case.

"It is said that it is a silver full-body armor stained with small pieces of dried dark red blood. It once directly led to the destruction of a small city, and more than 100,000 people died because of it."

"Curse Armor?" Klein asked in a naming manner.

Essinger exhaled the smoke, shook his head solemnly and said: "Maybe it's not a curse. Some people call it 'crazy armor' or 'bloodthirsty armor'. There has been speculation within our church that the blood stained on its surface may come from Gods of older ages.

“When it was first discovered, there was nothing unusual about it. It was just treated as a simple antique, sold and collected.

"But as time went by, those who had come into contact with it died one after another. The death was extremely horrific, and they were almost dismembered. Then, with it as the center, death spread outwards, no longer needing contact, and a small town was destroyed.

"This incident occurred in the early fifth era, and the subsequent handling is the responsibility of the Nighthawks."

He is worthy of being an extraordinary person of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. He knows enough history and extraordinary events... Klein secretly praised him.

After breakfast, Klein and he entered the living room where the battle had taken place before, while Kaslana went to the bathroom first.

After waiting for a while, Kaslana came to the living room and continued to discuss the "Apostle of Desire" with Klein and Essinger.

Talking about this dangerous situation, the "Apostle of Desire" with unknown identity and terrifying abilities, some pessimism and powerlessness uncontrollably emerged in the conversation. When Essinger and Kaslana mentioned the funeral and epitaph in a joking tone, Klein's heart skipped a beat and he quickly tried to break up the sad atmosphere and prevent the flag from being successfully planted.

The three of them were silent for a while, until the doorbell jingled outside.

The visitor was the deacon of the "Machine Heart" named Ikonser Bernard. His hair stubbornly squeezed out of the brim of his hat, giving him a somewhat indescribably messy look with deep and masculine contours.

This time, he didn't take the weird silver mirror called Arrodes and stuffed the opponent somewhere.

If given the chance, I wouldn't mind using that magic mirror to see what kind of reaction my loyal and humble servant would give... Klein thought spontaneously.

Ikanser did not enter the door, but stood there, looking at the three detectives, and said in a low voice but very fast:

"There are clues to the 'Apostle of Desire'!"


Edward took something out of his collection cabinet.

It exudes an extremely dangerous spirituality that makes Amon feel terrified. It is similar to the "fall" of the real Creator, but it contains a deeper layer of "evil". It is the enemy of creation, the opposite of all beauty and virtue. Seeing it is like looking into the abyss, seeing filth and death, and seeing one's own most unspeakable desires and primitive evil. And its appearance is like a piece of obsidian, filled with mist-like blood.

The Angel of the Abyss held it and gently brushed his palm over the obsidian. The black part shattered into pieces, carving itself into a crown of thorns wrapped in blood. At this moment, it suddenly lost its obsidian texture, as if it had been stripped of its disguise. The texture of the thorns was like blackened bones, with a dark blood color as if it had been burned, and it seemed to be slowly flowing in the crevices of the rock. The red lava is reminiscent of the flaming clouds in the sky, the sea of ​​blood, or the endless boiling hellfire in old legends.

Amon narrowed his eyes. His strength was too low and he was unwilling to look directly at this thing. He looked away: "Are you going to take action?"

"The gods were wary of me performing rituals, so the goddess of the night tried to push me back when I was in Tingen. But I don't need the ritual at all, it's just a pretense in front of them."

"I feel the air of ancient mystery up there."

"When humans broke the promise and were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they also brought curses and evil to the earth, and thorns must grow in the fields."

The Angel of the Abyss slowly said: "In the mystery of the old era, after thousands of years, this curse was finally eliminated with the death of the Holy Son. But in the current history, the Holy One is still hanging upside down and suffering, and has never forgiven the gods. . Therefore, on a certain land, sin flows freely on the distant road, and countless monsters are born from it. The land cannot grow crops, leaving only withered grass and thorns. There has never been a holy son who can break the curse, so he is contaminated. The bloody bush remains a symbol of curse and sin to this day.”

Amon thought for a moment and then asked: "You plan to take this opportunity to regain the throne on Earth, so what should we do now?"

The crown of thorns disappeared into Edward's hands. He rummaged through the cabinet again and threw a small bottle on the floor.

A black spirit appeared on the carpet. It was hunched over and trying to shrink its huge body as much as possible.

Edward asked it pleasantly:

"Tell me, what is your master's purpose?"



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