Inside the carriage outside Cragg's Club about ten minutes ago.

Ikanser Bernard, the impressive deacon with fluffy hair and personality who was in charge of this operation in the Heart of Machinery, visited again. Considering the danger and confidentiality of the matter, Klein left with him. club, sat in the carriage outside and talked in detail.

Ikanser pressed the hat that was held up by his fluffy hair, sat down, and said in a low voice: "The punisher has found Patrick Jason Beria."

"How did you find it?"

Klein was half surprised and half curious. According to the revelation he obtained through divination, Jason Beria has always been wearing a human skin. His true appearance and aura are not as determined, and it is almost impossible to find them so easily! Is it really the devil himself beneath the human skin that the Substitute found?

After hearing this, Ikanser roughly described what happened:

"The Punishers found clues, but this made the devil aware of the danger in advance. He killed the two Punishers and escaped before the siege closed. This made the top leaders of the Church of Storms very angry. The Bishop of the Holy Wind Cathedral, the Bishop of God, Singer Ace Snake personally pursued the chase. You should have seen a strong wind just now, and that was caused by him."

"He is the Archbishop of the Backlund Diocese of the Church of Storms and one of the cardinals of the entire Church of Storms."

It sounds normal, but it feels strange... According to my guess and Mr. Essinger's guess, it is very likely that another person put on the skin of "Patrick Jason" and allowed the real Jason Belial to have An opportunity to secretly accomplish the real goal... Klein considered and asked:

"Are you sure it was Jason Belial who was found?"

Ikanser's expression suddenly became solemn, and he replied in a rather strange tone: "I'll give it a try."

Ikanser took a breath and took out the ancient silver mirror with strange patterns from the special pocket on the inside of his clothes. The two members of the "Mechanical Heart" who were sitting farther away in the carriage also moved closer skillfully and consciously. .

"Dear Arolds, my question is where Patrick Jason Beria currently stands."

The surrounding light suddenly became distorted, like the lights after the rain, and a scene quickly emerged in the silver mirror:

It was a river ship with its sails raised. Jason Beria, who had high cheekbones, blue eyes with a hint of gray, and neatly combed hair, pressed his peaked cap, raised the collar of his coat, and hurriedly followed the crowd to the port. When boarding the ship, prepare to walk up the boarding ladder of a passenger ship.

"He really wants to escape from Backlund! The 'Singer of God' seems to be rushing to the dock area..." A female member of "Machine Heart" suddenly said.

Isn't it too easy to expose this? Klein was full of doubts.

What the magic mirror Arrodes showed was a frozen scene that would not move, and it was not as clear as divination on the gray fog. Klein looked at it carefully with a skeptical attitude, and suddenly saw a somewhat familiar shadow on the edge of the crowded river bank.

This shadow is an unknown male, with brown hair and a dark coat. He stood at the railing of the river bank, facing the river, as if watching the scenery on the river.

The moment he saw this figure, a person's name appeared in Klein's mind:

Sequence 2 of the Devil's Path, Angel of the Abyss, Edward Vaughn!

His spiritual intuition told him that this was the correct answer. Klein couldn't calm down for a moment. When he looked at it again, it seemed that even Jason Belial in this freeze-frame seemed unnatural. Wasn't he looking back? What is he looking back at? He should be racing against time to escape and then find a place to take off his disguise. Why is he still in a daze? Is this to see if there are any pursuers behind?

There can be many reasons for turning back, or you can blame these thoughts on his wild imagination, but Klein just dived into such a dead end, and a few big words slowly appeared in his mind, and he never A chill felt so clearly.

"This is the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics..."

Even if the devil has the ability to sense crises, he cannot completely avoid this unconscious spiritual attraction!

By the time Klein came to his senses, Deacon Ikanser had already finished Arrods's funny question. He was still sitting in his seat and his hair was not standing up. It seemed that he answered the question correctly.

"This is a bit too simple. Could it be a trick of the devil?"

Klein hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, thought over and over again, considered for a long time, and thought for several seconds before organizing his words:

"What I mean is that we must abandon some inherent judgments. Maybe what we are looking for is the 'Apostle of Desire', not Jason Belial. The two are not necessarily exactly the same.

"That's a point I have to make as a detective."


The crow on Edward's shoulder disappeared. Amon, who was standing in front of Patrick Jason's face, lowered his hat, messed up his hair, and used his trickster ability to reduce the two's presence. In this way, they become something that everyone will subconsciously ignore, and the Godsinger may not be able to detect them unless they attack indiscriminately with lightning storms.

He rummaged through the pockets all over his body and opened the suitcase, but he did not find the "blessing of the Mother Tree of Desire."

"So, this 'Desire Apostle' is not the one I met. She was in a hurry to run away, so she may not be the one looking for me."

"I've discovered something new."

Amon did some digging into the memory of this woman from the Beria family and successfully found some useful information:

"her name is……"

Edward looked at him.

"...It doesn't matter what it is. She came to Backlund for a special purpose. She doesn't have much about you in her memory. She shouldn't be the 'bait' used to attract you."

Amon tapped his temples with his fingers with great interest, and his facial expressions matched his face very well. Patrick Jason's face was relatively thin, and he looked quite cold when he wasn't smiling. And Amon subconsciously made this face smile, but there was no warmth at all, only inhuman curiosity, as if it was a disguise purely for the sake of laughter.

No need for Edward to ask, Amon answered himself:

"It's very interesting. They came here for the "Abyss Card". "

"...It's indeed very interesting." When Edward heard this, he finally couldn't help but sneered, "I was originally going to give this card to them, but it was kidnapped by that guy halfway, so it was out of my control. No one has recited my name to open it for more than a hundred years. Now it is used by Him to seduce the Beria family to assassinate Negan. It is such a good plan. The hateful middleman made all the difference."

Amon closed his eyes, remained silent for another two seconds, and stole a memory again: "There is another message, but my spiritual intuition tells me that it is important and may attract the attention of your target."

"It doesn't matter. The person you are parasitizing is also from the Beria family. I don't necessarily need his soul to establish a mystical connection."

Edward said, "What's the news?"

"They received accurate information this morning. The target of the assassination, Paras Negan, made an impromptu decision this morning and decided to go to one of his mistresses in the afternoon. The specific location was a private room near the Holy Wind Cathedral in the Jowood District. Premium villa with glass greenhouse garden.”

"By the way, the person who carried out the assassination mission is named Jason Beria. There is a clear mention in my memory that he talked about you. He should be the bait released by the Beria family, a demon with blessings. "

This afternoon.

Amon raised his head and looked at the tallest clock tower in the city. Edward took out his pocket watch from his arms and glanced at the hands on the dial.

The next moment, Patrick Jason suddenly turned into the sharp-looking woman of the Belia family. Without any process, the human skin was stolen directly by Amon (Amon quickly put on his right eye the newly bought monocle), and then was burned clean by Edward with a flame. Patrick Jason disappeared from the world in an instant.

Their figures twisted on the spot and then completely faded away. At the same time, they entered the spirit world and wandered towards the villa with the glass flower room in the intelligence, and the pedestrians on the road were not aware of it.

A few minutes after leaving, the wind howled.

"Singer of God" Ace Snake looked down from the clouds and scanned everyone's face carefully, finding nothing.


Hearing messy gunshots and screams in the distance, he felt that Duke Negan, who had detonated the "Desire Seed" by himself, had completely lost his life. The mission was successfully completed, and the real Jason Belial couldn't help but feel proud. Full, bringing up a cruel and pleasant smile.

But this happy mood did not last long. In the process of quickly escaping from the scene, he suddenly felt a great crisis and fear. A whole sea of ​​blood seemed to appear in front of him. Jason even forgot to breathe. The sea of ​​blood was surging. The extreme terror and murderous intent almost drowned him!

not good!

He is a high-sequence powerhouse!

Why can a high-sequence strong person directly lock himself? ! Something went wrong in the plan. Has the woman been discovered?

No! Even if she is discovered, she should never think of me again! There's no way they knew "Patrick Jason" was two people!

A fatal crisis loomed under the hood, disrupting Jason's plan. He stopped in surprise and looked around. This is the edge of a garden. The vegetation inside has withered due to the cold winter, exposing the dark brown soil.

A flash of silver suddenly appeared in the eyes of the "Apostle of Desire", and a man in full armor walked over from the other end of the garden.

The armor seemed extremely heavy, and every step caused him tremendous psychological pressure. There were radioactive weapons hanging on its body, and there were large blood stains with an eerie beauty. Seeing this blood-stained silver armor, the "Apostle of Desire" felt short of breath, as if he had encountered the most terrifying natural enemy!

Jason Beria was horrified. He mobilized all his spirituality to sense the Extraordinary in the armor, but he was confused. The armor blocked all interference, as if it was empty inside! Seeing this, Jason calmed down strangely after a brief moment of despair. This was indeed a fatal crisis, but something seemed wrong... If it was just this armor, it was not possible to cut off the tail and escape, then he would definitely die. Where did the premonition come from?

But he didn't have time to think. The silver armor slowly raised his sword, and Jason Belial had to fight.

But when faced with a "Level 1" sealed object specifically designed to deal with the demon's "Desire Apostle" ability, he had no power to fight back. Swipe, swipe, swipe, the silver light flashed, and after several encounters, his remaining nine fingers were broken at the same time, and the suitcase he was carrying hit the ground with a thud.

Jason Belial's pupils shrank suddenly. Seeing that he could not defeat him, he immediately used his unique "Shadow Transformation" ability to prepare for escape, turned around and ran away. Countless silver lights suddenly burst out from his body, and the viscous black liquid covering his body fell to the ground like raindrops, and his whole body fell apart smoothly.

His limbs and internal organs were scattered on the ground, and blood was spilled on the ground, like the blood stains on the armor, like a blooming flower.

Leonard Mitchell, who was wearing that terrifying armor, took two steps forward with difficulty, took a look at the broken corpses on the ground, and said in a loud voice:

"He's not completely dead yet!"


Crows hovered in the sky. In a quiet street corner, a space suddenly distorted slightly, and Edward walked out.

He looked around and saw no one around.

Amon and Him had just left the "Villa with a Glass Flower Room", where there was chaos. The mechanical heart with the logo of the Church of Steam had taken over the villa and controlled the scene. There are corpses everywhere, and there is also a corpse of a high-ranking person who was protected in it. Just looking at him, the devil can see countless entangled symbols of sin and occultism. There is no doubt that that is Pala. Duke S. Nigan.

He is dead, and his death will become one of the bargaining chips that shifts the balance, and the world's turmoil will intensify. The Duke was assassinated, and coupled with the previous Intis spy incident, Roen got two excuses to start a war at the same time.

Edward glanced over and soon saw human tissue scattered on the ground not far away. The encounter with Beria should have just happened here.

Serious injuries will affect crisis intuition and all aspects of perception, and occult connections will allow this low-sequence demon to take the initiative to approach. Now that the matter is over, there is no need to look for traces of the other party, just wait and see.

In order to hunt down the "Apostle of Desire", the three major churches used various reasons to blockade many places for searches, and this small street happened to be one of them. The crows flying in the sky consciously folded their wings and landed on a clothes drying pole near Him. Suddenly, they looked to the left at the same time.

In other words, looking to the ground to the left.

The Angel of the Abyss took action. He drew a finger in the air, and burning blue-black flames appeared out of thin air. The stone tile floor was cut open easily as if a hidden zipper had been opened, and the edges were burned. The hot lava slightly distorts the air. Then he raised his palm, and the underground artificial building rose with a loud creaking sound, and the location of the sewer platform instantly exceeded the ground.

The people below were also lifted up.

The granite platform was torn apart, and the twisted pipes and walls were exposed to the air and sunlight. A group of shadows squirmed like life, avoiding the red lava.

Space is deceived, distance is stolen, and shadows wander left and right, always lingering in place.

However, the black shadow that was supposed to be the main target seemed to have suddenly lost all value in the eyes of the Angel of the Abyss. He did not show even a single look, but still stared in the other direction.

He said in a deep voice: "Appear."

This sentence was not a dirty word, but it still carried undoubted spirituality. This area polluted by the devil immediately obeyed his order, allowing a hidden figure to appear in their eyes:

The jet-black full-body armor and black crown outline an extremely majestic figure.

Behind that figure, the weightless cloak swayed gently as he moved forward.

Not far away, Crow noticed a familiar aura and tilted his head curiously. In the corner behind Crow, a figure hidden in the darkness gently adjusted the monocle on his right eye.

Edward did not move, and the "Black Emperor" ghost that he had seen once seemed miraculously non-hostile. As soon as he appeared, he immediately stepped back and tried to leave the area contaminated by the devil.

He asked in a low voice: "Klein?"

The ghost of the "Black Emperor" disappeared instantly without pausing.

surprise. The demon heard a flash of emotion.

Although they have no body, this does not prevent high-sequence demons from monitoring various chaotic emotions.

It seems I was right.

He then looked at Beria, who was no different from a dead person. He heard the almost crazy fear and despair in the other person's heart, as well as endless curses and prayers, and even some spineless begging for mercy. Edward's thoughts moved, and all these extreme emotions were detonated in an instant. The black shadow froze suddenly, and then slowly dispersed. All the life breath disappeared in an instant, and the spirituality was absorbed by him, leaving only a pool of black water like sewage. liquid.

Then, a crumbling light red light gradually emerged from the "sewage water" and floated into the air.

"Amon." He ordered simply and concisely.

An obscure light flashed on the monocle of the figure in the shadow, and "deception" and "grafting" were launched one after another. With the help of the angel of the abyss, the hidden deception mentor successfully transferred "Jason Belial" His identity was temporarily grafted onto Edward Vaughn's body, and the shaky light of the spell suddenly became bright again.

The deceived object changes instantly.

From now on, the crisis intuition of the patriarch of the Beria family will be useless and he will be unable to sense the danger brought by "Edward Vaughn"!

Amon exhaled and spread his voice into the devil's ears:

"This is an angel-level shielding ability. I can't deceive based on my status."

"With your help, I can succeed. But even so, the effect will only last for about two hours."

Angel of the Abyss nodded slightly: "That's enough, you did a good job."

"Thank you for your compliment. Can I start designing the gemstone jewelry I want now?"


Edward took out a glass bottle from the collection cabinet, crushed it in his hand, and vaguely heard a short woman's scream.

Gurgling blood flowed out from between his fingers, extraordinary characteristics merged into his palms, and the fragments of glass turned into spiritual points of light and disappeared. After sacrificing a member of the Beria family, He immediately touched the ethereal mystical connection.

Complete and clear pictures and information emerged in his mind one by one, that is where the Beria family is!

Don't worry, I'll kill you now... Edward was about to open the door and leave, when he suddenly raised his brows and turned slightly sideways.

A bloody sword wind whizzed past him, blowing several of his hairs.

He looked expressionlessly towards the direction from which the sword wind was flying, and saw a body covered in blood-stained silver-white armor holding a big sword high, walking slowly with heavy steps.



Leonard meets Edward!

Old love: Hehehehehe, Beria, I’m here to kill your whole family.

Leonard: Do you want to leave without hitting me first?

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